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I love playing video games, sports, listening to music.

  • Can you get banned from commenting on YouTube?

    All of a sudden, when I try to comment on YouTube, it says "there was a problem saving your comment please try again" But when I log out and into another account it comments just fine. I can't comment on anyone's video or channel now. How long is this going to last?

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Can you recover the ability to monetize videos on YouTube?

    One of my old youtube channels is pretty popular, BUT i made the channel when I was like 11 and uploaded videos that included copyright content. Because of this, the channel doesn't give me an option to monetize, most likely because that feature is disabled. Is there any way I can re-enable it so I can monetize my videos that DON'T have copyright material? For instance, deleting the videos that contain copyright content or at least making them only viewable by myself? It would suck if a channel I never even attempted to monetize couldn't even get a chance. Thanks.

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • What is the best capture card for HD?

    I want to get a capture card with better quality than what I currently have, but it needs to be in HD and not break my bank. Is there anything you guys can suggest? Some capture cards claim to be HD, but they actually only make videos in 480p or between that and 720p. I want at LEAST 720p-1080p/1080i quality videos when I'm done with recording the game footage. Thanks.

    2 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Is there any way to unlock an iphone without having to use the slide to unlock feature?

    My friend dropped his phone and he says the bottom part of the phone doesn't detect when he touches it anymore, rendering the phone's feature "slide to unlock" useless. He has a 3GS iphone and since it's older it doesn't have Siri. The voice command usually plays music but idk if theres anything it can do that unlocks the phone. I know if we installed an alternate unlock screen that would work, but we can't unlock the screen to get there in the first place. Is there any way we can install something like that through the computer, either? I know there's gotta be a way to unlock it without using the slide feature. Thanks

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How long does it take for a retina to fully heal?

    Hello. I've had surgery on my left eye on June 2010 for retinal detachment. It was actually a "huge" or "giant" retinal tear, they said. I had scleral buckling and a gas bubble, then laser surgery to make sure the retina stayed in place. 2 1/2 years later my eye still has huge floaters, a shadow (because they said the liquid did not come out from under the fold on my retina) which causes me to see flashes, and my vitreous is slightly fogged, which causes light to be brighter and more irritating. After those years of dealing with this every day, I decided to ask if I could get it fixed. I just got off the phone with one of my doctors and she said that in my current condition I cannot. She said if I see an increase in the flashes or in the tear, then we could (assuming I had a re-detachment). But, until my retina heals all the way, we cannot. I was surprised to hear that part, because I thought my retina had been (partially) healed this entire time. I don't think the retina will heal the shadow area (since that part would most likely have to be surgically repaired) so I guess there's a part of my retina that still hasn't fully healed, but I just can't tell. I fully understand that if it isn't healed all the way yet, the safest route is to wait for it to heal before having another surgery. But, it's been 2 1/2 years. Just HOW LONG will it take for my retina to heal "all the way"? She told me she couldn't tell me for sure because everyone has a different body, so it could vary. Generally speaking, how long does a retinal detachment (or huge for that matter) take to FULLY heal? She told me I can ask the other doctor about it when I see them again, but that's in 6 months. I really want to know how long I have to wait. Please help.

    2 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • What causes a wife to cheat in Skyrim?

    I've heard of wives cheating in Skyrim. It's funny Bethesda decided to include this feature in the game. Haha. I was wondering: How would one make their wife cheat in Skyrim? I assume it would have to do with ignoring them and adventuring for long periods of time. Any thoughts?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Untethered jailbreak for ios 5.1?

    I've heard such a thing doesn't exist. If that's the case, what should I do about jail breaking an iPhone 4S with ios 5.1? Should I somehow upgrade to 5.1.1 and do the untethered there? Or should I get the newest version apple has (probably not) and find or wait for a possible update for jail breaking there? And if I do somehow get an iOS 5.1.1 and manually update the phone to that, it won't mess anything up or erase my data, right?? Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • If you are using Wifi on an iPhone, do certain tasks use your data plan still?

    I know using Wifi is very efficient to slow down your data plan usage, but does it completely eliminate using data out of a monthly data plan on phones or does it just cover part of your everyday tasks? Say I was on wifi and watched videos all the time, downloaded apps all the time, etc. and I was also under Verizon 4g. Would the wifi completely cover all of that browsing and usage or would any of the data "leak" from my data plan?? Thanks!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Cool online gaming name??!?

    Hi. I'm having an extremely hard time making up a name that sounds cool for online gaming. I want a name that isn't too hard to pronounce but sounds cool. Something that resembles a protector of life or just a tough bad *** or something along those lines. But any names I can think of have either been taken already or don't even sound cool. Help???D:

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How can I get my Windows Vista to display .mov file thumbnails?

    My iphone and ipod both take .mov files only, and I cannot see a preview of what the video is when I view these videos on my computer. How can I get my .mov files to display thumbnails? I've heard by default this was supported in previous versions of windows, but not in the new one? Doesn't make sense, but how can I change the codec or what codec do I need that can support .mov file thumbnails as well? Thanks!!

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • How do u shoot an arrow in Skyrim?

    Im a warrior and I've tried pressing everything and he either uses his sword or his fists after unequipping the sword. I've held down the right and left triggers too. Nothing works help??

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How to locate bounty hunters in Skyrim?

    In skyrim everyone wants to kill me. Is there a way I can have a bounty kill the rat who's causing all the trouble? I heard bounties can kill guards and lower your wanted level. If so, where can I find them? I've heard just wandering in the wild will lead to them but idk how long that would take. Help??

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How do you shoot an arrow in Skyrim?

    I'm a warrior and every time I try to use an arrow he either uses the sword I have equipped (when I pull or hold the right trigger) or after unequipping the sword he uses his fists. I can't figure out how to use the bow!! Help plz??

    6 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • If I quote while skipping parts and the quote is longer than 4 lines, do I still need to make a block"?

    I know in MLA one has to block quote if the passage is 4 or more lines, but what if it contains parts that are skipped? And if so, how would this appear? This is what I have

    “I was breathing in sobs, in gasps . . . Understood, and stumbled back in horror and revulsion, my mind yanked in six different directions . . . I stumbled back, but the muck took hold of my feet-a sneaker snagged, balance lost-and suddenly I was pitching face forward into the buoyant black mass, throwing out my hands in desperation” (Boyle 577).

    This was taken from Greasy Lake by Thomas Boyle in a book called Compact Literature.

    Quotations8 years ago
  • Speech on composing music with guitar?

    I have a speech I'm supposed to present soon on my passion for composing music with guitars. My problem is: I don't know how to make an entire speech off of this. I know I can sit there and say "I love making music with my guitar" over and over again, but that will bore the hell out of my listeners. So far, I've decided to discuss how I love it and how it can make me feel better when times are rough. I've also thought of discussing the process I take when creating music. Are there any other points I can discuss when talking about my "passion for composing music with guitars"?

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • If there are italics in a passage, how do I quote that in mla format?

    For instance, if part of a quote was italicized while the other was plain text. Would I quote that with italics and regular text or just regular text? Thanks

    2 AnswersQuotations9 years ago
  • How do I change the note of a sound in FL Studio without it changing the tempo?

    In FL Studio I open up an audio clip and go to the piano roll. When I put in notes on the C5 key, the pitch is the same as the original sound that I loaded and the same goes with the tempo. But when I change the note, say going higher or lower on the piano, the pitch of course changes, but the tempo at which it is played gets either faster or slower. How can I make it so it doesn't change the speed at which the audio plays and it only changes the pitch? Thank you!

    Software9 years ago
  • Popular short story dialogues?

    I've been assigned to find a short story dialogue that is in a present english way of speaking (not edgar allan poe) by a known author and has at least 375 words. Does anyone know where I can find one of these? It has to be in dialogue form and "description" although i'm not sure what my teacher means by "description." Either I describe the piece or the piece has a description but please if anyone knows where I can find one of these tell me. Thank you!!!:D

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Do I have to register with Selective Services and TAP for college?

    Hello! I have registered with financial aid for my college and I've received news today that the college has got the information from my financial aid. They told me I qualify for the maximum pell grant, which should cover everything which is great news, but I have to wait a couple of weeks and check back in to see if it processed. I talked on the phone with someone and they said that I need to register with selective services and/or TAP. But he asked me if I was 18 and I'm only 17, so should I still apply for selective services? My birthday is in two months. And do I have to apply with selective services in order to apply for TAP or can I just apply for TAP and wait to apply for selective services? Thank you:)

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • Based on your EFC of 00000, you may be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other federal student aid?

    Hello! I've applied for financial aid and I've received my results. It said that my EFC is 00000 and that I may be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other federal student aid. I was just wondering how I would go about applying for these types of aid. And also, there are no values for the amount of money I will receive for classes. I don't know if I have to bring my forms in to my school and go through some kind of application process with them to find out what I'll be getting and find out also how to apply to these other grants, but I figured I'd ask on here because they aren't picking up when I call them. So what do I do? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 years ago