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  • Would you please comment on this poem by Edward Lear ("Spots of Greece").?


    by Edward Lear

    Papa once went to Greece,

    And there I understand

    He saw no end of lovely spots

    About that lovely land.

    He talks about these spots of Greece

    To both Mama and me

    Yet spots of Greece upon my dress

    They can't abear to see!

    I cannot make it out at all—

    If ever on my Frock

    They see the smallest Spot of Greece

    It gives them quite a shock!

    Henceforth, therefore—to please them both

    These spots of Greece no more

    Shall be upon my frock at all—

    Nor on my Pinafore.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Would you please read my rhyming excuse for my absence?

    Working so hard, I haven’t had time

    to speak to my friends, that is a crime

    hope all is well

    soon I will tell

    you of my endeavors in prose or in rhyme.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please comment on an unspoken thought to a friend?


    by Oldcomer

    I cannot remember her face

    lying cold and gray,

    when I close my eyes

    I see you, I see you,

    and could not bear

    to see you close your eyes

    when your time is done.

    9 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please comment on a rhyme I wrote?


    by Oldcomer

    A broken house hides in the woods,

    its shingles torn and ragged

    surrounded by a picket fence

    its old wood worn and jagged.

    It's here I hide when life’s not good,

    beneath the oak still standing,

    Nature shelters me once more

    and nothing she’s demanding.

    Once underneath the oak I’ve stood,

    inhaling ancient times,

    I can go back to where I live

    and write some silly rhymes.

    12 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Did you write poetry when you were 10?

    Did you write poetry when you were 10?

    This morning as the sun arose

    I banged the window with my nose

    My mother yelled and I suppose

    I should have stayed in bed.

    10 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Will you please read, and perhaps c/c my poetic response to Caz?

    SCATTER MY ASHES (a response to Caz)

    Scatter my ashes

    among the trees

    and the tall grasses

    of the forest.

    I will not be

    food for worms,

    but for the plants

    who feed the air.

    Scatter my ashes

    so I may live on

    in the heart

    of Mother Earth.

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please offer critique for my edited Villanelle?

    I wrote it in haste yesterday.


    The jungle is the place where I reside,

    Among tall grasses where I hunt and learn

    To catch my prey wheverer they may hide.

    I creep upwind then move off to the side,

    Make not a sound as in the grass I burn;

    The jungle is the place where I reside.

    I pounce upon my prey with mighty strides,

    My tail a balance as I twist and turn,

    To catch my prey wherever they may hide.

    When screeching vultures fly down to my side

    I gaze upon them feeling no concern;

    The jungle is the place where I reside.

    And when I have my fill I then decide

    To let them feed for soon I will return

    To catch my prey wherever they may hide.

    My instincts and my talents are my guides

    To sate my growling hunger as it churns;

    The jungle is the place where I reside,

    To catch my prey wherever they may hide.

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please c/c my Villanelle?


    The jungle is the place where I reside,

    Among tall grasses where I hunt and learn

    My prey to catch wherever they may hide.

    I creep upwind then move off to the side,

    No noise I make as in the grass I burn;

    The jungle is the place where I reside.

    I pounce upon my prey with mighty strides,

    My tail as balance as I twist and turn,

    My prey to catch wherever they may hide.

    When screeching vultures fly down to my side

    I gaze upon them feeling no concern;

    The jungle is the place where I reside.

    And when I have my fill then I decide

    To let them feed for soon I will return

    My prey to catch wherever they may hide.

    My instincts and my talents are my guides,

    My belly growls with hunger as it churns,

    The jungle is the place where I reside,

    My prey to catch wherever they may hide.

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please comment on my Ode to Grecian Glory?

    Then, I believe I'll take a break from YAP for a while.

    Ode To Grecian Glory

    Once...twice...three times deletion,

    A world made of toxic secretion, wish I were Grecian,

    To write in glorious words. all the masses,

    Poets and people of all the classes

    They ...would... bow down, those donkeys,

    At vocab they had never heard.

    The Roman said, “It’s all Greek to me,”

    How is it possible they did not see

    That... all... those who cannot be

    Greek are naught but curds.

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • What do points in poetry mean?

    During my road trip

    YAP I often skipped

    and the troll

    was on a roll

    90 negative points

    Does he think I care

    does a real poet dare

    to wipe out the words

    before they're heard

    by good-hearted colleagues?

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Will you please comment on my edited thingy about Home?

    Funky Monkey suggested an edit and Cassie suggested a challenge. Anyone up for it?

    HOME (edited)

    Home is where in my favorite chair

    waits for me when I’ve time to spare,

    where on our stove our special meal

    simmers with slow smells revealed,

    where friends and family gather round

    and laughter is a frequent sound,

    where our son, who’s almost grown

    (and who will soon leave you alone)

    makes piles of laundry on the floor,

    mows the lawn and slams the door,

    still throws a ball which you can’t hit

    laughs aloud as you chase after it.

    Home is where the sun will rise

    in our own familiar skies,

    and when the moon is at its peak

    my love and I in whispers speak

    in the dark, no need for sight

    until the early morning’s light.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please comment on my concept of what "Home" is?


    Home is where

    favorite chair

    electric stove

    full refrigerator


    friends and family


    Home is where

    your almost-grown son

    makes piles

    of dirty laundry

    helps you mow

    the lawn

    still tosses

    a softball

    for you to foul.

    Home is where

    you know when

    the sun will rise

    and set

    where husband

    and wife

    love in private


    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please comment on my poem inspired by firebat?


    We have a song that we call “ours,”

    it is not filled with springtime flowers,

    it does not sing of Sun or Moon,

    nor does it say what’s coming soon.

    We have a song that has no words,

    only we have ever heard

    this secret version of great love;

    as we soar free below, above.

    We have a song we bonded make

    when darkness comes, till morning breaks,

    a song in wordless poetry,

    known only by my love and me.

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Will you please offer critique of my Sonnet inspired by Neonman?


    I hear the music when you write to form,

    it speaks to me in song as music flows,

    brings me ‘way back to days in college dorm

    where knowledge of our tongue’s great beauty grows.

    Nostalgic am I now my child will learn

    that poetry is neither toy nor play,

    by working hard, my son at last will earn

    a title he will bear with pride one day.

    A poet should strive to be versatile,

    as in his voice he makes a song to sing.

    he need not write in form, it is not guile

    to know the different styles a poet brings

    No matter how a poet writes his verse

    he should know when it’s better, when it’s worse.

    10 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please offer critique on my Road Trip?

    ROAD TRIP 060212

    Mountains rise unto the skies

    move and shrink, breathe, divide

    mysterious the caves on either side

    shelters for first Man to hide.

    And we motes wish we could abide

    as we watch the Moon and planets ride

    but though great Nature we all have tried

    we must homeward go, we have sighed.

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please read and comment on the flight of the fledgling?

    School’s Out

    In another day or two,

    I will take a break from you,

    school is out, it’s our last chance

    to be with our son, it’s our last dance.

    Then he’ll be going off to college,

    to learn of the world, acquire knowledge,

    and when he returns, as we know he must,

    we pray that our Earth has not turned to dust.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you care to read some lines set in stanzas about me?

    Because of Beth’s apology, I am dedicating a bit of information about my life to her:

    Musings on a Saturday Morning

    I rise in the predawn

    as on every work day,

    but this is a day of rest;

    I dress, drink a cup

    of steaming coffee,

    feel no angst as

    I open my door,

    take my morning run.

    Many of my Internet friends

    live in pain;

    I do not like to tell them

    I am happy,

    content with my life,

    in love with my wife,

    proud of my son,

    happy in my work,

    healthy in my

    late middle age.

    I feel guilty, as

    they seek to discover

    who I “really” am, but

    should I give them

    my name,

    my photo,

    my history,

    they would still

    not know me.

    I apologize, but

    I am happy.

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Emotion and intellect; what are your thoughts about this quote?

    Poetry is, above all, an approach to the truth of feeling . . .. A fine poem will seize your imagination intellectually—that is, when you reach it, you will reach it intellectually too— but the way is through emotion, through what we call feeling.

    Muriel Rukeyser

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Do you agree with Heminglway or with me?

    Quotation by Hemingway:

    “The world breaks everyone; some of us grow stronger in the broken places.”

    --- Ernest Hemingway

    Never will this sad world break me,

    I'll bend until the Devil takes me;

    as the years grow long and longer

    my frail bones do not grow stronger,

    soon, in all those broken places

    I will dream of loving faces

    whispering my secret name,

    helping me to end the game.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Do you take poetic snapshots of your life?

    No exotic words in this one, either.


    Oh, to be a young man

    when the World was new,

    when Hope stood there before me

    though I had not yet met you.

    Oh, to be a big boy

    growing day by day,

    looking to the Future,

    and still with time to play.

    Oh, I’m now a grown man

    watching each day fade,

    climbing still, but wondering

    if I can make the grade.

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago