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I love horses they are the best animals in the world! I would trade anything to have a horse myself. I ride hunter/jumpers and its the best! I leased an OTTB over a year ago now and It was an amazing experience overall. Anyway, I'm 16yrs old and a sophomore in high school :) E-mail me whenever!

  • are there any Christian colleges that have an equine major?

    Just wondering if any Christian (Catholic is best) colleges have an equine science/studies major. Not just an equestrian team, but an equestrian major. Thanks! :)

    7 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • losing weight...breakfast? and other questions?

    I'm 16 5'7" and 131lbs I really want to lose weight because I'm in a pageant in August, I was down to 124 around like the holidays last year but was forced to go to therapy...anyway long story.

    But I work in a corn field, pollinating corn so I walk 6+ hours a day and was wondering how many calories you think that would burn? I don't have a pedometer and my parents would probably kill me if they saw me using one lol

    Also, is it better to skip breakfast or just have a really small one like fruit or a small bowl of cereal? Like which would make me lose more weight?

    Exercises to flatten my stomach more? I do around 100 crunches per night, sometimes more depending what I feel like and different exercises like that like torso twists, half moon, spinal twist, etc. I was wondering if there are other effective exercises to really trim down all my fat? I also do lunges to trim my hipsThat'sThats about it, answer any you can please :)

    17 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • queston on Sims 3, controlling households?

    In Sims 3, you know you have your active household that you control? But for the Sims you don't control throughout the rest of the town, can they like get married, have children, move out, etc. on their own? Or do I have to go in and control that?

    1 AnswerPC10 years ago
  • what do you do if your horse refuses a jump in a show?

    I forgot to ask my trainer this at my lesson yesterday.

    But for hunter/jumper shows if you're doing the course and your horse refuses a jump what do you do?

    Hopefully going to a show in 3 weeks, trying to prepare for the worst lol (even though there could be much worse than a refusal) just wanted to know! I don't know how I forgot to ask yesterday...

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • does my position look like it's improved?

    Sorry that it's only a picture compared to a video, but it's all I've got.

    This picture was taken fall of 2009 (sorry for the cruddy quality)

    Here's the video from late march of this year. I'm under a new trainer, my other one had to go back to college so I've been riding with my new trainer since like summer of 2010. (you can check out my other videos from this lesson too)

    any critique would be helpful too. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Do you think I'm pretty (repost)?

    I only got a few answers, so I'm re-posting

    I'm 16...female (obviously) hahah

    what do you think?

    these were taken just right now (sorry my webcam is cruddy quality):

    thanks!! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to talk to a guy?

    Yeah so I really REALLY have a major crush on this one guy (who's amazingly hot lol)

    Anyway, he's a family friend and we work together over the summer (pollinating corn) but there's sort of an age difference. He's 21 and I'm 16.

    No, I don't want to date him....yet. He's too old now. But when we're both older it won't seem like that big of an age difference.

    So I want to become his friend, more than just a family friend. But I get so nervous when I'm just around him! It's so difficult just to conquer my fears and say "hey" to him. I don't know what to do! I mean I want to talk to him so badly, but I'm terrified I'll say something stupid and sound like a complete idiot.

    He's an amazing guy, we're both Roman Catholic, strong catholics at that. And a lot of people have said that we look like we'd be a cute couple and like we're supposed to be together. Gosh I just like him so much!! lol

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does this annoy you too?

    I know I get really annoyed when people think riding isn't hard. They are like "the horse is doing all the work, all you do is sit there" They say it's not a sport and that they could do it to. I know my response is always something along the lines of "I'd like to see you try to jump a crazy thoroughbred over a 4' oxer fence" That normally shuts them up lol.

    Either way, I can't stand it when people think I'm not athletic because I'm a horse rider, and horse riding is no work at all.

    Are you the same way?

    15 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • conflict with horse show?

    Ok so I'm going to a hunter/jumper schooling show on May, 22nd. It's the first show of the season I'm going to AND it's my first hunter/jumper show.

    On May, 22nd there is a party for my grandma's 90h birthday (I've never been close to my grandma though) and my parents said I didn't have to go, I can go to the show. Then I asked "does this mean that you won't be there to watch me?" and they were like "yeah, it does"

    My whole family, not just my parents, but my siblings (including my twin) won't be there to watch my first jumper show. It just makes me so sad to think about it. There's no way I'm not going to the show, I just don't know if I should tell my parents how distraught I am at the fact they wont be there for me. I just don't know what to do...

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • my cat caught a baby bunny...please help?

    Ok so I didn't see this, but my sisters did, they just cane up and told me.

    My twin saw our cat with a baby bunny in it's mouth. She opened the door to try to shoo him away and get the bunny out of his mouth but he ran into the house. My twin tried to drag the cat back outside and tried to get the bunny away, the cat dropped the bunny in this process and my twin tried to get someone to grab it because she was busy dragging the cat outside, but one did so she picked it up herself.

    So she leaves the cat inside and she brings the bunny outside and the poor bunny's heart is just racing. She sets it down to see if he'd move, his legs were moving but he kept falling over on his side. She discovers the baby bunny's front paw is broken. She thinks that maybe they can find the mom and the mom would take care of it. So she picks up the bunny and lets the cat back outside to see if he would lead her to the hole (you know, like he was going to try to catch another bunny) and it works. she sees the momma bunny in our neighbors yard so she tries to get the baby as close as possible to the momma bunny, but of course the mom keeps running away. The mom bunny goes into our other neighbor's yard and my twin sets the baby bunny down in some shrubbery on the ground in the neighbor's yard, and the bunny isn't moving. It's alive and breathing, but not moving.

