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  • Lumpy breasts ?

    Isit normal to have lump breast? When I press down hard on my breast it’s like I feel small lumps...i can see veins so I don’t know if it’s that!...i can feel them more when I lay flat on my back! And then when I stand up it’s like I can’t feel them any more! I can remember one of my old doctors saying that all breast have lumps in because of the tissue!..I find I’m constantly checking mg breasts now and keep thinking I can feel lumps!.. not sure if I should panic and phone my doctor 

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 days ago
  • So tired of feeling like this! ?

    Hey...I’m 26 and a mum or 3!...I suffer from anxiety! Quiet bad if I’m honest!...all different kinds! Health anxiety!, general anxiety!...every thing I’m trying isn’t working ..I have a therapist! Which helps a little!..but doesn’t last for long! Anxiety will be straight back an hour after!...I’m supposed to be taking medication but I’m to scared because of the side affects! I guess you can say that’s part of my anxiety also...I’m just so tired of feeling like this! I don’t feel as though I can take any more!...its started to depress me because I’m always crying all the time!...I don’t want it to rub off on my baby’s! I don’t want them to feel like it’s normal to worry all the time! I’ve tried talking to family about it! But they get mad because it must feel like I’m going on to them all the time.  I feel like I’m waisting my life away because I’m always worrying!...I just need some ones advice to hit me and make me realise!...even though it seems impossible right now I would still be open to hear people’s opinions, Thoughts and even experiences! Hopefully it might be the advice I need to hear...thanks for reading :) 

    6 AnswersMental Health3 weeks ago
  • Pip assessment ?

    Ok so I have a pip assessment tomorrow by telephone! For anxiety, ocd and depression!..I was supposed to have my support worker here with me but she has got a family emergency so can’t make it..I will have family with me for support! But I’m petrified! It’s like my kind had gone blank and every thing I had planned to say has just vanished from my head! Not to mention how fricking nervous I am!..a there any one on here that can give me some tips? And is there any one on here that’s got pip for anxiety etc!...would help a lot :) thanks

  • Pip assessment ?

    Ok so I have a pip assessment tomorrow by telephone! For anxiety, ocd and depression!..I was supposed to have my support worker here with me but she has got a family emergency so can’t make it..I will have family with me for support! But I’m petrified! It’s like my kind had gone blank and every thing I had planned to say has just vanished from my head! Not to mention how fricking nervous I am!..a there any one on here that can give me some type? And is there any one on here that’s got pip for anxiety etc!...would help a lot :) thanks

    2 AnswersMental Health9 months ago
  • Pain in left higher back?

    Hello....right I’m actually petrified and I don’t know if it’s worth ringing an ambulance or going to the hospital as it’s just me and my two daughters at home....I keep getting this dull ache pain in my left higher back! But twice tonight there’s also been like a kind of sharp stitch feeling! Like I’m scared I’m having a heart attach or I’ve got a blood clot there or something! (Silly me for googling my symptoms) I’m 23 and last Monday I had a operation to remove my gall bladder so not sure if anyrhinf to do with that!...please someone just tell me I’m being paranoid and over reacting!! I’m actually really scared :(

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Parking ticket?

    As any one ever had a parking ticket and not paid it? I know your all going to think this a stupid excuse and tbh I think it is to! But I'm a single mum of two and I'm always trying to work as hard as I can to get us by! Which has made me forget to pay a parking ticket that I had got while attending a clients home! As I'm a Home carer! Yesterday I just realised that I haven't payed it and it's gone past the 28 days and now I don't know what to because I'm scared there going to charge me more

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Scared! ill and worries it's something worse :(?

    Right basically I need someone to tell me to shut the hell up and stop being stupid! I think I have the flu! Shivers, cold, aching body etc! But I've got a headache and I'm terrified it's meningitis or something like that! Like I can like I can't stop worrying! I'm scared to go asleep! Someone please reassure me x

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases4 years ago
  • Child and working tax credits?

    Hi ....I was just wondering if any one knows about working tax credits...I have just got my self a 16 hour job! At £8 an hour ! I applied for working tax credits! I Also get child tax credits for my 2 children! So I receive roughly £189 a week of working and child tax credits! When I applied for the working tax credits I told them I was earning £8 an hour! But it wasn't until yesterday I found out from my boss that after 6pm it goes up to £9.50 an hour! So instead of earning £6420 a year I'm roughly goin to be earning £8000 a year! And now I'm getting worried because Im scared they're going to stop my tax credits and now I have to pay rent and council tax and obviously if they stop it I won't be able to afford it...should I ring them and let them know as soon as possible or am I still entitled to the working tax credits?? Thanks in advance. Xx

    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom4 years ago
  • Complaint at work?

    Right basically I had a bit of an argument with a colege in work! She said she was going to complain about me...I'm not going to lie! To me it was a serious complaint! But she so say complained 2 weeks ago! And boss still hasn't said anything to me about it...can she still pull me about it and disaplin me or something? Or would she of done that by now? I've literally been worrying for the last two weeks! Waiting for a phone call asking me to hand my uniform in or something! Am I thinking in to it to much? I just can't seem to stop worrying about it :(

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Cold sore on a friend!?

    Right most of you are going to think I'm stupid posting this question but I don't care right now! My friend had a cold sore on his lip! He come round to visit me today and he picked up my youngest daughter who's only 1! The first thing I said is DO NOT KISS HER! which he didn't but when she was on his lap I saw her hair brush past his lip! I'm sure it touched! And now I'm scared she's going to get cold sores which I really don't want to happen! To be honest it's looks more like a cracked dry lip rather than a cold sore but I know that he does suffer from them because I have saw him with one many of times! I'm putting her strait in the bath now but I just need some reassurance so I can stop panicking! She's only a little baby and really don't want this to happen to her! Someone please reassure me :(

    6 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Scared :(?

    Right so I'm absolutely terrified about this asteroid that's gone past the earth! These kind of things scare the crap out of me ever since I was little! And I think it scares me more now because I have 2 little children :( now I watched the news the other night and a scientist confirmed that an asteroid won't be able to get close enough to affect us for the next century ...which me or my daughters shouldn't be around by then...but I'm still scared....any one got any advice on how to calm my self down:( a lot of people make think I'm just being stupid but I am literally terrified:( please no horrible comments ...just positive ones lol

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space4 years ago
  • Crb check?

    I'm in the middle of doing my training for my new job as a care worker! And in the mean time we are waiting for crb to come back! I'm worried now though! I'm currently 22 and when I was 13 I got aresseted for being a stupid child basically lol! Would that show up on my crb? That's the only time I've ever been arrested in my entire life! And I wasn't charged or anything! It was literally a stupid thing lol

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • exercise?

    Hi I'm looking for some advice! I started slimming world month ago and since joining I have lost 1st 1/2lbs.. I currently way 16st and I was just wondering when will be the right time to join the gym? Would you recommend to loose more weight first and then start the gym? Or start the gym strait away? It's just that someone told me that if I start now all my fat will turn in to muscle...and I really don't want to look like a massive body builder lol...looking at me you wouldn't think I was 16 st! It's mainly because I am tall also...thanks in advance for any advice:)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Pain in left side of back below shoulder blade?

    I have this sharp pain that keeps coming and going in the left side of my back! Just below my shoulder blade. It keeps coming and going...I'm getting scared that it's a heart attack! only starting happening this afternoon but it's scaring me!:( I'm only 22 so I hope it's nothing like that...does any one know what this could be?? I rang the doctors but I can't get an appointment untill Monday as it's the weekend

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • Lump in breast:(?

    Hi right basically I'm only 22...and about a month ago I found a lump in my breast! I went to the doctor and she sent me for a scan to see if it was anything to worry about...the man that gave me the scan told me that it was just a milk duct that I was feeling! But tonight, seeming as it's a month later I was doing my kinky examination! And I noticed another lump in the same breast a little bit to the right of the last one! This one feels ropey like a vein! But I'm worried that it's something to worry about! Could a cancer lump form that fast? Or would of the doctor noticed it when he gave the scan last month...I'm really worried! I am going to book an appointment but seeming as it's the weekend and I have to wait a couple of days! So this is just purely for reassurance that can put my mind at rest for the rest of the weekend? Does anyone know what it could be by the way I've deceived's by my nipple as well so I really do hope it's just a milk duct or a vein:( as you can tell I'm pretty worried about this! I just want get a good nights sleep with out worrying :( thanks in advance xx

    5 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Worried pleas help!!?

    Right I have a pink spot in my leg! (Just one) and I noticed that when I pressed it it didn't go away!! But I can feel it when I run my finger across!! I feel fine! But I suffer from anxiety so I'm worried that it could be meningitis because it won't disappear:( someone please reassure me

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases4 years ago
  • Worried about bad circulation??:(?

    Basically I get these whit spot/patches on my hands arms that come and go! I've seen two different doctors this week and they have both said it's not bad circulation because I have good pulses and when my skin is pressed it turns strait back to red when lifting their finger....I really hope it's not bad circulation! But if it's not that then what can it be?? Ivd had it for asking as I can remember but I've only just started searching up about it and it's got me really worried cuz I'm scared that my doctors are missing something and maybe it is bad circulation and my hands will need to be cut off lol..also I suffer from anxiety which is why I worry so much...thanks in advance...go easy on me lol :) x

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • Bad circulation?

    Hi, right now I'm really petrified! Sometimes I have white blotches over my hands and arms! I went to the doctor today and she checked my pulses etc! And she said that she DOESNT! Think I have bad circulation because how well my pulses where! She also done some other observations! Anyway! Since I've got home I've searched he internet which I wish I never as I come across that bad circulation can cause amputation! And even though my doctor said everything's fine I'm still worried that she's missed something! I'm so scared please can someone reassure me! I'm only 22 and I don't want anything like that to happen to me :(

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • Feeling dizzy and weak after dieting?

    Hi, is I'm going to be honest, I'm a quit big(unfortunately) 😂 this week I decided to start slimming world! I started it Monday so I've nearly been on it for a whole week....and all day today I've been feeling a bit funny and dizzy! And I'm getting worried because I don't know if it's anything to do with my dieting or I'm thinking the worst because my brother said that I might be diabetic...but he's usually the type of person to wind you up when your worried about something but I don't know if this time he's actually being serious lol...I'm terrified :( any advice?? Thanks in advance x

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago