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  • Falling down while pregnant?

    Now that I am almost halfway through my pregnancy (19 weeks tomorrow) I seem to be falling down a lot more. It's weird, I've always been a klutz, but I would manage to catch myself before I hit the ground, not any more! Yesterday I fell in my driveway, and skinned my knee up pretty bad.

    I know my baby is well protected inside me,

    Is this b/c of my belly throwing me off balance (it's not even that big yet!) does this go away after delivery? I don't want to be carrying my babe and trip like this.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Weekend vacations within driving distance of Ohio?

    My hubby and I are looking to take a small vacation this year. We live near Cleveland Ohio and would only want to be gone from Friday night to Sunday. I'm pregnant and don't want to fly (I know I can, but I don't want to) plus we don't want to go broke paying for airfare.

    Any ideas of weekend trips? (personal recommendations are great)

    8 AnswersCleveland1 decade ago
  • Is it baby movement at 16 weeks after eating?

    So for the last few weeks I have been feeling pressure in my lower abdomen area. It kinda felt like gas, but I wasn't passing anything. So for the last two days I have felt this pressure about 15 min after I eat something. I had ice cream for a snack last night and I felt something make a C shape motion from the inside and the little bumps kept going for about half an hour. This is my first baby and I'm a bit over weight so I didn't think I would feel anything this early (16 weeks along).

    So mama's: Is it normal to feel the baby move after you have eaten something?


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Stay at home daddy, do you mind?

    I have been looking at daycare for my baby to be, and it's going to cost and arm and a leg. I make slightly more money than my hubby plus I have health insurance, so I can't quit my job. But hubby HATES his job. He does home appliance repair and is fed up with going into rude peoples homes, the disorganization of the office he works for, he has to ask to be paid every week (they are two pays behind now). So when I told him that it might just be better if he stayed home with the baby and did weekends with a few week night part time jobs or something from home he was stunned. The thought of not working at a job he truly hates is very tempting.

    My question:

    Ladies: How do you feel about having your hubby (or b/f) stay at home with your kids while you work?

    Men: Would you hate being a stay at home dad?

    I'm just looking for opinions here, we still haven't ruled out daycare.

    Thanks everyone.

    16 weeks pregnant today Hooray!

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Buying a used van, which is better?

    My hubby and I are looking at buying a minivan. Both van's are $5000.00 and both are dodge caravans.

    #1: year 2000, 90k miles on it and 4 cylinders, blue in color, I have experience with this year, I learned to drive in one!

    #2: year 2002, 70k miles on it and 6 cylinders color white.

    Both look clean, it would be my van to drive to work (about 5 mins away), going to the store, etc. we might use it to haul some things like lumber a short distance. But we need a van b/c my cavalier is only 2 door and has about 144k miles and we have our first child on the way. If anyone has an opinion please let me know why.

    Thanks for your help.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Is 15 weeks pregnant too early to price out or find childcare?

    Just wondering how early is too early. I e-mailed so people on Craig's list asking them for prices, do they take infants, how many children they watch at once, things like that.

    I told them that I understood that they may not have an opening at the end of the year/beginning of 2010, but I want to make a list of places.

    Am I jumping the gun?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why are people mean to pregnant woman?

    I'm only 14 weeks, and I know that I'm an emotional smart @ss. But it seems to me that if people made comments to any other person on the planet they would get punched in the face.

    For example:

    My mother in law told me that I shouldn't eat salt, that she only gained 20 pound and lost it right away, I shouldn't drink any pop, she didn't show until she was more than 4 months. Lets say I was obese, not pregnant, all of her advise would be considered rude and meddling right?

    BTW I bit my tongue hard during this, I really want to snap at her and I had some real good zingers, but b/c I normally get along well with my mil and I love my hubby, I said nothing. Hubby told me that she might be lying about the weight gain and that mad me feel better.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do I get for a daddy to be?

    I'm 14 weeks pregnant, my hubby got me a body pillow with cover, a belly band and a card for mother's day. Any ideas what I should get him. It can't be too pricey but all ideas would be helpful


    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What did you do for sore hips in pregnancy :(?

    I'm only 13 weeks and 5 days, but I woke up with really sore hips this morning. I know everything is growing, so I'm not worried about the pain and discomfort, I would like to know what everyone did to get some relief?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When should I buy baby things?

    I'm only 13 weeks, but we are trying to budget for baby things. We'll probably buy a few things second hand (like at garage sales and flea markets).

    How early is too early to start buying baby stuff?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are you craving right now?

    Okay pregnant mommy's: What are you craving right now?

    Do you have very specific cravings or just general?

    Have you been craving the same thing(s) through your whole pregnancy or do they change all the time?

    Just wondering :)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Besides smothering my husband how do I get him to stop snoring?

    We've tried sprays, pills, strips. If we're sleeping in the same room (I kick him out sometimes) I'm awake every few hours telling him to get off his back or to stop snoring in my ear.

    Any one have any other ides or products that work?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy diet, 6 small meals...?

    Anyone try the 6 small meals? I've been getting crazy heartburn and the baby books suggest 6 meals through out the day. Can anyone suggest a days worth of healthy small meals?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mommies who don't breastfeed?

    I'm still six months until delivery, so I have time to think about it, but I'm not sure would like to breastfeed.

    I wasn't breastfed as a baby b/c my mom had to work and my dad (who lacked the equipment) had to feed me. I think it would be easier to just formula feed (I only have 12 weeks of unpaid leave).

    I know the benifits of breastfeeding over formula, but I really want to know "Why did you choose not to breastfeed?"

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Gallbladder pain during pregnancy,,but?

    I don't have a gallbladder! I got it out last year, but I've had pressure in that area sporadically. It's not diet related, and it's not painful like when I had stones. Just pressure. I'm 12 weeks, Anyone else have this? BTW when I had my US they checked to make sure that I didn't have gallbladder.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • no sex for me, how to stay close to hubby?

    B/c I'm only 11 weeks and I have a subchronic bleed that isn't healed yet, no nookie for me and hubby. Okay, I miss being (in a Biblical sense) with my hubby. we've been doing lots of platonic picnicking, walking, and other things we did when we dated. Anyone have any ideas for ways of us to be close?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • giving birth with a spetated uterus?

    I'm 11 weeks one day pregnant. At 5 weeks I had some spotting, the ER said it was a subchroic bleed, they checked with an ultrasound. I was sent to a high risk OB/GYM at 8 weeks. They said that my uterus was septated and even though the baby looks good and his heartbeat is strong, they still want to keep an eye on me every month along with my regular OB/GYN. My question:

    has anyone else given birth with a septated uterus? My OB/GYN said that I'm at risk for miscarriage, preterm labor, breech and c-section. what should i expect? For though who have miscarried with this condition, what week dod you miscarry? I know that after 13 weeks the risk goes down, but it's not gone.

    Thank you all

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who is the best roofer in Elyria Ohio?

    I'm looking for a roofer in Elyria Ohio or Lorain County Ohio. I can't find any good reviews on the internet. Does anyone have experience (good or bad) with a company? My hubby is scared of hights and I'm not that handy :) or we'll need a good company to do our roof. Thanks

    1 AnswerCleveland1 decade ago