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  • 4 year old behaviour and tantrums, is this normal?

    my son just turned 4 (yesterday) and for the past few weeks has been having major tantums over just about everything, we let him play super mario sometimes and lately has thrown the controller and had a tantrum everytime we ask him to turn it off, we always give warnings that its almost time, and that used to help but lately, any time he doesnt get what he wants he has a complete meltdown. is this normal behaviour? what can we try, to help prevent it, and teach him that behaving like this isnt the way to get what he wants?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • how to discipline my 3 yr old?

    I'm running out of ways to get my 3 yr old to listen/ follow directions and behave. hes a very loving sweet boy for the most part but, if he starts doing something he shouldnt be, he will totally tune me out i find myself having to raise my voice just to get him to acknowledge me. this is only when he's getting into trouble. i repeat the same things day after day, often multiple times a day, how can i get him to actually hear me instead of just agreeing with me, and to remember the rules, also when i do have to discipline him, he will either throw a temper tantrum, or laugh at me about it. after the temper tantrum i go to talk to him and he is back to being the sweet, reasonable child that he is. also he just became a big brother last week, but this behaviour has been happening on and off since just before his birthday in may

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • my 3 yr old is not eating?

    my son has just turned 3, and always been a picky/small eater, but lately hes getting to the point where he will actually ask for something, swear he wants it and not eat it, hes a thin boy, always has been, and we are also wasting tons of food, i try to naturally am ke things i know he likes then he tells me its disgusting and doesnt like it, at home, we are at the point where if he doesnt eat his meal he can have healthier snacks like fruit or granola bars but no treats, but my in laws babysit him regularly while we both work and do not exactly follow those guidlines anything i can do to get him to eat its like he has no appetite

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • how to increase my sex drive while pregnant?

    so, i'm 22 weeks pregnant with number 2, and i have practically no sex drive, was the same way with my first pregnancy. no real desire for sex but when i do have sex and am actually able to relax and enjoy it, its great..with my desire for it being almost non existent, its starting to bother, not only my husband, but me, i miss it, and wanting it. does anyone have any suggestions for helping to increase my drive, also im bigger this time than i was my first pregnancy and am having trouble finding comfortable positions any ideas?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • what could be causing my toddlers diarreah?

    my son is 2.5 and for the better part of the past couple weeks has had very watery, or loose poos, not usually any more often than he normally owuld, normally one or two a day, but diarreah, he has been showing no other signs of being sick though when it first started he had cold symptoms and a short burst of a fever. he is acting fine and eating about as well as he normally does, which isnt always very well, but it hasnt changed, nothing in his diet has changed and he doesnt drink alot of juice most times but loves his chocolate milk,

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • i need potty training help?

    my son is 2.5 and does great using the potty/toilet on his own, with very few accidents, as long as he is naked from the waist down, underwear, pullups, just pants, etc, he will pee in, im hoping for some advice as to how to get him to go with clothes on, since he does go to daycare,and he cant be naked there, and we would like to be completely done with diapers

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • help with my 2 yr olds sleep problems?

    hi, my son is 2, turned 2 in may and has been having problems sleeping for what seems like forever including night terrors or at least thats what it sounds like after reading up on night terrors, its almost every night but will occasiionally stop for a few weeks and we get peaceful sleep.. nothing special seems to trigger it, but for the past 6 months hes been going to bed later than he used to due to my wwork schedule, but the night terrors started well before then, i am not able to put him to bed any earlier on days that i work and we are unable to let him sleep later in the mornings that i work,

    we need help, lately he has been pointing at a spot on his wall and sometimes says "wall" he is a late taler and is not yet vocal enough to be able to tell me if he is haing bad dreams or what is going on at all sometimes he just wakes up and seems afraid or wakes up and wants to be awake

    other nights he is totally unconsolable for a period of time he doesnt want his pacifier or blanket with throw anything in reach kick scream cry throw himself on the floor and roll around kicking and screaming, we usually ending up bringing him downstairs and offering a drink which he will reuse or throw then we will put on hiss favorite show which after a couple minutes he will start watching it and calm down then he will down his drink, usually after this we can put him back in bed but sometimes he still wont go to sleep.

    we moved at t he beginnign of june when hed had a good couple of weeks and he was ok the first couple nights here then it started again

    also a few days after we moved, he starrted fighting nap time and bed time which he used to be really good for he used to go in to his bed and fall asleep within a few minutes,,

    i dont know what to do about this anymore

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • need some help with my 2 year old?

    my son just turned 2 last month, and recently his behaviour is changing.

    he has been in daycare for about 6 months now and has always lovedgoing, so much that he would often run off andstart playing as soon as he arrived..but lately, paast week or 2, he wont let go of me aand cries,

    bed and nap times had been going smoothly for a long time but now he is fighting sleep time, screaming and crying

    he always liked his baths butfor the past couple weeks hes been afraid..though he actually went in wwwillingly last night

    now we did recently move, just under 2 weeks ago, but the fear or bath started just before we moved, and the first couple nights in the new house he slept great, it startedthe 3rd day, i even have his bedroom arranged the same as it was before, and he is still at his old daycare so i dont understand the change, if it matters he is cutting more teeth, but he has never behaved like this while teething

    i am sure thiswill all pass eventually, but need help ondealing with it now

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • 2 yr old with weird mark on leg?

    a few days ago i noticed 2 round bumps on my sons shin, close together, figured it was a sort of bug bite and didnt think much of it, when i got home from work last night i noticed that a small area around it, about the size of a nickel was red, this morning, the redness seems to have faded some but now it kind of looks like theres a nickel sized outline around it and the original 2 bumps appear to be going down, i cant get him to the doctor until friday, so im asking for input of what it could be, it looks familiar, like something i saw years back,but dont know what it is

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • my 2 year old hurt his tooth?

    last night my son was running to take his bath, tripped over his feet and fell face first, he cried hard for a few minutes and at first i thought the only injury was the cut inside his lip, not a big one, just enough to bleed a bit, i figured i wouldnt fuss with it too much, because it hurt, this morning i noticed one of his top front teeth is now crooked, it doesnt feel loose or anything just crooked,

    wondering what i should do, if it will re set itself or if i need to take him for his first dentist visit, i live in ontario canada and dont have dental coverage through work yet, and too high income to qualify for low income dental assistance, but i will pay out of pocket if need be,

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • how can i be sure to not bring bugs with me when i move?

    my old idiot neighbours gave us bed bugs, we live in a duplex..we have been suffering with them as the landlords pest control guy cant do his job far as i can tell they are in my husband and i's room, not in my sons room and may be in livingroom furniture but not sure, we are moving in just over a month, for many reasons..we are NOT bringing our bed when we move, we are actually thinking of getting rid of it now and sleeping on an air mattress until we narrow down if they are anywhere else in our house since we have only noticed the problem in our room,.if necessary (maybe even if it isnt) we will also be replacing our couches, and making sure we thoroughly wash and dry EVERY piece of clothing, bedding etc in the house and bagging it and only keeping the stuff we actually use on hand in this house, but the bug issue is driving me insane i swear and i want to know if there is anything else i can do to ensure we dont bring them with us when we move without throwing out everything we own, as we have a young child and cant afford to replace everything, is there anything else besides the bed and couches that should be replaced? would checking everything thoroughly as i pack it make a difference?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • can i get away with not giving 60 days notice?

    i live in ontario, i know 60 days notice is required, but we want to move. we were going to give notice at the beginning of march, but had absolutely zero leads on suitable houses, and i hate the idea of having to give notice when i have no idea where i am going, im sure im not alone in that. i want to give notice now, but i want to move at the end of april preferably, i would rather not stay in this house any longer than that.

    i know i would not be giving 60 days, as is my responsibility, but i want to know if any maintenance issues or anything could give me some leverage to not give proper notice, or if i could get away with it without penalty,

    we deal with a property management company, not a single landlord, a few months after we moved in, were taken over by a different property management company as the other was not very local, somme of our problems were discussed with both companies, some only with the new one


    basement leaks, was promised basic waterproofing material, never happened

    electrical problem, something has to be plugged into one particular broken socket in order for the lights in the house to function properly, emailed about this, never even got a response

    email is the best way to reach them as they never answer the phone

    only 3 windows in the house open, they are original to the house and are either seized or locked and the lock is broken, was promised by old property management they would fix, they didnt

    persistent pest problem, cause by previous upper apartment neighbours (this is a duplex) they have gotten pest control here but it has failed to fix the problem,

    found mold on the wall in the closet, who knows how much more is in the walls, was given mold killing spray for the spot,

    dryer (provided with house) squeaks horribly like crazy, repairman told landlord to get me a new one, they didnt

    oh, and my bathroom is so off level that my tub has a noticeable shallow end

    anyways, does anybody think i should just give 30 days and get the hell outta here?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • weird twitching in belly/rib area?

    for the past couple of weeks i have been experiencing a twitch or spasm, usually on the right side either around belly button level, or the bottom of my rib cage it almost feels like when i was pregnant like the baby kicking but i am not pregnant, yes i am sure of this, i have gotten regular periods and just got a pregnancy test to be sure, im curious if its normal or something i should worry about, it doesnt hurt just annoying

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • toddler wont sleep at night?

    my son is now 20 months old and has had sleeping issues since he was about 7 months, before that he slept through the night fine.

    we have a great bedtime routine an 8:00 bedtime (earlier if hes sick or extra sleepy)

    he generally falls asleep fine with his blankie and pacifier

    he wakes up multiple times a night,

    he started day care at the beginning of december, and surprisingly started sleeping through the night, for a couple of weeks then he stopped again, started by waking 1-2 times, often before my hubby and i went to bed the he would sleep the rest of the night

    now he's back to waking before we go to bed, after we go to bed any anytime through the night, i think last night he woke up 4-5 times before midnight and then still about 2 ore times after that, the latest being i think around 3 am (not sure, hubby got up with him)

    now sometimes he just wants his pacifier back, but other times he wants to scream bloody murder until my hubby and i both have headaches, he does get night terrors from time to time,

    i dont know what else to do, we've tried crying it out, weve tried dealing with every little issue it could be nothing works or it works for a night or two, if we're lucky, and then after his nights of screaming, we have to wake him up in the morning so we can go to work and he can go to daycare, and hes in a bad mood because he was waken up and didnt sleep well

    we need answer and help to get my son to sleep better

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • how to get my toddler to talk?

    my son is 20 months old and still has only like a 2 word vocabulary he understands well and can follow directions, he communicates decently without words but will not, or can not talk, he babbles constantly, i don't know if it matters but his dad was a late talker as well, at least partly because his older sister spoke for him, but my son is an only child. i talk to him i read to him mulitple times a day he loves books i try to get him to practice words, but to a 20 month old thats no fun, i try to make him ask or tell me what he wants but he just gets frustrated, and he is in daycare 3 times a week, i thought that being around other kids would help, but it hasnt yet, hes been there for almost 2 months so i guess its still early, they ar concernd about it too though and want a resource teacher to try to help him, which i'm for i just want to know if there is anything else i can do to hlp his progress

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • 19 month old hitting my hubby and i?

    my 19 month old son hits us out of frustration, and i need to nip this behaviour as far as i know he doesnt hit anyone else, but its really frustrating, it usually happens if we are holding him, obviously because its easier for him, and so far we will either put him down and let him throw a temper tantrum on the floor, or grab both of his hands and tell him no hitting, generally we start by grabbing hi hands and saying no hitting and then if he continues we tell him we're putting him down because hitting hurts or whatever along those lines, he doesnt talk yet but understand well, any other solutions to fix this problem

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • 19 month old with a cough?

    my son (and the rest of us) got a cold a couple weeks ago, all of his symptoms went away except for the lingering cough, it was tarting to sound better then the other day it started sounding worse, but he also got a runny nose again, so, it's likely just another cold (he recently started daycare so i kind of expect it) but i dont really like him coughing so much, its not really coughing fits, he coughs a couple times and then a couple minutes later coughs a couple times again, but last night he woke up like he does often, and was coughing for a few minutes, though as soon as i gave him a drink he was ok again, it mostly sounds dry, not really barky though if hes coughing quite a bit he may bark once or twice..i just want some opinions, i had to send him to daycare this morning even though im off work for the day, because i have interviews for a better job, but im going to see if his doctor can squeeze him in this afternoon at all, if not we will have to wait til monday or tuesday, should i be worried?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago