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deja-ann R

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  • why is he still talking to me?

    basically i asked for this guys number and he gave it to me, and we talked and stuff over texting and talked on the phone late at night. But he told me he had a girl friend, and i was ok with it, i said we could still be friends bu the said he wanted to be FWB or FTO and if you know dont know what that is FWB= friends with benifits and FTO=friends that oof. so yeah i said ok to that even though i knew it was wrong, but then he said he got his gf pregnant one night we was talking ane he told me he loves her to much to hurt her by being with me so he told me off like a total *** hole, adn was really not nice at all, and told me to never talk to him ever again, adn i agreed and havnt txt or talked to him since and im a 10 grader hes a senior so we see each other every day in school. and i never look at him i gave him what he wanted for me to act like we never met or did anything. But for the past 2 weeks hes been saying hi to me and trying to talk to me and stuff. please tell me why all of a suden he wants to talk again.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it weird to be attracted older men when ur 15?

    is it weird to be attracted older men when ur 15?

    idk but i always have been attracted to older men and i dont know why. im 15 and iv had two 17 year olds. and now my neighbor who is like in his early 20s has a intrest in me along with one of my friends who graduated 2 years ago. i know why its cuz i look older them i am, i look 18 or 19 but im not and i would tell them but they said they dont mind. some reason i have zero intrest in younger guys my age or younger if ur not older then i dont like u. but guys my age did ask me out many times but i could never say yes. i just want to no if it is normal for me and the guys for them to like me and me like the. and every older guy that asked me are so hot. idk i just have a weaknes for older guys i just think they are so sexy. but they always come to me first so i never start these things.

    what can i do to make it stop and start liking guys my own age. if possible. = 0

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it wierd to like guys way older and im 15?

    so i dont know why but i am ONLY atracted to guys older then me. im 15 and before i a thing with 2 17 year old seniors. and now met this buy but i found out we are neighbors but i think he is like 22 or 23, is it wierd to liek then and them like me back, teh reason they probably do di cuz i look 19 so they kinda get confused when i tell them but they still dont care. but when i think about it i would never want to get incoled with anyone younger then me. like if i was them i would not like that youngter. so why do they? but i dont mind i think older men are so dang hot but 22 is the highest ill go. is that bad for me a 15 year old to liek them? while it matter wheni graduate or when im 18 still the same age diffrence?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • He ruined my talent but how did he creating it?

    He ruined my talent but then creating it.?

    iv asked this question a lot but, its just i cant forget about him, this boy at school that i thought i loved and all. So he dumped me like 5 months ago and the problem is i used to love to sing and play music, but since the brake up i could never get my self to the mic. till the last few months i some how became inspired, to start writing lyrics again. adn since i haved sung in a while my voice was a bit rought, but one night i was laying in my yard on my back staring at the sky , thinking about him cuz i remember he loved the sky and the moon, adnit was a beautiful night and some how i felt he was gazing at the sky to. so i jsut randmaly started singing "ahu girl" cuz it was his fav song he alwasy said i was his ahu girl. and then some how my voice came back and i could hit every note its like i sung better then i ever have in my life so now, adn since then i been singing and writing again better then ever but, he doesnt talk to me any more and he has a new girl friend and loves her more then any girl he ever had. his own words. do why am i singing better adn writing better. how did him hurting me improve my musical talent 110% percent, bu ti still love him is that why im better please i must know!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should i be easy just for him? must know in 1 hour please HELP HELP!!!?

    ok so after my last 2 brake ups that happend at the same time because well i was dating 2 guys at onc ebut it wsnt cheating so any way. i feel terrible bout it butim still friends with both them. but so i dont even know this guy, bu the has been talking to my best best freind and eh told her he really likes me so of course she told me. But for some odd reason i just got this thougth that to day i will go to were he works and say hi an all cuz hes always happy when he sees me and well i thought about just walking up to him adn grabbing his shirt and make out with him. or grab his wrist adn pull him tothe back or something and make out but im wonderind id that a good idea. or not cuz he already likes me and has for a long time. but i only thougth of him as a friend. but since my brake upS (by the way im not a trap,slut or what ever it just happend and im feel duscusted with my self) but what should i do should i give him a chance and suprise kiss him or ( but i have impolsive disorter so it might happen any way) wait for him to ask me out he when he isnt so shy ( he told my bbff he would already) or give my heart time to heal from last realtionship?

    by the way im a somphmore and him a senior this year. please help me i dont want my disorter to get in the way or ruin a good friend.

    im kinda wanting to do that because i watch a lot of movies about girls and what ever doing that so, i was thinking if i did he would fall for me or at lease fall for the moment and go with it.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i be easy just for him? must know in 1 hour please HELP HELP!!!?

    ok so after my last 2 brake ups that happend at the same time because well i was dating 2 guys at onc ebut it wsnt cheating so any way. i feel terrible bout it butim still friends with both them. but so i dont even know this guy, bu the has been talking to my best best freind and eh told her he really likes me so of course she told me. But for some odd reason i just got this thougth that to day i will go to were he works and say hi an all cuz hes always happy when he sees me and well i thought about just walking up to him adn grabbing his shirt and make out with him. or grab his wrist adn pull him tothe back or something and make out but im wonderind id that a good idea. or not cuz he already likes me and has for a long time. but i only thougth of him as a friend. but since my brake upS (by the way im not a trap,slut or what ever it just happend and im feel duscusted with my self) but what should i do should i give him a chance and suprise kiss him or ( but i have impolsive disorter so it might happen any way) wait for him to ask me out he when he isnt so shy ( he told my bbff he would already) or give my heart time to heal from last realtionship?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • senior freinds!! i miss them so much?

    well the whole story will take to long to type so here is the short scoops..

    i met to guys both seniors and in a way i was with both of them.

    i became really good friends with there friends.

    i only made 2 freinds inmy grade.

    but they graduated.

    and i like loved them, usued like a bf but now as BFF.

    and i became great friends with there clicks but they all are gone so how am i going to see them again?

    and still remain freinds?

    im a freshman/sophmore they are senior/grads.

    and why do i still wanto be in a relationship with both boys, but still want them to be like bros?

    please help me.

    i really miss them! :(

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • why do i get these dreams? and will they ever happen?

    ever since i met these two guys i feel madley in love wilth them and, the thing is i think that he rubbed off on me. like his personality, cuz before ever time we were texting at night teh guy i think i like dmore would say ok good night im going to be dreaming of you.

    but now my problem is they both dumped me but i cant stop dreaming of them like every night i have a dream that im kissing them. or back together. and i mean like every night i have a diffrent kissing dream, but it always feels so real, like so real some times i have to ask my friends if i did kiss them again but they tell me i was dreaming.

    but dont dreams come true like arnt dreams little visions in to the future. will it happen?

    why do i keep dreaming of them why can ti forget even if we broke up?

    why do i dream of both of them?

    what should i do to make the dreams stop or make them real?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • he ruined my talent but then creating it.?

    iv asked this question a lot but, its just i cant forget about him, this boy at school that i thought i loved and all. So he dumped me like 5 months ago and the problem is i used to love to sing and play music, but since the brake up i could never get my self to the mic. till the last few months i some how became inspired, to start writing lyrics again. adn since i haved sung in a while my voice was a bit rought, but one night i was laying in my yard on my back staring at the sky , thinking about him cuz i remember he loved the sky and the moon, adnit was a beautiful night and some how i felt he was gazing at the sky to. so i jsut randmaly started singing "ahu girl" cuz it was his fav song he alwasy said i was his ahu girl. and then some how my voice came back and i could hit every note its like i sung better then i ever have in my life so now, adn since then i been singing and writing again better then ever but, he doesnt talk to me any more and he has a new girl friend and loves her more then any girl he ever had. his own words. do why am i singing better adn writing better. how did him hurting me improve my musical talent 110% percent, bu ti still love him is that why im better please i must know!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • 2 guys 1 lonley me please help?

    so i was a new girl last year me freshman adn i was quite but i found out like every guy liked me and the 2 hottest senior boys liked me the most. and every one said i was so lucky and stuff. but i didnt know them and at the time didnt like them at all. but all my new freinds said to go for it well go for BOTH of them. so well i did, i texted both hot senior boys, they both really liked me but they were diffrent one was more boyfriendsy adn the other was like a friends adn we were neighbors so we would hang out adn stuff, but the other wanted to kiss and cudle well they both wanted to but still. yeah so i didnt know what to do and after a while i became....... posesive over them both. like i would get so mad wen i saw them talk to other girls but we never really went out but it was like we were. like the guy that was the friends kind he knew about the other guy but the bf guy didnt know , and they are both like from diffrent clicks so they would get soooooo mad if they found out he trueth about one another. so blah blah blah year goes buy adn i see teh boy friend guy with some other chick that i totaly hate well i geuss he got tierd that he never got any thing eles from me ;) so he moved on and i really started liking him. and i thought he actually really really liked me so after my 6 month deppression. i started hanging out with the friends guy me and him always flirted and i started stay at his house a lot and once even spent the night there. so we were pretty....close now. but after a while also he started to became more and more of a friend then a boyfriend to me which i hated so bad. but like we flirt like at every school dance i would pull him up to dance adn we would well dance people said we were "dirty dancing" and all over each other, but i cant really remember all i knew is it was one of the best nights of my life and it was so funny becasue me adn him wouild get really horny when we danced so yeah it was so funny we would laught and stuff about it . but as time passed we grew apart. and i well he hooked back up with his exgirlfriend. so in the end i lost them both i had them both adn lost them both but now i just wish i could get over them both why em i still so hurt love with them? and is it norally to fall for 2 guys at once. and not beable to let them go? so please help me? i just want to forget about them,. its been a year. and when i think about it i start to cry and get all deppressed like. just tell me what i can do to either get one of them back or found a way to forget they made me feel... i dont want to remember how good they made me feel, and when either would hold me i jus want it to be like i never met them i wish i never would have lisend to my friends so please please help...

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • so i pierced my nose by my self adn my cartalige.?

    about 1 1/2 months ago i pierced my nose and my myself. and i want to no when it will heal and im not sure i got my nose inteh right place so i fu have pics of nose piercings can u please add that to. but yeah when will they heal cuz i surf and they constitly fall out so i have to buy new owns cuz i cant take them out till they heal or else tehy will close.

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • so dumb! whats up with the pouty lips?

    so im been just wondering what is up with girls doing that hole pouty lip thing when they take pictures. liek do they like makeing them selfs look like fish?? can some one please tell me why they do that and why chicks think they look hot or sexy when they do it . also tell me if u do it or if u like it or if u thik its kinda dumb to.

    p.s. u knopw which face is talking about the right the one which looks like u are kissing air. or stick ur lips out on one side once again super irritating after seeing it every were in myspace... facebook...myyearbook. just God no point it ant hot but u tell me.

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • im alone now adn i hate it.?

    my whole life i had people leaving me, either dieing or just moving away. and it happpend again. my most best friend parents are getting a divorce and she has to move and i dont kno wi f i can go on with another loss. its like every year some one leaves me alone by my self and i HATE IT. it ranges from boys to my parents love ones dieing best best friends that i will never see again. please help me how can i cope with all these losses to findmy happyness again. and dont say oohh you'll find a new friend because i can im 15 and have lost over 10 pleople thati will prob never see again so please i need real help just to make me feel a little whole in side.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • i was the new girl and ALL the boys liked me and like the super hot hot hot boys did but.....?

    but i dont understand why im 5'2 adn 137 but its all muicle wieght i wieght lift. but all the guys liked me and asked me out im a freshman and even the senior boys liked me mostly the seniors. its because i look like im 17 im latin and hawaiin with middle of my backblack hair and huge dimples in my face and a well total apple bottom butt its the latin part or me. but i have friends that are gorgous and none of the boys like them as much as me . they always talk to me and touch me and flirt. but i just dont know why they are so attracted to me. please tell me why!

    my pics at myspace my email is its locked but u c an see one pic.

    im the one with candy in my mouth lol.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i have a diary with my entire secretive life in it and im scared my grandma will find it?

    Ok like most girls i have a diary but i have two. one is just boring stuff i right but then the secound one has every single juicing thing in it. like every thing some stuff that is so bad and embarrissing i woud problably have to move away id some one knew. so my grandma is like a sico and is always going through my room to find some thing that shouldnt be there but my room is only like 18 by 6 so yeah its small so i dont kow were to hide my diary any more and eery single day i have to run in to my room and check my hiding place to see if its still there. im scared that if she finds it she will kill me lituarly. and my diary mostly talks about well what other then...well you know.. thats why some one please give me advice what cani do to keep my secrets hidden and my entire other live a unknown to my grandma and the rest of teh world.!!!!??

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • i liked this guy and he liked me. and it has been like this for all school year but he is a senior?

    so i like him, but im freshman and he is senior. so we liked each other we would hang out secretly untill the pst few months that he has been sitting with a bunch of girls. and finally i descovered he likes one of the girls. which is a junior. i still like him and mabey love him.. please help me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what did i do.....: (?

    so here is practiclly the whole story... i was the new girl at a small town high school.. so i go to a dance... and i ws dancingin my own little group. till a tall guy grabs me nd haves me dance with him.. so i did.. the folowing monday evry one said he liked me and wantedto go out and has been checkingme out since i came. bu the is a 17 year old senior and im a 14 year old freshman.. and i can even remember what he looks like.. so my friends point him out and yeah he is super hot.. tall tan nice muscular body...but i didnt really know what to do.then he start talking to me and siting by me when i ws alone. and i started to like him.. he asked fo rmy number andi gave it to him. so he would text me every secound of the day. saying how beautiful i ws and that he wishe dhe could go ut and meet im on romantic walk at the ws as if we were! goin tout but not offically. but he was on the football team and they would travel all over.. so my other guy friend that played said he was flirting and hnging out with a bunch of girls at the game. which made me super super mad i would comfront him about it and he would say there was no one and he only was thinking about me the whole time. so we hang out and i was starting t believe i might love him.. till out of no were he stops textingme and calling and basicaly talking to me at school.. i dont know what i did he always talke dabout he wants me to kiss him soon and why i dont hug him but know he donteven look at me wheni walk past him he just hits my shoulder and keeps going. the told my friends he doesnt know who he likes any more. im so hurt and deppresd it kills me to walk past his little spot he stands by at school because i can feel him gaze at me bu tno direct eye contact. i just wish every thing could be how it used to when i first met him please give me advice. and when he leave to graduate i think i might die. i love him and i can loose him.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • so this guy i like used to talk to me all the time but know he doesnt even look at me is it me or him?

    i think i might lov ethis guy but he is a senior 17 and im a freshman 14.... i dont know what to do please help me. what i s going on. he used to talk to me but know he wont even look at me i school he used to say he would hold me in all night an gkeep me warm and wants to kiss inthe rain but know he doesnt een loiok at me did i do something... and i saw him talking to tis girl all the time know yyyy.... my friends talke dto him and he told them he doesnt know who he likes any more.. but it ws me it has always been me i dont know what to do.. i just want him to talk to me again and to hold me and hear his voice please help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • who do i choose. i like 2 guys at once now im the one that is hurting?

    i met a guy at a school dance.. so yea i liked him but 2 weeks later i meet another one and i talked to both of them. by texting.. i like really reallly really liked them. but i knew it was wrongto talk to both. but he prob is now they both dont even talk to me and the firt guy was so sweet and romantic and always talked about kissing me and holding me but know he doesnt even look at me in school or talk to me adn the other guy well its still at little why dont they any more.. i it posible to might be inlove with them adn by the way thery are senior and i a frieshman.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i have acne all over my boddy?

    i have acne on my neck, arms, stomick, and back and i feel so selfconces how or what can i buy to get rid or it or atlets hide it.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago