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Lv 2779 points

30wks with boy #2!!!

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  • what are your weird and wacky dreams?

    my little one just got me up at stupid o'clock and interrupted a very weird dream i was having.

    don't you just love those completely bizarre pregnancy dreams you get. i've had some great ones lately.

    in this particular one i was one of a few survivers of a world wide flesh eating bug attack! lol very surreal. they where little green caterpiller things with wings that swarmed at you. unless you put suntan lotion on, i don't think they liked the taste... lol

    i had another one about a week ago where kittens were eating my toes lol.

    i actually cant wait to go to sleep to see what wacky thing i dream up next!

    anyway it got me thinking, as its early and im bored.

    whats the most weird and wacky dream you've had whilst pregnant?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • name ideas for son number 2!?

    im currently 28 weeks pregnant wiht my second son and im completely stumped as to what to name him.

    i did have a name in mind, but i've completely gone off it. thanks mainly to my partners family takeing the mick (long story) but yeah im not keen it so im back to square one.

    any ideas?

    my 18 month old son is called Connor George Dennehy.

    so the new boy will be Something Something Dennehy lol

    i just haven't got a clue, need help!

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • swine flu jab for pregnant women?

    i was watching the news today (in the UK) and they think that by the end of august about 100,000 people per day (in the UK) will get swine flu (not sure where they are getting their figures from, seems a bit excessive to me)

    they say that due to the limited supply of vaccine at this time they will be giving it to the most vulnerable first i.e. the elderly, pregnant women and young children.

    my question to all you pregnant ladies is. would you (being pregnant) take the vaccine if it was offered to you?

    my worry is, is that this vaccine is new, do they know if there are any risks to the unborn child? side effects? does anyone know to what extent they have tested it?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 18 month old has self weaned?

    my sons just coming up to 18 months old and seems to have completely weaned himself of off his (formula) milk.

    its been going on for about 5 months. first the morning bottle went, he wasn't interested and would rather just have his breakfast. now for the last month hes cut out his night time bottle too, he just wont drink it.

    my future MIL has is saying that he wont be getting enough of the vitamins and minerals he needs if he isn't drinking his milk, and that i should make him drink it (*rollseyes* i cant make my son do anything at the moment).

    but i've spoken to my health visitor and she says as long as he has a healthy diet theres no reason why he shouldn't be getting everything he needs.

    i've always made sure he eats healthy freash foods, he pretty much eats what i eat now.

    will he be ok without his milk? will he be getting enough vitamins etc from his normal foods?

    im inclined to ignore my MIL, shes in the opinion that children are here to do our bidding.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • need help! name ideas?

    im due my second baby in sept. i dont know the sex yet, but having trouble coming up with names.

    i like the name river, so much in fact that if it was a girl i'd like to call her river too! would that work? i know its a boys name, but it could be a girls?

    my son is called connor and my partner named him, so i get to name this one.

    any ideas?

    i kind of like indy / indie for a girl too.

    i just dont know. what are your favourite boys/girls names?

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • please help, morning sickness?

    hi, im 3months pregnant and i really need some help. i've got really bad moring sickness, well, all day sickness really. im not actually throwing up much, maybe once a day, but i really cant function. i have one other child and my sickness was nowhere near this bad when i was carrying him.

    im finding it really hard to care for my son (14 months) as i cant pick him up or move very far without having to sit down again (i get very light headed and feel as if i might pass out)

    any suggestions on what i can take/eat/drink to help? gingers out of the question as i've never been able to eat it, its always made me feel worse for some reason and gives me a headache.

    i really need to get this sorted, like i said i can function and my poor son is haveing to just amuse himself at the moment.

    1 AnswerHealth & Safety1 decade ago
  • 13 month old wont even attemp to feed/drink himself.?

    my sons always loved his food, and eats loads, but im having trouble getting him to feed himself.

    he's fine with finger foods, carrots, toast, etc. he'll happily sit there eating away.

    what im having trouble with is getting him to try and feed himself via spoon or fork. he just wont do it. he just throws a tantrum, if i even attempt to put the spoon in his hand he will just throw it across the room and throw a tantrum, scream the house down. i've tried feeding him the majority of his meal then putting the spoon in his hand towards the end, doesn't work, screams follow. health visitor suggested giving him the spoon and bowl he eats from empty to play with between feeds so he gets used to it, but that doesn't work because he starts crying again because theres no food in there! tryed just leaving him in his chair with the food and walking away, but he just crys and looks at me as if to say "why are you starving me"!!

    its the same with his juice cup, want even attemp to hold it, even if i make sure he's had a good drink after a meal and leave it down on the floor, once he catches sight of it he screams and throws it around the room.

    peoplehave told me not to be to worried, that he's got finger food down which is good, and that he'll get there in the end. and that i should just help him. but thats what im trying to do, help him, but he's having none of it!!

    anyone got any suggestions i haven't tryed.


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 8 month old tenses whole body and grunts?!?

    my 8 month old son has recently started tensing, he's not constipated, he goes regular, and his stools are fine. we have an appointment with our gp next week, but in the mean time i was just wondering if any of you guys have an opinion on what it could be?

    when he is excited he clenches his fists, tenses his whole body and squeaks, what he has started doing now is similar to that, but the tenses are accompanied by grunts instead of squeaks. like he'll be sitting on his mat and he'll just tense, clench his fists and grunt. it does sound like he is having a bm, but he never does. i'd say he does it every 15 minutes or so, but on and off. he'll be fine for a day, or half a day say, then the tensing will start every 15 Min's for about an hour or so.

    I'm just puzzled by it, he doesn't seem in pain. he is teething badly at the moment, both his top teeth are coming through at the same time poor little guy. could that be why? maybe his way of comforting himself through the pain?

    the only other thing i can think of is trapped wind, but he seems to be passing wind just fine.

    any ideas?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what age do babys eyes focus, and is this normal?

    my son is 11 weeks old and i was wondering at what age babys focus properly. he looks as if he's starting to, some times he looks you straight in the eye but the majority of the time he looks up, or his eyes wander from side to side, is this normal? my sister said her baby looked up alot, but her eyes didnt move from side to side. he mainly does this when you talk to him, he stops what hes doing and his eyes just wander side to side. i didn't think anything of it to be honest, i just thought it was a stage before he actually focused in on something, but my mum keeps going on about it so its starting to worry me. thanks in advance for any help

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago