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  • Need A Credit Card To Book A Hotel Room?

    I'm 22 and planning a little vacation to Orlando. My question is do I need to have a credit card to book a room? I have a visa debit card would that work since I have enough funds in my account? I refuse to open a credit card right now since I'm paying off student loans at the moment lol.

    4 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Traveling to nashville by plane next month from LGA have a few questions??? ?

    Haven't traveled by plane since I was 16 now I'm 21 lol anyway I'm going to visit my boyfriend who moved back there last month and wanted to know

    -how many hours should I arrive my flight leaves at 320pm on a Thursday

    -can I bring full sized lostions and other toiletries in my checked lugguge?

    - what can I bring in my carry on?

    - Lastly how is Nashville lol I'm from NY so I'm use to the fast pace life what should I expect?

    1 AnswerAir Travel9 years ago
  • Interview at Uno'sresturant?

    Just was wondering what would be appropriate attire for an interview there and consdering its freezing in nyc lol. It is server/ host postion. Also if anyone ever worked there how was or is it?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Two week notice help!?

    I am a part time sales associate at macys and been there for two years and absolutely hate it!!. I found a much better job and was wondering how should I notify my job about me leaving do I tell my boss or write a letter to hr or both??

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Akwardness with a coworker....?

    So me and a co worker of mine slept together over the summer. W were friends at first then had sex a few times and at work we would flirt. Long story short ended Things ended badly I ended it over a text while he was on vacation. now we don't talk at all and haven't since then. I try or I thought I didn't show it borthered me but other workers say they notice the Akwardness between the both of us. Is it possabile that they can tell something was going on between us I mean it was two months ago we stoped talking at work.I tried to talk to him to clear everything up. Advise pls I'm 21 he's 23

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • looking for dance and zumba classes in queens?

    Looking to go try out zumba or dance and want to know where are some good places to look in maspath queens or around the area?

    1 AnswerDancing10 years ago
  • Dosnt love me back need some sugestions?

    Me and the guy im in love with , known each other since middle school. He was my first everything when we were in HS we talked to other people but still always came back to each other. We both put up with a lot from each other also and he get jealous when i talk to other guys but yet he never though of me as anything more its been 8 years he's 22 and im 21 now and I think its time i leave him alone and stop allowing him to keep going into my life and messing with my emotions but he doesn't think we should stop being friends. Plus I seen a picture of him and this new girl on his fb the day right after he seen me and its killing me inside.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Can you use a 4g phone in an area that is not covered by 4g yet?

    I have T-mobile and was thinking about getting the new galaxy s, Im just not sure though if it would work since my area doesn't have 4g yet.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • thinking about getting some clip in hair extensions.?

    Im 4'11 Petite, and I want clip in hair extensions to add volume and maybe a inch or to of length. I was wondering what length would be good for me 18" or 20? My natural hair is to the middle of my back

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What is Macy's training like for an sales assocate?

    I just was hired at macy's and I have to go for job training. What is the training like? Also I understand that there dress code is all black, but what is acceptable and what is not acceptable?

    Serious answers please...

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • what happens when you turn yourself in for 3 warrents? In NY?

    My boyfriend had 3 warrents and is going to tun himself in for them, what will happen? Will he be arrested the same day?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What Do native new yorkers think of the Subway?

    & Am I the only one that thinks that they should lower the fair

    7 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • Why do tourist that come and NYC don't travel to the outer buroughs of the city?

    I've heard that most think that it is dangerous, when it really well depending were you go, im from brooklyn and there are many places to here.

    4 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago