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♫Mama of One♫

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Hi! I'm the proud mother of one beautiful baby girl. (When i was pregnant... i was thinking...) Now, Why does everyone want to rush into this labor thing? I mean really, it's only 40 weeks of your life. Not to mention a day or so of immense pain and suffering... That baby will come when it's ready to come! Would you take a turkey out of the oven before it was fully cooked? I don't think so...... geeesh! People make me laugh... It's crazy...

  • Issues with the man I love?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, we have a 2 year old daughter together. We live together. Now, i was using his cell phone to make a call the other day and his text messages keep beeping in your ear until you recognize that they are there, so i pressed a button to make the beeping stop and in his message inbox, i noticed a text from a girl that he works with. I saw there was a picture there, and just looking at it, i could see it was a naked picture, so i got mad, i opened the text... it's a full naked picture of the girl and i do mean FULLY NAKED. So of course i flipped out saying wtf is this? I'm supposed to be trusting you and you're getting naked pictures from a girl that you work with? Says she sent it to him by mistake. He says i'm overreacting... what do you think about this?

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Issues with trusting my boyfriend?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, we have a 2 year old daughter together. We live together. Now, i was using his cell phone to make a call the other day and his text messages keep beeping in your ear until you recognize that they are there, so i pressed a button to make the beeping stop and in his message inbox, i noticed a text from a girl that he works with. I saw there was a picture there, and just looking at it, i could see it was a naked picture, so i got mad, i opened the text... it's a full naked picture of the girl and i do mean FULLY NAKED. So of course i flipped out saying wtf is this? I'm supposed to be trusting you and you're getting naked pictures from a girl that you work with? He says i'm overreacting... what do you think about this?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • In-Law/Overbearing Grandparent Problems?

    We have one child. She is the first grandchild on both sides and the first girl born in the family in a very long time. His parents try to 'take her for the entire weekend' every two weeks. I work full time and so does he. The weekend is our only real time to bond and spend entire days with our daughter. His parents get mad and complain when they can't have her when they ask for her (or when i tell them no simply because i want to be with her), which infuriates me, to say the least. Anyone else dealing with overbearing grandparents who just don't understand that she's our daughter and we're not 'sharing custody' with them? We don't have to let her go with them for the weekend... it's a privilege, not a right (which they believe is their right as grandparents)... Any thoughts?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone Else Have This Problem?

    We have one child. She is the first grandchild on both sides and the first girl born in the family in a very long time. His parents try to 'take her for the weekend' every two weeks. I work full time and so does he. The weekend is our only real time to bond and spend entire days with our daughter. His parents get mad and complain when they can't have her (or when i tell them no). Anyone else dealing with overbearing grandparents who just don't understand that she's our daughter and we're not 'sharing custody' with them? We don't have to let her go with them for the weekend... it's a privilege, not a right... Any thoughts?

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How to deal with In-Law Problems?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. We have a 2 year old daughter. We've been through our fair share of problems and there's still plenty of things to work on, but that's just our relationship, it is what it is. Well, my 2 year old went to his parents' house for the weekend and she's been doing typical 2 year old things like repeating any and everything she hears. She heard somewhere along the way, the 'F' word and will not, no matter what you say to her stop saying it. She says it even when nobody's around. We're just trying to ignore her and redirect her to saying something appropriate. Well, the grandparents threw a fit when our daughter said it in their house and sent a very ugly/nasty e-mail to me telling me how that might be ok in low-class families, but it's not funny at all and her cursing says all they need to know about us and that good parents don't tolerate that type of behavior from children. (basically putting us down). My reaction was... umm... hello? She's 2 years old, what are we supposed to do? We're doing the best thing we can by redirecting her attention to something else. She doesn't know that she's doing something wrong. She doesn't understand that it's a bad word. Among many other nasty things that these people have said to me, after that e-mail calling us low-class and other choice phrases (mostly aimed at me), I really don't want my daughter going over there spending time with them when they could be speaking bad things about me while she's there with them. I just don't think it's right. Am I wrong for that or what?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Separate Family Birthday Parties?

    Separate Family Birthday Parties?

    Hi. I have a 10 month old daughter. Obviously, her 1st birthday is coming up. Her father and I live together but we both have very large families. Also, his family and my family do not get along and he and my mother do not speak. Nobody can be in the same room. It'll just be total chaos. Not fair to me and not fair to the baby. So of course, his family want to have a separate party for her. So basically, they want their son to bring her to their party and for me to have a party with my family and i'll be at my party with her. I AM NOT, and i repeat, I AM NOT letting these people throw separate parties for this little girl. It's not fair, it's not right and i think it's selfish and rude for them to just think that it is okay to just make a separate birthday party for her because they want to do things their way. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER, not theirs. And of course, her father doesn't say anything to them. He just goes right along with it. How dare they. I am so burnt up over this. Has anyone else had to go through this? Do you think i am over-reacting? Any thoughts? Shoot, i feel like having a cupcake with a candle in my own dining room with her by myself before i let this craziness happen...

    19 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Front Facing Car Seats?

    Hey. I have a 10 month old little girl. She is rapidly approaching the point that I can no longer carry her in the car seat in and out of the car. Don't get me wrong, she's only 20-22 lbs, but i cannot keep carrying her in and out of the car seat. My back is paying for it. Believe me. Haven't asked the doctor yet, but has anyone put the baby in the front facing seat before they were 25 lbs or a year old?

    22 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Economic Stimulus Payment?

    Hey! My stimulus payment was to go out on 7/4/08. Still nothing. I didn't even get a notice yet. I've checked with the IRS website and the automated system, I am supposed to get $900. I don't have any debt, child support, loans or anything due and owing. Has anyone else not received their check yet? Geez, count on the government to get your hopes up...

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Infant Child Tax & Insurance Dilemma Please Help!?

    Hi. I am the mother of a 6 month old baby girl. I am with her father. We live together. We pay 50/50 for whatever she needs. She was born in November '07. When i filed my taxes this year, the accountant told us that her father could not claim her. (Still not sure why that is, but) I would have to claim her on my own. So I did. Now she has been on my insurance since she was born, I pay for her to be on my insurance. Her father has recently gotten insurance at his job and we want to put her on his insurance as there is no fee to have her on his insurance but they want a signed affidavit stating that he is responsible for providing her health care. No idea. This is crazy for both of us. If he couldn't claim her on his taxes, could he still put her on his insurance? I don't know. I'm lost, please help.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Hi, new mother...?

    Hi, i'm a new mother and was wondering about shifting my tax witholdings for 2008. I am a single mother, should i be claiming Single 2 now that i have the baby?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Almost 36 weeks along?

    Hi, we're almost 36 weeks along now with our little girl. They've advised me that the baby is head down, but that she hasn't moved down at all yet. This worried my doctor to the point that when she checked me she said my cervix was still very very thick and she couldn't even feel the baby at all, which wasn't a good thing at this point, she should be moving down. So she said that they would check me out each week and check my progression, but that if by my next u/s (10/16/07) if she hasn't moved down by that time (i'll be 37 weeks) then we may have to seriously consider a C-Section. Has this happened to anyone? Please share...

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 33 weeks along baby's weight?

    Hi! I'm 33 weeks along, almost 34 weeks now with a baby girl! :) They told me that she's about 5lbs 12oz right now. And the doctor said that's kind of big at this stage in the game. I don't have diabetes or any other complications. Has anyone else's baby been this big at this time and actually made it to their due date? I'm due Nov. 7. Any advice? :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Here's a new one?

    Hey guys! I'm 33 weeks with our first baby girl. Here's a new one that i never knew about... i got an e-mail from today that advises that at 33 weeks (which i currently am) to start "Massaging the perineum (the area around the vagina), it can reduce your chance of it tearing during delivery." hmm... now i'm not being funny about this, but what exactly would this entail? I mean, isn't that about around the same ballpark as masturbating? Can someone who has done this fill me in? Thanks

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Low heart rate, but a definite girl?

    Hey! We got a 3d scan today. It was fun, but only one picture came out really clear. In any case, we already knew we were having a girl, and they continue to say that it is a girl, which we are very happy about! :) However, the heart rate is usually between 135-150 on an average and today she was at 136. Is it just an old wives tale with the high and low heart rates? Has anyone else had lower heart rate with a girl?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 31 Weeks Along?

    Hi! I'm 31 weeks with our first baby (girl)! We're very excited. So far, i've had a very uneventful pregnancy. All is well as far as they can see and tell. So that's a good sign. Now, for all your experienced mom's or mom's-to-be who are further along than i am, can you give me a short run down of what to expect within the next few weeks? Thanks!! :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Charlie Horses??!?!?! Yikes!?

    Damn... i'm almost 31 weeks, i haven't had any problems, no symptoms and had a really good pregnancy so far... now i woke up this morning and good lord... let me tell you about the darn charlie horse that prevented me from walking out of bed this morning... It was so painful that i saw stars and my calf muscle is still sore from it being so painful today. I was screaming... has anyone else had this? I know it's common among pregnant women, but goodness gracious, i've never had one sooooo bad like i had this morning...

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Naming my daughter?

    We're naming our baby girl Selena. Her middle name is going to be a mix of Maria and Caroline (his late grandmother and mine) and the name will be Selena Mariline. What do you think?

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had this thought?

    That while you are pregnant for the first time, you can't imagine actually having the baby. I mean, you cant imagine what your life is going to be like with a baby. What it's going to be like living for someone else's every single need? Especially if you're the bearer of the first grandchild? Anyone? I'm 30 weeks and i just can't imagine what it's going to be like, actually being a mommy and what it's going to be like to care for a baby.

    18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 3d/4d scans?

    Hi! I'm 30 weeks along right now with a baby girl. I am having a 3d/4d scan on 9/10. This question is more for the bigger ladies who have had 3d scans before, what were the results like as far as pictures and clarity wise? I mean, i get pretty good results from my regular ultrasound photos, but i'm a larger lady and i just want to make sure that i have a sporting chance that i'll get good pictures of the baby at this scan. Anyone?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hey! 7 Months!?

    Hi! I'm 3 days away from being 7 months. I went for an ultrasound today, they told me that she is about 2 lbs 12oz (from their estimates). He said that she is measuring a little bigger than normal, but nothing to worry about. But i'm wondering from moms who have already been here before, is this a normal weight range? Thanks

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago