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Are Fire signs anarchists?
4 AnswersHoroscopes7 years agoWhy are Fire signs so wild?
My chart shows that I'm Fire dominant and I always asked myself "Why the hell I'm so wild?" I always do crazy stuff for my own (or others') entertainment without giving a crap about the consequences. No matter how bad a situation is, I still remain pretty optimistic! lol
I'm a Leo Sun with Leo Rising and Leo Orcus; Aries Mars conjunct. MC and Eris; Sag Moon, Saturn and Uranus.
1 AnswerHoroscopes7 years agoWhy are Fire signs always willing to fight?
3 AnswersHoroscopes7 years agoGemini Moon and Virgo Moon. Do they share something in common?
2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoTransits: Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces. What are your thoughts?
This might bring some serious changes in the current conscious-subconscious pattern. Especially for those of us with Mercury in Virgo in their natal charts who have already achieved the transcended potential to separate illusion from facts. It looks like the perfect time for meditation to cleanse and to heal our minds, but self-awareness always helps when we're dealing with powerful subtle forces.
So, what do you guys think?
1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years agoIs Mercury in the 3rd house like having Mercury in Gemini?
4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoHey there, Aquarius Moons! How do you deal with us, Gemini Moons?
I have plenty of friends with Aqua Moon and everything seems to be fine and most of all - exciting. They can somehow stand my schizoid tendencies sometimes. lol
Btw, my Moon is also in the 11th house and it acts pretty much like Aqua Moon - I show pretty much the traits. But it's still in Gemini. Maybe they are two Aqua twins? Is it because my Moon has a trine with Pallas in Aqua?
Anyway, how to you deal with us, Gemini Moons? Do we seem to be a problem for you?
1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years agoShare your opinion: Why are Fire signs described as wild and crazy?
4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoWhat indicates a tendency for polyamory in one's natal chart?
I'm a guy who is very interested in polyamory. My Venus is in Cancer and in 12H. According to the stereotype, this is generally a conservative placement. However, I have a 6H Neptune opposition and I'm not sure if this is the case. My Moon is opposite Jupiter - both in Gemini and Sagittarius.
My Pluto trines my Venus, but I don't see myself as jealous and possessive. It's just the opposite - I'm willing to share and to treat everyone as equals and friends. I'm ready and mature enough to try it with all its cons and pros.
It is said that people with Moon in Gemini with some aspects to Venus, Jupiter and/or Neptune are considered such polyamory-oriented placements, but I don't think that's the most accurate configuration.
So, what do you think? What is the reason for that?
4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoZero interest in a monogamous relationship?
What is the indicator for this? I've never been able to understand the concept about one-to-one based unions between people, and I'm always surrounded by legions of people. There is definitely an interest in alternative relationships in which I can treat everyone as friends and equals by giving each other plenty of personal freedom, independence and space.
Here is my chart:
(I think the Moon-Jupiter opposition is a history and there is a feeling that they might have switched places. I tend to intellectualize my feelings now)
1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years agoMars in Aries square Neptune in Capricorn?
How to deal with this? I know I can overcome the obstacle and sometimes I sense that Neptune drains my energy away like a vampire. But I still remain confident about finding out a solution.
And, please, people with zero intuition and vision can go somewhere else.
1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years agoHow to overcome Mars in Aries/Pluto in Scorpio quincunx/inconjunction?
Is there some way? Is this making a person potentially dangerous?
Thank you for your time.
5 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoMars just entered Aries! Shall we get wild?!?
"I'm sooo excited, I just can't hiiide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!"
Are you ready for a new conquest?
1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years agoA question about Venusian types?
I've discovered that I'm like a magnet for ladies with Venus in Libra, and the ones I know are very princess-like indeed. Is it because of my Mars? (10th house Mars in Aries)
3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years agoWhich signs are prone to fanaticism?
I know that Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aries are the first three on the top, especially when you have them in Mars, Jupiter or Pluto with their over-zealous qualities there (huge amount of energy). I vote for Virgo being next closest to them because of their maniacal perfectionism.
2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years agoMars in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces retrograde. What's your opinion?
For one, I think many people will repeat the "Sex, drugs and alcohol!" process in this period. So, bring on the herpes and the huge load of drunk and drug-addicted filth!
2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years agoWhat happens when Mars in Aries achieves discipline?
1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years agoWhat happens when you overcome the opposition aspect?
As many of us know, oppositions are not exactly a bad thing, because they form up very good harmonious connection between them and the signs are the same or like "brothers and sisters". It's just the element that separates them after all.
So, do they merge together in order to form one "being" or else? It seems like conjoined spirits to me.
2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years agoIs it possible for people to overcome inconjunction/quincunx aspects? And how?
I was wondering if that is possible and what benefits a person can gain from overcoming the obstacle. I have Mars in Aries inconjunct./quincunx Pluto in Scorpio and this can be quite troublesome. You're like in a beast mode most of the time LOL. Not very pleasant indeed.
Useful advices are appreciated with some extra details too.
1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago