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Lv 612,543 points

Chris ~the cellphone guy~

Favorite Answers85%

** Finally back on here for good as of 02/21/2011, I apologize to everyone who I did not respond to as I did not have internet access** My name is Chris. I have an interest in reviewing many consumer electronics, so I am knowledgable in most things that involves technology. My hobbies include surfing the web, blogging, and examining electronics and see how they function, then I rate them based on their performance and/or features. If anyone needs assistance, please send me an e-mail and I will gladly help. I am knowledgeable mostly in cell phones and plans, mostly prepaid. ◊◊ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ME◊◊ ~ "the cell phone guy" (Chris) NOTE: I am typically online during the evening around 6 p.m to 10 p.m (EST). I will answer everyone's e-mails as soon as I can Add me on FaceBook: Follow me on Twitter:

  • Question about my 2019 Toyota Rav 4 LE?

    I just got my new car and had a few questions. Please help.

    1.) I accidentally shut my car off in drive. Will this do any harm to my car?

    2.) Somehow I accidentally tried to start my car in drive and it gave me an error message about something about the engine being stopped and putting it in park. Will this harm my car? I heard there is a neutral safety switch. Does my car have this?

    3.) How do I know when to get an oil change?

    4.) How often should I check my fluids?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • Which tablet should I get?

    Hello all,

    I am looking to buy my first tablet and have narrowed it down to two.

    #1.) Google Nexus 7" Tablet 32GB Memory (2012)

    #2.) Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7'' 8GB

    I have seen and heard many mixed reviews on YouTube, forums, etc. between the two. I like the look of the Samsung one better, but the specs seem to be much better on the Nexus. I am also a fan of Samsung because I have had so many of their phones. I never really heard of Asus much, so I am not sure if I should get that one or not. The main features I want on my tablet are as follows:

    (+) tablet with system that does not lag and/or crash

    (+) screen that responds well to touch

    (+) decent battery life

    (+) decent screen resolution

    (+) Google Now capable

    (+) sufficient memory for installing a good amount of apps

    I am most likely going to get a tablet, but I also had one chromebook in mind if someone had any idea(s) about it. The chromebook is: Acer Granite Gray 11.6" C720-2827 Chromebook PC with Intel Celeron 2955U Processor, 2GB Memory, 16GB SSD and Chrome OS.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Worried about an e-mail I received from an Ebay seller, help please?

    I purchased an item from Ebay from a seller that has 100% positive feedback, but its taking forever for it be shipped, so I sent an e-mail and was concerned about it. Is it safe to give out my PayPal name? Why would they need this? I've never been asked this before. Below a link to a screenshot of the e-mail conversation between me and the seller.

    Please help,


    6 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Poll: do you think its rude when......?

    Ok, so I'm a heavy guy and I have "man breasts" because of my excess weight. I've always struggled with my weight since I was little, and I've had my share of bullying. One thing I remember the most is guys pinching me on my "man breasts". It still happens to me sometimes today, and I find it very offensive, and rude; I feel violated and really bad about myself when someone does it. Some people say they're just playing around, but I think that's b.s, I feel they're making fun of my weight without saying it.

    So.... my question is.... do you think its rude? Any other opinions are welcome.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • my OCD is driving me insane!! help please?

    Ok, so in 2005 I was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) I've been off and on medicine and I'm still currently in therapy. Some of my compulsions include:

    (+) compulsive thoughts

    (+) checking the stove and burners to make sure its turned off, checking electrical plugs, making sure heater vents aren't covered checking toaster and microwave, keeping liquids away from electronics (always fearing a fire)

    (+) checking doors and locks

    (+) repetitive actions

    (+) extreme claustrophobia, my mind goes nuts if something isn't arranged a certain way

    (+) constant checking and worrying of my hands for any dirt or germs

    (+) checking drinking glasses and plates for any dirt or food residue

    (+) constant checking on daily actions

    (+) noises seem to be extremely loud around me

    (+) constant fear of being stared at/made fun of because of my behavior caused by my OCD

    those are some of the ones I can think of at the top of my head, and there's more =( One in particular that's been bugging me to the EXTREME lately is the thought of being infected by hiv/aids because I hate the site of blood and when I see something red on a bathroom fixture or other object I freak out, sometimes I don't think about washing my hands constantly so I can try to overcome my fears, but afterwards I'm just more worried because I think I may have got something since I didn't wash my hands after touching something that "appeared to be blood". I fear public restrooms, I'm constantly worrying if there's someone's blood that may come in contact with my penis by accident (by accidently leaning up against the urinal, or sitting on blood on a toilet seat) I also constantly check to see if my zipper is up after I use the bathroom. I'm constantly worried about someone's blood coming into contact with my body!! I don't understand why this is happening to me =( I feel like a prisoner in my own body!! I've been going to therapy and taking psych meds but it doesn't seem help enough. I was on Luvox but I can't be on it anymore because I can't afford it, I've also been on Prozac and it seemed to help some, but not one medication has gotten rid of the compulsions, they just helped my mind calm down some =_( please help =(

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Guy trouble, advise please?

    Ok, so this guy I'm talking to, he says he's ready for a relationship now, we've been talking off and on for a couple of years (he has been having closet issues... ughh). I can't trust him, he doesn't seem convinced. Like before, it seems like he only wants to get in my pants cause he almost always ends up talking sexual. I told him how I feel about sexual-related activity, that I don't really have a high sex drive, so sex doesn't interest me much, in fact I'm still nervous about it. We've played around before, but never gone all the way. I told him I just want a normal relationship, like hanging out, cuddling, talking on the phone, etc. I guess you can say I'm old fashioned, but I'm not ashamed, I was raised like this. Anyways, he doesn't seem to take into consideration my feelings on everything, he keeps bringing up sex anyways. If I brush it off, he seems to get pissed. What should I do, I don't wanna even talk to him if that's all he wants to is have sex. To me, that's not any kind of relationship. I would greatly appreciate any advise.

  • Social interaction advise please?

    OK, here is the scenario, I'll try to sum it up in as few words as possible...

    I'm a 20-yr-old gay male, who doesn't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and is working, I am diagnosed with OCD, social anxiety disorder, and clinical depression. I'm really vein about my appearance and some doctors say I may have a mild form of autism. Anyways I have been getting better about communicating with others at work, however, none of my coworkers seem to want to hang out with me. Today I asked a co-worker (who I talk to a lot) why he never asks to hang out with me. He replies "because you don't smoke, drink, or do drugs or anything." Really? I've asked another co-worker the same question before previously and he gave me a similar answer. The problem is that most of the people I work with are into drugs and/or drinking. I haven't and never will do any of those things. I still face the problem of being so lonely, however. Some of my co-workers come off as homophobic. I'm tired of having nobody to hang out with =(

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Anyone have a Virgin Mobile Kickback code I can use?

    I'm about to activate a new line with Virgin Mobile, if anyone has a legit kickback code I could use that would be greatly appreciated (both of us would get 60 free minutes once I add $20 or more, which I will do tonight). Whoever gives me the kickback code first, I will use that to be fair. Note, your account must have a cash balance in order for this to work,



    11 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Senior 2009: Before and after pics?

    Ok, so I just got my senior pictures done for free =) Anyways I have not been on here much b/c I have been busy with the end of senior year. My uncle and his wife own their own photography business. Anyways, everyone please tell me what you think. I am currently on a strict diet and have lost about 50 lbs so far =)

    Here is me before:

    Here is me now:

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Animal Stories Anyone?

    Sadly, I am asking about tortured animal stories.....

    I am doing a presentation and can use some stories that you guys on Yahoo Answers can share if you wish. I want to use testimonials in my presentation so I can let the audience know how harshly animals can be treated. I am getting a majority of my information from PETA. You can post your stories here, or you can e-mail them to me.

    Please share your stories if you have ever seen animal torture in person. I am a proud supporter of PETA =)

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • The Importance of Being Earnest Help?

    Can anyone compare/contrast the following (the numbered items) about the play of The Importance of Being Earnest and its film? In other words, how is the movie similar to the play, and how is it different?

    1.) Setting

    2.) Characters

    3.) Plot Events

    4.) Resolution

    Please help, literature is not my strong point. Ten points to most thorough answer =)

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • UPS package help please?

    OK, so I ordered a product from Best Buy, and I have been waiting on its arrival. Today I tracked my package, and it said that its in Cincinnati, Ohio I live in Marion, OH. The package is for ground shipping (standard) is there a possibility it will arrive to my address tomorrow?? If not, when do you think it will arrive, b/c if its not here tomorrow then I have to wait until after the weekend.

    Here is wht my tracking info looks like:

    **Please, any ideas?

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Why won't my sister leave him?

    Ok so this guy is bad news, here are A LOT of circumstances:

    (+) he fights with her all the time

    (+) he is ALWAYS demanding

    (+) he is always getting drunk

    (+) he is illegal

    (+) has been deported twice and returned to U.S both times

    (+) had kid with my sister, never wants to take care of him

    (+) since he is illegal, all bills and other informaton are under my sister's name

    (+) he made a Verizon bill over $2k, Sprint Bill over $300, and a bank fee of over $500!!!

    (+) he is always slacking off, and sends money to his family in Mexico, rather than helping out my sister and the baby

    (+) steals, and makes false identification tags for illegal aliens

    (+) has fits on anger and punched many holes in their apartment

    Why is she not leaving him?? She has talked about, but she has never went through with it. I don't get it, I'm not very good with psychology. I am just a phone guy. Please give me an idea!! I don't understand her. I know she most likely get another guy, because she is always talking about guys "hitting on her". By the way, they have been together for 2yrs now, and just dating.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • strange toddler behavior!!!!?

    Ok, so the story goes my sister babysits this little boy, and she told me about something odd he does. He is three years old, and he likes exposing his private parts, and he laughs about it. He also tries to pull down peoples pants, and pinch women's breast. I have seen this, as well as others in my family. What do you think is wrong with him? We are concerned, and we tell him its wrong when he does it, but he still continues. What could be the problem?? We have no relation to him, and we don't know if his mom knows he does this or not.

    Any help appreciated

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Car Trouble, Please help!!!?

    I have a 97' Pontiac Grand Am, and it won't start!!! Its the ignition switch, it needs a new one according to a mechanic I spoke with. So, I went to get one, and they could not do anything because they said we need the original key. The car is used, and we only received one key when we got it and it was a copy, they had no other key!! They said we need the original key, because of the anti-theft system or something. I am lost!!! What should I do, and how to get an original key???

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)


    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • question about commercial, please help?

    I know this may sound weird, but I am wanting to know what the product is called that is advertised in a weight-loss commercial when this one lady shouts "My husband looked at me and said, WOW!!" she also said "you can't just do it on your own!!". I believe it was on in the morning a lot as a paid programming, the reason why I am asking this is because I need it for a project explaining advertising for weight loss. If anyone can assist me with the product name, or give me a link to the commercial, I would greatly appreciate it.



  • To kill a Mockingbird help please!!?

    I'm not asking a whole essay. But, I am stuck at the last body paragraph of my essay. How does the statement "its a sin to kill a mockingbird" relate to racism in the novel? Please help me with this, I read the book, looked online and can't find anthing!!

    Any help appreciated :-)

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • San Andreas help PLEASE :-)?

    I have San Andreas and I love this song that came on. The problem is I don't know what the song is called. I believe it may be sung by Snoop Dog, but the lyrics kinda go like "1,2, 3 to da 4, Snoop-Doggy-Dog". This songs comes on a lot when you dance in the club. Please help me find out what the title of this song is :-)

    Any help would be appreciated ;-)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Please tell me your experience and/or thoughts on...?

    Windows Vista. I hear a lot about it being horrible. Many say XP is better. What are your thoughts, and if any of you have Vista please tell me if you like or dislike it and why. I need some ideas :-)


    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago