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Harry Potter was always, is always, and will always be superior to Twilight. My name is Charlotte Ashley :) Creative writing questions? Email me at or check out my creative writing website: Thanks, and have a nice day!

  • Potential titles for my story?

    I’m writing a story about a priest who’s a closeted homosexual, and it essentially follows his experience becoming more involved in the LGBT community. His best friend is a bisexual drag queen and they always go out with a lesbian couple. At one point a girl tries to convince him to have sex with her, and when he finally realizes it he tells her he’s gay. She ends up going to her brother, the main character’s boss, and outs him. He ends up getting outed in his church community but then all the more welcomed into the gay community.

    (I’m still working on various kinks in the whole thing and a bunch of minor details but still. You get the general idea.)

    1 AnswerAceh3 years ago
  • How should I start off my story? (Has having difficulty kickstarting it.)?

    I’m not necessarily looking for a sentence, but an idea.

    Essentially, it’s going to be about a girl who grew up in a very religious commune, probably Christian, and she’s falls in love with a musician who is an active Satanist. (Still a nice guy, though.) Any ideas to help make it more interesting?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Which would be a more interesting storyline: A train crash, or a shipwreck?

    I’m writing a story that takes place at the very end of World War I. It starts in Switzerland in a train, and the two main characters travel to Amsterdam to take a ship from there to England.

    Would it be more interesting for the train to crash between Hamburg and Amsterdam, or for the ship to wreck somewhere between Amsterdam and England?

    (I’m thinking that maybe their boat is on the smaller side and gets flipped by a large wave, a la Poseidon Adventure.)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • How should I go about asking out my theatre friend? (He s 16 years older than me!)?

    He s super funny and really nice, and we have a lot of similar interests. He recently asked for my FaceBook, and when I got my new tattoo he was one of the first to like the picture.

    I m thinking about asking out during the production of one of our shows, but I m not sure how to go about doing it. I ve dated a guy 4 years older than me, but never 16 years older than myself.

    Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to as out an older man?

    I recently joined a theatre group and this rather attractive guy asked if he could add me on FaceBook. We've been talking in and out of the theatre, and he and I share a few similar interests and enjoy each others' sense of humor. I've also flirted with him a bit, too.

    Only issue is I'm 19, he's 35. 16 year age difference.

    I'm debating on asking him out within the next few weeks, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What is the best brand of pregnancy test? (Judging by which can tell you the earliest???)?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two months and sadly, there's a possibility I might be pregnant. I just want to be sure before I start panicking?

    I'm showing a few early symptoms, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm pregnant or just a hormonal college student.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • In airports, how far in can my parents take me before they're not allowed in?

    This summer, I'm going away to Texas to spend a week with a friend, and my parents will be seeing me off at the airport. Will they have to stop at security, or prior to my arriving at security?

    3 AnswersAir Travel7 years ago
  • Interesting ways to ask someone out using Tumblr?

    I'm currently the admin of a somewhat popular blog on Tumblr and for the past couple months my friend and I have been talking a lot. She's told me about her childhood and her abusive family, and she and I generally go to each other for advice and just to talk.

    I've found that I'm crushing on her and I'm not sure if the feelings are reciprocated, but I'd like to ask her out ANYWAYS. I don't mind the idea of rejection, so I'm going to do this.

    I want to post a thing on Tumblr asking her out, but I'm not sure how to do it. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My Google Chrome isn't loading?

    So I regularly use ZenMate, specifically because Tumblr is blocked at school. But now nothing is loading when I have ZenMate on, when it literally worked twenty minutes ago. I've tried turning off ZenMate [which doesn't let me get to the site I want to work on] and I've tried turning off AdBlock as well, but now I can't get anything. The proxy I'm using also helps me get onto some website that will help me with school projects, especially my art classes.

    Any advice?

    *I've also tried starting and restarting my laptop, and if it makes a difference I'm using a MacBook Pro.

    8 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • Is this potential relationship illegal?


    So I'm currently in driver's ed classes in my town, and there's this cute boy that's in the class. There is about 4-5 years difference between us - I'm 17, he's 22-23. We recently exchanged numbers to keep in touch when driver's ed is over, and today he openly started to flirt with me in class, and now as well outside.

    I'm only a few months away from my 18th birthday - less than half a year now.

    I'm not sure if he actually is romantically interested in me, but the endless flirting and the fact that he seems to only like explicitly talking to me in class (don't get me wrong, he talks to other students as well, but me the most, excluding his sister), plus we both share food with each other and hang out during our breaks, is leading me to believe he is romantically interested.

    If he were to ask me out, would it be illegal to make an official thing with him? Or is it just illegal to be sexually involved with him before I turn 18?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If I want to reset my computer, will all of my files disappear? Or how do I change an administrator password?

    I'm thinking of resetting my laptop, and I know how to, but I don't want to do it if I'll lose my iTunes library and have to redownload Sims and Photoshop. Will resetting my laptop make it so I have to redownload those things?

    But if it will make my files disappear, I'd much rather just change the password.

    Is there any way I could reset my laptop and keep the files on it? Or is there a way I can change the administrator without knowing the administrator password?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • What should I name the pirate king in my story?

    The story takes place in today's society, but the pirate king is the leader of a tribe that lives on an unknown island. I'm thinking of giving him an Elizabethan first name, like Edmund (for instance), and I'm making him a distant relative of Captain Hook. He's a fierce pirate and is feared by all of his followers, and he's taken the main character of the story captive. Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What should I name my fictional toy company?

    The main character of my latest story is going to be the CEO of a large toy company, but I can't seem to come up with a name for said company. I've come up with only a couple thus far, but I'm not sure if any will work. A couple of the options I have are named after the main character, Coquin Jennings, aka CJ or Quinn. [He prefers not to go by Coquin because people always pronounce it 'c**k-win,' instead of 'co-can.']

    This is what I have so far:

    - Enterprise Toys

    - Jennings Toys

    - Toys by CJ

    - Quinn's Playhouse

    But if anyone has any better ideas, I'm open to them!

    **The only reason he's in a position of such high esteem in the toy world, before anyone asks, is because he had a child who committed suicide in their teens, and is trying to help other children the way he couldn't help his own.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What should my character be? [Better explained in description.] {10 points!}?

    My story focuses on a man and a woman in an original culture that I've created, and I've already established in the prologue that they're married now, but in the other chapters it focuses on them before they're married.

    I'm working on the first chapter, and I can't decide how Charlotte, the princess, meets her future husband, Jack.

    Should Jack be a criminal, brought in for robbery and treason? Or should he be a member of the queen (Charlotte's mother's) 'harem'?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How much would a tattoo like this cost?

    I want one like this:

    I want to get it on my hip bone in about this size:

    I'm only asking because I'm currently underage and have time to save up for when I turn eighteen, which is next summer, and I'll be getting it with my girlfriend.

    1 AnswerTattoos7 years ago
  • Could you guys give me some angsty prompts for a story? [+10 pts!]?

    I just need a prompt, because I've already done bullying and abuse. Anything helps!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Is this a good intro? Would you keep reading?

    He could see his breath as he walked down the path in the woods. His body was trembling slightly, but only because he had no coat. It was a lot like a horror movie — around him he heard a banging that resembled a heartbeat. Perhaps it was his own. Under his feet, the leaves crunched and twigs snapped. Where was he going?

    He paused a moment. Something wasn’t right. He was being followed. Whirling around on his feet, he raised his arms in a defensive position. Before him stood a man, somewhere between the age of him and his closest friend. The man approached him, asking where the nearest gas station was located.

    With one swift movement, he had the man in a headlock. He sliced the man’s throat with a knife he didn’t know he had in his possession. The man gasped, gurgling at the newly attained injury, and hit the ground. Blood pooled under him.

    At that moment, the moment when the man fell into a pile of leaves, Will Graham woke up from his dream. A cold sweat covered his body, soaking his t-shirt and boxers. Wind chilled him — wind? He hadn’t left the window open. He looked up, finding himself in the middle of a forest. That explained the breeze, and why there was such dim lighting. When he moved his foot, he stepped in a sticky liquid. His breath hitched.

    What was that?

    Slowly, he ducked his head. There, on the ground, was a real body. An inhuman noise left Will’s mouth. In his hand was a knife and it was covered in blood. Will shook his head, taking a step back. He shook his head again. “No…” For some reason, the knife did not fall. Without a second thought, he turned on his heels and ran. He disregarded how sore his feet were and ran as fast as he could.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Do you think I can go anywhere with this storyline [steampunk setting]?

    Radley Fitzgerald is a war veteran and is currently in rehab for a severe cocaine addiction. He's hired a live-in nurse, a young man named Hamlin Kirkpatrick. When Hamlin first moves in, bringing his daughter Ellie, Radley is a cold and bitter man.

    A few months pass and Radley is still cold, but he finds he's falling in love with Hamlin. He attempts to warm up to Ellie in hopes of bonding more with Hamlin, but she's afraid of him because of what his servants say. When Hamlin is called away to war, Radley is put in charge of Ellie. The two bond, and soon the former cocaine addict is like a second father to the little girl.

    At one point, Ellie is kidnapped (due to her father's enemies in war) and despite being handicapped, Radley does what he can to get her back. He returns to war as a spy, having once been a famous spy for the army, and sneaks over enemy lines to get Ellie back. He is found by the enemies and taken prisoner. They drug him and beat him, hoping to get information out.

    Radley finds Ellie while there, and he helps her to escape. Once she is freed, he is sentenced to death, but he is saved when the troops of the other side come. Hamlin finds him half-dead, but takes him home and nurses him back to health.

    The former addict is happier now that he has Ellie and Hamlin back, and that's the end.

    ...or is it?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I want to go to Texas without parents, but I'm 16. Am I allowed to travel alone?

    My girlfriend in Texas invited me to stay with her for a couple weeks this summer. I've got all the needed flight information and what not.

    At the age of 16 (I'll also be turning 17 when I'm there), am I allowed to travel without parents?


    *I do have permission

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What do you think of these 2 characters?

    Character 1: Adam Bates

    Born and raised on the streets of New York City, Bates is the eldest child of six. His parents are poor and neither has a full-time job (his dad has a part-time job as a school janitor), but despite their misfortunes they make do with what they have. Bates is a die-hard fan of Bruce Springsteen, doing everything he can to dress like Springsteen. He maintains a strong "bad boy" appearance, but is actually a nice guy once you get to know him. He always puts others before himself, especially his family. Following high school, he skipped college - mainly because his parents couldn't afford it, but also so he could become the breadwinner for the family.

    EYE COLOR: Brown

    HAIR COLOR/STYLE/LENGTH: Brown/Curly/Short

    HEIGHT: 5'10.5

    PERSONALITY: Badass on the outside, sweetheart on the inside

    VIEW ON LYNNE: At first, he hates her and sees her as the queen of the b****es. But after a while, he falls head over heels in love for her.

    Character 2: Ashlyn "Lynne" Jasper

    Once she was old enough, Lynne went into acting and has been acting her whole life. When she was nine, her mother - the parent that fully supported her acting career - passed away from cancer. She moved in with her dad, who doesn't want anything to do with her or her acting career. Her senior year of high school - after being home schooled for her entire life - is her first year in public school and she is immediately the target of bullying (only because she's wearing disguises). Once people recognize her, she becomes popular and kind of like the Plastics in 'Mean Girls.' She's very self-centered and doesn't really have any friends.

    EYE COLOR: Blue

    HAIR COLOR/STYLE/LENGTH: Red/Straight/Long

    HEIGHT: 5'3

    PERSONALITY: Very conceited and outgoing, but can become very timid and self-conscious

    VIEW ON BATES: At first, she thinks he's nothing but a no-good poor boy trying to get on the good side of rich people, but then she sees there's much more to him than meets the eye.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago