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  • different lifestyles clashing. songs?

    my boy and i are at a point where im realizin that we have two separate lifestyles and i dont know how were going to make our relationship work. hes more of a partier that likes to go out and drink, im more of a laid back, stay at home kind of person. i love him, but this really is putting a stress on our relationship.

    anyone think of any songs that can help me through this rough patch?

    or any suggestions work too.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How can I ask my dad to let me go to a psychiatrist/psychologist?

    I don't have the money for it thats why I need to ask him, and I think it can go through our insurance..

    I feel like I really just need to talk to someone who can actually give me good, professional advice. I also think I have a serious clinical problem that I need to address and I need professional help with.

    I'm really not close with my dad at all. I'm in college and I still live at home, but I seriously go for like 3 days straight without saying anything to him and when I do it's casual small talk so idk.. I feel like I can't ask him for anything because he thinks that I just talk to him when I need something. Even though I do need something, I really need this to be happy.. I've been so upset lately and I just really think I need the help.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Any good break up songs?

    About a guy who broke up with a girl because they are at different places in their lives or because he wants to be with his ex? Songs about being super lonely and feeling extremely disappointed.

    Some similar to Schuyler Fisk's Hello & Lonely Again. Those lyrics are perfect.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel so lonely and I can't stop crying =[?

    He just ended things with me and I am devastated. I put so much faith in him and I'm a complete wreck. We were only seeing each other for a couple weeks but I was already starting to fall for him. It hurts so bad. I know time is really the only thing that helps, but I don't want to feel like this. I'm really lonely. My best friend isn't there for me like I wish she would be and I don't really have anyone that I want to call up except for him. What can I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • He doesn't like labels.. does that mean he's just not that into me?

    I've been seeing this guy for a couple weeks. When we first hooked up I asked him if this was just going to be something casual or what and he said he doesn't like putting labels on things and he likes to just see where things go. When I tell people about him they ask if he is my boyfriend and I say that he doesn't like labels so I don't know what we are. They say he must not be that into me because guys like to "claim their territory".

    What's the deal?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I want you.. sexually?

    I was told that universal sign of "I want you (in a sexual way)" is to put your fingers in the person's palm and somewhat caress their palm with your fingertips. Anyone else heard of this?

    I tried it with a guy and he didn't pick up on it..

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I want to stop feeling like this..?

    I met this amazing guy and we are doing really well. Lately over the past few nights I've been going crazy.. I get the biggest urge to call him and just be with him but I know I need to give him his space and I learned from a previous relationship that spending too much time together is not good. I'm really trying to control myself. It's to the point where it hurts bc I'm not with him. That's how much I like to be around him. I feel lonely without him. I just want to text him at least but I don't want to be clingy and overbearing. HELP! Any input on the situation is appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what the french is going on?

    GUYS: After seeing a girl for a couple weeks, what is on your mind???????

    You hang out like once or twice a week. She comes over to your place and you guys talk and have a great time together. You've been physical. She has slept over.

    Whats up? Do you think about her randomly throughout the day?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what the please?

    ive been "seeing" this guy i guess for almost a month.. idk if you would consider it dating or what.. i go over to his place and we hang out. sometimes we hook up, sometimes we dont. but when we talk i feel like im talking to one of my best friends. like nothing is awkward and it just clicks. well i havent talked to him in a few days bc he is busy with work and his finals and everything and im really missing him... before i could go days upon days without hearing from him and id be fine, but now its been like 2 days and im sad and all i want is to go over to his place and see him.

    what is going on? any input on the situation is appreciated. i seriously don't know what to make of any of it.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • You like these names, yes?

    So I'm bored and just getting all these names that I like here. Rate them, maybe explain why you think they are what they are. Not pregnant or anything, but I am having baby fever! Haha =]











    BOYS (I love the way these first two sound with the middle names)

    Jason Tyler

    Jake Ryan













    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How would you read this?

    This guy goes to the gym I go to and we never really talked but we always exchanged glances and whatnot. Well we finally got together last week at his place to watch a movie and we made out and got a little hot and heavy, but nothing happened because I told him I didnt want to be just a piece of ***. He said I'm not and random other things that he said were like "I love your eyes" "I'm so attracted to you" and we had some conversation and just seemed to click. But I'm not sure if he just said all those things in hopes of things going further physically. I want a relationship. How can I feel him out and see where he is at without being like "Dude can I be your gf?" haha

    Please no sarcasm. I really want good answers.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please help! How do I talk to this guy?

    There is this personal trainer at my gym and I think he is totally gorgeous. I want to talk to him but I don't really know what to say. I've always thought he was cute but I was in a relationship before so I didn't do anything about it. I've been at that gym for about 7 months so I can't really pull the whole "oh I don't know how to do this can you help?" thing. I was working out the other day and he came over and told me to try it a different way so I would feel the muscle work more and stupid me just said "oh okay thanks." It's been too long for me to go up to him now and say "thanks for the tip" or something.. I feel like I can always catch him looking at me or at least in my direction.

    I know this is like the 4th time I've asked this, but seriously I've only had 2 responses that weren't even serious ones. So please, somebody help.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I approach him?

    There is this personal trainer at my gym and I think he is totally gorgeous. I want to talk to him but I don't really know what to say. I've always thought he was cute but I was in a relationship before so I didn't do anything about it. I've been at that gym for about 7 months so I can't really pull the whole "oh I don't know how to do this can you help?" thing. I was working out the other day and he came over and told me to try it a different way so I would feel the muscle work more and stupid me just said "oh okay thanks." It's been too long for me to go up to him now and say "thanks for the tip" or something.. I feel like I can always catch him looking at me or at least in my direction.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do i say on the date?

    we met when i was with my two friends and my friend's bf and him. then we went on a double with my friend, her bf, him and i. and now im supposed to go alone on a date with him tonight.. im nervous to say the least. i dont know what im going to say. i dont want to do the boring generic questions of "whats your favorite movie?" thats dumb and seriously sounds like youre being interviewed.

    im coming out of a 3 year relationship and this is the first guy im going to be dating one on one so im also nervous about getting too in depth with my conversation. i dont really see anything wrong with talking about exes. it helps you learn about what theyve been through and what you know they wont do to you. plus, thats pretty much who i've been for the past 3 years so i dont have much else to say about myself.. i know i need to go out and figure out who i am without a guy, but right now, lets focus on WHAT DO I SAY ON THIS DATE?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how do you talk about a movie after you see it?

    so i'm looking at all these first date convo topics bc im supposed to be going to see a movie for my first single date with this guy tonight and im just wondering how do you "talk about" the movie you just saw without sounding like your trying to write a review for the newspaper? i think were going to see a scary movie so.. what do i say? "That was really scary! Especially when..." then thats it...?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • first love..............?

    i think im starting to believe that you never can really get over your first love.. you have to decide to just let them go..

    am i right? or am i just having a relapse or something?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What questions do they ask for a lie detector test?

    when you become a police officer?

    i have a feeling like i would be so nervous about it that my answers would read wrong.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What to do about this parent?

    I'm a preschool teacher and my co-teacher is having a problem..

    It all started back after our holiday show. We had a performance where the parents came and watched their kids sing some songs. Well one of our kid's dad asked my co-teacher to be his friend on myspace that night at like 2 am or something. Just her. No other teacher. He sent a message along with it saying something like she looked good last night or something. Can't remember exactly what it said. She didn't want to be mean and make things awkward so she accepted him but ignored the message.

    Now he commented on one of her pictures of her with his kid (that has been up since he asked to be her friend) saying that he thought the kid looked familiar.

    She doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to be mean or make things awkward. He is married and his wife is such a sweetheart. We don't know if things are okay with their marriage and he is just a creeper or if they are getting separated or what. She doesn't want anything to do with this guy.

    Any advice?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Can you pick your assignments when you become a police officer?

    I want to apply to be a police officer around July after I turn 19 but I really don't want to patrol the bad neighborhoods, especially at night.

    Can you choose your assignments when you first become a cop or do they get assigned based on seniority?

    11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Am I odd since I don't want to go on typical dates?

    When first starting to date someone, I really don't like going out to dinner and the movies kind of dates. I don't like the idea of having a guy pay for me to do those things. And I don't like the idea of eating in front of a guy I'm just getting to know. I worry about awkward silences and not having anything to really talk to the guy about (probably got that from my bad first date I suppose).

    I think that you get to know someone better if you're just hanging out instead of going out on an official "date" and having that extra anxiety around.

    What are somethings that I could do with a guy to just hang out? Things that don't involve going out to dinner and all, but things that are still fun.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago