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♥Proud Momma of 3 in TN♥
i am a mom of 3 i stay at home with them.. somtimes i get bored and just want to come on here and answer people's questions and sometimes i have things to ask myself! sometimes its nice just to know there are others out there who know what youre talking about !!
my 8 year old daughter is always vomiting after she eats?
It doesnt happen every night but it happens alot... At the beginning I thought msybe a stomach bug but every other weekend some times during the week she is always getting sick. Mostly after she eats.. she will be perfectly fine playing then bam she feels sick!! Im planning on taking her to the doctor tomorrow but wanted to see if any other moms or dads know what this could be?
7 AnswersParenting7 years agowhy wont my android connect to the internet?
its been fine all when i try to access facebook or instagram it wont load and says network error...
2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years agoI woke up this morning very dizzy and nauseated could this be the cause?
last night was my first night bartending. i do not smoke and i didnt drink last night but i woke up this morning almost feeling like i had a hangover. i felt dizzy and thought i might throw up. After a little bit the nausea went away but i still feel kinda dizzy. could this be from having been around so much smoke last night or could it be something more?
1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years agoIs it bad that i hang out with my best friend every night?
I am a stay at home mother of 3 kids. I cook, clean and all the works. Sometimes i go out with my best friend at night and we hang out, but this is after i got all my housework and things for the next day done and out of the way. the kids are fed, bathed and put to bed. My husband plays worls of warcraft from 7pm to 11pm or 12 am. When i go out with my girl im usually home by 12 as long as nothin comes up with the kids. I do not cheat on him or anything like that. just go out have a couple drinks with my friend and sing karaoke or something. Lately it has been every friday, and this week i went out monday and wednesday and she wants me to go out with her again tonight. I just wanna ask someone elses opinion about whether or not i am in the wrong...I dont come home plastered or anything like that...just have adult conversation and stuff since im home with my kids all day (i love them and i am a good mom) and my husband isnt gonna really be talking to me til he gets done playing what do yall think?
5 AnswersFriends10 years agowhy does drinking make you have an upset stomach the next day?
i went out with my best friend for her birthday last night and we drank a pretty good amount. we didnt get sick or anything and i remember everything so i know i wasnt like crap faced wasted or nothin. i only go out with her every now and then cause im devoted to being a mom and wife and dont wanna be gone out partying all the time so i dont drink every so often but everytime i have an upset stomach the next day as soon as i eat. if i only drink water or whatever im fine but if i eat its over. how long does this usually last? Til its all out of your system?
2 AnswersOther - Health10 years agoBrown Recluse Spider Bite?
I got bit by a brown recluse spider yesterday morning around 8 a.m. I know 100% it is one. I kept it and went to the E.R. right when it happened. The nurse checked my vitals and she looked at the bite. She examined the spider cause i carried it with me in a ziplock baggie. She said it was a brown recluse. They gave me a script for Benadryl and a steroid pack. Ive been taking Benadryl and antibiotics that i just got for a couple of days ago for a sinus infection. So im continuing to take them. I am putting a paste of baking soda and epsom salt on it every few hours and applying aloe vera gel for itching and taking aleve for pain. I am not really seeing too much of a change in the bite. It is red, about the size of a quarter and where the "fang marks" are is about the size of a pin point and looks kind of bruised. Does this mean it is just a mild bite? Because the pictures i have been looking at in severe cases by the 24 hour mark the bite is already trying to open up and this is not the case in my situation. I am just wondering if i should expect the necrosis anytime soon. I dont know the time frame of this kind of thing..and im a bit scared of what might happen. Any help would be muchly appreciated.
3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade agois it normal for a16 month old to be burping up food?
my 16 month old son has ate quite a bit today so i thought maybe he was just too full but im concerned cause we all just got over a cycle of stomach virus through the also concerned about GERD or something. I picked him up and when he burped food came back up it went down his chin and i had to wipe him up but it wasnt really like vomiting. I ate some pizza earlier and shared some with him and he drank 2 cups of milk. I came into my room to check my facebook and he was eating a cookie when he walked in here that his sister gave him. please dont say im a bad mom for letting him eat it.
im just wondering what you all out there think this could be. he has done this a few other times before. could it be reflux, stomach virus or could it be that he is cutting molars or that he is just too full and i shouldnt have let him eat so much? what are your opinions? Please be nice. Oh yeah he also had a pancake and some sausage for breakfast.
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoCan having a runny nose for a prolonged amount of time cause you to vomit up mucus?
My 16 month old has had a little cold for a couple weeks..just a very snotty nose. He is also teething. No fever. No signs of sickness today at all. We went for a drive to the park and got out at the lake, but on the way home he vomited in the backseat. we pulled over and wiped him up and took his shirt off. A little ways down the road he did it again just not as much. I got out and wiped him up again. It just looked like straight up snot. Sorry to be gross LOL! but its true. weve been home for almost 2 hours now and i bathed him..he has not thrown up again. he drank a little sprite and ate some crackers and is playing fine. Could this have been carsickness or from the mucus? This is the first time he has thrown up so far and it just had me a little concerned. Thanks!! :)
3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoPeppermint Tea. Is it ok to use peppermint candy for the tea if i dont have peppermint oil?
my 5 year old daughter is sick with a cough. i was going to make her some warm peppermint tea. with it being 2 am and my husband asleep i cant leave to go to the store so will peppermint candy dropped down into the warm tea work too?
4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoIs this fever too high for a double ear infection?
my 13 month old was just diagnosed with a double ear infection yesterday afternoon. The doctor put him on antibiotics. He has had one dose of that so far. I know it takes awhile for them to kick in, but he is awake right now and was running a temp of 103.8. i gave him motrin and a cold drink and put a cold rag on his forehead. It is going down thank goodness, but i was wondering is this kind of fever normal for a double ear infection? My other children have had ear infections but i cant recall their fevers ever getting that high. Or should i take him back later today and have him flu tested? It is going around here. Thanks!!
6 AnswersParenting1 decade agowhat was created so that colonists could have a voice in the laws of the colony?
little sister just started a new school and she doesnt have a history book yet
1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago5 year old has strep throat all i have is tylenol right now?
it says on the box not to give more than 5 times in 24 hours but her fever keeps coming back right now and it is black friday and i am not about to go wait no telling how long or get beat up at the store to buy motrin. i have been giving it to her pretty often the last time she had any was nearly 12 hours ago just afraid to give her too much. Should i worry or just go ahead and give it to her? Temp is 102 right now.
4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago11 month old with a red rash around mouth?
My baby is 11 months old..he will be 1 in about 2 weeks. He started getting a little bit of a red rash around his mouth and chin a couple weeks ago..i put eczema cream on it a little bit a couple nights ago and it seemed to get a little better but once he sucks on his bottle or falls asleep and drools he wakes up with a red face again and it seems anytime he eats and gets the food on his face it gets worse. I was just wondering if maybe you think this might be caused by teething (drool rash) or maybe from the bottle? Were trying to wean him right now but its taking a little time cause he really loves his "baba" lol. Or maybe someone else out there has had the same issue with their baby and can let me in on some tips to make him more comfortable, because it looks like it might burn. He has been pretty fussy lately..i tried to look in his mouth but he has a fit!!
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agomy husband and i want to start our own business?
we want to do we get started.
6 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago5 year old with sore throat and fever of 101.7?
I am taking him to the doctor in the morning unless his fever gets higher. He started complaining with a sore throat earlier this evening and i gave him some tylenol. This didnt really seem to help him much. He tried to eat but just wasnt feeling it. He says nothing else hurts but his throat and he talks like his tonsils are swollen and he has felt a little nauseated but hasnt vomited yet. Could this be Strep? I have a 5 month old and another child that is 4 and do NOT want them to get sick. Just wondering what this could possibly be?
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago4 month old baby with upset tummy. Due to teething?
My baby has been showing signs of teething for about a month now. He drools ALOT, bites, chews and sucks on his fingers. He will chew my knuckle as well when offered to him and loves to chew on a cold wet rag. I have 2 other kids but they are older and i cant really remember if they had an upset tummy when they were teething. For the past week or so he has had semi-runny yellow seedy poops and its little poops several times a day instead of 2 or 3 big poops a day like he was doing. He doesnt have any fever and isnt vomiting. Is this the "drool diarrhea" i hear so many parents talk about??
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat is the best sunless tanning lotion and or spray?
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoI am switching baby formulas..i dont have any of his old formula left..just the new formula now im reading..?
that you should gradually switch...i am not going to be able to do that now since i dont have any of the other formula..will this hurt my baby?
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago