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  • Why won't this teacher ask for number? I really like her.?

    Okay so I'm a 21 year old guy and I work in a after school program, I've been working there for almost 2 years now. So there is this certain teacher, and I've been knowing her since the day I started working at the school, and everytime I come in the classroom to pick the kids up from her class, she always give me a bright smile and good eye contact...she's 28 btw. Anyways I wanna think she's interested in me, why won't she ask for my number? I'm just too afraid to do it.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Do girls like guys with straight teeth?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I have had braces for 2 years now, and next I finally get them off lol. Anyways I always hear that girls are attracted to guys with straight teeth, and I wanna know if this is true? Also my orthodontist told me that I'm a good looking guy and when I get my braces off, girls are going to be even more attracted to me because of my straight teeth. So what do you guys think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • What does it mean when a girl says she doesn't have any plans?

    Like is that a way of her inviting you to ask her out?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Why don't any girls like me or want to date me?

    I'm a 21 year old male and no girls like me at all or want to date me. Is there anything wrong with me? I mean I'm not a ugly guy or anything, I just don't get why girls diss me all of the time. I see how most of all my friends have girlfriends, and makes me wonder how do they do it? Is there anything wrong with me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm a 21 year old guy and I haven't had a girlfriend yet?

    I'm a 21 year old guy and I haven't had a girlfriend yet. I've never had a real first date yet either, it's like most of friends have a girlfriend and are in love, I feel like the odd ball sometimes. Is something wrong with me? Also I am virgin as this bad? Also I can be nervous and shy most of the time. I don't know what's wrong with me smh. Maybe it's cause I'm short, I'm 5'9 btw. Can you guys please help me out?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm black and my girlfriend is mexican?

    I've been with her for about 8 months now and we really love each other. Anyways my friends and family are against us being together, and her parents hate me. Do you guys think their is anything wrong with a mixed couple? Such as me being black and my girlfriend being mexican?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Why don't any girls won't to talk to me or date me?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and it seems like I can't get any girl to talk to me or date me. Anyways I have never had a girlfriend and haven't been on a real date yet. Girls just don't seem to be into me, when I text a girl I'm interested in they either leave me on open or just don't open my text at all. I wonder what I doing wrong sometimes, is it my looks? I mean I wouldn't consider myself to be a bad looking guy, a lot of people say I'm handsome. I wonder is it because of my height as well, cause I know girls like tall guys and I'm only 5'8. I hate myself sometimes because I wish I could get at least one girl to like me or to at least give me a chance. I also have a good job and I'm willing to pay for a girl when we go out on a date. Can you guys please help me out?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • This girl is always the first one to look at my snapchat stories and instagram stories? Is she interested in me?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I have this particular girl on my snapchat, she is always the first or second person to view my story and it doesn't even have to be a minute that the story is posted. And on instagram she is always the first person to look at my story as well, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions as to think she likes me, but do you guys think she is possibly interested in me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should I hate my brother right now? I'm jealous of him?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I have been single all of my life, never had a girlfriend or never been in love. Recently I been liking this girl, her name is abby. Anyways a month ago I told her how I felt on snapchat, and she told me that she was already talking to someone, and I told her okay I can understand that. But lately I still been kinda liking her. Also she is friends with my younger brother, they been friends for 3 years now. Anyways my brother and her went to the movies saturday and yesterday, when they came back from the movies saturday night I came outside and saw them just talking inside of the car, she was cuddled up on my brother the whole time I came out to talk to them. It really made me mad and want to hate my brother because he knows I like her, and why would he go to the movies with her late at night? And he already has a girlfriend smh. I don't understand why any girl won't give me any time of the day, am I that bad? Anyways should I hate my brother for this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • This girl is always the first one to look at my snapchat stories and instagram stories? Is she interested in me?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I have this particular girl on my snapchat, she is always the first to view it and it doesn't even have to be a minute that the story is posted. And on Instagram she is always the first person to look at my story as well, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions as to think she likes me, but do you guys think she is possibly interested in me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • This girl is always the first one to look at my snapchat stories and Instagram stories? Is she interested in me?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I have this particular girl on my snapchat. Anyways when I happen to post a story on snapchat, she is always the first to view it and it doesn't even have to be a minute that the story is posted. And on Instagram she is always the first to look at my story as well, I'm not trying to jump into conclusions as to think she likes me, but do you guys think she is possibly interested in me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • My big sister doesn't like my girlfriend because she's white ? Should I just cut her off?

    So I'm 21 year old black male and I so happen to have a girlfriend who is white. Anyways she is my first girlfriend and we really love each other, and we have been together for 8 months now. We never have a dull moment, we are always laughing together and going on dates and I cannot stop smiling when I'm around her..I'm just so in love with her. Anyways my big sister doesn't like my girlfriend because she's white, she told me that I should find a black girl to date and that white girls only go for black guys because of sex. But I told my sister that it's not like that, I told her how much me and my girlfriend love each other and how my girlfriend doesn't only want me for sex, I told my sister that we have real love, and all she did was ignore me. And yesterday when my girlfriend came over to our house, my sister told her that she's ugly and too white..and my girlfriend started crying. I really think my sister is trying to break us up. I really hate my sister right now and I don't want to be like that because we're family but she is really ruining my relationship right now and I don't love her for that, I would expect her to be happy for me smh. Anyways should I just cut my sister off for a little while or should I just sit down with her and convince her to like my girlfriend?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Will a girl ever fall for me?

    I'm a 21 year old guy and I have never had a girlfriend, girls don't never give me a chance and they never text me there something wrong with me? Will a girl ever fall for me? Like I'm a good guy, I'm funny, I have a good job, I work at a elementary school btw and I'm pretty chill..what am I doing wrong?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Do you guys think that the Jacksonville Jaguars are a playoff contender this year?

    They looked pretty solid week 1 against the Houston Texans. What do y'all think?

    24 AnswersFootball (American)4 years ago
  • Should I kill myself? No girls like me or are attracted to me?

    So I'm a 21 year old guy and I'm thinking about killing myself, I'm just tired of everything that's going on. Also I'm tired of girls not giving me a chance, and I'm tired of always being rejected by them, everytime when I try to text a girl, they always leave my message on read or don't just open it up at all, I have never had a girlfriend either. Also that's not the only reason why I wanna kill myself, it's also because I can never find a good job, I am stuck with a job only making $300 every two weeks while everyone else I know is making 3x more then what I make. I don't have that much friends, I feel as if no one really likes me, I hate saying that I wanna kill myself but I'm just tired of feeling worthless and a nobody. Girls will never give me a chance no matter what I try to do, they hardly ever notice me when I'm in public. Should I just end everything right now? What should I do? Why won't any good jobs hire me, at least call me for a interview? Why am I so shy and introverted? Why don't any girls like me?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago