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  • My son is dating a girl that calls me by my first name..?

    He is dating this girl and she is not working with us much, let her stay here since she is from another state. But after a couple of months she hasn't helped out. Even after I got her a job and the prospects for another quite good one. My son is not handling it well, so I had to step up and address the issue politely and was told I was rude and selfish. I told her she was disrespectful and that my late husband (whom she knew) wouldn't of tolerated such, so she said she would leave. Good, but now every chance she gets she addresses me by my first name and we are definitely not on first named basis. My son is still not wanting to address it, I'm okay with that now, he's still hurting from his dad's recent death from cancer and it is not normal for him. Just don't want to see him put up with this and I definitely don't want to. How is the best to handle this without too much upsetting him, but still making her address me properly. She's only 19 but trying to act much older. Otherwise she is pretty smart and polite to other people , it is just me.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What if the grantor doesn't get the proceeds?

    I signed off as grantor on a deed for the sale of a house. There were 5 others (all relatives). When payment for the sale went through I didn't receive my share. There was a power of attorney given to one of the relatives to do the paperwork. Who is at fault the POA or the Attorney? Any thoughts on how to correct this.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Who is responsible if your car alarm fails to go off?

    I am stuck between two companies. My insurance company won't cover a stolen computer because the alarm didn't work, they said it was a manufacturers defect and contact the maker. I contacted the maker and they say it is the insurance company. The insurance company is paying for the car damage. But they won't pay for the computer. The crook broke the lock on the car by pushing it in. No alarm went off and police confirmed it was set. Car was sitting right outside a crowded restaurant and we were within earshot of the alarm going off.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • at a private event, are you subject to a contract a facility made separate from your event?

    I have an event that is private, I leased the right to use the space. No where in my agreeement does it say i am restricted to what products are used. Yet, just a few days before the event, we have been made to pull a diy juicing bar because of objections by the facility sponsor who is a major soft drink maker, they state it is a conflict with their agreement with the facility, (also a sport facility, but this event is not associated with their main focus- and this is off season) The event is one for healthy living and we had this set up for people to get free samples they could make themselves. We're abiding, but it was just a question that I wondered about?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • when a person passes away, who owns their house?

    My mother in law passed away 18 months ago. Her house was part of her estate. Her house had some offers last year, but her children who lived nearby did not accept them. My husband died in December and he was one of the heirs of the estate. He died in December from a short bout with cancer, we had been married for 31 years. We did not live nearby. They accepted a bid they got in december in may, now they are using a clause in the will to cut me out of my husband's share, saying he predeceased his mother because disbursement was after he died. Yet, when it came time to sell, I was given two different sets of documents saying I was an heir and grantor of the deed of the house to the seller. To me primarily he died 10 months after his mother, then next as I understand the house passed to the estate at that point and became part of my husband's estate. Which is why they needed my signature for sale. That said if it was my property I should receive the proceeds due of my share of the residence. Does that make sense? it is just the proceeds of the sale of the house, that I technically became part owner of at the death of my husband.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What type of attorney do I need to sue the executor of an estate?

    My husband died in December (brief fight with cancer) and his mother the previous February. Though I was the heir and required to sign the deed for his mother's house. The executor determined I was not to receive any disbursement from the estate because there was a clause that if he predeceased her, it would go to lineal heirs. It was split up between his other brothers and sisters. I have verified that this was not the case just because her house sold after he died and now need to sue the executor. Is this a case for a wills/estate specialist or tort attorney. Is it fraud, or what would be the legal basis I would sue the executor.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What can I do if on a technicality I was left off a will.?

    My husband died in December, his mom the previous February. In essence 10 months after his mother. Though a heir because of my husband's death from cancer, they said because her house didn't sell till last month I received nothing because they are saying that means he predeceased her. In which case my 4 college age children get a share and I get nothing. Was not a fancy will, it was a kit and the house was the main asset divided between the six children she had (including my husband) Also they said they needed me to sign the deed of sale which named me as widow and heir, but when the other paperwork came in to sign off for dispersement it named me as unmarried.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are some therapies for Edema/fluid retention?

    My husband has cancer and I know the seriousness of it. He is retaining fluid it seems in his legs and abdomen. Yet it is not fluid they can find on the ultrasound to drain off. More like edema. The docs have been 50/50 on their answers to his overall treatments and therapies for other complications. The best they could come up with for him is to put his feet up. He's a big guy in general and they just put him on 80 lasix for home, yet they gave him more than that in the hospital. Doesn't really matter as if it is bad fro him I'm good with cutting it back. Just looking for options on giving him some relief either via traditional or alternative methods. All his bloodwork is pretty much normal as well as urine tests.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do you dispute a judgement you didn't know about on your credit report.?

    I check a credit report and found a judgment on there for a few hundred dollars I never knew about, even filed in a city/state I didn't live in. I knew the guy, he tried to get me to pay for damages on a walkway washing out. My company built the walkway, but he built the drainage with another company which didn't install it correctly. He didn't even live in the city and state it was file. Just happend to check credit report for fraud because of an alert from my bank.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Can you sue a lawyer for malpractice if he is not your attorney?

    I had an attorney sit and negotiate with me to settle the case then went a head to court when I thought we were settling out of court. I did not have an attorney, foolish me thought it was all worked out.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to find a good lawyer?

    I have a small business in a moderate size city. I can't find an attorney. Either my case is too small, or they have a conflict. I hired one and the idiot didn't even open my webpage about the issue with all the details, showed up unprepared and told me to set the case up. Another told me after he took the case and we were headed to court, that he had to ask permission of the defendant because she was a client of his, not current but does some things for her during the year. There is a real old boy network and I need an aggressive attorney that can handle small business issues. A third was so afraid of the other attorney, he just kissed his behind and was his yes man the whole time, I think he wanted a job with that firm. Arrrghhh. Suggestions please? I want to go after one of them for legal malpractice.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can your company's accounts be frozen for personal debt?

    Can your company's accounts be frozen for personal debt?

    I've been fighting a judgement lost by default as the attorney was in negotiations with me and was going to settle, then he proceeded to court without my knowledge. He sued me personally, but my company whom I am part of is an llc. They are trying to hold be liable for a contract signed with a vendor 6 months before I was on the project. Now they just froze my company funds. Yet they didn't sue the company and I am not an officer. I am the designer. My husband is CEO and it is just a small operation, with six employees. My children are the other "board members". I am fighting the original judgement and am trying to get it thrown out because of his business ethics. Right now we can't operate because all our funds are frozen. His exwife was my client and I think she couldn't get the money out of the company that did screw up, and figures she could get it out of me.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can your company's accounts be frozen for personal debt?

    I've been fighting a judgement lost by default as the attorney was in negotiations with me and was going to settle, then he proceeded to court without my knowledge. He sued me personally, but my company whom I am part of is an llc. They are trying to hold be liable for a contract signed with a vendor 6 months before I was on the project. Now they just froze my company funds. Yet they didn't sue the company and I am not an officer. I am the designer. My husband is CEO and it is just a small operation, with six employees. My children are the other "board members". I am fighting the original judgement and am trying to get it thrown out because of his business ethics. Right now we can't operate because all our funds are frozen. His exwife was my client and I think she couldn't get the money out of the company that did screw up, and figures she could get it out of me.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for an attorney to tell you he will settle out of court, then during negotiations goes ahead?

    We were at the beginning of negotiations and I was told they would settle for the difference in work complete and refund the remainder. We were just in the process of submitting receipts and I was told the attorney was in a jury trial on another matter and would contact me after it was over. I then found out he went to court and I lost by default as I didn't know it was in court. Isn't that illegal? He also filed against me personally and I am an LLC. do I have rights? I am just stunned.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there a correlation between the stock market and the presidential polls?

    This morning the market went down when Obama's poll numbers went up. It did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. When McCain's numbers are up, so is the stock market.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago