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Chill dill
What is human plasma & why do people sell it?
2 AnswersOther - Health4 years agoAm i a bandwagon?
So i got into Basketball say around a year and a half ago. I've alwyas been a football guy I've rooted for the patriots my whole life. But the off season gets boring so about a year or so ago i started watching the NBA to pass the time and i really started liking the Toronto Raptors. I know about Vince carter i know the head coach Dwayne Casey. I know Demar DeRozan, Kyle lowery, Biyombo. I know Tracy migrady use to play for the raptors until he was traded to the magic i think. I'm just wondering if I'm classified as a bandwagoner
2 AnswersBasketball5 years agoSmall painless non itchy bumps on left hand below pointer finger?
I have very small hard to see bumps on my left hand. They don't hurt nor itch. What are they?
2 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years agoThroat + chest pains?
Okay so my thoat feels really tight. Almost as if swollen and its kinda hard to breath at times. Anyone know what this could be?
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 years agoPimple problem?
Okay so i keep getting a pimple in the exact same spot on my face and It has dry skin on and around it and it leaves a really big mark when i pop it. Anyone know what this is? Is it just regular acne or something else? Also how can i prevent it from showing up? I wash my face regularly
3 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years agoMythological animals?
Is there any real possibilities that stuff like the Jersey Devil or mothman or anything like that could actually exist or is it just folk tails and stories?
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore5 years agoFacebook messenger?
Is there any way i can change my messenger notification sound to an mp3 i have downloaded on my phone?
1 AnswerFacebook5 years agoWhat would you do for a Klondike Bar?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoOKC or GSW? Cavs or Raptors? Who you got?
2 AnswersBasketball5 years agoSuperbowl 51 predictions?
8 AnswersFootball (American)5 years agoIs U.S currency worth anything in other countrie?
1 AnswerMathematics5 years agoIs it working?
Okay so ive been doing all kinds of crunches and sit ups and other workouts for my core and abdominals and im starting to notice indentions i guess you could day on my stomach. Does this mean its working or...
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years agoMouth ulcers?
I have two ulcers on my gum line one on the bottom jaw and one on the top. Any way i can get rid of them?
2 AnswersDental5 years agoOkay so I'm just curious. I want to know why on some days I'll feel completely zoned out all day.?
Call me stupid for not already knowing but I'm usurp curious to know what this is. I'll be fine for the longest time and then out of no where I'll wake up drowsy and my mind feels "foggy" or empty and i can hardly function correctly. I have a decent sleep pattern of 11:00pm to 6:30am so it's nothing with not enough rest or sleep but I'm just really curious. Thank you.
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years agogut dissapearig?
Okay so I'm a slim/small frame person but when I eat a lot at one time or throughout the day I get a gut and look fat and about 1-4 days later it's gone and I look really slim again what's going on? I don't really work out I usually will do 30- to and hour of different cardio workouts a day but other than that I'm not doing much else and I would like to know where my gut is going
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoolder music?
Okay so I really like older music like songs from the 50's 60's 70's and 80's and I'm only about to turn 17 in 2 months does this make me weird that I enjoy old music like I'm listening to Frank Sinatra right now
8 AnswersR&B & Soul6 years agoGoat simulator?
Okay so I'm on ios and I collected all of the trophies for it and it still hasn't given me the space goat yet is there something else I need to do for it?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agolump next to bicep?
Okay so I lifted weights a few days ago and my left arm is in recovery like when you can't straighten it for a while and here is a weird kinda soft lump next to my bicep and I'm wondering what it is
1 AnswerMen's Health6 years ago