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Just an average man who fixes his own stuff. Most questions I answer are motorcycle related, so I feel you should know I have been riding motorcycle since I was 6 back in 1983. If I wanted to ride it I had to fix it myself, or wait a few days to get some help. You would be surpised what a kid can figure out with that type of motivation. I love riding sportbikes thru a great set of curves or with a great set of curves on the back:)

  • Why is it that more often than not when I see a question on here about a bike after bankruptcy everyone tells?

    the loser to keep the bike?

    These losers never even owned the bike in the first place. The main reason this recession we are currently fighting through is so bad is because of so many deadbeats not paying their bills. These worthless people have cost me tens of thousands of dollars, some of you even more, in investment losses, they have cost all of our home prices' to go down, our 401k's to lose value, the stock market to crash , the list goes on and on.

    So my question is why does this message board seem to be OK with these losers to think they can get something for nothing, some even try to point out loopholes as to how to accomplish this. Why?

    6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think about this video?

    I just got this link in an email and thought some of you guys could use a laugh.

    here is the link:

    I like the fool falling off with his bike on cruise control. I am well aware there are literally hundred of videos of sprotbike riders falling, feel free to share your favorites as well.

    7 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Why did Palin quit, I was away on a hiking trip?

    I have just returned and have a few messages as to why but doubt there is too much truth to many of them and a quick search just leads to more speculation. Some of the reasons I have seen are: an affair with one of her husbands business partners, embezzlement, too hard, an affair with Levi and my personal favorite but most likely to be false, to do porn. Her speech gave me no hint as to her actual reason and made little to no sense, par for the course with her I guess.You do not have to be too bright to know this kills her chance and running for president in 2012, which is too bad because she seemed to be the perfect throw away candidate. Now the gop may just have to have McCain lose 16 years straight.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • For those of us that live in a winter climate, did you change anything on your bike over the winter?

    Just curious as to what modifications you have done on your bikes over the winter, if any?

    7 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Republicans--who/what cost McCain the election?

    I believe the downturn in the economy did McCain in. Choosing Palin definitely cost some net votes. Bush sure did not help.

    What do you believe cost McSame the election?

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Country First, right. Since the election is out of hand already why is McCain still using tax payer money?

    McCain is using PAC money to pay for his ineffective negative campaign and now that all experts agree that he is losing why not just give back any remaining money and concede the election. His shortcomings and admitted lack on knowledge when dealing with the economy have the race for the white house over, time to stop wasting tax payer money.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why has the father of Bristol Palin's unborn child yet to be arrested for statitory rape?

    The father is 18 and she is 17 this is clearly illegal. On to another point if she was old enough to give consent, an adult, then why is it that we a nation can question the decision. As I see it she is either an adult or not. Johnston needs to be arrested and register as a pedophile or she is fair game in the election.

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What was your first bike? What do you currently ride?

    If you have had more than one class of bike (dirt, standard, cruiser, sport or whatever else you may have had) please list them as well if you like.

    15 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Is there a cruiser that has enough breaking power to do a stoppie, earlier question about upgrading breaks??

    A question about upgrading breaks on a cruiser has me wondering if they can even be done on such a bike? I have never seen one, although I still get amazed seeing a dresser pulling a wheelie. I also wonder if it can be done due to the rake?

    8 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Loud bikes save lives?

    You see it, may or may not believe it and definatly hear it, but there has to be a limit as to how loud the bike can be.

    I know many riders who completely believe it to be true, I on the otherhand do not fully believe but I understand the why some would and think they are correct but only to a small extent. On a bike even a small benifet has rewards so I have nothing against loud pipes except for the occational guy out reving his bike way too late/early for other reason but to rev it, not trying to rev match a shift or anything other than trying to make noise on a bike with absolutly no baffels.

    Where do you guys stand on this one?

    Bike you ride?

    Area where you are located?

    27 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • V-twin riders how much do acceleration do you gain by changing sprocket?

    One of the most cost effective performance modifications you can do on a inline 4 cylinder sportbike is to drop a tooth on the front sprocket on the 600cc bikes maybe even add some on the back. After that add a PC and exhaust (full exhaust is better by alot).

    What are the better performance modifications that get the best bag for buck on a v-twin? Does it work the same for v-twin cruiser and v-twin sportbikes or is there a differance between v-twin bike manufacturers?

    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • "Owns a jap bike because he/she could not afford a real Harley"???

    Do the people who post this in thier answers actually believe this? I have seen this in a good number of posts and always questioned the logic used. I am not a fan of Harley for my own reasons but I know people choose thier own bikes for thier own reasons and accept it for what it is. For me a bike is a toy and should be fun to ride with good to great performance hence why I choose sportbikes, Honda specifically since I have had good luck with them over the years without anything ever breaking.

    I just want to see what others on here think of that logic and if anyone who posts something so foolish could please explain to me why they would think this.

    11 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Why do Harleys leak oil?

    Are they like cocker spaniels and pee themselves anytime a big fast sportbike gets too close because they are scared? Seriously why do so many of them have a problem. I have seen many of them "mark there spot", but never the bikes from other manufactures, so do they do it on purpose or is it just a design flaw. I have never had this problem on any of my bikes over the years but they have been Hondas and Kawasakis. Now tomarrow I have to clean the driveway after my buddy left his fat boy on it for like 3 hours, what a joke. Doesn't the oil ever get on the tires and cause problems?

    24 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Moral question?

    I have a near new front bike tire that I replace because I picked up a peice to metal in and did not trust the tire. If it was the rear instead of the front I would not have worried at all but since it was the front I replaced it. The tire never leaked air or neaded a patch, just that it has a fairly bid gouge about an 1/8 deep into the tire. I decided to just replace it even though it was new (less than 300 miles) and I did not want to always worry about for the next 3000 miles. The guys who put the tire on the rim for me at the shop said I should put the tire for sale on E-bay/craigslist, many guys simply don't have the money for new tires and would snatch it up for a few bucks, just be sure to document the guoge and show it to them.

    My question is would it be morally or ethically wrong of me to sell a tire, that I would not use myself, to someone that would want it even knowing that it has the qouge but is almost new.

    22 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Whatever happened to waving at a fellow rider???

    I try to wave at everyrider,sometimes because of the use of the clutch and break at the same time I can't, but it seem that every year less and less wave back. I ride a sportbike, so I expect some of the cruiser crowd (mostly Harleys here in Wisconsin) not to wave back but so far this season only one Harley guy waved back. Not all that long ago I would say over half of the cruiser crowd would wave back, nearly all touring, sport, and regular riders would wave. Now I would guess that only about one in 15-20 of the Harley rider wave back. Not saying it bothers me realy but I think they fail to see the whole picture. I would rather help a rider out than just pass on by, and I know there great cruiser rider out there also but some guys are just d*cks. I work with a great Harley guy, he used to be a mechanic, and you have no idea he has taught me a about wrenching, heck he was the first person to tell me to countersteer and a speedwobble so I know not all criuser guys have attitudes.

    20 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • How reliable and practical if a vehicle would a Honda prelude be?

    I am in the market for a different car and am leaning toward purchasing a 2001 prelude with 45k miles. The car is a base model with an auto tranmition. Can anyone tell me about thier praticality in terms of how long they should last, how it would drive in snow and if you have owned one did you like it? Thanks to all in advance for any info you may provide.

    10 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • Buying new car which would you choose 2001 Prelude (base with triptronic auto) or 2004 Accord (v6 manual)?

    I am shopping for a new car and want to get a Honda since I have had great luck with them in the past. I want a sporty car, but really do not need a true sports car. I have narrowed my search down to a few cars. The first one is an 01 Prelude base model not the sh model that is in perfect shape, with maintence records, owned by a man in his late forties with 44000 miles on the clock while the second one is an 04 Accord lx v6 manual also in great shape with maintance records with 48000 miles but owned by a couple on their late thirties. Which would you choose and why? If the Prelude was a manual I would have already purchased it. Every car I have ever owned has been a manual and I like them. Could anyone who has owned a slap shift car tell me if they liked it and does it replicate manual transmition close enough that you did not long for a clutch? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersHonda1 decade ago