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  • what should i get him?

    My boyfriend and I are going to be celebrating our 8 month anniversary in a few days and I don't know what to get him. I really want to get him something meaningful because we didn't really celebrate our other anniversaries. One idea that I had was to get him a nice keychain and engrave something on it, but I don't know what to engrave. Also, is that too cheesy? He's a really nice guy so I know that whatever I get him he's gonna love, but I just want to make sure its the perfect gift. What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How do I fix the microphone on my laptop?

    I have a notebook style laptop with windows 7 and yesterday I noticed that the microphone stopped working. I was talking on skype and the person on the other side couldn't hear a word I was saying. Both the webcam and the microphone are built into the laptop. The webcam works though so I have no clue why the microphone doesn't. This is the first time that this has happened, and I talk on skype on a regular basis. I tried everything to fix it, I went to control panel to make sure that it wasn't on mute and then I tried recording myself to make sure that the problem wasn't with skype and none of those worked. I am at a it just broken or is there something I can do to fix it?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What is the best version of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey?

    I just recently finished reading the book and I would love to see the movie. However, there are several versions that are available and I really don't know which one to get. Does anyone have a favorite, or one that they think is better done than all the others. The things that I consider important are accuracy and good acting.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • can birth control make you miss your period?

    I've been taking Aviane for two months now. Last month I got my period on time (28 days)...but this month it seems to be late. I was supposed to get it today (oct 25). I haven't been sexually active since right after my last period (it was around 2nd or 3rd of october) and before that we always took it out before he ejaculated....except for last time. I'm just a little worried...cuz my period seems to be late and I feel like I should be getting it (sore breasts, bloating, etc). Can birth control make you miss your period or could I be pregnant?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Am I overreacting or is he in asshole?

    I"m going to try to make this as short as possible. I'm almost 20 and I've been dating this guy for about a month. Everything is fine, we get along great, some arguments here there, but they got fixed easily. Two days ago we got into a pretty big fight over something completely retarded. Ok...I guess you need context, we talk daily, via facebook message, text, skype, or phone call in the evenings. Just a couple messages back and forth, and then a longer talk on the phone in the evening. We're very close, we do care about each least I do. Anyways, so two days ago we talked around noon for about an hour then he said he has to go do something, which I was completely fine with...however...he didn't call or text me all day long, so about 6 hours later I called him and he pretty much said "can't talk, friends are over". This really upset me, not because I don't want him to hang out with friends, but because I was waiting all day to talk to him and then he didn't even let me know he was going to have friends over.. Im organized and I like to plan out my I sent him a facebook message telling him that upset me and that next time, if he has friends over, to let me know before hand so I know to not call him and that we won't be able to talk that evening. He doesn't respond much...just being an *** 'well, I told you as soon as they got there, blah blah blah" then calls me at midnight for 2 minutes after they left. Next day, when we're supposed to hang out, he can't hang out cuz he doesn't have money for gas...which I totally get..I wasn't upset. What pissed me off tho is that he does the exact same thing next day with his buddy, after I told him the previous day. So I call him, we have a fight over it, he tells me I'm ridiculous and that I don't give him space. Now he wants to take two days to think about "us" and if we're ok. So he goes on facebook and changes his status to single...I cant contact him until monday night, after he has had time to think. he wasn't even willing to see my side, he kept telling me I'm too attached and too emotional and that I need to give him space. I gave him space, I just wanted to know when he's gonna hang out with friends so that i know that he needs his space in that time...

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can anyone speak/read mandarin chinese?

    and if you do, can you translate this for me?


    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • why is my period always late?

    I know that your period is supposed to come every 28 days, however my period always seems to be slightly late. In the sense that, it will come on the 16th one month, 17th the next, 16 the next, and so on, always a day or two off the previous month. So essentially, my period comes every 30 days instead of 28 days, is that normal? I have been sexually active for the past 2 years...I'm not sure whether that has any effect on it. Before I was sexually active I didn't really keep track of my period so I don't know for sure if it's been this way all along. Is this normal, or is something wrong with me?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How long should a blood clot last after and extraction?

    I had an extraction two days ago and have had a blood clot there since then. I know that if it gets dislodged I could get a dry socket, which I heard is very painful. However, the clot seems to have gotten a bit smaller since the first day (not substantially, but I can tell its not the same size). Should that concern me? I know that there isn't a specific time frame, everyone's body works differently but I'm sure there's a minimum amount of days before it should come off. How long should it be there for? Also, what happens to it when your body doesn't need it anymore, does fall off or is it dissolved by the body?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    My ex and I have been broken up for about 8 months and I have had a boyfriend for the past 4. The problem is that I am still not over my ex. Its not that i love him still, the reason I broke up with him was because I didn't love him, and we weren't happy. And i care very much about my current boyfriend. However, i can't stop obsessing over him. My ex got a new gf about a week after we broke up and now they're married. (she's 19, btw). I keep going on their facebooks and stuff. I just don't understand why I cant' just stop thinking about him all the time. My other issue is that I keep comparing my ex with my current bf. My ex was super controlling and jealous while my new bf is the complete opposite. He trusts me and gives me all the space I need. He's everything i want in a guy. But all the time I keep comparing them. Every time my bf does something I always think how my ex would have done that differently. For example, my ex used to get mad at me if I missed a call from him, my new bf doesn't mind at all, and he's every understanding. However, if I miss a call from him after i say sorry and he says "its ok", i always think how my ex would have yelled at me instead of saying its ok. Why can't I stop comparing them and stop obsessing over him?? What's wrong with me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to get a guy candy?

    So, I bought my boyfriend a cute gift for valentine's but I wanted to add some candy as well. I know guys give girls candy all the time, but is it ok if a girl get a guy candy as well?? I know this is a lame question, but I really like this guy and and I don't want to look stupid.

    6 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago
  • I have a question, please help me..?

    Ok, I'll try to make this as short at possible. I am a freshman at a community college and there is this one guy in one my classes, let's call him Jake. I've been in this class with him for a couple of months now and ever since the beginning I've noticed him looking at me and smiling at me. Lately, the past few weeks, he's been talking to me all the time and he even moved closer to where I sit. He is really good friends with this one girl in the class, let's call her Jane, but I know he doesn't like her, because he doesn't act like it at all, plus she has a bf. anyways, well, lately she's been asking me to sit next to her and talking to me and stuff. which I don't mind, cuz she's really cool. For the past couple of days, he's started to invite me to sit with him and Jane before class and they always walk with me after class is done. Today, he complimented me and after class, I was shivering and he rubbed my arm and said "awww, ur cold" My question is, does he like me?? or is he just playing with me? also, do u think Jane asked me to sit next to her simply cuz she wants to be friends or because she know he likes me so she's trying to figure out if I like him back?? I am so confused. I've dated before, but no guy has showed so much interest in me ever and I like him a lot, so I don't know if I'm reading the signs all wrong cuz I like him so much.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do I say to him?

    I'm in college and the semester is almost over. Ever since I began this one class, I've had a crush on this one guy but every time I try and talk to him I completely blank out and don't know what to say. I can talk to everyone else in the class, and I'm friends with everyone else,but when it comes to him, I just don't know what to say to him. Idk if he's shy or what, he doesn't talk to anyone, even if I get the courage to go up to him, idk what to say to him. I tried to find him on facebook but I don't know his last name. The semester is ending and so the class is almost over and I need to talk to him soon, what do i do?? what do I say to him? advice?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I keep losing weight, how do I gain it back?

    I know this is an usual question of a girl to ask,but I'm serious. I'm 5'6" and I weight 105lbs. my mom keeps telling me my pants look like they are falling off. Idk why I'm losing so much weight, I used to weight 115 lbs, and I was skinny before but now I'm way to skinny, none of my clothes fit me anymore. I eat regular meals every day, expect I don't ever have breakfast, could that be the issue?? what do I eat to gain my weight back, I want to get to about 120 or so.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do guys like it when girls play hard to get?

    So, I'll make this as short as possible.There is this guy that I like, and I'm pretty sure he likes me back. I mean, he's always looking at me during class and talks to me constantly, flirts all the time. I like him too but I don't want to seem too easy. Do guys like it when girls play hard to get? or do they prefer if girls act as if they're interested???

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to vomit during your period?

    I am 19, and ever since I've had my period I've experienced pain on the first day , but every since I have become sexually active, which is two years ago, my pain has become a lot more severe, only lasts the first day tho, but it's really bad and I can't even go anywhere. Also, for the past three months I have also been vomiting. Is that normal? Usually when I vomit, it's also when the pain is the worst. I'm guessing that the contraction of the muscles in my lower abdomen are making me throw up. do u think that the fact that I've become sexually active has made me get worst cramps??

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When do most burglaries occur?

    I'm not asking so that I know when to rob you. I am simply concerned and curious. Many people say that they happen during the day when no one is home. Is that true? Or do they mostly happen at night when everyone is asleep?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I'm in college and I still don't know how to deal with this..?

    Ok, so first off...I'm not some 16 year old girl with a stupid crush. But there is this guy in one of my classes at school and I think he is very attractive. I want to get to know him, maybe get him to like me back but I don't know how to break the ice. I mean, I've never talked to the guy, I've sat close to him in class, but not close enough to strike up a conversation. I'm just so nervous and I don't want to seem desperate. How do I talk to him? and what do I say??? I'm sure he's noticed that I exist but I can't really tell if he's interested. Or should I let him come to me? lol, so many question. please help me, and no mean answers....I really want an honest answer, like, what would u do if u were in this situation?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • So, what does he want from me?

    Ok, so, here it is. There's this one guy that I used to be somewhat friends with in high school, I mean, we were never really close or anything like that...we barely even talked. He's a senior now and and I graduated this year, so I'm in college right now. He just randomly sent me message on facebook, asked me how I was doing, how life was going for me, if I had a boyfriend, complimented me told I'm gorgeous and amazing and stuff like that. It's just weird for someone that I barely was ever friends with to start talking to me like that. Is he interested in me or is he just curious to see how I'm doing? Also, he wants to hang out sometime. And he's pretty good friends with one of my ex's but I'm sure it's not a scheme or anything cuz that was 2 years ago and me and my ex aren't on bad terms or anything.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I don't know what to do..?

    So, I like this guy that I met a few weeks ago. I gave him my number and we talked on a phone quite a few times and we even went on a date last friday. Last time he called was on Monday and he hasn't called since then. I don't know whether he's waiting for me to call. I mean, should I call??? I don't want to seem desperate or anything. I mean, I'm not, I just think he's a cool guy and I don't want to screw this up or anything. So, should I wait for him to call me or should I call him? Will he think I'm desperate if I do or will he think that's cute?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with him?

    Me and my ex have been broken up for about a month now. We were together for a little bit over a year. When I broke up with him he tried to get my back and said how he loved me so much, sent me flowers and a teddy bear and stuff like that. While going out I always got this sense that he wasn't honest all the time (I won't go into details) and my family kept telling me how he seemed untrustworthy. Anyways, just a few days after I broke up with him he asked me to think about what I did and see if I am happier w/o him. I said ok and then we decided not to date other people in the mean time. Long story short, he met some other girl 2 days later and started flirting with her (dont' worry about how I know, but these are true facts) and so I called him and told him I was happier w/o him. and I am, I don't miss him. but after just 2 weeks she became his gf and she's saying how she thanks god for him and all this stuff. so, my question is. is he just doing the rebound thing? or did he cheat on me while we were together and never was honest with me?? did he lie about loving me??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago