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Including future step children in wedding ceremony?
My ffuture step daughter means the world to me. I feel that in a way she is mine. Is there any way that I can include her in the wedding ceremony? She will be almost 3 at the time of our wedding. I would like to do something special for her, but is there a way i can do it where she will understand what is going on?
8 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoGetting Married on a close friends b-day?
So me fiance and I are getting married on 8/07/2011, which happens to be our close friends birthday? is there any way we can do something special for him or like incorporate his b-day on our big day? help!!!?
6 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoI want to do something more for him on valentine's day...?
I am already baking him an oreo chocolate cake (his fave, and Friday's took it of their menu.) I thought that would be sweet, but I feel like i should do something a little bit more. I am kind of strapped for cash though, so I am at a loss as of what else to do for him. Also, we both have to work on Valentine's, so he is coming over they day after when we b otoh get out of work, so... lol Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
2 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade agorecipe for tgi fridays oreo chocolate cake?
does anyone have the recipe? whats the differenc e between cake flour and regular flour
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoSo I just found put i am making christmas dinner for the first time this year... HELP!?!!?!?!?
I have no idea what to make its the first christmas i am actually getting to spend with my bf... i need anything i can get, menus recipes, i appreciate it all!
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoquestions about goldfish?
how often should you change the water in their bowl? How do you tell if they are male or female?
4 AnswersFish1 decade agoHow do you get a really bad knot out of hair?
i have a extremely long and thick hair, and i get knots instantly when i leave my hair down, or when i sleep with it down. i have a really bad one right now, and i am not quite sure how to get it out. what should i do?
11 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat is a reliable/accurate pregnancy test to use?
i took two and they came back negative... still haven't gotten my "monthly gift" yet, and i do have that kind of nauseous morning sickness type feeling. it is possible that I am pregnant, but is also a little too early to tell i think. If i am not pregnant, then what could possible be wrong with me. i know it's not stress. i have been more stressed out than i am now and have gotten it on time and all?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agois it possible to test negative twice...?
and still be pregnant? I am about a week or so late, it is possible that i could be preggo.... but i took two tests and they both came back negative. why else could i be late? please don't be mean and serious answers only.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat is the best way to build up credit?
I am 20 years old and I would like to start building up my credit because i have none. WHat is the best way to do so? I thought that maybe opening up a credit card, buying small things and paying it off might work, but doe anybody have any better ideas?
3 AnswersCredit1 decade agoideas for 30th anniversary?
my parents 30th anniversary is sept.23rd... i don't have much money to spend on it, but i was wondering if there is something special i could do/surprise them with?
4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoHow do you heal heartbreak?
Yes I am heart broken... Enough said lol
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoQuestion about possibly being pregnant? Please read entire question!?
Ok so I have asked this question a bunch of times, but i have yet to get an answer that has answered my question for me lol. I went on the Nuva Ring and the day after I first put it in I had unprotected sex (stupid I know). I think about two days later I took it out, with every intention of starting a new type of birth control. Maybe two days or so after I took the ring out I started spotting. I am worried that it was implantation bleeding. I was also wondering if maybe the spotting was caused because I took the ring out?Certain foods have been making me sick (sorry if this is tmi, but it was coming out of both ends), and my back kills. I'm supposed to get my period on tuesday, but I don't know if messing with the Nuva Ring messed that up or anything... So I guess I know it's possible that I can be preggo. But should I take a test on tuesday, or wait? And if anybody could tell me what that spotting could have been, I'd greatly appreciate it. Serious answers only! Thanks for the help!!!
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoAlcohol question?
Does jager really have deers blood in it? lol some one told me that and i don't believe them, but they insist on it!
5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoBoyfriend problems?
Ok so last night i wanted to stay the night at my bf's instead of coming home and i did. When I got home my mom started calling me a slut and told me he was using me. And i started thinking about it, and I got kind of upset and asked him if he was. He said he wasn't and i told him i knew i just wanted to make sure. So I just got back from his house. We had a fight. We were starting to go at it, but we stopped... He went downstairs and talked to his brother for a little bit. When he came back I was trying to turn him on and he wasn't letting me, and he said, "No i'm not gunna do it just so you can go and tell your mom that I didn't have sex with you so I am not using you." I got mad and left, and when i walked out i told him it was over. and he said he wanted to talk about it later today. I don't want it to be over because I really like him. I left him a message on myspace (we both work) explaining that i just got really pissed off. What should I do? Should I go see him after work? HELP
13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat are some fun, unusal date ideas?
I want to take my boyfriend out on a date, and i don't want it to be typical... if you'd please help i would greatly appreciate it!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoFirst Date Ideas?
What are some fun, out of the ordinary ways for a first date? (In northeast pennsylvania). What are some things we can do to make it less awkward, and get to know each other?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat are some fun things to do on a first date?
We're already going out to dinner... I was just wondering what some other fun things to do would be. maybe some activities to help us get to know each other?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoi think i'm pregnant...? and i was on nuvaring for like a day?
ok so i have been asking a lot of questions about getting pregnant on the nuvaring so this will be my last ? i swear. i went on nuvaring last tuesday, and had unprotected sex that wednesday. i took it out on thursday because it was just uncomfortable. today is monday and i am bleeding a little bit. it's not like my period or anything... i don't have cramps or anything, but i do feel kind of natious. am i bleeding because i took the ring out, or could it be implantation bleeding? how long until i can find out if i am pregnant or not?
if i am pregnant how do i tell the father? he was just a one night stand that has a girl friend now. ughhh!
am i freaking out for nothing?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago