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Lv 1204 points

Bill Dyks

Favorite Answers7%
  • Don’t you get sick of idiots playing rap music in the car all the time?

    I am so sick of hearing people playing rap music which rhymes with crap. It’s annoying to hear and these young people play it so loud without bass and it’s just horrible rap where they turn up their music so loud and play it in public. It’s so dumb. Does this drive you crazy? Having someone play screaming metal I can handle but hearing the same old rap which everything is now a days with rap commercials is getting old. Why can’t there just be normal variety music these days?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys18 hours ago
  • Why are people allowed to swear at a bar if everyone is so offended these days?

    If people are offended and if the world is a sensitive place of snowflakes these days, then why are people even allowed to swear at a bar or in public without having something done about this? Why isn’t this considered offensive?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys18 hours ago
  • What happened to Mike Lange?

    I don't know if anyone lives in Pittsburgh or at least is a Pens fan who listens to the radio of the Pens game but I have not heard Mike Lange all season doing the play by play radio. Does anyone know what happened to him? Did he retire? Is he ok? Is he still living?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys18 hours ago
  • Does Joe Biden have something to do with shutting down Yahoo! Answers?

    A lot of jobs have been lost and a lot of things have changed with living in a snowflake society under Joe Biden. He is a soft president and it seems like now a day because you can’t say anything and Biden wants changes, does this have anything to do with him forcing control to tell Yahoo to shutdown Yahoo! Answers?

    5 AnswersPolitics2 days ago
  • Why California girls are rude and say duh?

    A lot of hot looking girls but especially ones in California or the preppy ones, they get so rude to me and say the word: "duh" if I say something obvious. Why is that? Why are some girls so mean and rude? Is it even word to say that word?

    2 AnswersEtiquette2 days ago
  • Does anyone know another hookup site like Tinder?

    I can’t use Tinder anymore because I was banned from there for no reason and can’t get my account back. Is there any alternative dating and hookup sites like Tinder that you swipe other than Bumble?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 days ago
  • Does anyone think sports radio host Mark Madden is so rude?

    Does anyone listen to Mark Madden sports radio host who lives in Pittsburgh or who knows of him that thinks he is rude? Every time someone calls the show or if they are confused or have a question, he talks down to that person and is the most rudest professional person I know. He has not gotten fired either the way he treats people. Why is he allowed to have this job?

    1 AnswerEtiquette4 days ago
  • What would you girls honestly do if a random guy who was a stranger touched your private area and butt?

    If you are a girl especially good looking and if a random guy went over to you and just grabbed your *** or touched your vagina, how would you react and what would you do? Especially if he didn't make it obvious and looked really creepy with not saying anything.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 days ago
  • Why California girls are rude and say duh?

    A lot of hot looking girls but especially ones in California or the preppy ones, they get so rude to me and say the word: "duh" if I say something obvious. Why is that? Why are some girls so mean and rude? Is it even word to say that word?

    2 AnswersEtiquette4 days ago
  • Does Joe Biden have something to do with shutting down Yahoo! Answers?

    A lot of jobs have been lost and a lot of things have changed with living in a snowflake society under Joe Biden. He is a soft president and it seems like now a day because you can’t say anything and Biden wants changes, does this have anything to do with him forcing control to tell Yahoo to shutdown Yahoo! Answers?

    1 AnswerPolitics4 days ago
  • Do you think Facebook will be the next popular site to get shut down?

    If Yahoo! Answers is getting shut down because of trolls and being around too long, what if Facebook gets shut down next? Facebook has lots of trolls too on group pages.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers5 days ago
  • Are you allowed to walk around in court?

    If you are in court and in a court room whether on Jury Duty or whether you are the defendant on a case, are you allowed to get up, walk around, and use the bathroom in the middle of a case? If you aren’t, what if you have an emergency like if you feel like you are going to throw up or if you have to excuse yourself, what do you do?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Are Quest protein bars really healthy for you?

    Do those protein bars that are Quest brand really have protein in it with less sugar and more fiber? How healthy of a snack are they? Even if those snacks taste so sweet like a chocolate bar but really isn’t a chocolate bar, are they actually healthy for you and the healthy kind of bars to snack on?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Would you be scared if the deceased person commented back on their Facebook page?

    If your mom had a Facebook and if you know she was deceased and if she was the only one who ever signed in her Facebook account that had her password and if no one else had her account information to login to her Facebook then if you saw your mom commented back or posted something on her Facebook page, would you be scared? I would be freaked out because that is so haunting! When someone is dead, they obviously can’t check their Facebook.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Would you keep someone on Facebook if that person died?

    If your aunt died and if she is still on your Facebook, would you still keep her on your friends list? Wouldn’t it be pointless if she isn’t alive anymore and if she was the only one that ever had her password to login her Facebook page and if there is no activity on there anymore obviously because of her being dead?

    I mean it might be so rude to delete that person where I would feel bad because it is disrespecting the deceased person, isn’t it?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Could I have the option to stay awake and not use Novocain or be put to sleep during surgery?

    If I decide to have a major operation like getting my stomach cut open, what if I decide to stay awake and don’t care if I feel it? Would this be a weird choice and would the doctor allow me to make that option instead of getting anesthesia and instead of getting Novocain?

    9 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • What will happen if I take expired medicine like Tylenol?

    If I took expired medicine that is over the counter such as Tylenol or Advil that is expired, what will happen? Will I get sick or even die if the medicine is expired like over 5 years old?

    2 AnswersMedicine4 years ago
  • Would saying that my phone wasn’t working and that I couldn’t get through a good excuse for a No call/No Show at work?

    If I had to call off work but if my phone really wasn’t working and I couldn’t find another way to reach my employer or if I say I couldn’t get through to my department, would these be a good excuse for a No Call/No show with just not showing up for work? Could I tell my employer the next day what happened and explain to my boss that my phone wasn’t working and explain that I couldn’t get through to the department whether those were true excuses or not?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What will happen if I take Tylenol or Advil when I am not really in pain?

    Is it ok to take Tylenol or Advil when I don’t have any pain? How would this take in effect if I did? What would happen if I did take painkillers when not in pain? Would it just prevent pain?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • Why do sports teams have a preseason game?

    Sports such as hockey and football, they have to have preseason games. Why is that? What is the point of preseason games rather than just having a normal regular season and playoff games?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)4 years ago