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  • I know Wal-mart is the saving place. But I've about had it with people!!!!!!!!!?

    I stock shelves overnite at a local Wal-mart and I've seen people do some realy ignorant things but I cannot nor will I understand WHY people think it's alright to dump their animals in our parking lot.

    We have counted 8 cats. Some we've watched grow from tiny kittens to adults. And today I saw a dog in the lot that I tried to get to come to me but it ran off into the dark. later we saw it on the cameras monitor outside the dock door. When the door opened he tried to come inside.

    I was well pleased that my supervisor allowed me to leave work early so I could buy some food and get it in my truck to bring it home. Poor thing is hurt but roaming happily around my house. It's a very young pit/shepherd mix. He has'nt bothered my 2 cats and other than a little growling at my un-neutered male dog we have yet to have a problem. But everytime I look at the poor thing with all his ribs showing and the open wound on his hind leg that's not all that serios {Thank GOD} I get so mad I want to punch someone in the mouth!

    Evan tho it took 2 of us with leashes on both sides of him to get him in my truck - once there he had no problem eating from my hand. He is not one bit food aggressive. He's obviously housebroken and made himself quite comfortable on my couch.

    He has such a sweet disposition. How could anyone just drop him off to fend for himself? People make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogs with heart murmer?

    I am thinking of adopting a rott who has a heart murmer. The vet (mine) has already diagnosed this and has told the present owner that it's possible the dog will outgrow the condition. {?}

    This dog has been abused his entire life. He has been stuck in a crate too small for him to lay comfortably in the entire day while the owner was away and when he returned let out long enough to potty before going right back in the crate.He's extremely underweight due to the lack of food. No one has taken the time to talk to him let alone play with him in his short life until a few months ago. He's a little over 2 years old presently.

    The owner has moved in with another owner of a pup from the same litter and they play. The dog is now getting the proper nutrition and lots of love from everyone who comes in contact with it and the crate has been thrown out. He has a big kennel to run in and a big back yard to play with his sisiter under supervision. He does well around cats and is as sweet tempered an animal as you'd ever want to have around but he wheezes horribly when he runs after the other dog for just a few minutes.

    I have not spoken with my vet yet but will be doing so later this month when I take my other dog in but I'd like to hear from other owners with dogs with the same heart problem before I do to help me ask all the right questions when I get there so here goes. What medications have your dogs been on and for how long? Did they help or cause worse medical problems and has anyone had a dog that outgrew the problem? If so did those dogs develop other problems later on? What were you told about exercise and nutrition and did you provide supplements? Did they help? And over-all what have you paid out in vet bills over the coarse of a year to help your dogs condition?

    This person is planning to move again and wants to keep the dog but I am not going to allow it. The vet wanted to do bloodwork and he refused saying he couldn't afford it and he's in my opinion moving because everyone is telling him what a bad dog owner he is almost daily.

    Without that bloodwork being done and only 1 check-up thus far I can't say this dog won't have other health concerns but I'm wondering if being crated so long on a daily basis hasn't caused this dogs lungs to not develop properly and if steroids would help.

    I have told the owner if he can't find a place where dogs are allowed I'll take him happily and he's refused but if he tries to move with this dog it's my plan to go take him and have the guy arrested for abuse. One look at the poor dog will ensure this evan after 5 months of getting enough food to fill him up and some exercise.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what's the best pet insurance ?

    I've been shopping for pet insurance for awhile now and I need to hear others experiences before I make up my mind on which company to go thru so please tell me the good the bad and the ugly on any and all companies you've dealt with past and present. Is it evan worth getting or am I better off continuing to put money aside weekly for future vet bills?

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • If you could stop a dog fighting ring would you?

    I followed a link from a posting this a.m. and was disgusted by what I saw at

    I made some calls this morning and discovered it's the staes Dept. of Agriculture that needs to be notified and I did so but was informed by them that I had to provide them with a schedule so I called for one.They cannot get the schedules themselves apparently due to entrapment laws.

    The recording I got claimed this was an dog adoption agency and the US government had shut them down but if I left my phone number I would be contacted from the Tiajuana Mexico office as soon as possible.

    Apparently this site IS NOT A JOKE! So if you want to make a difference please call for a schedule in your state and explain you're interested but want to see a fight or 2 and talk with the owners and such before you commit to anything then call the nearest Dept. Of Ag office and give them the information so they can go bust these people before one more dog is hurt for these sickos enjoyment.

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If you could stop a dog fighting ring would you?

    I followed a link from a posting this a.m. and was disgusted by what I saw at

    I made some calls this morning and discovered it's the staes Dept. of Agriculture that needs to be notified and I did so but was informed by them that I had to provide them with a schedule so I called for one.They cannot get the schedules themselves apparently due to entrapment laws.

    The recording I got claimed this was an dog adoption agency and the US government had shut them down but if I left my phone number I would be contacted from the Tiajuana Mexico office as soon as possible.

    Apparently this site IS NOT A JOKE! So if you want to make a difference please call for a schedule in your state and explain you're interested but want to see a fight or 2 and talk with the owners and such before you commit to anything then call the nearest Dept. Of Ag office and give them the information so they can go bust these people before one more dog is hurt for these sickos enjoyment.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Tis the season. Can you make a difference in a shelter dog or cats life?

    It's the season for giving so can't we all try to take a minute to run past the dog and cat toys while we're out shopping and pick up one toy or bag of treats to drop off at the nearest shelter? It does'nt have to be expensive. Anything would probably be truly appreciated by both the animals who are stressed from sheer boredom and the staff who care for these animals as best they can.

    Alot of these shelters don't have the funds to provide the animals with any more than the basics and feel lucky they can do that.One toy or bag of treats won't help one bit.But if 30 or 40 people dropped off just one thing imagine how much happier these animals would be having something to interact or cuddle with while they're sitting in a cage waiting for a forever home and someone to love them.

    Alot of people say they want to help these animals but don't know how. Here's your chance.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How does one go about having their mate declared mentally incompetant to handle finances in IL??

    Friend just found out her husband spent well over $4,000.00 in the last 2 months.The money was borrowed from a revolving loan account that was opened in both their names.

    He insists the money did not go on drugs but he has nothing to show for it. He gets $1900 a month pension and says it's none of her buisness what he spends money on. He pays the bills.She works for minimum wage and he demands she use her checks to buy food and pay bills with her money.She's always broke.Never gets anything for herself.

    She made a budget and says he keeps shorting it on the amount he puts in so she has to pick up the rest and he says she's working so she must do her part.

    He spends most of his time either getting high or looking for drugs. they live in a dump but rather than fix the house he's buying toys for himself that cost hundreds of dollars.The house is hers but has re-fid it 3 times in 6 yrs. to pay for his foolishness.Now he's the primary on loan and says she's got to go not him.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago