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Lv 2395 points

Lone Knight

Favorite Answers16%
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Love was nothing but poison to me, why persue?

    Asking this question again from three years ago. (research)

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only to help her buy a house).

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months. It felt like ADDICITED to a drug but never smoked it.

    Maybe If I could smoke least I would get the pleasure unlike relationships...(Kidding people)

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...Acting, Marines, Volunteering, Education, and a Nephew!

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    Now multiply that by 12+'s like hearing a Britiney Spears song everyday! It becomes condescending.

    I am NOT afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Many people enjoy being single. Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    Why ask these's just research of who people like me are accepted in our society...

    Thanks for your time. :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Want to stay single? (From three years ago)?

    Asking this question again from three years ago.

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only my money) Lasted 3 months!

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months.

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    I am not afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Want to stay single? (From three years ago)?

    Asking this question again from three years ago.

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only my money) Lasted 3 months!

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months.

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    I am not afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Want to stay single? (From three years ago)?

    Want to stay single? (From three years ago)?

    Asking this question again from three years ago.

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only my money) Lasted 3 months!

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months.

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    I am not afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Want to stay single? (From three years ago)?

    Asking this question again from three years ago.

    I am 32 going on 33 and I am happy single....and never had a girlfriend nor had a relationship.

    I am still a virgin.

    I had one interest but it ended with disaster (She didn't want me only my money) Lasted 3 months!

    I want to stay single for the rest of my life...

    Love has brought me nothing but pain and close to suicide...from loneliness from craving a partner which I only had for only three months.

    Being single has brought me only good friends and rewards...

    Many people think I am crazy....but it's better to not need love then crave love and never get it.

    Friends tell me to "you will find someone"...or some other suger coated fairy tale....What bullshit!!

    I am not afraid to die alone..and slowly as every person tells me with their suger coated fairy tales that finding that I will find's makes me want to tell them with extreme prejudice.."What fairy castle you crawled from?"

    Yes I know love is out there but for every single person on this earth? Might as well believe that the sky is made of suger and Chocolate covered rainbows...

    Am I crazy or have I seen too much of the negative sides of love?

    Should I continue with the pain of dating or let go be single happy?

    Will I be shunned by society becuase I choose to be single?

    Is it possible to hate on single people because they choose to be single yet never dated in their entire lives?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hope for a 53 year old virgin?

    Hope for a 53 year old virgin?

    A real friend who is 53 years old and a virgin...asks.?

    I have a friend who is had it with the relationship game....

    He's been trying for over 10 years and no avail.he had some close calls but once they found out that he is a virgin...they turn their backs on him!

    He believes that he's not even good looking because of the constant rejection.

    Should I just continue to encourage him of "one day you will meet someone" How does one give faith to someone when he's been rejected for over 30 years? He hates dating with a vengence now...what proof do I need to show him that to not give up? (he is a sane person with no emotional problems..just the virgin thing ..former military)

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • A real friend who is 53 years old and a virgin...asks.? Why continue dating? It's too late..?

    A real friend who is 53 years old and a virgin...asks.?

    I have a friend who is had it with the relationship game....

    He's been trying for 10 years and no avail.he had some close calls but once they found out that he is a virgin...they turn their backs on him!

    He's not even good looking..a good job but not good looking.

    Should I just tell him freakin fairy tales of "one day you will meet someone..or should I just tell him the straight truth that. "Why the hell anyone should date you? Stop believing the bullshit and give up! It was never worth it......" I mean it's better for him to accept reality then believe a broken belief right? Guy and girls please...thanks...any age...How does one give faith to someone when he's been rejected for over 30 years? (he is a sane person with no emotional problems..just the virgin thing)

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • A real friend who is 53 years old and a virgin...asks.?

    I have a friend who is had it with the relationship game....

    He's been trying for 10 years and no avail.he had some close calls but once they found out that he is a virgin...they turn their backs on him!

    He's not even good looking..a good job but not good looking.

    Should I just tell him freakin fairy tales of "one day you will meet someone..or should I just tell him the straight truth that. "Why the hell anyone should date you? Stop believing the bullshit and give up! It was never worth it......" I mean it's better for him to accept reality then believe a broken belief right? Guy and girls please...thanks...any age...How does one give faith to someone when he's been rejected for over 30 years? (he is a sane person with no emotional problems..just the virgin thing)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does she want from me? GIrls only please.?

    I was dating a girl for two months. About one month into the dating she wanted to help her to get a house I told her "I want to say yes" she got a little miffed saying I gave my all to you and expect my boyfriend to stand by me?

    I didn't know I was her boyfriend yet..I though we were just dating.

    In addition she texts me saying I am tall dark attractive and yet she wants to keep our relationship "Pg-13" She has gone all the way with her past relationships and yet she wont with me. I know she is not a virgin and I just don't want just sex from her. I just feel unattractive that I was not given the same opportunity as the priors. The one who treated her life dirt got to have her all ..I know I am a good person and all she wants from me is just compainionship and NO intimacy. Now months later after our break up she contacts me saying hi as if nothing happened. What is her plan? I thought we said our peace.

    She also has photographs during our break up with a guy fondeling her.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What would make a man attractive? Girls and women please.?

    What would a young women between the ages of 21-25

    would in interested in a man who is 30 and never had a prior relationship? Why would she be interested.

    P.S. She has had bad realtionships in the past and never known to be single.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does she want from me?

    I have been dating a girl for two months. About one month into the dating she wanted to help her to get a house I told her "I want to say yes" she got a little miffed saying I gave my all to you and expect my boyfriend to stand by me?

    I didn't know I was her boyfriend yet..I though we were just dating.

    Inaddition she texts me saying I am tall dark attractive and yet she wants to keep our relationship "Pg-13" She has gone all the way with her past relationships and yet she wont with me. I know she is not a virgin and I just don't want just sex from her. I just feel unattractive that I was not given the same opportunity as the priors. The one who treated her life dirt got to have her all ..I know I am a good person and I don't her all? Please help...thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dating you best friends ex?

    I have had this best friend for over 6 years..he had a good and hate relationship with this girl (Jenny) and we were there for him, even when they fought violenty. Of course they ended it and we have not seen her for over a year. Now He has a wife and Child (not his own) and they have a house together..I am happy for him now.

    Now 8 monthes ago His ex came by my door step to wanted my freindship. I told my best friend the very next day..he told me "I don't give a **** do want you want..I am going to protect this marrage even if it's mean losing you as a friend." I respected his choice. Just recently we both expressed are feelings for each other me and (Jenny) and I told my best friend the very next day cause I feel he deserves to know...He told me I backstabbed him we are now enemies.

    I can understand to not date best friends ex but he is Married..what right does he have to tell me and her? How would the wife feel?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A another 47 year old virgin...asks...?

    A another 47 year old virgin...asks...

    Question Details: I have a friend who is 47 years no experiance and never dated...

    He wants the truth on what chances does he have?

    Most girls might call him ugly or a freak..

    Should I tell him to give up?

    Or should I tell tell him freakin fairy tales?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago