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Favorite Answers7%
  • What are manners and lack of manners?

    What are manners?

    Is it being considerate (helping)?

    Is it being polite (thank you & please)?

    People have a different view point on this....

    Who would you say it is down to, to teach manners.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Which would you say is the best power station to have and why?

    An environmental science question as i have to do a questionaire on this question:

    If they was building a POWER STATION by where you live "What Power Station would you want them to build and WHY?

    9 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Maths question on Ratio!?

    I need help understanding Ratio's!

    I have a question i need advice on how to work it out.

    The instructions on a bottle of squash read 'Dilute one part orange squash with four parts water'.

    How much water should you mix with 50ml of orange squash?

    How much squash should you mix with 100ml of water?

    All help appreciated

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Enviromental science help needed!?

    What is a food production?


    How does the food end up on shop floor?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Enviromental science help?

    What is a food production?


    How does the food end up on shop floor?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • about the food chain?

    What are the most important pollutants that affect the food chain

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • 33yr old College student needing advice about nerves?

    I am a full time college student at the fab age of 33 in which i have 4 children whom i love! I am doing a Pre-Access course at the moment i am really enjoying the whole learning process, and have realised i do have a brain at times. The problem i am having though is when i have to speak out loud in front of the class my nerves seem to kick in and get the better of me. I start to panic and stutter its really making me paranoid about the whole thing! If it wasnt for this i would be absolutely fine. How can i overcome this? I am so determined on achieving something but finding my nerves are winning too much!! AND this is putting me off the whole college life!

    PLEASE genuine answers PLEASE!

    What can i do and how can i get over this!!??

    12 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Needing advice about my 16 yr old daughter?

    I have a daughter who turned 16 2 weeks ago. She is an insulin dependent diabetic. Since she has been with her boyfriend for 3mths she has changed. I feel like i have lost her. She always seems to be in a mood about something but when ever she is around her boyfriend she is the daughter that i love and adore. She is constantly rowing with her sisters and brother. She always seems to have attitude with her family. I really like her boyfriend but i just dont like how her having a boyfriend has changed her my whole family dont understand why she has changed like this. My kids have always come first in my life and she knows this i feel the only problem i have made is by spoiling them but if i dont do that no one else is. I jsut dont understand why she has got to change just cos of being with her boyfriend. I have asked her and we always end up rowing. She has also made comments that she is going to move out of our family home! Also she refuses on going back to school but she has had a doctors letter due to her suffering with panic attacks due to school bullies. She is adament she isnt going back!

    How old does she have to be to actually leave the family home and can she leave school now! Everything i am suggesting to her i keep getting it thrown back in my face i feel i have no where to turn.

    I love her and i dont want her to move out or ruin her life. She cant look after herself with her diabetes as i have to do it all as she forgets to have her insulin and i have to keep on at her to eat and check her bloods. I know one day she will be moving out but surely she cant do this at the age of 16!!???

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Friendship is broken due to seeing her real side but we in college together what can i do?

    I have gone back to college at the grand old age of 33, after having my 4 children. I am really enjoying myself only problem i have is i went back to college with a friend. We got on really well we went out drinking together on phone to each other all the time. But since being in college i seena side to her i didnt like so i have had to distance myself from her only because i didnt want people on the course thinking i was like her. As she bullies constantly, YES she is an adult of 27. Going to college is making me feel like i am going to school. SHe has got her little group of friends in the class that constantly mess around in every lesson and talk about everyone all the time. She thinks she is the joker of the class but no one finds her funny only the group of friends she hangs round with. I have a 12yr old daughter that i know would never act the way she does. I am starting to think about quiting college though i really dont want to its not just me that feels this way there are a few others. Some have said try and ignore them and forget they are there but thats easy said than done. There is an atmosphere in every lesson i am surprised the tutors havent picked up on it. I dont want to quit but its gettin me down and think it may be best for me to start again next yr when i know she isnt going to be on the course with me. Alot of us feel we are going to school and not college! What can i do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I need advice on what to do with my 6mth old german shepherd!?

    My 6mth old german shepherd isnt very well!! He has gone off his food but i can tell he is hungry as he has taken a few snacks off me, he is also being sick and lost weight. I have another 3yr old german shepherd who is coming off her season. So i am wondering if this has anything to do with his behaviour. What can i do i am fussing him to reasure him. I am keeping the 2 of them apart as much as i can but have to be careful as i dont want my 3yr old feeling left out. I hate seeing him looking so sad!! What can i do???

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me help on what to do with m y 6mth old german shepherd baby boy?

    I have a 6mth old german shepherd who is normally very lively and very greedy!! He isnt right at all he is up to date on his injections and his worming tablets! Any idea what is wrong with him. He is drinking loads, he is hungry but i have to put it in my hand for him to take it as he wont take it out of his dish. I have got to try and make him eat. He has been like this now for 3 days he has lost alot of weight as well meaning that he was on the chubby side now he looks boney

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what is a renewable energy source?

    what is a renewable energy source?

    6 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • What are the advantages and disadvantage's of using plants to burn for energy?

    What are the advantages and disadvantage's of using plants to burn for energy?

    Also Growing plants for oil?


    Fermenting biomass!

    6 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Need some help with MATHS!?

    I have just gone back to college at the age of 33. I am so happy that i have done this as i feel i am actually learning after all these yrs!

    Problem i have is i am finding the problem sharing in maths a bit of a struggle how do i try and accomplish this. I cant tell if it needs to added, take and away, divided or multiplied. I know i have to sit and calm myself down and read the question slowly but i have tried this and it still don't work. I have had my results back from my assignment and test which was 98% for the assignment and 86% for my test. I failed on the problem sharing questions. I know how to do the basic maths but its trying to achieve the questions. ANY IDEA on how i can learn this skill!?

    Example question that i have found just to show you what i mean that i am having problems with "A family expects to pay about £156 a year on their telephone. How much would they pay per quarter?

    This is just an example question i have found to show you the sort of maths problems I am having!

    I really need to know how to do this as this is what is making me panic about maths!


    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • A few answers wanting to now about sociology?

    What the social construction of health and illness mean?

    How would you say health and illness is seen in todays socities?

    How different cultures and even individuals view health and illness?

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago
  • What would you say is meant by social construction?

    What would you say is meant by social construction?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • The cat and mouse act! Just wanting to know peoples view on this?

    About the cat and mouse act poster.

    What message would you say the poster is giving out? and Why are you giving your answer?

    3 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Need advice and a little help with first sociology homework! ANyone PLEASE?

    I am writing my first assignment in sociology. Has to be 800 to 1000 word essay. I am a little confused as i don't know how to start it off or where i can look it all up i have notes from my lesson but its not much to go on. I have to examine and explain the definitions and explanations of health and illness the relationship between health and illness, class, gender and ethnicity. Is there any one that can help me out and to give me advice on where i can get information on this.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Need help with my first assignment in sociology? ANYONE PLEASE!?

    I am writing my first assignment in sociology. Has to be 800 to 1000 word essay. I am a little confused as i don't know how to start it off or where i can look it all up i have notes from my lesson but its not much to go on. I have to examine and explain the definitions and explanations of health and illness the relationship between health and illness, class, gender and ethnicity. Is there any one that can help me out and to give me advice on where i can get information on this.

    2 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Programmes on our televisions do you think they are to blame?

    Whats your view on the programmes being shown on our televisions with todays society?

    Do you think they have anything to do with the crime!?

    Do you blame the television programmes or the people doing the crime?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago