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southern mama

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I live in a tiny, tiny town in the middle of nowhwere Eastern Kentucky. I grew up in Colorado Springs, CO, so the move to the South was very dramatic! I work at a university, getting yelled at all day by people about their bills. With jobs so hard to come by in this area, I'm still glad to have it! I have a 9 year old little boy from a previous relationship (who is the most awesome thing that's ever happened to me.) I'm married to a compassionate and wonderful man who adopted my son and is supportive of our TTC journey. We lost a baby at 20 weeks in May of '06. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever been through. We found out I have Stage 2 Endometriosis. ****We got our BFP in October and are due with #3 on July 6th, 2009. Please pray this baby sticks!***** Sadly we lost baby #3 at 14 weeks this Jan. Very depressed and don't know what to do from here.... :( Seeing a therapist.

  • Vaginal Bleeding After Running?

    I have been actively running 5K's now for over a year. I was running on the treadmill this weekend, going from 2.75 miles into my 3rd mile when I felt a very strong cramp on my lower left-hand side.

    About 30 minutes after running and my cool down, I noticed bright red vaginal bleeding. I am on medication for endometriosis where I no longer get periods (haven't had a period since Sept 2008).

    Since I wasn't running any harder than I normally do, I don't believe I strained myself. Since I don't have periods any more, I know it is not this. Any other suggestions? Ovarian cyst rupture? I haven't had sex in 6 months so it is not implantation bleeding..

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Ray J and Danger-Pregnant?

    Hey all,

    So! I heard that Danger was running around after the show wrapped saying that she was pregnant on her myspace and that the baby's was Ray J's. Now, she's saying she's "not pregnant any more." WTF?

    Was she pregnant? Did she have an abortion? Was this all just for publicity? Do you think she is pregnant and is just waiting until the show finishes airing and then she's going to come out about it again?

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • General opnions on Prozac/Zoloft/Cymbalta, etc?

    Hey all,

    I've just suffered my second late term miscarriage and I'm really not doing very well. I'm starting to see a therapist, but he wants me to also get on an anti-depressant to start doing better now. We'll start weaning me off the meds and do more therapy, but since therapy takes time, he wants me to start on anti-depressants first.

    I'm meeting with the psychiatrist today and I'm nervous about what he's going to prescribe. Everyone I've asked has told me horror stories about being on different anti-depressants. They say Prozac makes you like a zombie, Zoloft makes you gain a ton of weight, and even one person told me her daughter had a seizure while on Wellbutrin!!!

    I'm anxious enough to be starting this medicine without these horror stories! Can those of you who've taken anti-depressants give me a heads up about what worked for you with the most minimal side-effects? I work and have a family, so being a "zombie" will not work for me. And I'm big enough already, I really don't want to gain excessive weight! :)


    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Weight Watchers- online better or face-to-face meetings?

    So. I'm thinking about joining Weight Watchers. A friend of mine swears by the face-to-face meetings and said that is better than online. I feel like I would probably get more out of the online stuff.

    For those who've done Weight Watchers, which way did you participate and which way did you prefer?


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Those with a loss-when did you decide ok to TTC again?

    Hey all,

    So. I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks about 2 1/2 years ago. We tried again to get pregnant and nothing was working. Found out I had Stage 2 Endo in the meantime and learned about BBT charting.

    Within 4 months of charting and doing OPKs, we got pregnant again! We were thrilled, but also scared to death. We waited until X-mas to tell everyone and after I was through the first trimester.

    Well. Sadly in January we lost that baby too, at 15 weeks.

    I'm still waiting on tests to come back to see why this keeps happening to us. The doc said normally first trimester miscarriages means something didn't form right with the baby, but that second trimester miscarriages (when mine are happening) tend to be something wrong with the mother.

    I really can't decide if I'm up for putting myself through the excitement and the heartbreak any more. I do have 1 son (9) from a previous relationship, but would really love to have a baby with my DH.

    Any thoughts/experiences? How did you decide to try again? Again good books you can recommend on the subject of how to put yourself out there again?


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • To find out the gender or not?

    Hey all,

    So. I've got a little ways before I really need to worry about this (only 9 weeks now), but I've really been reconsidering my position on not finding out the baby's gender.

    I had felt very strongly that I wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out what it "was". I feel that there are very few big surprises left in life and your baby's gender is one of them.

    But my son is dead set on wanting a brother, so I'm thinking we better find out at the 20 week u/s in case it is a girl, that way he can get over the disappointment before the baby gets here instead of trying to deal with the shock and the baby arriving and everything. More time to prepare him.

    What do you think? Find out or not?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any personal expereince with heartbeat and gender?

    Hey all,

    So the old wives tale says if the heartbeat is 140 and above, its a girl and if its 139 and under its a boy. But I know there's no scientific evidence to back this up.

    I'm basically wondering if any of you had any personal experiences with the heartbeat and gender prediction. Was it true for you? Not true?

    We saw the heartbeat yesterday and it was 141....

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gameboy and DS games interchangable?

    I'm going to be buying a DS Lite for my 9 year old for Christmas. Some of the games he seems to want are only available as a Gameboy game and not specifically a DS game. Are these games interchangable? Would it mess it up to put in a game that is not speicifically a DS game?

    What about other games? Like would a Playstation game work in a DS system?

    Sorry to be so ignorant! I'm from the old school quarter arcade games and know nothin' about these different gaming systems! :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Creative ways to tell son he'll be a big bro?

    Hey all,

    So. My son is 9 years old and will be 10 years old by the time this baby is born! We had a miscarriage about 2 1./2 years ago at 20 weeks, and we've FINALLY gotten PG again! Yay!

    We're waiting to tell all of our family at Christmas, but we wanted to tell him a little bit before we told everyone else (like a week or two) so that he'd feel special and could help us with the surprises for everyone else.

    I don't really want to give him just a "Big Brother" teeshirt or something like that. I'd like to do something more creative, but I'm stumped! Any ideas?

    PS He's said he's open to a sibiling, so I don't think he'll react badly. :)


    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is 54.9 beta ok for 14dpo?

    Hey all,

    So! I got a faint BFP on 13dpo and 14dpo. Then on 14dpo I had some extreme pain on my right side. I was worried it was ectopic so I rushed to the doc.

    They did blood work and an ultrasound. They said it was not ectopic, but that I do have a 4mm cyst on my right ovary causing me the pain.

    The blood work came back at 54.9 for the beta. They didn't tell me what the P4 was. The nurse telling me the results basically just said that showed it was reallllly early, like only 1-2 weeks into the PG.

    I've got a follow-up on Monday for more blood work to see if it doubles, but what do you think? Is that ok Beta for 14dpo? What was your beta that early?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Biggest Loser-Who thinks Brady/Vicki were lying?

    Hey all...

    So I'm always a couple days behind on things b/c I DVR them and watch them later. I just watched Tuesday's epidsode of Biggest Loser and my dislike of Brady and Vicki grew even more.

    I thought Vicki was out of line when she didn't even try in the challenge b/c she didn't think the prize was "good enough". Then when she and Brady told Heba that Phillip was trying to get rid of her, I didn't buy one word of that.

    I think they were just saying that so that Heba would get rid of Amy P. What do you think? If Phillip had really talked to them about it, don't you think they would've shown that on TV? I think it was all a big fat lie and Brady and Vicki are schemers who are just doing what it takes to knock off people they think are threats. Heba is going to have a rude wake up call when they turn on her too..


    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Endo,TTC 2+ years,CBE digi OPK users-BFP!!!?

    Hey everyone,

    So! Some of you know my story for those who don't....

    I have one son who is 9 from a previous relationship. My husband adpoted my son when he was 5 after we got married. About 2 years ago we got pregnant. The day before we were going to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl, I had a miscarraige. At 20 weeks. They said the baby had stopped developing at 16 weeks. It was the most heartbreaking, devistating thing that had ever happened to me.

    We started TTC again after the m/c but I kept having bleeding and pain with sex. I thought it was something that went wrong with the m/c or something. They did tons of test and ultimately did a laproscopy and found out I had stage 2 Endometriosis.

    I went on Lupron shots to help shrink down the Endo for 6 months. In April of 08 my AF finally came back from the Lupron getting out of my system and we were still TTC. I read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and got into BBT charting.

    I started doing BBT charting and using Clear Blue Easy digital OPKs to better determin my O day. I discovered I O between CD17-CD20 (NOT CD14 like the docs try to tell ya!).

    I always have pre-AF spotting that starts on 10dpo. Monday was 10dpo and when I wiped at night there was a tiny bit of pink on the paper. I figured I was out for the month. The next morning I took a test and it was BFN.

    I didn't have any more spotting, which is very strange for me. My temps went way up today and I know that's a sign of PG!! So I tested again this morning and got my faint second line!!! BFP!! I'm testing again on Saturday just to make sure, but a line is a line is a line!

    So! Don't give up!! It can happen for you too! If you have any questions about the Endo or Lupron or BBT charting or anything, feel free to email me off my profile! It WILLLL happen! Have faith!!

    Dust to all!!

    Here's my chart:

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ok! Another opinion based on BBT chart Q?

    Hey all,

    Hahaha! Ok! Its me again! Still obesessing over my darn temps! I hate the tww...

    Anyway I'm 10dpo today. I tested with a digital test this morning and got an error message. Boo! Apparently I got too much pee on the tip. Blah. I do have one more test, but I wanted to wait to use it on Wed, when I'll be 12dpo.

