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  • Centipede bit me!!!!!!help.?

    I slept night 3:30am I woke up suddenly..i felt somethng bit me...It was burning like hell...I switched on the light and saw a centipede in that area...about an hour has passed now...m it poisonous??? I still feel that burning sensation..but only mild. If yes or no...wat do I do?

    1 AnswerFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Help...some advise please...?

    Hello everyone....m 22year old girl...

    though the solution to my problem is "self motivation" only im unable to do so....n I seriously need help.

    Ill be writing my final year exams within few months...n soon after my exams is my marriage...this marriage thing has totally pulled me away from my seriousness,thoughts,my ..everything has changed since last year when I got engaged...m no more the one I used to be earlier...I don't just feel like looking at books anymore...for hours I sit with books but actually m only staring at it...nothing goes in coz m lost somewhere else...I've tried to motivate myself in many ways...nothings working..Help!

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What could it mean.........?

    When men stare at a girl and get lost into thought even while a normal teacher-student conversation,what was it he was thinking?? And the moment I noticed him staring and gave a blank look...started looking here n there as if he wasn't staring....(m da student)

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • "He's thinkng abt hw he cn gt into her" means wt?

    "He's thinkng abt hw he cn gt into her" and "he's probably thnkng hw 2 prestige in da cod" means wt?

    Sorry if something wrong...I seriously don't know what it means. I got these replies to one of my question n I didn't understand.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Guyz tell me....i wanna know!?

    When men stare at a girl and get lost into thought even while a normal teacher-student conversation,what was i

    1 AnswerValentine's Day8 years ago
  • HELPPPPP :'( !!!!!?

    Somebody gotta help me...I'm 22years old. I just donno what's going wrong with me...but I know somethings really messed up in my head.

    Everytime I'm only physically present anywhere but mentally some where else (though derz nothing actually m thinking about). I barely remember anything that hz been taught since last three years in clg( m in my graduation final year)..but when a lecturer asks me any question, im no different from an outsider...I don't know anythin what to answer..I dnt remember...

    When I sit to study, again my mind goes away somewher else...mostly it will be some nonsense..not that m dreaming or something or some stupidity that never happened.

    When any lecturer asks what's been taught in da last class m absolutely blank.

    I stay very confused...for every little thing I take a lot of tension...I'm very restless n always in hurry..never calm never peace..M I MAD? M I INSANE??

    Ill be having my final year exams within five months.. its for some personal reason that I compulsarily have to pass these other option...yet inspite of knowing all this I don't get seriousness.SOME SHITTTTT IS ALWAYS RUNNING IN MY MIND.

    I went to psychologists twice...both of them laughed n said m normal....if everythngz normal..PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME HOW DO I COME OUT OF IT???? :'(

    7 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Whats the mystery behind "yawn"?

    When we see somebody yawn, we get a yawn...when we read the word yawn,we get a yawn...when we hear the comes...we are sleepy it comes...we wanna think about it...again it comes.....WHY???

    Answers like lack of oxygen in body blah.. blah...dobt give answers for the first part of my question...n its not related to sleep...fresh people also take when they see someone yawning..

    Believe me, even while typing this I got one..

    Ya and another small doubt...why do babies suddenly smile while sleeping?

    No subject actually deals with these as far as I know...

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • FOR ALL THE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUST MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Anybody who has put thier own photo as profile picture on facebook, remove it at the earliest!

    People are downloading random pics from fb and forwading as delhi gang-rape victims image... Two such cases have been reported one in south delhi (the girl herself lodged complain) and other in kerela...(a man from kuwait called india and complained it was his daughter's pic)!

    Informall your friends before anybody else gets insulted..

    8 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Question for indian guyz...plz plz do reply?

    Im a girl. Soon m gonna get married...I have no idea of what I should be like...what all I should be I should be..what are the things a guy may want..

    our choices n traditions to defer considerably from people in west...that's da reason I mentioned indians in particular...

    Plz do reply..

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why do i sometimes get such dreams?

    I see new houses in my dream,sometimes really shattered old but usually big ones...each time anew one....the house even repeats afterwards but with some entirely diffrrent incident and diferrent people..mostly strangers....

    last night the house I was in, I had seen it once earlier some two years back but some other incident...last night i saw two strangers a man and a woman entering into my house...when i was planning to move forward to see who actually they were,a stanger scary person...standing still, dressed in green long dress hidind behind a door was pulling my dupatta so that I couldn't move. It waslike these three stranger came up with something against me....they had really scary faces..I then woke up but m scared to sleep now.

    Yaaa and one more thing...when I tell my mom she doesn't understand...she tells u must have probably watched something on tv or imagined something....but believe me I don't ever watch tv or read any novels.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • How do i get to know if my answer has been chosen as best answer?

    Stats only shows increase in of best answers but not for which one...

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Wish you all a very happy new year ahead...:)))?

    Hoping to be guided to the right path.... With a hundred resolutions.... Wish you all a very happy new year ahead...:)))

    I would be really happy if anybody wud gimme an suggestions regarding what my new year resolutions can be...

    14 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Can someone motivate me?

    Guyz I have grand viva tommorow...I am like once I take a start I can study for hours....but that seriousness isn't coming....can anybody tell me something motivating??

    Thnx in advance...n you all a very happy new year one day in advance...:))))

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Gotta study a lot...but very sleepy?

    Its 11:30pm here...I have exam...feeling very do I get fresh??

    Drinking tea or coffee doesnt work..I'm already addicted to it..

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • What does " he's into her" mean actually?

    I asked a question n almost everyone answered the same..'hez into her'....does that mean he's going crazy about someone...or what??

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Guyz tell me what is it...?

    When men stare at a girl and get lost into thought even while a normal teacher-student conversation,what was it he was thinking??

    And the moment I noticed him staring and gave a blank look...started looking here n there as if he wasn't staring....

    He's my lecturer...very fond of me ...

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Guyz tell me what is it...?

    When men stare at a girl and get lost into thought even while a normal teacher-student conversation,what was it he was thinking??

    And the moment I noticed him staring and gave a blank look...started looking here n there as if he wasn't staring....

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • My questions on yahoo answerss?

    My questions are do I make them private?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Guyz tell me.........?

    On what basis do husbands judge thier wives?? Tell me both character n physical qualities..(an honest sincere man.)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Any remedy for absent mindedness?

    Helo eveyone ..I'm 22. I don't realise many a times while doing something that I am doing it...unconciously I place things anywhere and later keep searching...??

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago