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  • How many of you liberals are still protesting the wars? and were is nbc news for the event?

    I asked this in a media section with zero responses, LOL its very telling i think!

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • if medical marijuana rights were included in the healthcare bill would it help or hurt public opinion?

    med marijuana is a hot button issue for allot of americans. would including it, turn the tide in the presidents favor? or will the drug companies continue to put profits ahead of compassion?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why is there never a discution about the freeloaders in this country!?

    In order to have a discussion on socialized anything why is the subject of freeloaders never brought up!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • why does'nt obama just fix the VA , medicare, medicade,and social security?

    I would back the president 100 % if he would just fix whats broken then come to the american people and say see .we fixed this and we can fix health care too. but to create just another broken system is just crazy. fix whats broken and ill back you mr president! until then there will be nothing but opposition.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Arpaio subpoenas ACORN, says funds misused! with sheriff joe on the case is acorn done in AZ?

    forget the republicans and glen beck, Sheriff joe is on the case.does this mean the end of ACORN!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why do people ignore the facts?

    By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer Alan Fram, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 54 mins ago

    WASHINGTON – Sen. Max Baucus, a leader in the troubled effort in Congress to write a health care overhaul bill, has received more campaign donations from the health industry than any elected federal official except President Barack Obama and three other senators.

    I got this off yahoo this morning. My question is simply what is the differance between bush paying back big oil with a bogus war and obama paying back the medical community for paying for his presidancy. I think I am more fustraited with the stupid american public at this point then I am the politicians! This is your life we are talking about people get a clue! ALL WASHINGTON POLITIONS NEED TO BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE IN THE NEXT YEARS! If they will not get term limits we will give it to them at the polls!

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Is the united states of america dead?

    Now before anyone goes flying off the handle let me explain. I have come to the conclusion the we are no longer the united states of america, We have become the United State of America. Any kind cultural Independence is discouraged and we are all left to try and cope. Oh shure if your culture is minority based as in a hispanic or asian culture then its hands off. Why cant we as a nation respect other states cultures and history. whats culturally acceptable in arizona may not be in Connecticut, New york has a history and culture of an epic scale but it just doesn't make sense to people in south dakota yet uniformity in forced upon us and when we resist we are suddenly called un American, racist elitistist, and just plain stupid. Why are states rights to preserve the culture there looked down upon , but a racial culture is held to a higher standard.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • more of a poll then a question. witch best discribes your feelings on government?

    This is a general question and no answer in 100% but let see what we get. 1. its the gov. job to do its best to take care of me and society in general. 2 its the gov. job to stay out of my Business and let me live my life how i see fit as long as my actions do not infringe on others rights. 3. gov. should over see all aspects of american life in order to insure social fairness and growth. 4 I want my state gov to have more control and less fed gov. 5. we have our problems but overall its still the best in the world? these are very broad answers i know but generally speaking what would you choose?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Will you join me in my mission to fix america?

    Truth is america every single so called news agency in the modern world cares about one thing PROPAGANDA. Fox news is nothing but a propaganda voice for the republican party , but lets be honest they would not exist if every other news agency was not a propaganda tool for liberal democrats. The way I see it both sides have the same goal, keep conservitive americans and liberal americans fighting, and keep the same old corrupt politics as usual. I am a libertarian. The way i see it the liberals are right about the conservitives 75% of the time, and in turn the cons are usualy right about the libs about 75% of the time. We the people are caught in the middle. its time to take a stand. I am asking everyone that reads this post to do 3 simple things to send a message to washington and the propaganda media. First everyone go and register to vote as an independant, loose the dem and rep name tag. Be an american not a political tool. second send a message to all local and national media you whatch listen too or read. Tell them that you are not stupid and you know what they are doing! and third. I ask you vote libertarian, but if you just cant seem to do it, all I ask is you vote out the same old tired corrupt congressman,and senitor in your party of choice. Lets wipe the slate clean send a message the corrupt politions will not be tolorated by the amrican people anymore. Its that simple, this isnt an obama issue or even a political issue its a matter of taking the power you have been given and using it to fix the wrongs. lets stop fighting with each other and put that energy to work on the real problem. corrupt politions and news media!

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Bush /Obama opposite sides of the same counterfeit coin. do you agree with this statement?

    old bush/clinton same situation, its time for a 3rd party.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • just a quick poll question. Do you think gov. is to involved with your daily life?

    this is a general question, if you think you need more gov. in you life please tell readers how and why, and if not please be as honest as you can. when answering how and why.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can i get any of you to switch to the libertarian party?

    we are pro gay marriage, pro gun rights,pro choice, and even small gov. we are the best of both parties, yet both parties will go to great lengths to keep us silent, only thing reps and Dem's agree on is big gov. and a third party will destroy their monopoly. libertarian party is based on this weird Little concept called "FREEDOM" you live your life how you see fit as long as it is not infringing on someone Else's civil rights. its that simple. take a look is all i ask. I believe most americans are in fact libertarians they just don't know enough about the party. take a look and let the world know what problems you have with libertarians. If nothing else im Curious what people think.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • who thinks trans nationalism is a good idea?

    I am curious about what americans feel is more important and why? should we be a member state of some global community, or strive for economic and military dominance in the world.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What do you think or hope will be the bigest "change" in america?

    I think it will be the acceptance of medical marijuana, and a much larger medicare system! basically I think god bad or indifferent the medical community is looking at the biggest change!

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do coastal states tend to be democratic and interior states republican?

    Any ideas why this is? I have been curious for years!

    1 AnswerCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Are people who dont vote anti american?

    Looks like Obama will probably win CONGRATS to the supporters.Just want to say no matter what this will be the highest voter turnout in history! Voter turn out is more important then who wins in my mind. ( im a libertarian by the way i voted for burr.) Just wanted to say Im proud of all of you that took Your future seriously and this is the greatest election in history for no other reason then citizen participation. THANK YOU ALL! who ever wins I support my presedent 100% Its a great day for america!

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago