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  • Vagina smells pungent like bleach?

    So i ve been exclusively sleeping with the same guy for 3 months now, and now that we ve become more consistent and not using condoms, i ve noticed that my discharge smells very bleach-like and pungent. Almost like semen every day (even when we haven t had sex). So i went to the doctor for STI testing, as well as any yeast/bacterial infections and they ALL came back negative... what could be causing this smell and what can I do to fix it? :/

    1 AnswerWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Tested for Group B Strep but i'm not pregnant?

    So last week I went into my local clinic to be tested for STDs/STIs like I do routinely because I was experiencing some abnormal discharge, and the nurse called me today saying that I was negative for STDs but positive for "Group B Strep" and that there would be no medication or treatment given to me at this time... She wasn't able to go into any details or give me more info over the phone, and i've been googling this infection and trying to figure it out and it keeps saying something about being associated with women who are pregnant and passing it to their children... I'm 20 years old and absolutely positive that I am not pregnant and have never been pregnant... Is this something I should worry about? I am just so confused

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • How to keep pH balance down there?

    Okay so lately i ve been having an excessive amount of discharge/odor throughout months after sex. I went to my doctor several times and got tested for STDs, Yeast Infections, BV, and everything came back negative. She is saying that it could be the condoms i am using that is messing with my pH, or even the birth control pills that i m on. I know that apparently the Summer s Eve feminine wash is also known to mess with the pH, so i am not using that anymore.

    What else could be messing with my pH down there, and what can I do to stop this discharge because since I didn t test positive for any medical problems, i feel like there s nothing i can do :/

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Is it legal to order antibiotics online?

    I tested positive for Chlamydia over 3 months ago. When i was treated for it with Azithromycin, it made me throw up and the medication was not able to properly work after that. Now, i've been retested and have been trying to get treatment from several different clinics, and they are all delaying the process and i really need to get this treated :/ is it legal to order the pills online? i see a lot of random sites that seem to sell them but i do not know if that's a safe option... what else can i do :(

    7 AnswersSTDs6 years ago
  • Desperately need treatment for Chlamydia?

    So about 3 months ago, i tested positive for Chlamydia and i was given the antibiotic Azithromycin to treat it. A few hours after taking it, it made me throw up and i was convinced that the medication did not work because i threw it up. The doctors told me there was nothing they could do because for 3 months i could show a "false-positive" testing for it so i was supposed to wait and get retested. I ve had these symptoms for 3 months now, i ve gotten retested and im pretty sure i still have the STD, but the clinic has not given me my results for over a week and i have no other way of getting the medication. Is there a way to go to a hospital or something to get medication for this?! Because ive been dealing with it for months now and i just really need treatment :(

    2 AnswersSTDs6 years ago
  • What would make him cut off all contact like this?

    so i met a guy on Tinder and we "dated" for about a month or so. We hit it off extremely well, we went to each other s places, met each other s roommates, went on several dates, etc. We even had plans on spending his upcoming birthday together at Disneyland and doing a bunch of other things. We are FB friends, and nothing was wrong. To my knowledge, everything was fine, there were no negative warning signs and everything was mutual. COMPLETELY OUT OF NO WHERE, he is no longer responding to my texts or talking to me AT ALL. I have no idea what s going on, i ve reached out to him and have asked him what happened just to be mature about this, and i haven t heard a word from him. He was inactive from Tinder for a while as well so i was a little concerned about his well being, but now he s back online and still has not contacted me. He s 23 years old and I m 20, if that helps. But seriously, what would cause someone to do this out of the blue, and what should i do to move forward from this? I ve never encountered someone that would do something like this and give me no explanation. I didn t see this coming at all and it s actually really upsetting :/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Treatment for Chlamydia made me throw i need to go back to the doctor?

    I went to the doctor today and was prescribed 2 Azithromycin for Chlamydia and my doctor said to eat before, and take the 2 pills about 30 minutes after each other so i don't throw up.

    I took one pill at 5:55pm and the other at 6:20pm and I just threw up at about 8:15pm. Do i need to go back and get another dose? Is there something i can do to prevent this reaction from happening again from this medication?

    3 AnswersSTDs6 years ago
  • Is there an over-the-counter treatment for BV?

    Last November I had BV and went to the doctors and they gave me antibiotics and i was fine. Now, i have the same symptoms again and am pretty sure it is BV again, because of a switch in partners. I was just wondering if there are any over the counter medications that i can take for this or do i have to run back to the doctor and get antibiotics again? :/

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Should I feel ashamed about online dating?

    Okay so i m a second year in college, and I live in an apartment with my roommates near campus. I spend most of my time either at work or in class, and don t really have time or anyone to go out with. My school is known for being a commuter school so it s kind of hard to meet people around here and i m starting to get extremely lonely and bored. I ve used apps like Tinder, OK Cupid, etc. in the past with not much long term success, and i kind of want to get back on and try again... I just feel really guilty/desperate always having to look into going on apps like that, but in my situation, I don t really have the chance to meet anyone elsewhere and i don t even have a group of single girls to go out with. I feel like trying online dating again would at least give me someone to spend some time with? always being alone at this stage of my youth is starting to affect me :/

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I forgot to add seam allowance on my muslin?

    i'm just making a quick bodice front muslin for homework, and i forgot to add the seam allowance on the side seams that will connect it to the back. Can i sew on an extra 1/2inch of fabric and then use it as the seam allowance or do i have to cut the entire bodice out again?

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • Is it bad that I don't work out?

    I've always had a fast metabolism and have never had any problems staying thin and still eating unhealthy. BUT, I've been a dancer since I was 3, and that's how I stayed fit. I'm now in my second year of college and I don't dance anymore, and all of my friends are always bugging me to go to the gym... Is it a shame that I simply don't like working out?! Machines are redundant to me, and if i'm not dancing i'm not inspired. I'm still completely in shape, but I just don't feel the need to, and everyone gives me crap for it. :/

    I do work out at home: Squats, sit ups, etc. with dumbbells. Something about PHYSICALLY going to the gym just isn't my cup of tea...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Is it bad that I don't work out?

    I've always had a fast metabolism and have never had any problems staying thin and still eating unhealthy. BUT, I've been a dancer since I was 3, and that's how I stayed fit. I'm now in my second year of college and I don't dance anymore, and all of my friends are always bugging me to go to the gym... Is it a shame that I simply don't like working out?! Machines are redundant to me, and if i'm not dancing i'm not inspired. I'm still completely in shape, but I just don't feel the need to, and everyone gives me crap for it. :/

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Good paying jobs at 20 years old?

    I'm only in my second year of college, but I no longer live at home because of school, and my current minimum wage retail job is not enough to afford my lifestyle. Most people my age either live at home or rely on mommy and daddy's money to pay their bills, but I don't have those advantages. I have roommates, but still have to pay rent, utilities, and a lot of other expenses. I have retail experience, but am having a hard time moving forward with my current company. I know people my age that make crazy good money and support themselves, so I know it's possible. What type of position should i look into that would accommodate a school schedule but still be sufficient enough to get good hours and pay?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Why am i bleeding when i have sex?

    I have an appointment to see the doctor already this afternoon, but i'm kind of freaking out and wanted some input. Last night when i was having sex i started bleeding A LOT and it was everywhere. I'm not a virgin, I lost my virginity 2 years ago! but i've never bled before during sex, even my first time. Could it be that he finally broke my hymen, or what else could have caused this?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Bacterial Vaginosis...Constant urge to pee?

    About 2 weeks ago I started taking an antibiotic for Bacterial Vaginosis, and i'm completely fine now, all of the symptoms are gone and i've finished the pills. But, i've noticed that i ALWAYS have this urge to pee. Randomly, all through the night, even when i just peed! and most of the time barely anything comes out... What could be the cause of this? And what should i do? 19yo female.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How to calculate the Average Tax Rate on a household income?

    My Macroeconomics professor showed us how to use a given set bracket given to calculate the Marginal Tax Rate, but i have a homework problem asking for both the Marginal and Average tax rate for a given set of family household incomes.

    Income Range | Tax Rate

    $0 -20,000 | 0%

    $20,001-39,000| 31%

    $39,001-70,000| 42%

    $70,0001 + | 50%

    That table above gives me the Marginal Rate according the brackets, but what do I do to find the Average Tax Rate for the following families?

    Bryne Family Income: $25,000

    Lee Family Income: $123,000

    Smith Family Income: $48,000

    Washington Family Income: $62,000

    3 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • Birth Control - Unprotected sex during Placebo week?

    I've been on the pill for almost a year now, but I was wondering if I have unprotected sex during the placebo week of the white pills, can i get pregnant? Please no other comments, me and him have been tested and are fine. I just want to know if it's still effective during the placebo.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • what age do you want to get married?

    I know it obviously depends on your dating situation at the time, but what is your ideal age for marriage and why?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • POLL: Does the number of sexual partners you've had really matter?

    Would you judge someone by how many sexual partners they've had, even if all of the encounters were completely safe and clean?

    Why or why not?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago