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Libralicious is BACK! I've been locked out of my account for 4 years! I never thought I'd get it back, but I did some how! I LOVE ASTROLOGY! Libra Sun Libra Venus Libra Mercury Libra North Node I'm a very friendly college girl. Feel free to say hello! It feels great to be back.

  • How do you win a noncompetitive bikini contest?

    August 14 I am competing in a noncompetitive bikini contest. I thought it would be easy but I'm realizing there's a lot of politics involved. What I mean by noncompetitive bikini contest is that there are no certified judges. The judges are an audience of drunkards voting for which girl they think is the hottest. I had every intention of spending the next six weeks working out several times a week in order to have the best looking body in the competition however, I can work out the hardest and look the best and still not win if enough of the audience things another girl should win. Basically it's a popularity contest. I'm thinking that if I campaign myself a little bit, workout and achieve the best body and utilize my sex appeal and charm on stage I have a real shot at winning. So in simple terms, how does one win a popularity contest?

    What kind of workouts could I do so that my body stand out from all the other women as the most physically fit without looking bigger or overly masculine?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • He invited me to a party, but never showed up. Why?

    This guy I ve been seeing invited me to a party and didn t show up. Me and his friends hung out, but he never made an appearance. Should I take it personally? I do like him.

    Is this a test? Are his friends checking to see if I m Girlfriend worthy? What is this sh*t? The fact that he invited me and I was there should have been motivation enough to come to the party! When I arrived I texted him and he told me which door bell to ring! I m so confused with this guys behavior.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I'm writing a college level paper on why Astrology is real, can you help me?

    I'm actually writing a speech for my public speaking class at my college. I need to cover three general aspects that authenticates Astrology. I have some general ideas of how I'm going to prove my point, but I need evidentiary support to back up my claims. Can anybody here provide me with some sources or links that support the idea that Astrology is real and it is effective regardless of whether or not you give it your attention?

    And does anybody have a rebuttal for why horoscopes are so "general" and the argument that "How can everybody under that sign be experiencing the same thing".

    I know that you can read the horoscopes of your moon signs as well, but I have no clue to to counter that argument. LOL HELP!

    2 AnswersHoroscopes6 years ago
  • What are some upbeat songs that include the word fire?

    Either in the lyrics or in the title. For example Sean Kingston Fire Burning and basically the whole song consists of burning and fire etc and it's upbeat!

    Can you think of any others? Thanks!

    8 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • What do you call a professional that helps you achieve a split?

    Lets say that you are a dancer and you want to achieve a split but, you might have a slight knee problem ( but you dont know for sure ) and you dont want to get an injury by teaching yourself. Isn't there a type of nurse or doctor called a practitioner that can help you achieve flexibility? I'm not even sure if this exists. What is this profession called? A doctor or nurse that could help you achieve a split or the flexibility that you desire. Is it someone related to like, sports physically therapist?

    If I wanted to achieve a split in a way that wont get myself injured ( AKA - trying to teach myself/ stretch myself with out guidance ) who would I speak to?

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    Im gunna keep this question simple;

    There's this guy at school that really wants to date me. He likes everything about me and he wants me to be his girlfriend. He's a great guy and he's pretty fun to be around. He's attentive and he listens and cares about my feelings. He respects me and he's a hell of alot better than my last boyfriend.


    There are two reasons what I dont wunna go out with him.

    1. Because I just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship

    2. He's fat

    So when someone doesn't like a person based on how they look it means they are shallow.

    So because I dont want to go out with him because he's fat, I'm shallow?

    I can try to accept that but, does shallow make me a bad person? I'm a bad person because I'm not physically attracted to this guy because he has a huge weight issue?

    Every time I'm with him in public I feel a sense of embarrassment.I don't like to be seen with him to much. Kinda like Danny and Sandy, he cramps my style. I can't help the way I feel and I feel that he is fat and he's not doing enough to lose weight or be healthy. Im not attracted to over weight people and I dont wunna go out with him. It's that simple.

    AM I A BAD PERSON? DO I NEED TO CHANGE? What does this whole thing say about me? :/

    13 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • What is the clinical term for someone living a double life?

    At first I thought my ex boyfriend had a chemical imbalance or some kind of borderline personality disorder but, now that I'm not romantically involved with him anymore it's become more and more clear to me that he lives a double life. Not I'm the cool sorta Peter Parker by day Spider-Man by night but in a disorder or illness sense. What's the clinical term for somebody who lives a double life?

    P.S: when he's with me he has no memory of his "other life." Even when I know everything about it.

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How long is a healthy amount of time to be hurt over an ex lover?


    Since the beginning of June to the middle September I've been in this unhealthy, on and off, emotionally abusive, panic attack triggering relationship with this guy. The break up was literally tradgic. Our break up ended in a way that you'd immagine seeing on a soap opera. lies were told, deeds were done, faces were slapped and gossip was spread. Its been a month since the whole thing went down and I find myself very sad over everything today. I think Im in disbelief that it's actually over and everything that went wrong with us ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE. Today Im waking up and smelling the coffee and it smells awful. My heart is broken and my dreams are crushed, it was TOO GOOD to be true that I could possibly have a boyfriend SO PERFECT. If there ever were such an occurence he'd have to be abusive in some way and use me, right?

    Anyway, here's the point. My mother is worried about me and this concerns me. All morning we've been debating over weither someone who gets out of a relationship should: let it go or mourn.

    So this is my mom's view:

    When someone gets out of a break up they should let it go. He doesn't want you? Get another man! Forget he ever existed. If someone remains hurt and heart broken they are going to become a murderous killer and try to get revenge and do everything in their power to make their ex boy friend's life miserable until they feel a sense of satisfaction that will never come.

    So this is my view:

    When someone gets out of a relationship they should be mourning the hurt feelings. If they feel angery then they need to stay true to how they feel and be angry. You should never try to surpress emotions you rather not face because they are too painful. It unhealthy to surpress heart break and angry and it brings harm to the body. I heard something about bottling those emotions retain chemicals in the body that are unhealthy and need to be released emotionally. By letting go too soon you're hiding and surpressing feelings of pain and that is not healthy because you are trying to speed of a process of getting balanced and bouncing back.

    I believe that as someone who's been in this crazy 3 month relationship I have the right to my be upset about it for 6 months. Of course I wouldn't be sad EVERY SINGLE DAY for six months but, by six months time he will have totally left my mind and I will have totally moved on with my life.

    NOW MY REAL QUESTION - according to psychology how long should someone be allowed to hurt over a break up? when is it no longer healthy?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Scorpions and Scorpio experts - what are some different ways to seek revenge with out getting arrested?

    According to EVERYBODY, if I use punching someone in the face as a revenge plan I'm Gunna go to jail and get arrested even though, every single day of like someone punches another persons face and nothing happens. People punch each other every day and nobody goes to prison! Siblings punch each other and nothing happens, nobody goes to jail! So if by punching this Leo guy in the face will send me to jail , how else can I get back at him? Anything creative scorpions?

    -mars heavily in Scorpio

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Advanced Dancers: what is the name of THIS technical dance move?

    What's the name of this move and what must you know how to do first before this can be achieved?

    4 AnswersDancing9 years ago
  • Is using Papaya soap bad for African American skin?

    I'm considering purchasing papaya soap for several reasons but I'm concerned about the lightening skin part. I'm African American and I love myself, I love my medium dark skin and have no intentions of using papaya soap to try to lighten. I don't have any form of self hatred in my being.

    Papaya soap evens out the skin, gets rid of acne and bumps, it makes the skin glow and it all natural. My concern is that it's going to turn me white ( silly I know ) how much lighter is it going to make my skin if I dare use it?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Can I learn this much technique in seven months?

    I'v written myself a dance technique development plan.

    This is what I want to achieve in seven months:


    -double pirouette

    -high kick

    -grand pirrouette


    Is it possible for me to achieve these technical dance goals in seven months?

    Im not totalled undancifyed. I know how to do a double pirrouette but, it's not perfected. Besides that, I haven't achieved the other techniques. Can I do it in seven months? If so, in what order should I learn and attempt them?

    I want to be a great dancer some day :)

    2 AnswersDancing9 years ago
  • Is the fact that he's pressuring me to have sex a vaild reason to break up with him?

    Genuinely I don't want to break up with my boyfriend today but, we have got to have a SERIOUS talk. He's been pressuring me have sex and he stops at nothing to get it, even low blows and guilt trips. I've had enough of it, I'm the type of girl who would stay in a sucky relationship just to be in a relationship and EVEN I have had my limit. I'm so sick and tired of him because with each passing day it becomes evident that my boyfriend may not even care about it in the slightest.

    He's wasting my time and energy but, Im not the type to break up with people over stupid reasons. If this can be fixed I will gladly stay with him! I enjoy him, the only BAD thing about our relationship is his incredible desire to have sex! It drains all of the excitement and romance and its the only problem I initially have with him! How do I get him to stop pressuring me? Or CHANGE ?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is a university village residence?

    What is it? Is it on or off campus? Is it an apartment or a dorm? Do I pay rent or do I pay the university?

  • What does it mean when a guy tells his girlfriend that he's sexually frustraited?

    and he doesn't like masturbaition?

    Can someone translate? I mean.. it's pretty obvious but, I can't help feel like I'm missing something here...

    3 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • If I'm NOT your girlfriend then can you stop asking me to touch your private parts?

    Me and my Potential boyfriend are going through something right now. I'm dealing with the: " I don't like titles " guy. My feelings are on goingly changing about this. I just read an article that explains the " I don't like titles " type of guy thoroly so believe me.. I understand but, what is it that he doesn't seem to understand?

    The point is.. we hang out all the time, we see each other every day, he's always calling me, we've met each other's family, we've gone on dates, he's been up to my apartment and I've been to his but, he doesn't like titles.. okay. Now that I have a better understanding I can sympathize and understand his perspect on this. So if we're not boyfriend and girlfriend.. why does he keep treating me like I'm his girlfriend? If he's not my boyfriend why he insist upon begging me to touch him after countless times I've said: " I'm not touching a penis that isn't commited to me " he says he's commited to me and me alone but, he doesn't like titles and he's made reservations " maybe in 2 months ". How on Earth does he expect me to touch him below the waist ( which I don't even want to do ) if we're not even a couple? I thought about it for a second: " Who has sex or does sexual favors for someone that they aren't even commited to? " then I realised alot of women do that.. but, that's not me.

    We both want different things. How do I handle this? I will respect him and his personal space and drop the title thing but, as long as we're NOT boyfriend and girlfriend.. I REFUSE to touch his penis but, he says he has needs and he's frustraited.

    What do I tell him?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this relationship over before it began?

    This is the second time a relationship has Ended before even really b eginning in my life. I hate this Ish! I'm not doing this Ish again. What's the propped way of handling a relationship that ends before It even began? It always leaves me with desire and emense disappointed. The interfearence is yet again personal problems in the others life unable to balance a relationship after having spent an amazing week together! I don't want this to end... It barely started, how do I handle this? I'm not ready for this to be over... I don't know how to feel. All I know is that it doesn't have to be this way.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with getting angry at someone and expressing it at them?

    I have an unbelievable amount of anger towards someone right now and I would like to express that .. to them. But, everybody is telling me not to and that the person is not worth it. Is there something wrong with being angry at someone and getting angry towards them?

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago