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  • What does the groom need to do on the wedding day?

    My wedding is in 12 days. However, I'm not sure what I all have to do the morning of...

    I have to wake up and go set up some decorations. I have groomsmen and maybe ushers to help while the women are preening. Then I'm going to come home, eat some lunch, get dressed...

    Now I don't know how to proceed.

    How soon before the ceremony starts should I get to the wedding?

    What do I do once I'm there? Am I supposed to hide someplace like the women? Do I just mull around nervously? I have no idea...

    Then wedding, receiving line, pictures, (don't forget to check into the hotel...) get to the reception...

    Before dinner, there is usually some kind of welcome speech or whatever... I can't remember who I've seen give that in the past... Do I do that? Do hers or my parents? I have know Idea....

    I think I have the rest figured out. If there is something you think I'm forgetting, let me know.

    2 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Awkward situation with wedding invitations...?

    When making our guest list a while back, my parents were forcing me to invite quite a few people. Because of this it turns out I had to cut some "distant" friends. It turns out quite a few people my parents made me invite are not coming. Would it be rude, tasteless, or otherwise unacceptable to reach out to these friends and invite them? The wedding is only two weeks away, and I would like them to be there, but I don't want it to seem like they were an afterthought.

    1 AnswerWeddings8 years ago
  • How to solve: sec^2(x) - 1 = √3*tan(x) on [0,2π) to get x=0?

    So I solved it like this:

    sec^2(x) - 1 = √3*tan(x)

    tan^2(x) +1 - 1 = √3*tan(x)

    tan(x) = √3

    x = π/3 and 4π/3, which works


    BUT...putting zero in for x also works

    sec^2(0) -1 = 0

    √3*tan(0) = 0

    How can I solve the formula to show that X = 0?

    5 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • My dad thinks some of my old toys might have some value. Any guesses?

    It seems to me everybody had the original zords. I have the second-season thunder-droids packed away somewhere, with the tiger and the shuttle zord. I think there were some decals peeling, particularly on the pheonix. At any rate, does anybody have any idea what they'd be worth?

    He also saved some of my "Attack Pack" toys. Of the original eight, I don't have the large "bad guy" one (which is a shame, because that's the one that shot a missile) and the six wheeled small is broken. I doubt these have value anyway, but who knows? Is there a market for any of these?

    1 AnswerToys8 years ago
  • Questions about deductions and taxes?

    First, a deduction just means I get taxed on that much less money, right? So if I make $30,000 and take the standard deduction, I only pay tax on $23,900, correct?

    Second, that money I could have saved myself and made 12% YTD if the government hadn't decided I wasn't responsible enough to do so, meanwhile every fiscal analysis says they're going to lose within 25 years.. Oh, what was I saying? Oh yes, is FICA applied before or after deductions?

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Unable to write/type after a manic episode?

    Lets start with the basics: I'm a 26 year old male, 5'8" and straddling the line between being clinically overweight and obese at around 190 pounds. I have extreme anxiety and bipolar disorder. The depression of the bipolar disorder causes me to be extremely inactive. My cholesterol is slightly elevated.

    As for the reason I'm here:

    I had a manic episode for four days. I've only ever experienced hypomania before. It did start off as hypomania for the first two days, then it got really out of control. (today, I've delved into a rather deep depression, which is typical for me following the hypomania)

    Since the full blown mania started, though, I've had problems typing. Four different things have happened:

    1)I use the complete wrong word. It's usually the same part of speech, and is similar in either sound or spelling. ex. relative vs relavent, you vs who (when I did that, I typed "you", noticed it went to change it to "who" but unwittingly wrote "you" again.)

    2)I'll blatantly misspell a word. Sometimes a wrong or omitted letter, sometimes I leave out entire syllables. I typed the word "battery" a dozen times and left the "y" off almost every time. Other times, all the letters (except the first and last) are in a completely wrong order.

    3) I use the wrong tense. When this happens, I use the present tense instead of the present participle or past tense

    4) I'll use the positive or negative when I mean the opposite. impossible vs possible, canny vs uncanny, that sort of thing.

    Also, most the time the only reason I can figure out what is wrong is by the squiggly underline. I could type "carner" instead of "corner," figrenie" when I mean "figurine." I literally just start throwing in and rearranging them until the pop-up menu gives me the right word. Even then, I still can't figure out what I did wrong, only that the new one is right.

    I wondered if this would translate to writing, and it did to some extent. I started writing famous lines and things I knew. I left out the "m" in america, wrote "you" instead of "your", and had to pause to figure out what came after the "hu" in "hundred." These errors were in 80 words. I checked it several times before I caught the "you"-"your" part. I think the slower process decreased the errors.

    I've always been bad at spelling, but this is completely something different. I'm on 300mg lamictal/day, which is an anticonvulsant, but I've admittedly been poor about taking it twice/day because I didn't really think it having an affect. I always, except in rare occasion, took at least 150mg though. I think I was wrong about its effectiveness at full strength, by the way. Even at the lower dose a seizure, particularly one with lasting damage, would be unlikely considering I've never had one before. It's not like I suddenly changed the dosage either- I've been bad about taking it for months.

    Any idea what could be going on? I thought once the mania subsided, this would get better, but it hasn't. I'm considering seeing a doctor, but in the mean time I'd like to have some idea as to what might be going on.

    I appreciate any answer, but please don't simply throw the word "dysgraphia" at me without a possible cause. I understand nobody can diagnose on here, but an educated guess would be nice.

    (I'm not sure "mental health" is the coocrt category, but I don't see a better one)

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What can you legal get away with with a hold-out tenant who is a roommate?

    My friend owns and lives in a condo and will likely have a hold-out tennent/roommate. In Wisconsin, which requires a writ from a judge, a notice of the writ, and finally an execution of the writ by a sheriff. Self help evictions, including shut-off, lock-outs, and and open-ups are illegal. However, the difference is that she actually LIVES in the house the tenant will be trespassing.

    Does the fact that she has a lease with this woman prevent her from shutting off the utilities in her home she lives in (she could turn it back on when she is home, which is seldom)? Or slightly less drastic, padlocking the refridgerater and kitchen cabinets? How about less nefarious resorts like removing couch cushions

    I'm unsure whether the the tenant specifically rents a room with use of the commons, or if she rents a share of the condo as a whole. If she doesn't rent the room specifically, could my friend clutter the tenants bedroom (as in this scenario, she has a right to be in the room) to the point where it is unusable?

    My point is I can do all these things in my house. That is her house that she lives in and she should have the same rights to do with the house I live in. In short, how does the fact that she lives in the same condo make it extremely difficult to live in by her tenant or implement self-help eviction?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How does sleep deprivation effect IQ?

    I'm bipolar II going through a terrible hypomanic phase. I've spent 6-8 hours at a time working on art projects and teaching myself physics. I haven't slept in 29 hours. This was after 6 hours the day before and 5 the day before that, and even that was restless sleep with wakings ever 10-15 minutes. I'm absolutely exhausted to the point of double and tunnel vision, mialgia, dizziness, and lightheadedness. To explain further, it just took me at least 10 seconds to come up with 3*2, and I stopped several times typing this sentence to try to remember what word was supposed to come next. For example, I stopped for at least 4 seconds try to remember the word "typing" even though I had just thought of it moments earlier.

    I was obsessed for at least 12 hours with teaching myself physics. This intrigued me to take an IQ test. I scored 110, though I don't necessarily trust the accuracy of a free online test. One poorly supported secondary source suggest IQ could be decreased by 2 points per hour of deprivation- for me 8*2 + 3*2 + 2*2 for a total of 26 points that would put me at 136. I can't believe that. Can anybody know what correlation might exist between IQ and sleep deprivation, or know of a good source that shows a specific number in either points or percent of cognitive function?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Why do lights in series not reduce brightness?

    Think of the frustration of Christmas lights wired in series. Now say the same bulbs are plugged into two different size strings. Each light has a resistance or R. Resistance in series add. A 200 bulb strand will have a resistance of 200R, while a strand of 400 has resistance of 400R.

    Watt = Volt x Amps . Volt = Amps x Ohms. Thus, double the ohms, half the amps. Half the amps, half the power. Half the power over twice as many lights, quarter each bulb's brightness. However, the exact same bulbs in different length strings are always the exact same brightness. What gives?

    4 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • What are voltage, resistance, and current?

    I have some college chemistry background. I've worked with electrical equations without really knowing what they mean

    Get this out of the way- Volts = amps * ohms. I know this. It doesn't help because I don't know what any of these MEAN.

    Let's start with a battery. A battery works by transferring electrons from one atom or molecule to another. The difference between ionization energy and electron affinity the two results in a reduction of energy in the system. This energy is transferred to an outside source.

    The energy transferred elsewhere, say to lift an object. The only thing missing from this scenario is the time it takes to lift the object. Therefor, voltage, resistant, and currant together must regulate this speed, and thus determine the wattage of the system (or the number of joules transferred each second)

    The are only two thing I see relevant to the speed of moving electrons from one molecule to the next, i.e. the speed that energy is released from the battery.

    The first is the magnitude of the difference in energy of the reactants and products. The difference in energy itself gives the energy of the reaction, but the magnitude of such effects how quickly the reaction takes place; how quickly the electrons will transfer. I imagine this either current or voltage, but how does this magnitude translate to either?

    The second is the magnitude of the difference between the change of energy of the reaction and the change of energy of the object being worked upon. The more energy required to be transferred, the lower the gradient and thus slower the chemical reaction will be allowed to take place. This seems like resistance, but how does this magnitude translate to such?

    Holy crap, I think I answered my own question. If the first is voltage, the second is resistance, then voltage/resistance = actual speed of electrons. If the speed of electrons is current, then I've figured this out. I've spent well over an hour trying to express this, so I'd still like you to either confirm or correct me.

    Further, somehow these magnitudes; that of the chemicals and that of the battery to the object must be able to be expressed in terms of volts and ohms. What sort of formula would get me from one here to there?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Where can I find high resolution photos?

    I'm looking for extremely high resolution photos of President Kennedy giving his inaugural speech, Vietnam protests, as well as some more recent protest and politcal images. I want to do a fairly large print collage (this is for an artwork, not a school project or something) at least 16" x 20", but preferably as high as 24" x 30" I'm really looking for images at least 8 megapixels, or around 2800 x 2800. Ideally, I'd be looking at 12+ megapixel images.

    I realize that with some of the older images I want, this sort of resolution may not exist, or if it does, may be overkill compared to the original quality of the images. Regardless, does anybody know where I can find such things? I only find images in the 1.5 to 2 megapixel range on Google images. I'd be willing to pay small amounts (under $2.00/image. Maybe $4.00 if it's a particularly important to my goal) to download them.

    3 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • Did they stop making Primo Beverage Mix?

    I was looking at buying a Primo Beverage Maker. However, I couldn't find where I would end up buying the mixes. The list them online, but they're all unavailable. I can't find them mentioned anywhere else. Do they still make them?

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • Tipping the proprietor NOT in a restaurant?

    My fiance tells me that in restaurants, traditionally, a tip is not expected if you are weighted on by the owner. She suggests that this may hold true for some things for our wedding. The woman who will bake/deliver our cake is the owner of her establishment. The DJ also owns his business. While I've been told you traditionally tip these people, usually they're not self-employed. The budget is getting a little tight and every dollar matters right now. Am I expected to tip these people?

    5 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • What is this part for a 2000 Ford Focus SE sohc?

    There is a hose that comes off the top right of the engine. It runs back behind... well, I don't know what things are called. Behind the throttle, I guess. There are three numbers on it: YS4E-6758-AH m536f and >pa6< I can't find any of them on the internet. There was a big air leak coming out of the small rubber part on the end, which is what I need to find. Here are pictures. whole hose, end circled hose on engine close up of hose where hose connects behind engine broken end of hose

    If you can tell me what it is, and perhaps point me to where I can order a new one, I would greatly appreciate it.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Where did I screw up the problem?

    I hope you can see this.

    the problem is 2.5 = 15 cos(x) / sqrt( 7 + 9 cos^2 (x))

    I squared both sides. Multipled, subtracted accordingly. Now needing to sqrt a negative number. The answer is supposed to be 58 degree.

    Here is my work:

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • cot(x) + sqrt(3) = csc(x)?

    cot(x) + sqrt(3) = csc(x)

    It doesn't take long with a little knowledge of the unit square to figure out the answer is 2pi/3. But, I really don't think that's how the people who wrote the text book want me to solve it (this isn't homework, I'm brushing up in hopes of someday returning to school)

    How should I solve this? I got as far as cos(x) + sqrt(3)*sin(x) = 1... can't figure it out from there, if indeed that is the direction I should be going. Any help?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Where do trig functions come from?

    Yes, I know what they are, but how are they calculated? There is some sort of formula somewhere, though I can't seem to find one, that expresses, say, y=sin(x) without using any trig functions. I've been told that before calculators, they used to have to use huge tables to figure them out. But somebody made those tables with some sort of formula, and somebody put a formula into my calculator that does it.

    Lets use sine. Without using sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, show me how to (or point me to someplace that can) determine, given an angle in a right triangle, the quotient of the length of the line segment opposite the angle in question over the length of the hypotenuse, i.e. given angle x, what is opposite/adjacent.

    If it were to require using, say, cos to determine sin, you'd better show me how to calculate cos and then prove the relationship between the two.

    I imagine once you can do sin, cos is easy. But bonus points if you can show tan.

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How much wine 120 people drink?

    We're having about 120 guests for our wedding. My parents are paying for the beer, but my fiance insists on having free wine, too, so we're on our own for that. I'm trying to type up a budget and I this is a big part of it. I have about 120 - 130 guests. Our guest list is probably split into thirds evenly of ages 25-35, 35-45, and over 45. There are only a small handful of children. How many bottles do you think we'll go through? As I said, there will be beer, too, probably Fat Tire and Miller Lite, and a cash bar for liquor, so take that into account. Oh- and this is Wisconsin, we have a bit of a drinking culture here.

    4 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Is it okay to use a 6.3 amp cable on my computer that came with a 3.42 amp cable?

    The power cable for my laptop broke. It was a 19v 3.42a. I have an old 19v 6.3a cable laying around. It seems to work, but will damage my computer or anything like that?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • I have a power problem in my Asus Laptop?

    I have an Asus k52f laptop. Last night it started switching from AC to battery and back again until the AC wouldn't work at all. I've tried different power cables and, of course, different outlets. I've ripped it apart and the power jack seems to be completely intact.

    The only thing I can think of is that there is a little CR 2032 battery near the jack. If this died, this might explain it. I thought batteries like this lasted longer than a couple years (like the ones in our 25 year old Nintendo cartridges that still work) I don't really want to put everything back together to test whether or not this is the problem unless there is a high likelihood of it actually being the problem.

    Would it be this battery? Maybe something else? What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago