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  • Teen Girls: I need your advice !!!!! What to do?

    I have a daughter who is 15 and I often run into jams on what to advise her. I am dad raising a daughter by myself essentially.

    Here is the issue. I think guys typically think it is a good idea to have all sorts of friends. Where as girls seem to have an intimate core of friend/s. So in the past I have kind of nudge her to go explore, have different groups, and don't get limited by one group or one friend. This is what I would advise a boy if I had one. She now hangs out with one girl about 80% of her free time.

    But it seems her intimate friends sort of resent this, don't like her leaving them (especially one or two of them) and in the past when she did this in 8th grade, another group, sort of got tired of it and found another group (and that was upsetting for her).

    So I don't want to lead her down the wrong path. Is it better to mix it up, or to stay with your core group. She often hangs out with one friend a lot, but then when she was asked to do something else with another group, her core friend sort of did not return her calls for a couple days.

    Not sure what to advise????? What is her role when she gets asked out by other friends: should she invite her friend that was not asked? What is the best way/manner to handle this kind of situation.

    (No offense DUDES out there: but I realize there are some jerk guys that respond to these questions and try to be funny. I do not need any guy input, especially a humorless guy.)

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Calling ALL girl teens/ OR moms of Teens?

    Single dad: so that means I don't know much about raising a girl. MY daughter does some things that seem a little odd to me BUT maybe it is nothing and I am just overeating. Sorry, hard to describe.

    She sometimes acts like a guy. She is definitely a girl, and none of that other stuff, BUT I think this behavior is off putting.

    Examples: she just got a baby sitting job SO she did like a stomp think like a guy celebrating a touchdown. When she does something good, she PUSHES off with her hands like a guy might say "yeah" or whatever. You know how guys flash signs (white guys who mimic street guys), she'll do that, like the way guys do when saying BOO YA. Just a lot of guy stuff, in hand gestures, Think of a guy teen and you got some of things she does. Like saying face, and stiff arming her arm out. I'm sure she picked if up from guys BUT to me it seems so anti girl.

    She is feminine at times. She is a cheerleader and does like girl stuff....

    Just in case your mind goes there, she has hand a boyfrined (light) and crushes on guys, so that is not the issue.

    But this other stuff seems unappealing to me. I don't know if I should say something, OR even how to say it.

    I feel like if I say something I am really whacking someone's personality.

    You know how a guy might get square, and bulk up, and then say STEP OFF, and laugh as a joke. She is doing it all in humor BUT to me it is so ugly and an unappealing ( I hate saying it that way)

    7 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Advice Needed: Teen does not get along with sibling?

    I feel stupid even asking but any feedback would be appreciated. I raised daughter for several years on my own. Her mother remarried and now lives close. She has another child. I think pointless to involve children so I encourage closeness and positive behavior. TODAY I was speaking with mother's kid ( she is 4) and my daughter is 14, and little girl said, I don't want my sister to come over because we fight too much.

    Is that normal? Do kids say that? Should I blow that off? My daughter is a teen, and as an only child for a long time, cheerleader, she can be self-involved. I assumed it was normal teen stuff.

    But to me it seems odd to have conflict between a 14 year old and a 4 year old. I am sure she probably just bugs her a lot (14 year old bugging 4 year old in playful way).

    What do you think. I know they like each other, and they seem to seek out each other.

    I just found it odd that 4 year old said I don't want sister to come over. They only see each other half the time (and in that half ,14 year old very busy).

    Could also be mother encouraging it behind the scenes: she really indulges small children.

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teen Girl Social Help?

    I'm dad raising teen daughter on my own. Any serious ideas/thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Daughter had 2 best friends and because of daughters busy schedule they sort of drifted apart this year (14). This was largely other 2 girls choice and hurt my daughter. But she is active, they are not.

    Now girls occasionaly contact my daughter when they want something. Want a parent ride so invite her, want to go swimming our pool, , etc.

    My daughter just nice to everyone. Gets along with most. Pretty well liked at school.

    What do I advise. Should I stay out of it. Seems to bother me more than daughter. I'm clueless ???

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Girl World: Friendship Question. How to handle 13-14?

    I'm male single parent of a near 14 year old AND as a guy I have no idea about this stuff. ANY an all feedback (from females) appreciated.

    8th grade. Daughter has 2 sort of best friends that hung out with for a couple years. They are not as busy or academic as my daughter. They sort of left her and started hanging out with girls a bit like them academically. She is very hurt by this.

    Is this normal.. In 8th do girls sort of go off on their paths with friends like them. I am sure she could rekindle friendships with effort and some time hanging out BUT she feels too hurt to do it. She is ignore some right now (but I am sure they felt ignored by her busyness).

    Is it better to compete for friends, or JUST move on. DO like minded people separate around this age anyways SO eventually it would happen. She is such a happy person I have never seen her down, but she is down right now.

    Not sure what to advise.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Tween Drama: Single Dad Needs Parent Tips?

    Any advise appreciated (from females). 13 year old daughter was out 10 days sick. When she got back her 2 closest friends had moved groups. Daughter is very busy and often has to say no to friend activities. I think this is part of it, they got tired.

    She was very hurt AND did not try to repair relationships. NOT sure what my role is. What should I encourage???

    Work on them. Fight for them. Or just move on to other friends. She does have other friends but not as close.

    Any tips are good.

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Hamstring Tear???? Help!!!?

    Small tear in soccer (kicking high up, like a rockette dancer). Probably between grade 1 and grade 2. It's been 15 days since injury. Can't really feel it UNLESS I lift leg up and press slightly out while lifting. Imagine doing front seated leg raises on machine (where youre seated, and extend leg flat out parallel) OR when I do LEGS wide stance and try to touch my toes with oposite arm, THAT is when I can feel it.

    Reacts mostly to twisting leg slightly.

    WHEN CAN I START exercise and stretching. It feels like I need to stretch it out fully. Big question is can you push through a little soreness or tightness OR is this an injury where it's all about REST all the time.

    Thank you for your expertise.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Teen Social Situation Friends Question: Single Dad?

    Single dad raising teen girl and I don't have a clue about this one? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Daughter missed 10 days of school w/flu. When she got back 2 best friends (13yrs old) moved tables: tables signify social groups at this school. Sort of a step up on social chain (popular tables). My daughter does fine socially, she is sort of the nice girl: cheerleader. I advised her to try it. She did, formed new friendships and likes it.

    BUT her two old friends ARE sort of bossed by another girl at table now and she does not like my daughter (I'm sure she feels threatened). New girl and old friends schedule some social things together AND leave daughter out.

    What do I advise? 1. Move on 2. drop old friends 3. ignore it 4. fight for her friends

    I'm a bit clueless.


    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • plantar fasciitis (help my foot)?

    Tried nearly everything listed on internet.


    1. hurt 13 weeks ago

    2. over stretched for soccer ball AND felt sore next day

    3. continued to use a couple weeks and then could not walk in mornings


    1. last 3 weeks I'll have a few very good days, and then think okay time to PROGRESS and by me starting mild stretch, or mild cardio, or activity RESTARTS it, AND it returns to about 50% of what was its worst point.

    2. feeling pretty good Thursday, but had to stand several hours this weekend for daughter's soccer games. NOW mildy sore

    Seems 75% recovered OVER all but not sure what next helpful stage is, SINCE everything I attempt relapses it.

    1. I'm past rolling ice bottle does little benifit

    2. Ice and heat don't help at all at this stage

    3. Taking 2400 Ibprofen daily and I can tell when I forget dosage

    ANY ideas. Hurts after standing at HEEL (running down center to heel), and in mornings at left outer side towards the back (left foot).

    Quit job 3 months ago AND have not started new job because of issue (and insurance limited)

    Please HELP with any ideas if you have them. Thank you!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How many white people voted for Obama?

    Some in the media, Romney him-self and some conservatives have created a simplistic arguement that makes it appear that Obama only collected minorties votes. Assuming he won the minority vote, how many whites voted for Obama?

    With about a 100 milion people voting, some reports report Romney collected about 60% of the white male vote. What was Obama's white vote total (knowing more white females voted for him)?

    For example, did the White female vote cancel out the White male vote?

    Seems to be a false myth circulating that really does dismiss a lot of white voters and minority voters simultaneously. Can't find the data.

    Only serious responses please: I am not looking for your take if it is racist (because that is the most simplistic type of thinking).

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Plantar Fasciitis When Start Exercise?

    What is process of exercising? Got Plantar from landing hard on over stretch in soccer. At time I was exercising 6-7 times a week. Reduced cardio to zero for 5 weeks because everything makes it sore.

    Can I exercise swim/bike with a little soreness or is that just dumb??

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • How To Sue Private Party Assault: (head butt)?

    Live in Arizona. Played in league sports game, guy on my own team who argues with everyone was upset, about minutes. When he came at me, I said some words to back him off. He then came again and head butted me in from of my little kid. Put me out. Broken nose. I did not escalate because I thoughts this guy will get it from the cops. Turns out in AZ (backwards state) has Stand Your Ground law. He just told the cops I came at him, and since his girlfriend backed him up NOTHING happened.

    The prosecutor suggested I sue. HOW would I do that? In smalls claims don't you have to show cost, because my insurance mostly covered bills. I do have some permanent damage.

    How and what is best strategy to sue because I feel this guy should see some loss for acting the animal. Are there certain things I should ask for from judge to make collecting easier??

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Calf Popping: (is it permanent)?

    Came back to soccer after a few years off. Immediately tore (medium tear) calf muscle. Did not know how to treat, strained again. Knot is at different heights on calf, most high, some middle. So now for a few years I have strained either side 2-3 times. Last time I got frustrated and just worked hard at it AFTER 10 days rest of icing, ibprofen. Built muscle up, weight lifting, biking.

    Now when I stretch muscle out with toe pointed out, muscle sort of pops in back on stretch. Doesn't hurt just makes sound. Can still play. Not perfect, I must warmup, needs stretching, but can play at full speed.

    Next day sore/stiff, and can be stiff down to Achilles. But if I exercise that day, 90% goes away.

    Is this permanent? Do I risk permanent damage by ignoring the popping? In the past, with time off any issue always went away.

    Older male....still play intense games, 2-3 times a week.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago