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can you sell artwork that is a study from a previous artists work?
was thinking of selling some art online and just wanted to know in case i got into any trouble
2 AnswersPainting7 years agoWhy do I feel less in touch with my surroundings?
I am a 17 year old and somehow I feel it's getting increasingly more difficult to process and store information in my brain. I feel like I'm lacking focus and my technical thinking is worsening. I'm not sure if it's because I feeling negative about myself or what, but what can I do to get back onto my own wavelength? If someone understands some help would be greatly appreciated :) thank you
Mental Health7 years agodoes drinking lots of water help you lose weight?
im a 17 year old looking to make some little changes so i can become a fitter, more healthier person. are the myths true? thanks
8 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoi am really worried about my upcoming interview for a university. any advice?
i really have never had any experience in terms of interviews and I'm really worried about this because it really matters, and will determine whether i get a place or not. is there any advice anyone can give me? what worked for people? i need to have the best possible chance. thank you
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agowhy are my thighs and waist so fat? how do i make them slimmer?
i have always had quite fat thighs and waist but i was wondering why? m i eating a certain type of food which could be causing this? are there any exercises that i could be doing that actually work to make them slimmer? thanks
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoCould I cope with doing medical physics as a topic at A2 if I'm squeamish?
I don't like watching people being opened up and examined and stuff like that but I like the idea of learning the physics behind people's bodies. Will I be able to cope if I'm v. Squeamish?
1 AnswerPhysics8 years agoWhat does medical physics at A2 entail? I'm worried it will freak me out! I'm squeamish?
I'm worried that My squeamish tendencies will worry me and compromise me from learning through my A2 medical physics topic if my class chooses to study it. Although it would be fascinating to learn the physics properties about the human body, I am often sickened by images of people going through surgery or blood or anything like that. Should I be worried? What can I do to cope if I do the topic for A2? It wouldn't be my first choice but is there any advice people can give on how to not be squeamish? Thank you
2 AnswersPhysics8 years agoHow do i grow the perfect beard?
Wenever i grow a beard it gets to about 5mm before i decide it looks rubbish then shave it off. Its not stubbly at all and so it looks really bad. My friends beard is proper awsome and i want to grow mibe like hiz but mine is just too soft. Is there anyway i can approach shaving so that i get an awsome stubbly beard? What can i do? Im 17 btw and have been shavin for like 2 years. Thanks.
2 AnswersMen's Health8 years agoHow do i grow the perfect stubbly beard?
Wenever i grow a beard it gets to about 5mm before i decide it looks rubbish then shave it off. Its not stubbly at all and so it looks really bad. My friends beard is proper awsome and i want to grow mibe like hiz but mine is just too soft. Is there anyway i can approach shaving so that i get an awsome stubbly beard? What can i do? Im 17 btw and have been shavin for like 2 years. Thanks.
1 AnswerHair8 years agoIf one of our friends is 18 and the rest are 17 can we all still drink at a restaurant with food in the UK?
Can we even drink without food or is that a step too far? As long as my 18 year old friend buys the drinks? We are in the uK btw
5 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years agoIf one of our friends is 18 and the rest are 17 can we all still drink at a restaurant with food?
Can we even drink without food or is that a step too far? As long as my 18 year old friend buys the drinks?
9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years agoHow do i deal with a tight foreskin so it functions properly?
I'm a teenager and I've had an adhesive foreskin for like forever and It's really Annoying me because what happens when the time comes for sex? It will be embarrassing and I just want my penis to work normally! How do I go about fixing my tight foreskin problem? Are there any ways of pulling it all the way back without getting a circumcision? Thanks :)
11 AnswersMen's Health8 years agoI'm really nervous about my work experience tomorrow?
It's a big deal for me because I could potentially look attractive to the employer but but I'm really nervous. I worried I won't be able to cope with the work or that I will make a mistake or something. I don't want to look like I'm not doing anything and I don't want to embarrass myself but I'm worried I will. I want to get the most out of it and do the best I can but has anyone got any advice? Much appreciated?
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoI'm really nervous about my work experience tomorrow?
It's a big deal for me because I could potentially look attractive to the employer but but I'm really nervous. I worried I won't be able to cope with the work or that I will make a mistake or something. I don't want to look like I'm not doing anything and I don't want to embarrass myself but I'm worried I will. I want to get the most out of it and do the best I can but has anyone got any advice? Much appreciated?
6 AnswersEngineering8 years agoI get lower back pain and numbness in the heel of my foot whe I drive?
It usually starts to happen an hour into my driving lesson. I've altered my seat so I'm more upright but is it still maybe my posture or seating position? What can I do to stop it?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoHaving lots of headaches and feeling lightheaded. Do i have something wrong with my brain?
I know I'm being quite paranoid and dramatic but im just really scared incase its like a tumor or something. I thought it might be dehydration but even when i drink alot i still get headaches. I do have migraines but i usually go numb in my hand and lips when i get one. Also, whenever i stand up sometimes i feel the blood rush from my head and i nearly pass out. I jut dont know what to do :( what could this be and how to i stop it from happening?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoIm getting frequent headaches and lightheadedness and I don't know why?
I'm having reasonable amounts to drinks And when I drink more I still feel the blood rush from my head when I stand up. What are the edible causes and cures for these horrible headaches? (I sometimes also get migraines)
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoFor some reason I'm quite nervous about my open university day?
I don't know why I'm nervous because I've finished all of my exams and stuff and its really just to get a feel of the university itself. I just can't help but think I will get questioned about stuff I don't know about or that I'm on my own for the whole day. What can I do to stop being nervous and enjoy the experience?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years ago