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  • Anyone noticed Yahoo Answers is freezing your question?

    You have a viable question that does not agree with the left POV but is timely & succinct and not violating YA! guidelines.  Suddenly all of your questions are either deleted or they remain unanswered.  I've noticed this on others that I follow as well.  

    Does this seem a tad suspicious given the mass censorship occurring on so many social forums like Twitter, Facebook, etc?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 months ago
  • Why the Trump tweets asking the Capital protesters for PEACE and to respect Capital police and stop are all DELETED?

    All proof that Trump tweets asked for peace and to stop the entry into the Capital building? My asking why this question with a link to his tweet asking for PEACE was deleted as well.  Obviously NEVER ecouraging them to enter Capital building at any time, of course all who saw what happened during election are upset at election malfeasance, corruption so why wouldn't he mention it in his speeches?  NEVER at any time did he call for the people to enter the Capital, NOT ONCE did he applaud their actions.  HE ASKED FOR PEACE but of course the media deletes the facts, censorship as long as it's not liberal.

    16 AnswersElections3 months ago
  • WHERE is Democracy when the left has ignored previous extremists and corrupted our elections?

    How can we have good faith or stand by while Democrat lawmakers started this whole corruption by looking the other way while people destroy our businesses and and support it.  De-funding our police, overriding State Constitutions and legislature law effectively destroying our elections by counting hundreds of thousands of ballots which shouldn't be counted. Judicial ignoring facts and throwing down these cases...I know even Democrat voters know this is the truth.  Many have admitted that are objective.  There was so much shady cheating it is ridiculous.  People are fired-up, those that love our country and NOW you call for passivity?

    Where is the justice when you're dealing with miscreants who started this whole thing and get away with it?  Are we witnessing dismantling of our United States? 

    2 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Why are those who entered the Capitol call "Trump Supporters"?

    Yahoo moderators censor opposing views on state view that is not liberal so no one will probably read this...oh well.  

    Is this just more Hypocrisy?  During the months of assaults, looting, burning of businesses the Democrats lawmakers who supported them such as; Maxine Walters, Pelosi, Schumer, etc are always innocent when allowing this destruction.  Looked the other way while not wearing masks and packed together no social distancing.  Police told to stand down.  Media termed them as anything but Democrat Supporters.  Now these who entered the Capitol are immediately termed "Trump Supporters" which he adamantly does not support Trump has stated:   Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump3h agoI am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

    4 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Do you think Biden will cancel tariffs on China?

    Do you expect him to eventually reverse ban on Huawei?

    8 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • Why isn't there more COVID Antibody testing?

    Antibody plasma has proven very effective in helping infected COVID patients survive.  Since March 2020 I have called major hospitals and government agencies trying to locate Antibody test location.  Now finally there are a few places but very few here in L.A.  I suspect because the State and local don't receive Federal funding for those past infected but only want a head count for those infected or you think this may be true?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases4 months ago
  • Left leaders tell people not to take vaccine if Trump get credit, are their politics more important that lives?

    Vaccines are available very soon but will the liberal leaders be more inclined to tell people to not take it if Trump had anything to do with Covid vaccine? 

    On Oct 7th, Kamala Harris said in the VP debate that "if Donald Trump says we should take it (vaccine) then I'm not taking it"  That to me exemplifies the fact politics take precedence over lives in Democrat leadership.      

    2 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • Have you ever been told "You should know how to speak Spanish!"?

    I live in a CA L.A. County city where it has morphed into almost appx 90% illegal immigrant town.  I moved here just as all my neighbors were moving out about 25 years ago with what used to be an even mixture of Mexican, Caucasian and some Black.  

    Now mostly Salvadorans and ppl from Guatemala, basically Central America and some Mexican & South America.  I have been told more than I can count that I should speak Spanish better, that this State was stolen from Hispanics and I've also heard my neighbor (because I can understand more than speak Spanish) that they are part of a political group that wants to take back this country which shocked me when I asked my friend who is from Mexico, but now a U.S. citizen, and she told me yes it is true.  

    Have you ever experienced this resentment and hatred?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science5 months ago
  • Where to go online to find objective fair statistics on Presidential Election?

    Up to date/time. Without annoying rhetoric theories and polls...anywhere?

    Elections5 months ago
  • Will non-publishers censorship continue or will they amend Section 230(c)?

    Would you choose to abolish, amend or continue this selective censorship?

    2 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Why are US business owners making their business fronts secured like a fortress?

    I don't recall a hurricane approaching in New York and Los Angeles, etc.

    4 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • How messed-up is the mail-out ballot system in your State?

    Today 2 people have told me they never received their ballot in the mail.  I don't get how they could make such a mess of this, every time I look at news there's another cluster...did you and yours receive?

    3 AnswersGovernment5 months ago
  • Did FBI just sit on the Hunter Biden laptop thinking they dodged a bullet for Joe?

    The FBI won't say if they conducted an investigation into the contents of the laptop hard drive since Dec 2019.  Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe said today there was no intel to support Russia being behind Hunter Biden's laptop contents as Schiff has incorrectly blamed Russia. With all the FBI leaks previously against Trump surprising not a peep while they had this laptop in their possession.  Do you believe FBI has any intent to investigate or hide the laptop? 

    3 AnswersPolitics6 months ago
  • Attachment image

    Do you think Hunter Biden laptop will have a negative impact on Joe Biden's campaign?

    Contents of the loptop has images and videos of Hunter, Joe Biden & family which only a family member would have. The laptop was not "hacked" as twitter alleged but abandoned by Hunter Biden since April 2019 and Shop owner, Mr. Isaac, tried numerous times to contact Mr. Biden.  Mr. Isaac stated he gave hard drive copy to attorney for Giuliani who gave it to New York Post because those were Mr. Isaac's wishes as he was frustrated by lack of law enforcement action by FBI, who had possession of the laptop since December 2019. The email from Vadym Pozharskyl who is advisor/director for Burisma, thanks Hunter for a meeting with Joe which had already taken place according to the content, which Hunter made possible.  Does the fact Joe Biden has stated repeatedly that he never discussed with Hunter or met with Burisma.  Will this hurt the Biden bid for Presidency?

    4 AnswersElections6 months ago
  • Do you read Yahoo! articles now that they don't allow comments?

    Since Yahoo! discontinued the ability to comment do you bother reading their articles, do you think their content is too slanted, not worthy of a read?  Reasoning?

    22 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products6 months ago
  • Why should we believe the polls stats after what happened in 2016 election?

    Everyone thought HRC was a slam dunk, the polls all said so.

    So there were those voters (like me) who don't participate in survey analysis/polls.What's different now from the 2016 Presidential election?  Aren't the same voters abstaining?  

    2 AnswersElections6 months ago
  • Should Social Media censor news to public because they choose not to release facts?

    During Trump/Russia collusion investigation, even after Trump was exonerated, till this day Twitter, Facebook, etc allow posting stories on this debunked allegation as if it were true. Now with Biden/Hunter/Ukraine/China Probe underway all stories asserting the possibility of Joe Biden's culpability are deleted and accounts suspended for posting this news item. Also, proof of election Ballots being sent to dead people, pets and illegal immigrants is also deleted.

    Is Section 320 being abused by media platforms for political purposes? Does 320 give these sites the right to omit opposing political viewpoints that have substantive evidence and insight on events that  expose their candidate or party in a negative light? If yes, should 320 be rescinded or revised?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism6 months ago
  • Do you think Columbus Day should be changed to Indigenous Peoples' Day? ?

    Indigenous defined as:  originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.  Are the focus on people who actually came from Asia Minor via the Bering Strait and by other means of travel initially so how is that Indigenous?  Fact is that Columbus never set foot on any State in U.S.  and this day was initially named to commemorate the Italian Immigrants because Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. Why use a name that deprecates our civilization in U.S. instead of changing it to something positive? Don't we have enough negativity?  I'm sick of it! 

    6 AnswersHistory6 months ago
  • Why are there certain factions that want to make USA Socialist?

    Why would anyone want to lose our freedoms and make United States Socialist when other countries have failed miserably? Why would they want to be controlled? Are educators to blame, ppl more receptive because they take our freedoms for granted and/or are bored? Some say One World Order conspiracy is attempting to take over to have one currency & get rid of our borders.  Do you know?

    2 AnswersPolitics6 months ago