    I usually have pre-AF spotting on 10dpo that goes until 13/14dpo. So we'll see how the spotting issue goes. I plan on PIAC (pee in a cup) for Wed's test so I don't get another error. What do you think in the mean time?

    I know my temps are a little low, but still above the CL and went up again today, so what are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What up with huge BBT temp drop, 6dpo? ?

    Hey all,

    So. I was getting all excited b/c I was having such a nice temp rise pattern on my chart and then BAM. Wake up this AM and my temp dropped a whole 1/2 of a degree! Boo!!!

    I know I shouldn't just focus on today's temp and I've got to just wait and see what happens, but what do y'all think?



    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Biggest Loser- Glad Grey went? Or not?

    We always DVR the Biggest Loser, so I just now watched Tuesday's episode. I'm always a day behind everything! Lol!

    Anyway, I just wanted to see if you agreed with the grey team going home last night? I think it was tough to be between the grey and yellow teams. Both of the dads are the sickest guys there and need to be there the most, yet, both of them were up for elimination.

    I think the orange team did them wrong by voting grey off after grey saved them the week before. That's just dirty game playing.

    I really want to see brown leave. They seem like jerks. I don't like the way that husband talks to his wife when they were on that first challenge to get the plane banners. Then where they purposefully threw the water slide challenge by pretending to be hurt??? What jerks! They're just in it for the $ and they don't care about losing weight.

    Agree? Disagree?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Do you think Brody (OLTL) will kill himself? ?

    So! I saw Brody got his gun out at the end of Friday's episode. Do you think he'll kill himself? Or do you think he'll use it to kidnap Shane as someone else has suggested?

    No spoilers!!! Just opinion please!

    He's so darn goregous, I'd hate to see him dead or gone! :)

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Who do you want to win on Amercia's Got Talent?

    Ok. Now that Kaitlin is gone and we can have a serious competition, who should win AGT this season?

    I'm bummed out that its mainly all singers and no real variety acts. Queen Emily can certainly blow the roof of the joint, but I also really like Ely and his piano playing.

    The Nuttin' But Strings kids are awesome! I think its incredible that they write all their own music, so a big part of me wants them to win just for that! Its much harder to write and perform your own music than it is to sing other people's music with your own "flare."

    What do you guys think? Who should win? And how would you put them in a show with Terry Fator?

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Update: Temps still high, BFN on 11dpo, Chance?

    Hey all,

    I promised I'd update ya. Really was hopeful for this being our month. I didn't have any of my usual AF signs (breaking out on my face, temp dip on 6dpo, etc).

    But I started pink spotting with flecks of red last night. My temps were still high this morning, so I tested anyway. BFN on 11dpo. :(

    I'm confused b/c I've never had a chart look the way mine does right now and usually by this point, my temps are in the gutter, but they're still high. If no full AF flow by Tuesday and temps are still high, I'm going to test again Wednesay morning.

    But based off my chart, what do you think my chances are?

    TIA! Dust to all

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • POAS tomorrow. Predictions based on chart?

    Hey all,

    So.... I'm going to test tomorrow at 11dpo. I'm curious to see what you think about my chart and getting a BFP.

    I'm really trying not to psyche myself out, but things have been different this month and I can't deny it. I had several days of the exact same temp both pre-O and post-O, which I've never had before.

    I usually ALWAYS get a temp dip on 6dpo, but didn't this time. I always have spotting on 9dpo, but no spotting to be seen.

    I'm trying to ignore all my other tww symptoms (sore boobs, car sick, exhausted, smell sensitive, etc) b/c I don't want to get my hopes up. I've really been trying to just put all my energy into focusing on my temps this cycle and watching my temps.

    So! Here's my chart:

    What do you think I'll get tomorrow?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Chart Stalkers needed. Ever seen temps this flat?

    Hey all,

    So I took everyone's advice from yesterday and stuck with the 97.2 temp instead of 97.6. (First one taken an hour earlier than normal, but after the most sleep, and the other one taken after going to the restroom and back to bed).

    But I've never in my life had a chart that has these many flat temps in a row! I thought that after I O'd I would see more of a slight daily shift, but nope. Still flat. Yes. They are above the coverline and I'm super grateful for that, but I've just never had one look like this before. What do you all think?

    I know that flat temps can sometimes come b/c the battery on the thermometer is wrong. So I've also temped at various other times of the day just to check out my thermometer and I get different readings. So I know the thermometer is ok. Maybe its just me that's off! hahaha

    Normally I have a temp drop on 6dpo. No drop. No climb, but no drop. Hmmm. Plan on testing this Saturday if temps don't drop by then and no AF...


    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago