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I am the chicken of doom!

  • Looking for some new composers?

    I really want to expand my knowledge of different composers and styles of music but don't really know where to start. I love the music of Chopin, Débussy, and similar piano composers, as well as some more symphonic stuff like Beethoven and his contemporaries, to give you an idea of my taste. So my question is, who are some other good composers with similar music who would be worth listening to?

    4 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Simultaneous equations...?

    How can I solve the simultaneous equations:



    I just can't work it out because I've been on holidays and my brain doesn't work :P

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Looking for a stereo system...?

    I'm looking to buy a stereo system for my bedroom, it's average size so i don't need anything massive, I just want to get a good stereo system that I can hook up to my computer or iPod that will provide good quality sound. I don't listen to much electro so it doesn't need to be bass-heavy, but good quality mids and highs are a priority.

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Looking to buy a new watch...?

    I'm looking to buy a nice, elegant, mechanical men's watch. Nothing too expensive or flashy, nothing with 17 dials that weighs a ton, just a nice watch. I'm looking at a price range up to about $500/$600

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are police powers regarding protests in Australia?

    When are police allowed to intervene in a protest? Does it have to be violent, or can they step in whenever they like. What do they have the power to do once they are involved?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Articles about power?

    I have a thing for school, need to find some interesting articles about power, if anyone one has read any lately i would really appreciate a link :)

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Do I have a brain tumour?

    About two months ago, I started to experience severe, frequent migraines along with daily headaches. I saw the neurologist after about a week (7 weeks ago) and he diagnosed me as having nothing more than migraines (I'm 15, by the way, and have a family history of headaches and migraines). However, the migraines soon stopped (I started taking 20mg Propanolol per day) but then my symptoms began to change. Long story short, they get worse every day, start at about 9am and get progressively worse as the day goes on. It was suggested to me that the symptoms might be side effects of the medication, but a week ago, I stopped taking it, and the symptoms continue to worsen. The symptoms are:

    Headaches every day, lasting from 4 hours to 8 hours, one-sided, mostly on right side

    A feeling of pressure on my temples

    Dizziness (often results in me walking slowly and staggering)

    Shakiness (teeth chattering, face twitching, hand shaking, fine motor skills occasionally very impaired)

    Incessant fidgeting, mostly hand-wringing

    Intense fatigue


    Irrational terror (faster heartrate, breathing, jumpiness)



    Difficulty concentrating sometimes

    Paranoia (mostly manifests as feelings that everyone is laughing at me, judging me, talking behind my back)

    Nausea (but no vomiting yet)

    Feeling like I'm about to pass out at any moment

    Occasionally collapsing (not passing out, I just lose the strength to stand up)

    Feeling of feebleness

    Unexplained aches and pains (mostly back and left arm)

    Vision problems (vision blurs and doubles suddenly, I can see properly if I concentrate)

    I am on no other medications, although over the last few weeks I have been taking a lot of aspirin (no Reye's disease), and I get about 7 hours of sleep each night, which is normal for me. I just really want to know what the hell is wrong with me

    6 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • What's a good long book to read?

    Going on exchange to France in a couple of days, and i can't take any normal books because they'll take up too much space/weight. Sooo, I need some recommendations for some really good long books on Kindle to read that don't get boring. I read fast, so they need to be really long.

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • What car should I learn in?

    Me and my family are looking to buy a car that all of us can learn in (I am the oldest, and I have two siblings and four cousins). Basically, we want to get a car that is relatively cheap (but not, you know, crap), safe, manual, comfortable and easy to drive. I live in Australia, so some cars are unavailable for purchase here

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • What laptop stand should I buy?

    I just got discharged from hospital after severe neck pain and spasms, and I think having to tilt my head to look at my laptop screen may be one of the causes. So, what laptop stand should I get. By the way, my lappy doesn't overheat or anything, so it doesn't need to be a cooling stand, just something that will elevate it. Please post links to pics if u can.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Where should I hire a car in the USA?

    I have to do this 'fictional holiday' thing as part of my Commerce assignment and I want to know what the best company in L.A is for car hire

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Best time to travel to USA?

    So, I have to plan a holiday for a fictional family for my Commerce assignment, and I need to know the best time to travel to the USA from Australia (and by best I mean cheapest).

    7 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Minecraft Question...?

    I just got Minecraft off a friend and don't really know where to start. I just want to know some of the basic strategy and tips and tricks for playing it well. Also, if anyone knows what you can combine to make different stuff, mining tactics and other stuff, I'd like if you could write that too.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How do I transfer all of the songs from my iPod onto my new mac?

    I tried using iRip but I'm not allowed to get the full version and the unregistered version only let me transfer 50 songs.

    7 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Medical Question: please help.?

    My foreskin is attached to the head of my penis with a small piece of connective tissue. Is this normal and if not what should I do to fix it? Also, please no stupid or rude answers.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have a question about my iPod touch:?

    I have been trying to buy an app, but when i click buy now, it says 'you cannot buy because your account is disabled.' What do I do?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago