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  • Where were you on September 11, 2001?

    I was 3 years old, I don t remember everything, but I do remember some things. Apparently I was playing outside, and my mom was also outside in our office that s at our house (dad has own business). My dad was inside the house for some reason. He called my mother to tell her to come inside and bring me in because something had happened, we went inside and we watched the news coverage, this is the part I remember. I faintly remember being confused why they flew planes into the buildings. I asked something like "why did they want to knock them down" or "did they mean to do that". I had no idea what terrorism was, I just thought they wanted to knock it down because it was old or something. After that the rest is a blur, my dad has a newspaper from September 12, 2001 that has basically been untouched for 14 years, hard to believe how fast time goes... What s your story?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I don't know what I want to go to college for?

    I know I have some time, I'll be a junior in high school, but some people already have their lives set out for them, and know exactly what they want to do. However, I'm quite unsure. Recently I found myself get very interested in how the body functions based on what foods you eat, how well you sleep, and nutrition, and stuff like that. I've been finding myself watching what I eat and looking at food labels, so maybe a nutritionist? I don't know what a major related to nutrition and fitness would be. I'm also an athlete and take pride in being in great shape and exercise

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Was the Mexico and USA better teams from 2000-2007 than now, or has CONCACAF just got better?

    I was watching some old highlights today from the 2005, 2007, and other gold cups from that era and the games looked too easy. The U.S. dealt with teams like Jamaica no problem, and the same for Mexico. Nowadays the games are a lot tighter and now Jamiaca can beat the U.S. Have these teams got worse or has CONCACAF just caught up to the CONCACAF Giants?

    7 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • Mexico vs United States (CONCACAF Playoff)?

    Is this the most important match between these two since the World Cup 2002?

    3 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • USA 1-2 Jamaica MY TOUGHTS PART TWO?

    saying how proud and focused these players are to be playing for the USA, but let's face it, if they really had the choice and were good enough, they would of chose Germany or wherever they came from over the United States. I came home from my summer soccer match hopeful I would look on the ESPN app saying a U.S. comeback, but I see "Jamaica stuns US". Also, Beckerman is garbage, main reason possession was lost. It's just so dissapointing to see this team not even be able to make it to a final of an easy region. They hype this team up so much and put in so much preparation, but it counts for nothing. Those players should leave with paper bags over their heads. Anyways, I guess now know how it feels to be you guys, who lost in 2013 in the semis. I think I'm just gonna support mamacita alex Morgan and the women's team from now on jejeje. Anyways, good luck with your game amigos

    1 AnswerMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago

    Before I start, I am not an internet troll that goes on here to piss people off, actual USMNT fan from the United States, not El Salvador or some third world country. This team is something that means a lot to me, ever since 2006 I started to watch the games, even when I was younger I would be only like 9 years old and I would have so many nerves before a big qualifier even though I was just a little kid not a player. NOW amigos, now it is time to rant on this team. First off let me start with the choice of players. Klinsmann prefers players like John brooks, chandler, all of those garbage players simply because they play in European leagues. Let me tell you, an MLS player could have done just as good as those players, and probably would play with more determination, since they were born and raised here. These players don't care as long as they get paid. You see the official Twitter and instagaff

    2 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • What are the best trainers for track and field practice?

    I already own Nike Frees, not the newest ones but the 5.0s. I was wondering what the best recommended trainer is as far as comfort and durability, also not too heavy. What are some of the best trainers out on the market today? I don't know a lot about companies like Asics, but people say their shoes are pretty good quality. So any suggestions?

    1 AnswerRunning6 years ago
  • What is a good first car under $6,000?

    I will be getting my license soon and was wondering what a good first car is. I have about 6,000 saved and was wondering what your first car was and any recommendations you guys have

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • amigos I am sorry for my outburst?

    I got a bit excited I wanted to see penales I am no USA troll like the rest of the lower class gabachos who live in trailers and hav relations with their second cousin.

    Anyways my question is that lately, on my summer team which preps you for high school season, my passes have not been real sharp. Sometimes I get the ball and make the wrong descision, like I'll be unsure of who to pass to or what to do with it. Last game I made a pass to my player when he was like 6 inches away from me which was pointless lmao and we ended up losing the ball and they scored. What can I do to break this habit, idek if it's a confidence issue or my vision. I need contacts when I play I think but idk if that's the real issue

    8 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • Never seen such a GARBAGE piece of refereeing?

    cerote ref gives troncazo peralta a penalty in the 120th minute because he enrolled into ballerina class lmao... He should of been sent off earlier. Oribe must of gave that nika some pre game dome lmao. I don't think I've been this enraged since the USA got knocked out of Olympic qualifying by the cerotes lolol. Mexico does NOT deserve to advance imo. Shake my damn head I can see it now everyone "goooool Mexico" as I type this, ohhhh mamitaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaAA

    11 AnswersOther - Sports6 years ago
  • I can never think of things to say?

    Whenever someone will be talking to me one on one, I can never think of what to say or how to contribute to a conversation. It's like my mind is blank. Other people always say the right things and the conversation moves along nicely. They always have the perfect reply. Like even if I arrive to a place or something and someone is like "hey look who's here!" I won't know how to respond to that. Like what the heck am I supposed to say to that! Does anyone else have this problem. It's usually only in one on one conversations, usually when I'm in a group I can contribute with some ease. Does anyone know why this is or if they know how to fix this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • how to be a morning person?

    I go to high school and you have to wake up early of course. It seems like a lot of people are so energetic and a lot of the times I'm tired. How can I be more energetic less tired and excited for the day? Share your routine

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Whenever the USMNT gets a win why does everyone make excuses?

    "It was a Germany C team" yeah? Who they missing? Oliver Kahn lmao? My bro OG Beckenbauer? Klose, Lahm? Those ****** retired, only Neuer, Hummels, and a few other were missing. Germany B+ in my opinion. You all try to play down the win like there were so excuses as to why Germany lost. I know how it is, you always hope that the rival team loses whenever they play and don't want to accept the fact that they're a good team as of late, probably in better form than Mexico. but they won, and it was a deserved win imp. if you watched the game the United States was clearly the better team in the second half but you all act like it was a pure musical from Jesus cristo himself jejeje. I bet if Mexico beat that Germany team you guys wouldn't acknowledge the fact that this was the "Germany C" team lmao.

    9 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • MFS: Mexico 1-2 Netherlands FT thoughts?

    was a crazy game too bad mexicos world cup had to end like that.. Wasn't a penalty?

    Predations for USA vs Belgium?

    10 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • How come when I drink water...?

    It doesn't feel like it's hydrating me, like when it goes down, it doesn't hit the spot you know

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Why do my eyes do this?

    Whenever I go out in public, like Walmart or school, my eyes always get really irratated and they get red and sting. It's pretty bad, people ask me if I'm high sometime lmao, I have eye drops but they don't seem to help at all. Any suggestions as to what might be wrong? Maybe I should take allergy medicine or something? Thanks

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Why am I scared when asking my mom to hang out with girls?

    I'm not sure why, but whenever it comes to hanging out with girls, I'm scared to ask my parents if I can. I don't know why

    3 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago