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  • If my chicken got bitten by a rattle snake, how long would it take for the chicken to die?

    I found my hen, dead on the ground outside the chicken coop. It was night and I was closing up the coop for the day and there she was. There wasn't a mark on her, but I did notice this musky, pungent odor around her. Then 6 weeks later, my dog found a 4 foot rattle snake caught in the chicken wire. The people I've told about this all said the snake would have tried to eat the chicken, after it was bitten. But I think if the chicken would have gotten bit, then she would have run away. Possibly back to the coop and then she just died right there. I shot the snake caught in the chicken wire and then I noticed that same pungent odor....That's when I wondered if my hen got bitten? So, do rattle snakes bite, catch and eat chickens? Also do they really have an odor when the snakes are trapped, like in the wire, or when it is shot?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Dangerous friend?

    My friend is a 72 yr old woman. She is a very grandmotherly well off lady. Last spring she went to New Mexico on vaca by herself and met a 50 year old man. This man has no job, no income, etc. He has fed her a line of what I think is bologna. Which she has eaten up. She has bought property for 20,000.00 which he has put a shed on and is living in. There are soooo many RED FLAGS about everything she's told me about him. She pays for everything which include the land, the shed,etc, his flights to Florida 3 times in the last 6 months to visit her. After his last visit in December, she tells me they are engaged and planning on marrying in July. She's afraid to tell her son about this. My problem is not that she can't get a 50 year old boyfriend, but that the 50 year old boyfriend may not be worthy of my 72 year old friend. The first time she told me about him, I freaked out and begged her to wait 10 days before she sent the twenty thousand to buy the property. She was crying, I was crying. I decided to just shut up and be a friend, but I can't take it anymore. On our last dinner date she was talking about being married again, and I asked if she was going to have a prenup. Her answer was no. I can't take this anymore. I think he's a crook, and I don't want to be around her any more, I don't want to see her get hurt. And she's not going to listen to reason, not that I should tell her anything!!! what should I do? Please help!

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Clingy friend?

    I have a clingy friend, and I don't want to go to dinner with her. She is smothering me with invitations to go to dinner. I have ALOT going on in my life and I've already cut down the frequency that we get together. I've explained that I only have time for dinner and no longer have time for day trips. This was very hard for her to accept. And the dinner invitations are coming with more frequency. I just don't want to spend that much time with her. She just texted me for dinner this Thursday. I just had dinner with her 3 weeks ago. I don't want to hurt her feelings, and I don't want to lie, but she makes it really hard to say NO! If I say, I've already made plans, she will keep suggesting the next available date until I accept. The truth is, I find her incredibly boring, and I would like to stop the prescheduling of dinner dates all thru the rest of this year. I really need some constructive ideas on how to just STOP. It's exhausting to ALWAYS be prescheduled with her. GAG

    6 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • what does this refer to Crisp gelding?

    Im riding this tennesseee walker for this lady......and I found this same horse listed for sale in anothr state. He was listed as a crisp gelding. What does that mean? Also is it strange that this same horse is listed for sale. When he is living at this ladies house. I know they r the same horse because he has unusual markings and they match up perfectly. This seems odd to me. That hes still listed for sale.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • How can I get the horse on the bit?

    Ive been asked to help this lady with excersising her Tennessee Walker. She needs hip replacement and just needs someone to keep him in form until she gets the surgery and recovers. I've had English lessons for a few years. I've jumped cross bars at two different barns and my total horse experience is 5 years. I don't consider myself very knowledgeable in training or skill in riding. I was just willing to help her out and get a free ride. The horse seems real nice and sweet. She has me ride him in a western saddle and a western bit. Not a snaffle bit. She wants Clipper to get on the bit and stay on the bit. My question is, how do I do this? I'm used to seesawing the snaffle in English tack, to get the horse to drop his head and engage his hind quarters. Again, I'm not real skillful in this area of riding. I've never ridden western, although it's pretty fun and I can remain balance, I think. Although all we did was walk. I was trying to get a feel for the horse and see what he was going to do. I wasn't afraid and I felt comfortable with him. But I don't know any Walking commands or really how to ride a Tennessee Walker. Does anybody have any advise on hand placement, leg placement, engaging the hind quarters...voice commands beside "walk on". Ok thanks.

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Why do I always have to ride the crappy horses and ponys?

    I need advise because I can't figure this out. Why do I always have to ride the crappy horses? And the large ponys? I've asked my horsey friends but they give conflicting answers. Some say it's because you're a good rider and they need to save the good horses for the inexperienced riders. Some say I need a good horse so I can learn bc they respond to my cues the first time. I've been riding English for the last 6 years. I rode for the first 3 years at a friends house and I had NO trouble with the horse. He was a 20 year old TB Jumper. I was 50 and this was the first time I ever rode. I learned everything on him and he was very responsive. Everything I learned I figured out on my own. My friend would coach me, but I practiced ALOT. I decided I wanted to show, but my friend wouldn't let me show her horse. I've been to 3 or 4 other barns and I always have some kind of trouble. Mainly I have trouble with nutty trainers, and crappy horses. I don't want to sound arrogant. But for the first few lessons, I get a really good horse, then for 'reasons unknown' I get the dud who doesn't want to move, or who really won't do anything you ask, except frustrate the snot out of me, making me kick him and work so hard just to get a few strides out of him and then the lesson is over. I feel like I'm a good student. I have never refused to ride a horse they gave me or even complained about it. How do figure out if I'm a good or a bad rider? I miss riding and lessons and I want to find a good barn. But what am I supposed to say when they give me the crappy horse again? It's been 4 barns, maybe it is really that I suck? Haters need not reply. What has your experience with barns and lessons and horses? How is it really supposed to be?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • How to convert 3.5 quarts flour into pounds....for antique recipies?

    I finally found my great grandmothers recipe...but it's measurement for dry weight are in quarts. ??? I spent hours on the net looking for a conversion. NOBODY IT SEEMS IS SMART ENOUGH TO CONVERT DRY MEASURMENTS.....HUMM... I remembered that I have an antique cookbook and I looked up "measures and weights". So I'm just gonna pass it on, incase anybody else runs across their antique recipies and they need a conversion. So Merry Christmas and good luck.

    4 cups sifted flour equals 1 pound

    1 quart of unsifted flour equals 1 pound

    1 pint of sugar equals 1 pound (white granulated)

    2 cups powdered sugar equal 1 pound

    This life/recepie saving info was found in The White House Cook Book published in 1929 by The Saalfield Publishing Company Akron Ohio

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Do horses mind standing out in the rain?

    I drive thru a lot of farm land where the horses are sometimes outside in the rain. Usually the hunter/jumper types have run-ins to get out of the rain. The western horses have no run-ins and are in the weather 24/7. I'm not saying these horses are abused, because I've seen them for the last 10 years, and they all seem well cared for. And I'm not judging. I'm just curious, do horses mind being out in the rain?

    9 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • HELP! My friend is boring?

    I'll try and keep this short. My friend is BORING! And a clinger. We have run out of things to talk about. Because of our age difference, my interests have changed and I no longer want to rehash previous conversations. I have limited our time together to dinner out because, our past outings never seem to end. I don't have that much free time. I can't spend dawn till midnight on an outing with her. Which is why I have decided to limit our time to dinner, because at some point they are going to close the restaurant. I have tried to explain that I have limited time, but she doesn't get it. I have resorted to lying to keep from seeing her. Which disturbes me. I feel guilty, and pressured, and suffocated. She is a lovely person. But BORING as all get out! Because she is such a great person, I feel the GUILT. Please HELP ME stop the guilt.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • My daughter won't talk to me.?

    My adult daughter won't talk to me. She is getting divorced and they have a 4 year old son. She told me she was getting divorced in January. I thought they were not getting along. She lives 4 hours away, and for the last 2 years, she doesn't want me to call on my 30 minute drive to work in the morning because I usually eat my toast, and have her on speaker phone, and for some reason she doesn't like that. She responds with smart *** comments when I text. Or she doesn't respond at all. Over the last 2 years, I only respond to her texts, and I NEVER call her, because she won't answer anyway. When we do text she lashes out at me if I ask how she's doing. I don't get it!!! I havn't gotten in her business, or needled her for information. When I thought I've been supportive, she's reamed me a new one. The last time we actually talked on the phone, she kept talking about her best friends parents and called them "MOM and DAD". I was devastated. I made a lame excuse and got off the phone. I don't understand. Whenever I've tried to clear things up, she gets extremely critical of me and yells "why do I have to keep asking her that". Well I know now that it is the divorce, but I'm NOT the one causing all the trouble, and I don't understand why I'm getting all the SH**!!! My son suggested asking her if my grandson was going to start school, and if he needed anything. I know school starts on Monday, and I know I'm like REALLY late, but the way she's been acting I just thought that anything communication from me was going to set her off again. I resisted just ordering some clothes and having them sent, because I would get SH** for picking the wrong stuff. So I texted her this morning, and she said, he starts school on Tuesday for half a day, and he doesn't need anything. Has anybody gone thur this with their kids when they've gotten divorced, any advise will help. I'm at my wits end. :(

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Can you unsour a lawn ornament horse?

    Does anybody know if you can unsour a horse that's been just hanging around being a lawn ornament and pooping for 4 years. This mare was rescued by a friend 4 years ago. She has no history on her. I am a middle intermediate English rider. I have ridden her a few times, and only got a walk out of her. Because my friend and I have a disagreement on what I should be doing to ride this horse I quit trying, since I'm not a trainer. I can ride a finished horse, but I think this mare might have just been a collection mare or otherwise not ridden, but she has some ground training. But I don't think any under saddle training. But now I am extremely courious if someone like me could have ever gotten more out of her. Or would she always just be a little sour. Do horses just kinda learn if you are trying to teach them...gently of course....just praising and urging....I've had lots of dog obedience training...I ws kind of using that on the mare...waiting for the correct response and then giving a release. Example....I squeezed my legs until she moved, then I praised her. She didn't neck reign or respond to any reign I turned her head and squeezed until she moved, then praised. I got 3 right had circles with no problem. But she resisted the left hand circle I asked for. So at a stop, I gently turned her head and squeezed. She resisted, but I insisted. I realize that she could be sore on that side or doesn't like to go in that direction, or maybe even her teeth. But I thought if I could help/push her into going left, she would learn that it was ok. Again, no beating or harsh treatment occurred. That's about as far as I got before my friend went bat **** on me for "forcing" the mare to move. HUMMM No whips, yanks, jerks, beatings, yelling, not even a hard kick were used by me. I just got off and untacked right there in the field. But I kinda feel that if someone who knew more than me about how much to "push" or "ask" of her she could be a great ride. I kinda wanted to be that person cuz I really love this mare...but seriously. Could this mare be turned around or is she just a lawn ornament. I'm reallllllly curious.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • I'm confused about what happened...?

    Here's some details...My friend begged me to come ride her barn sour mare because she got a good quarter horse and didn't have anyone to ride with. I ride English she rides western. This mare hasn't been ridden for the 4 years that she has owned it. She rescued it 4 years ago and fed it and that's about it. So I told her I can only ride English and she said she didn't care how I rode she just wanted someone to ride with. I also told her I wasn't a trainer, and I would try to see if I could ride her. So after working with the mare for a bout a week, I realized that this wasn't going to work because everytime I came out to ride....about 3 times a week...she would criticize me saying that I was being too controlling, too forceful, too much wrong attitude, and I couldn't force the mare to do what I wanted, and English ridding was too controlling over the horse, etc. But I kept trying because I really wanted to ride with her. And I really like this mare. I only asked for a walk, or a trot. I just bumped her with my leg to get her to move...I didn't use a whip or anything. When she didn't respond to my reign ques, I did turn her head, gently, and bump her to move. I thought if I could turn her and make her move she would start to understand the reign ques...But I dont' know... I could get her to walk and trot, for a few strides but no more. I could get more cooperation out of the mare on the days I went out there and my friend was at work. She has two big dogs that stay in the house, which is one problem. When my friend is there, the dogs are there, outside, right around this mare. The mare is terrified of dogs, and whenever they are there she stands stifflegged, and watches them with the whites of her eyes rolling. OK, so anyway, I've had 3 long conversations about what "I'm doing wrong with this horse". Because my friend insists that I can't do anything right with the mare otherwise she would cooperate with me. HUMMM. After my last attempt at a ride, I talked to my friend and told her that I couldn't ride any more, because after all the abuse you said this mare has suffered at the hands of people who "thought" they knew how to ride her, I can't in good conscience ride her anymore, because we both agree that I don't know what the heck I'm doing and I think it's good that I stop now, before something bad happens. I collected my tack and left and she was MAD! I was with the mare a total of 10 times. I think/thought that the mare was trying very hard to understand what I was asking. I don't think she has any foundation of riding on her. But how would I know, I'm not a trainer...I think she likes me, and I think she liked the attention and the ride. She just didn't understand what I was asking, which is why I went slow and gentle with lots of praise. I did see results. But the problem was my friend, and her dogs. I took all the blame because I wanted to keep the friendship, but now I don't think that's even a good idea. During our previous discussions on my lack of horsemanship, I knew that if I reminded her that she has done nothing with this horse for 4 year and can't seem to even get on her new quarter horse let alone catch him to get tacked up. Was not going to endear her to me and would only start a screaming fight. Which the purpose of my trying to ride in the beginning was for FUN!!! I was honest right up front...I don't understand what happened. My friend asked me for help, I explained the help I could give, she got mad and berated me for the help I was giving. I'm confused. Please help me out here....

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How do I keep the horse trotting?

    My friend invited me to start riding with her. She got a new quarter horse, and I will be riding the barn sour mare who hasn't been ridden in 4 years. I'm not being ungrateful, but to answer this you need to know that. I just need help with this. I have been riding English for 5 years, and taking lessons for a year. She rides western, and uses a hackamore, so she can't help me. The tack she had for the mare is unusable. So I got a great deal on an English saddle, bridal, bit etc. So I went over on Sat morning to "play" with the horses. My friend was working. Oh BTW I'm an adult woman, not a kid. So anyway I get the mare up to the barn, and get the halter on her, that was a neat trick. And I start grooming her. And she doesn't do anything, so I keep going and pretty soon, I've got the saddle on her and the bit in her mouth. Well now I'm like peeing in my pants, because I didn't think I was going to get that far. So I lead her out to the field and we walk around with the lead rope 3 times in both directions, and she didn't pitch a fit. So I swung the lead rope behing the stirups, and lead her around by the reigns a few times in each direction. She acted fine. So I wanted to see if I could get on. So she just stands there and I get on. Whoot! So I ask for a walk and I get it, and we walk around in both directions a few times and I figured that was enough for one day. And I turn her out. So I go back over the next day and do the same thing only this time my friend is there and she rides her QH with me, and I thought I'd ask for a trot and I only got a few strides and then she stopped. Thru every successful step I gave her lots of praise and I was very slow and gentle with her. So I know this part is wrong because she is so barn sour, but I figured if I could get her to trot for more than two strides then I could let her know that I want her to keep going. So when we rounded the corner in the field and was pointed home, I asked for a trot so she could trot down the fence line and maybe she'd figure out I want that. But it took awhile for her to get to a trot and so I still only got a few more strides. I couldn't get her to trot "away" from the gate home, at all, which I kind of figured. So we did this a few times and she trotted homeward for longer strides. But here's the question. How do I keep her trotting once I get her going. She doesn't take as much leg as some of the lesson horses I've ridden. But I don't know how hard to push her or really what is gonna make her go more. I kind of don't want to use a bat, and if I did, it wouldn't be to beat her to death, it would be just to keep her moving. Then lots of praise. I love this little mare and I've seen how far she's come from being resqued by my friend. But I'm no horse trainer. My goal is to trail ride and hopefully walk trot canter. Just for the excersise. This mare seems to like me. My friend says she likes me. I think she likes the rides and the attention. She is healthy and sound, so she can handle everything I've asked for so far. Which has only amounted to about 40 minutes total saddle time. But about 3 hours together time each time I've gone out there. I have time three times a week to spend with her, so I can be consistant. I know I can't keep trotting her toward home, I just thought I could use it to inspire her....So please help if you can. I appreciate all your suggestions. Thanks.

    ps I don't know how to lunge her and neither does my friend. I've seen it done but I'm thinking I could get in a lot of trouble that way...

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Hoof abscess in back feet? Lame or not lame?

    I'm curious to know if a horse is considered lame when he has had an abscess on his back foot that has already ruptured thru the hoof. There is a longish, maybe 2 inches, V shaped split in the middle of the top part of the hoof. It looks old and not yet grown out. It's not wide or deep enough to slip a piece of paper into. In other words there's not a gaping crack. My friends new quarter horse has this. I have only been riding for around 4 years, and taking lessons for one year, but I swear I've ridden at least 3 lesson horses with a back hoof that looked exactly like my friends situation. In one instance, the farrier was there before my lesson and I asked him about abscesses. He told me that abscess on back feet are rarely a problem . I was at my friends house admiring her new horse and I told her to get on, I wanted to see her ride. But she said he was lame from the abscess. So I didn't say anything more. Her horse didn't seem like he was favoring his back foot or leg. And she said it would have to grow out before she would ride him. I think it's gonna take six months for it to grow out. That seems like a long time not to ride your new horse who doesn't seem to be in pain. When I've ridden a few lesson horses with the same issue. But I am curious. I would never tell anybody what to do with their animal. And I would never try to ride a horse that seemed like they had pain, which is why I asked the farrier about my lesson horse's abscess. I'm just trying to understand the situation. I'm trying to learn with out being judgemental. I know abscess are very painful and are a stressfull ordeal for horse and owner. Everyone I ask gives me a different answer. So where is the middle line on this subject? Thanks for all your input.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • My Trainer said I can't have any more practice rides.?

    My trainer said I can't have any more practice rides. I can only lease and have lessons. I asked if I had done something wrong on my last practice ride. And she said "No, its just that some people don't know what practice rides are for". Because she told me this at the start of my lesson, I continued with my lesson. Which was one of the most difficult and demanding lessons she's given me. After the lesson I asked her if the pony I ride for the practice ride was ok. And she wouldn't look at me and she mumbled "he's fine" and walked off the sand ring. I'm 56 and I've been riding a friends horse for 3 years, then I decided to take lessons at a "kiddie barn" one year ago. I rode twice a week there. So I could really learn Hunter/Jumpers. I got good enough to jump at the old barn. My trainer left that barn in Feb, so I decided to change barns, and maybe try to show. This trainer at my new barn said I needed to ride at least 2 times a week to improve. I told her I couldn't afford the 300 a month lease, did she offer anything else. She said I could have practice rides for 20 a ride. But I'd have to ride the large pony. I agreed. He takes a lot of leg and is a lot of work to ride. But I figured I needed the practice. I ride a 16h TB for my lessons. I've had 10 lessons and I'm still having trouble staying out of his mouth. On all of my practice rides, I've walk, trotted and cantered. Practiced my 2 point, keeping my legs in the correct position, keeping my hands in the correct position, maintaining an even gait, I trotted over ground poles...nothing I havn't done in my lessons. And usually done in 30 to 45 minutes. All through todays lesson I got the idea that I was no longer welcome at this barn. While walking the horse out after my lesson, I overheard the trainer tell another rider " she's too hard on my animals." I don't know if she was referring to me. I don't use a crop or spurs, I only do what the trainer tells me to do when I ride. I do have trouble staying out of his mouth, but I'm not continuiously hanging in his mouth, I have trouble keeping my hands down and letting my elbows move, my seat isn't perfect and I still lean forward sometimes.. The "kiddy barn" I was at told me I was a middle intermediate rider. But now, I'm all of a sudden getting the cold shoulder treatment. I was up front about how much time and money I could spend when I first came to this barn. And we discussed showing and those costs. I told her I hoped to go to at least one show with a flat class maybe this fall or whenever she thought I was ready. I want to quit. I'm not a quitter, but I kind of feel "Fired". I have hit a learning wall that I am having trouble getting thru. I don't understand what happened. On Monday for my practice ride everything was fine and on Wed for my lesson I get the cold shoulder, and a lesson I can't possibly achieve at my level. Does anybody have any advise for me? I'd really appreciate it.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago