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  • Which is the best option for getting from Venizelos Airport in Athens to Pireaus to catch a ferry nowadays ?

    Metro ( underground ) changing at Monastiraki ? Or the Proastikos light train ? Does that go direct or do you have to change , if so where ?

    3 AnswersGreece7 years ago
  • Obsessive Troll problem?

    There is a section in Yahoo Answers devoted to answering questions about Travel to Greece .

    As many of the genuine regular answerers on there are Greeks , or are people who are very knowledgeable about all aspects of Greek Language , music , song , culture current affairs , cookery , history and so on , a lot of off-topic stuff about the country and its people are also answered .

    Unfortunately the section is regularly stalked by a habitual and obsessive troll , who posts insults at the genuine answerers including extended crudely obscene language in both English and Greek ( and we have a lot of children who come there for school homework help about Greek topics )

    Eventually his accounts are deleted but he always comes back within hours with some new duplicated account he has created and the filthy spam-posting starts again .

    Although we report his posts regularly , Yahoo do not always delete these promptly , and inserting explanatory pleas to the Moderators as additional information in reports seems to be inneffective .

    The man was silly enough to tell us his real name from which members research established that in real life he has a record of fraud and abusing the UK court processes , is classed as a " Vexatious Litigant " = has to get a judges permission to start a case or to appear on is own behalf . ( Just pointing out the bloke is an unpleasant nutter with Form )

    How do we stop him Vandalising the Yahoo answers service ?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How are the Greek Media / Political talking heads viewing the present crisis in the Ukraine ?

    In the U K the message from the T V News is basically " Nasty Russians seized the Crimea , and now threaten to invade the Eastern Ukraine too , on a pretext of protecting ethnic Russians from ( non-existent ) Western Ukranian fascist mobs " .

    Is that the line in Greece too ?

    1 AnswerGreece7 years ago
  • Small boat laws + rules?

    How would a foreigner ( EU citizen ) residing in Greece , go about getting a small leisure boat into Greece , legally , and then obtain the registration number / home port code letters for it ?

    ( It is an open fibreglass dinghy , about 4 metres long , a general purpose thing for leisure rowing / sailing / doing a little bit of fishing , maybe a small outboard motor , pretty much like a Barka )

    What insurance would you need , by Greek law ?

    What competence qualification would the skipper need , under Greek law ?

    And can you tell me how much it would cost , ( approximately ) for the annual licenses , and what a typical small boat owner wold be looking to pay for harbour mooring fees ?

    And are you restricted to a particular local area , or could you use it to travel ( obviously in short daytime stages in perfect weather ) further afield , say between nearby islands ?

    1 AnswerGreece8 years ago
  • Sharks in warmer waters?

    I have never been further south than the Mediterranean .

    Being a hobby sailor of small craft , and mad on boats from early childhood , I grew up with many nautical books and sea stories , and a common feature of those was that in places like the Caribbean , off Africa , in the Red sea , Indian Ocean , and so on , anyone taking a dip off a boat was fairly sure to see sharks , and often had narrow escapes

    - Hemingway in his " Old man and the Sea " and " Islands in the Stream " spring to mind , as does Arthur Ransome , writer of the Swallows and Amazons childrens series in his book " Peter Duck " .

    I also remember a famous painting showing a N e g r o gentleman clad in a vest and tattered pants laying on the cabin top of a little dismasted sailboat , gazing with alarm at the multitude of triangular fins and eager teeth swimming around his frail and swamped refuge .

    The painting was called " ( somethin-something ) in the Gulf Stream " I believe .

    My question to those that have sailed in warmer waters is ; - Have you ever experienced anything like that , or is it all a lot of old tall tales ; can you swim , or is it a case of cooling off with a bucket on deck ?

    3 AnswersBoats & Boating8 years ago
  • Why was this beautiful French song about Corfu " stolen "?

    I was Idly looking through YouTube the other day , looking for things by Tino Rossi ( the 1930s and 1940s Tango singer - crooner ) and came across his rendition of " Les Roses Blanches de Corfou "

    and having listened to it , thought THATS very familiar !

    Which linked to several artists singing the same song , including one by Nana Mouskouri (again in French ) .

    WHY in the iconic english version of the song by Nana Mouskouri is it moved to Athens , and become a sinlgle triantafilla , " The White Rose of Athens " ?

    If I was from Kerkira / Corfu , I'd be very cross , what a fantastic and beautiful song about the Island ,

    that is worth millions as an advertisment for tourism ,

    can anyone tell me the history of this and why it was changed ?

    ( it cant be for Lyrical reasons , Corfu works just as well as Athens in rhyme-writing )

    2 AnswersGreece8 years ago
  • Psar****** prefixes for singers / musicians?

    What is the origin and reason for the ( Cretan only ? ) habit of prefixing a singer- musicians first name with " Psar " ?

    Like Psarandonis ( Andoni Xylouris ) , and several others I have seen

    2 AnswersGreece8 years ago
  • Will Prince Johan Friso have a big State Funeral?

    And will this disrupt central Amsterdam ( areas closed off , trams diverted / stopped for procession and crowds ? )

    2 AnswersNetherlands8 years ago
  • Lost my Greek Accent?

    I have a standard laptop with the Greek font set up to use on it , but I cannot now find the accent key(s) , to put the << ' >> above the stressed syllables , can some kind person explain what I am not doing right ?

    2 AnswersGreece8 years ago