    We don't know what to do if the momma bunny doesn't come and get the baby. Or if she will, isn't there something like if it's touched by a human the mom will reject it? Is that true? Or just a myth?

    What should we do if the momma bunny doesn't come back? Should we take the baby to the vet? Or what?

    Please, we really don't know what will happen.

    PS don't worry the cat is in the house :P lol

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who finds models disgusting?

    Yeah so I'm just looking for swimwear online and seeing the models is just disgusting. I mean they're TOO thin! I can sit there and count their ribs. Their ribs stick out and so do their hip bones and it's just gross. And let me tell you, I have had personal difficulties with eating disorders and know a lot about them, and looking at these models it's looks like it's just promoting it, like women HAVE to be thin. It just sickens me. Like I said, I know what an eating disorder can do, I had an aunt die from anorexia, same with my dad's cousin, my twin is in recovery from anorexia, and I've had some personal struggles too. This just shows me that I think the world should change, there shouldn't be so much pressure on teens to look like this. Please, just take a look:

    also, notice on the bottom of the picture they say the models height and size, I've never seen that done before!! Isn't it just horrible? It's like telling people "ok this model is 5'8" and a small, so you need to be that size too so you can look like her"

    I can tell you I'm 5'8" and wear a medium, I don't think there's any way I could ever fit into a small. Like I said, my twin suffered from anorexia (for 4 years) and SHE'S a size small...

    You can take a look at their swimsuits too and see the all the pics yourself. (

    Please let me know I'm not the only one who thinks this and is worried?

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • does your trainer do this?

    yesterday I had a riding lesson, definitely not my best riding lesson, I was just off a little yesterday for some reason, but we all have our bad days, right?

    Anyway, I was just trotting around with the horse and my trainer asked me to canter, but she always continually picked up the incorrect lead. My trainer was getting really mad at me and said I had to push the horse's hips over and then ask once I felt the hips move, but whenever I went to ask, I'd move my leg back, try to push the hips over, and at the slightest touch the horse would go into the canter (the wrong lead) and no matter how many times I told my trainer that at the slightest pressure she went into the canter she refused to believe me until she finally realized I was right.

    It was just really annoying.

    Same with me trying to mount the horse at the beginning of the lesson. It was freezing cold outside so I was wearing like 3 layers of pants and 4 shirts so there was no way I was able to lift my leg up into the stirrup and she just thought I was coming up with excuses, when really I could hardly pick my leg up because of my layers!

    I just don't know what to do, I mean I love my trainer and she's an amazing instructor. But she's also really quick to judge (not just about riding, but about anything) and that just gets really annoying. I mean I don't want to move to another barn (because there are no other hunter/jumper barns anyway around here) but I just don't know if I should suck it up or say something to her. And if so, how?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • how to teach myself to be ambidextrous?

    I'm right-handed but I want to learn how to be ambidextrous (long story lol I'll share if you want to hear it) I have no idea how to become good at writing with my left hand. It's just so hard! What should I do because this is something I really want to accomplish? (and after this hopefully I'll teach myself how to write upside-down, with both hands of course) I've been trying to do more things with my left hand rather than my right to help my left hand be used more. Help?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Poll: what discipline do you ride?

    I figured I might as well ask, to know where everyone stands :P haha

    English or Western?

    what specific discipline of english or western? (if you don't know just say english or western, no further explanation needed. I've asked friends with horses and I'm like "oh that's cool! what discipline do you ride?" and they give me the deer in headlights look haha so I'm like "...english or western?" and then they're like "oh!! western :p" it's quite funny to watch :P

    anyway, I ride english. I'm a hunter/jumper and I love it!!! :)

    34 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • snobby colleges on the east coast?

    Maybe you saw my other question about equine colleges, but I added this as an additional detail but I got no answers after wards. So I figured I should just ask it as a separate question :)

    I know this guy (my little sister's friend's dad) and he's really into horses and owns a great horse and he said that colleges on the east coast (like Meredith Manor, that's one he specifically said) are more snobby-like and you need to have money backed behind you. I was wondering if this is true? Because I've found so many good colleges on the east coast (like Meredith Manor :P) and I just don't know...

    any help would be greatly appreciated! xD

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • colleges with equine studies programs?

    I was wondering if there was a list or anything of colleges with an Equine Science bachelor program for english riding? Or if you know of any good colleges that you personally know of? I just want your opinion on colleges because obviously each college out there is saying "We're the best, come to us" and that can't be true with every college obviously :p

    Also colleges with an equine studies program and IHSA (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association) would be really nice, or some other equestrian team, but IHSA would be best. Does anyone have experience with IHSA or opinions on it? Anything would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • questions about show bill?

    ok so this is the first year I'm doing hunter/jumper shows even though I've been jumping for a while :) so I was wondering what some of the stuff on the show bill meant.

    show bill:

    I'm guessing O/F and U/S mean over fences and under saddle? Tell me if I'm wrong lol

    I was wondering what the numbers under them meant and why are there 2 things that say "O/F" and what do they mean? Looking at the show bill would be very helpful in answering this haha :P

    thank you!!

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Who says "all rise" during a court case?

    I'm writing a trial transcript for a class, so I need to know who says that :p

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago