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  • Girl Name Suggestions?

    Right, so this may get long. My husband and I have very different tastes in names, which has sparked this debate since we found out we're having a girl. My husband has a tree last name that's one syllable which has narrowed the field somewhat. It doesn't help that he really likes one syllable first names, which I don't like with the one syllable last name. But one syllable nicknames are great. We have a list of names that one of us likes, and the other can live with, but I'd really like to find a name that we both are good with and not just tolerate. Any suggestions are welcome.

    Names I like: Maxine (Max), Cora (though I prefer it as short for Coraline or Corinne, which he doesn't), Sadie, Sora, Cara, Kaia

    Names he likes: Rachel, Jesse, Tambry

    This is without the approximately 100 names that have been vetoed (mostly by him as he's suggested a grand total of 7 names, lol)

    10 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Choosing a Title Help?

    I've got a couple of options for a title for my current work and was just wondering what title stands out more to you without knowing anything of the plot. Any comments you have on any of them would be greatly appreciated as well. The options are:

    Strange World

    St. Lawrence Academy

    Academy of the Strange

    Only Human

    A Whole New World

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Name of a children's/young adult book?

    I just remembered this book I read as a kid and loved, about this girl who was a changeling. Her parents raised her not knowing and she looked different from everyone and could see the Fae. Eventually she figured out that she was a changeling and went underhill to rescue her parent's real daughter. I think she had a friend who was a boy (he might have been a shepherd?) and I think there was something about a flute or pipe that she or someone played. If anyone can tell me the name of this book I'll be grateful! It's driving me up the wall

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Looking for some book suggestions?

    So I primarily read fantasy, as in it's 95% of what I read. I'm pretty open to anything. Some of my favourite authors include Mercedes Lackey, Terry Pratchett, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Elizabeth Haydon, Scott Lynch, Jane Lindskold, and S.D. Tower. Any recommendations would be great, thanks!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Which Title is Best?

    I'm working on a story involving a girl becoming an apprentice mage after a boy shows up at school that she's never seen but everyone else seems to know. She also eventually finds out she's been put under a curse of sorts. I'm currently trying to decide on a title, because I'm terrible at making decisions, and was wondering which title sounds more interesting to you. Or just let me know if they all suck. I am open to other suggestions. Here are the options I've narrowed it down to so far:

    Magic Mayhem

    The Apprentice's Apprentice

    Ordinary Never Looked So Good

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Which Title Grabs You More?

    I'm working on a story involving a girl becoming an apprentice mage after a boy shows up at school that she's never seen but everyone else seems to know. She also eventually finds out she's been put under a curse of sorts. I'm currently trying to decide on a title, because I'm terrible at making decisions, and was wondering which title sounds more interesting to you. Or just let me know if they all suck. Here are the options I've thought of so far:

    Magic Mayhem

    The Apprentice's Apprentice

    Dripping Magic

    The Gentle Curse

    The Guardian Curse

    Invisible Girl

    Not A Witch

    Ordinary Never Looked So Good

    Wrapped in Magic

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Which Title?

    I'm trying to pick a title for my new work and have a couple of ideas, but am having difficulty deciding. Which one do you think is best or are they all terrible?

    Heart of Crystal

    Crystal Heart

    Crystal Blood

    Fire Crystal

    Living Crystal

    Awakening Ancient

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • I need a good fight song?

    I need a good song for a female character who is leading a rebellion/fight. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Can you help me with the name of a book about dragons?

    I'm trying to remember the name of a book I read a long while ago. It involved dragons and when the dragons slept, the ground beneath them would turn to gold or something. They were on an island or something and there was an expedition to that island by a group of humans. That's all I can remember. If someone could tell me the name of this book or give me any hints to it I would be grateful.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is this Story/Comic About the Tooth Fairy?

    Right so when I was younger I read this hilarious story about how the tooth fairy actually takes teeth, grinds them up into a fine white powder then snorts it. I don't remember where I read/saw this. Please if you know where this is from let me know.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Quick question on a plot point?

    I'm currently working on a story. For entering the priesthood of a sun god is having a symbolic death before being accepted a full priest overkill? There is an entire ceremony regardless but I'm not sure if I should have a symbolic death and rebirth or not.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago