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Favorite Answers25%
Answers2,129 My name is Gabrielle and i was born August 8th,1992 in Kentucky, USA. i read, write and draw. i enjoy cult, horror and animated movies, old music, coffee, making magazine collages, strawberry Starburst, my boyfriend, and my Brussels Griffon. I work at a thrift store, and i advocate the legalization of marijuana. I would like to pursue a career in cartoons and animation. other interests include psychology, tattoo artistry, sexual psychology/sexology, metaphysics and to happily live in a tree house in the woods. ENSJ Water Monkey AS: Sagittarius MC: Libra ⊙ Leo (House VIII) ☾Sagittarius (House I) ☿ Leo (House VIII) ♀ Virgo (House IX) ♂ Gemini (House VI) ♃ Virgo (House IX) ♄ Aquarius (House II) ♅ Capricorn (House I) ♆ Capricorn (House I) ♇ Scorpio (House XI) Jupiter/Scorpio/fixed/fire dominant

  • regarding human auras?

    does anyone have any knowledge/experience pertaining to human auras?

    specifically, what the different shades and colors mean? does anyone know their own color (s)?

    i've taken to the topic after recently being told what my colors look like (apparently dark purple with pale blue).

    6 AnswersOther - Alternative8 years ago
  • My Chemical Romance!?

    has broken up!?

    this sucks.

    is there anyone else who contributes their entire adolescent survival to this band?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • astrology-related questions:?

    match a celebrity to each sign:

    saddest Aries:

    friendliest Taurus:

    most notorious Gemini:

    most religious Cancer:

    most powerful Leo:

    most selfless Virgo:

    most evil Libra:

    most high/drunk Scorpio:

    most feminine Sagittarius:

    most musically-talented Capricorn:

    most conservative Aquarius:

    most intelligent Pisces:

    i'd say:

    Gerard Way


    Biggy Smalls or Marilyn Monroe

    the 14th Dalai Lama

    Barack Obama

    Mother Theresa

    Aleister Crowley

    Charles Manson

    Brian Molko (from the band Placebo)

    this is a though one. between Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin and Jimmy Page (there are many musical Capricorns, as well as Sagittarius)

    Sarah Palin

    Albert Einstein

    BQ: what is your Sun sign/house, Moon sign/house, Venus sign/house and Ascendant?

    BQ2: what is your favorite song by Pink Floyd?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Amber! Long time, no post?

    i haven't seen you around in this section for a while.

    i missed you, you're among my favorite users.

    i guess you guys are expecting a question, so:

    what is your favorite thing about Amber?

    i like that she'd well-read and friendly : )

    12 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • someone list some animated shows?

    that aren't anime.

    i used to be all about it... and i still have a great appreciation for a few animes and manga series.

    but there's a lot more to animation than anime...

    someone list some good animated shows or movies/characters.

    like The Triplettes of Belleville or Osmosis Jones.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • what do you think of the names?

    Ivy and Ichabod?

    i like them.

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • questions that don't?

    have much to do with astrology. i just wanted to ask it here because i like the users.

    1. do you sleep in complete darkness?

    2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)?

    3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo:

    4. do you have any habits?

    5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory?

    6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? have you ever dreamt in black&white?

    7. where do you go when you cry?

    8. what is your most unpopular opinion?

    9. what is something from your daily routine?

    10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful.

    11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke:

    12. ever kiss someone of the same gender?

    13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own?

    14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign?

    15. how do you take your coffee? tea?

    16. current or last book you read/are reading:

    17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977?

    18. fill in the blank: "Everything is ______ when you're ______."

    19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone?

    20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul.

    21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself?

    22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are?

    23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)?

    24. urban, suburban or rural?

    25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine?

    26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?

    27. how would you describe your sense of humor?

    28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone?

    29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin?

    30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now?

    31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional)

    32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)?

    33. where were you born?

    34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any?

    35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly?

    36. do you have a sex life?

    37. what was your first concert?

    38. true or false: you have daddy issues.

    39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most?

    40. leave a quote from a movie you love:

    BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why?

    11 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • ever notice how the charts of dictators...?

    often include Jupiter in the 9th House?

    and a lot of them are Leos, as well.

    Benito Mussolini: Leo Sun (10th), Cancer Jupiter (9th)

    Fidel Castro: Leo Sun (2nd), Aquarius Jupiter (9th)

    Saddam Hussein: Taurus Sun (12th), Capricorn Jupiter (9th)

    Charlemagne: Aries Sun/Jupiter (9th)

    Augustus Caesar: Virgo Sun (1st), Gemini Jupiter (9th)

    the last two were actually emperors and not necessarily dictators, but leaders all in the same.

    there's a good amount of awesome musicians with a 9th House Jupiter, as well:

    David Bowie

    Jimmy Page

    Jerry Garcia

    Stevie Knicks

    Karen Carpenter

    Eddie Van Halen

    Jared Leto (though i like him better as an actor)

    Johnny Depp (sort-of a musician)

    Diana Ross

    Louis Armstrong


    Keith Richards

    Fergie and Chris Martin are as well, but i'm not fans of them : P

    my most dominant planet is Jupiter, which is in the 9th House.

    what sign/house is your Jupiter in? any significant aspects?

    7 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • my dad is seeing a girl 3 years older than me...?

    he just turned 46, and the girl he's been seeing is 23.

    and she's like, impish-looking to add insult to injury. i'm having trouble finding what they could possibly have in common. she's a perky, little soccer playing college student. he works at Toyota and rides a Harley. he's obviously being used for sex and/or money.

    and i'm currently petrified, upon the 2nd time meeting her (i always look awful and sitting around at home, and i'm awkward because it just kind of settles with me weird). she and my dad walk in and go straight to the bedroom and start humping hardcore. like, at unavoidable decibels.

    i understand it's his home to do with what he pleases, it just keeps presenting itself to me in the most awkward of scenarios. i feel as if porn is literally being shot and filmed in the next room.

    who else has/has had this problem?

    : /

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • i just received my first guitar, but...?

    it's out of tune, and i don't have a tuner : /

    i know i can take it to be tuned for free at a shop, but i'm stuck in the house and i want to learn now.

    does anybody know of a way to tune a guitar, or a website that teaches it?

    6 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • How strong is your Pluto?

    are you a Plutonian?

    my score was 37.

    i took the test for how strong my Sun is, and i scored 65.

    my score for the strength of my Jupiter was 52, and these are also my most dominant planets.

    what about you?

    : D

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • can you match the Chinese zodiac sign with its roughly-equivalent Western sign?

    1. Dragon......................A) Pisces

    2. Horse.......................B) Aquarius

    3. Ram.........................C) Cancer

    4. Monkey....................D)Capricorn

    5. Pig...........................E)Virgo

    6. Dog..........................F) Taurus

    7. Rooster....................G) Gemini

    8. Ox...........................H)Scorpio

    9. Rabbit.......................I)Libra

    10. Tiger.......................J)Leo

    11. Rat.........................L)Aries

    12. Ox........................M)Sagittarius

    (the lettered-answers are mixed-up)

    BQ: what's your Eastern/Western sign (element included, if you know)?

    10 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • In the American remake 'Let Me In'...?

    Did the candy Now&Later have some sort of undershadowing or allusion to the story? Kind of like in the jingle "Eat some now, save some for later, eat some now, save some for later", did that make some sort of allusion to Abbey and Owen's relationship? Or possibly somehow represent the vicious cycle that Abbey has with meeting young boys and befriending them, and forming a little vampire-human love-bond that requires them murdering and collecting blood for her sustainance for the rest of their lives?

    I also thought about how it was not only Owen's favorite candy, but the movie was introduced on those grounds, and they were also the only human food that Abbey managed to actually try to make Owen happy, despite them making her ill. I also thought about how the movie ended with them on the train, and him eating the Now&Laters off the box Abbey was hiding in, as he quietly sang the jingle to himself.

    Does anyone think that the candy had some sort of underlying allusion to the theme of the movie?

    Explain your thoughts.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • "Favorite Icon" Zodiac?

    List your favorite (or a couple if you can't choose) well-known individual by their sign of the Zodiac (from Aries-Pisces).

    Here's mine:

    Aries: Jamie Hewlett

    Taurus: Jack Nicholson

    Gemini: Bob Dylan

    Cancer: Henry David Thoreau

    Leo: Robert Plant

    Virgo: Stephen King

    Libra: Friedrich Nietzsche

    Scorpio: Winston Churchill

    Sagittarius: Jimi Hendrix

    Capricorn: Marilyn Manson AND Rob Zombie (drooooooool < 333333)

    Aquarius: Abraham Lincoln

    Pisces: David Gilmour

    this was difficult, because there's so many amazing people in so many different signs! but i didn't want to list too many for one sign so you guys would have people to list : )

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Which sign would be most likely to enjoy Modest Mouse?

    And what about Pink Floyd?

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Does medication like steroids (for allergies) make your dog act weird?

    My Brussels Griffon, Naboo, is about a year and a half old. He's had a severe allergic reaction to fleas, resulting in rashes/secondary-staph brought on by constantly biting and scratching himself, hot-spots and overall extreme itching and irritation. I give him Frontline every month, but even the slightest presence of a couple fleas drives him berserk. I talked to a veterinary technician who prescribed him an antibiotic and Prednisone (steroids to get him over the hump this season). It's seemed to have helped significantly with the irritation and his rashes, but lately he's been acting kind of odd.

    He's had this sad, deep look in his eye around me, as if he's worried or depressed about something. He'll just be standing there staring at me sometimes like he's concerned about me. I have been in a horrible mood the last few days due to crappy weather and other things, and figured it could be him sensing that somethings wrong with me and reacting to it. But I read that Prednisone could have adverse psychological affects on humans when the drug is reduced or ceased, and wondered whether or not it could do the same to dogs. I give him the medicine as directed, he's been on it for a week (only the antibiotic for 4 days), and hasn't missed many doses.

    do you think this could be what's making him act weird?

    : /

    Dogs9 years ago
  • Does anyone have a natal chart with nearly all of the planets in their dominion?

    Like, all of the planets in the position of the sign it rules? For example, an Aries mars, Cancer moon, Leo sun, Gemini or Virgo Mercury, Libra Venus, Scorpio Pluto, Capricorn Saturn, etc. Or even the planets in each of the houses they rule? How does it affect you?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What are the genders of the Zodiac signs?

    i know that Cancer and Scorpio are feminine and Leo and Aries are masculine.

    i just forgot the other genders of all the other signs.

    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago