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  • I screwed up and my mom wants me to go to another school. How do I change her mind?

    So today me and my friend got in trouble for possession of marijuana at school. He got expelled because it was his and I got lots of detentions. Anyways my mom told me that she's going to switch my school. She already talked to the assistant principal and she emailed the dean and if he says yes then they are going to do it. Km going to see both of them (assistant principal and the dean) tomorrow. I really don't want to go to another school. I never want to smoke again because of this. What can I do to prove to them that I don't need to switch schools?? I'm a senior in high school and want to graduate at my school and not some therapeutic school. She doesn't believe me when I say that I'm not going to get in trouble again for this year. She doesn't believe me because I got in trouble 3 times in 2 months. 1 being for doing fireworks and the other 2 for possession of marijuana. I really don't want to go through any of this again. I hate what I am now. I don't want to go to another school. Can I fix this or am I f*cked?

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education2 years ago
  • My boss just sent me a video of him having sex with my ex?

    About 2 weeks ago my gf left me because she said she only likes black guys and I told my manager that I'm not with her anymore. And he said that he's gonna get her now but I thought he was just joking. He literally just sent me a video of him ******* my ex gf. He recorded her face and everything. I want to ******* kill myself right now. I don't know what to do.....

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Will the person know if I block them on Snapchat?

    There's a girl I like that works at a Jimmy John's right next to my store and I always go there to get drinks and she always gives me free drinks and stuff. I asked her out one day and she gave me her Snapchat. I didn't even ask for it, she told me to add her so I did. Anyways we were gonna go out but I decided to block her because I don't think it will work out. I went in there yesterday to get my drink and she didn't even smile at me, I avoided eye contact with her, she didn't say hi and she walked to the back room without saying anything to me. Usually she always talked to me and stuff but now she's not. Did she find out I blocked her? I'm not hurt or anything because I don't want that slut in my life anyways, I'm just wondering...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • It's almost been 7 hours and this girl has still not excepted my friend request on Snapchat?

    I asked this girl out and she said "sure! Let me add you on Snapchat!" She did some scan thing on my phone but that means I sent the request because she used my phone to do it. It's been almost 7 hours and she still hasn't accepted it.. Should I assume she changed her mind?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm 17 (turning 18 in 4 months), can I date a 25 year old?

    I work at little Caesar's and I always go to Jimmy John's to get drinks and stuff and this one girl that works there always gives me stuff for free and always smiles and me and stuff. No one else says that she gives them free food and drinks but she always gives me stuff for free. All my friends and coworkers say that she probably likes me. I don't know if it would be weird because she looks like she's in her 20s and almost everyone I asked said she looks like she's about 25. I'm gonna be 18 in September so it's just a few months. Could I ask her out? Would it be weird?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm 17 can I date a 25 year old?

    I work at little Caesar's and I always go to Jimmy John's to get drinks and stuff and this one girl that works there always gives me stuff for free and always smiles and me and stuff. No one else says that she gives them free food and drinks but she always gives me stuff for free. I don't know if it would be weird because she look alike she s in her 20s and almost everyone I asked said she looks like she's about 25. I'm gonna be 18 in September so it's just a few months. Could I ask her out? Would it be weird?

    Singles & Dating3 years ago
  • Really scared when high?

    So I've smoked weed a lot for the last few months and have never had this experience. Of course I usually feel people watching me and stuff like that which isn't the best feeling but today was so much worse. So me and my friends just smoked 1 blunt and as I started walking home I all of a sudden got extremely thirsty. So thirsty that I couldn't swallow, spit or even do anything. My mouth was just so dry. My vision then got extremely blurry. After a few minutes, my thirst got even worse. It was to the point where it actually crossed my mind that I wouldn't make it home. That I was going to pass out due to dehydration. I was just thinking about it and my heart started racing. I literally felt like I was going to fall to the ground any minute and have a heart attack or something. I couldn't breath. My chest was hurting. I felt like something was just gonna force screams out of me to call for help. I really wanted to. I literally stopped and was holding my chest thinking I was gonna die because I couldn't breath. I got home and was sitting on my couch and I was like paralyzed. I literally forgot how to move my body. I wanted to move but I couldn't move a single muscle in my body. This was the worst experience I've ever had in my life. What the hell happened to me?

    3 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • Did this girl lie about having a boyfriend?

    So there's this girl at my school both 17 btw, and she always stares and smiles at me. I actually approached her and got to know her a little bit. I asked her a few days later and she said yes. The next day I asked for her number and she told me she has a boyfriend. Her Facebook status says single, I never see her with a guy, she still smiles at me when she sees me. Did she lie about having a boyfriend? If she did lie then at least I know she just lied so she wouldn't need to go out with me so then why would she still be smiling at me? Also if she does have a boyfriend them why would she still smile at me? You'd think if you're with someone, you wouldn't smile at other guys.....

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girls mad at me for blocking her on fb?

    So first me and this girl always smiled at each other and I like her so about a week ago I asked her out and she said yes. Then a few days later I asked for her number and she said she has a boyfriend and he wouldn't like her giving her number to other guys. I blocked her once she accepted my friend request that has been pending for a whole week and then today she said kind of in a mad tone "did you block me?" I said yes and now she hates me. She shouldn't have even smiled at me to begin with of she had a bf like what the **** is that ****? Why the hell is she mad?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • My mom thinks im going to get raped?

    Idk my mom is always scated of me leaving the house past 9 pm. I'm 17 almost 18 and she always uses the excuse that there are creepy people out there that could putt up on a van, throw me in the back and **** me in the ***. She never says this kind of stuff to my other 3 siblings. Is it just because I'm hotter and they're ugly? Honestly I wouldn't mind being raped by a hot girl. I'll be really happy if I got raped by a good looking girl.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I'm 16, can I date a 21 year old?

    So I was at Wal-Mart today and I just got home. There was this one girl there that I heard her say to other workers "he's cute" and she actually approached me when I was checking out my things. She asked for my name and age then she gave me her number and address. She told me to come over to her place tomorrow night. I want to do it but she said she's 21. I'm 16 lol. Could I still date her? I really don't care if I'm under age. It a only 5 years right? She's pretty cute too so....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Why didn't this girl accept my friend request on fb?

    She accepts almost everyone else but it's been 19 hours since I sent the request and it's still pending...

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • Did this girl reject me?

    I asked out this girl today and she said she is busy this whole week. Is that rejection?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • If a girl has her earbuds in should you still try talking to her?

    I always feel like it's a sign she doesn't want to talk to me or something. I'll feel like an asshole if I cause someone to stop their music to talk to me...

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Should I ask this girl out?

    So to start this off, me and this have made eye contact with each other for the longest time but never did anything. One day I was high and didn't know what I was doing (in school) and I smiled at her and she smiled back. It took like 2 weeks of us just smiling at each other till I finally approached her and it went good. We were talking about the walking dead and I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she said yes but should I ask her out next time I talk to her which will most likely be tomorrow?

    Singles & Dating3 years ago
  • How do I get over my fear of talking to girls?

    So at my school there are so many girls that don't have a bf that I really like. I'll be so happy with either one of them. I can't ever find myself to talk to them. One day I can't to school high for the first time and I was so social. I talked to one of the girls I like and now she always smiles at me Every time we see each other. I want to talk to her but I always get these bad feelings in my head that she's just being nice, if I approach her I'll just get a "get the **** away from me" answer, or she'll just laugh at me for talking her her. Anything can go wrong. I feel like the only way I could talk to any girls at my school is if I'm high. I don't want to get in trouble though. The first time I was high at school was a complete accident but now I feel like I need it or else I just get overwhelmed with bad thoughts.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Does smoking weed make it harder to breath?

    Is it like smoking regular cigarettes and stuff like that?

    7 AnswersRespiratory Diseases3 years ago
  • Does this girl like me?

    I just want to know before I go talking to her and I know nothing about girls lol. So for a long time, me and this random girl at school kept making eye contact. Literally every time we pass in the halls, we look at each other. Today I decided to smile (i was high so that could be why) and she actually smiled back at me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How do I stop people from thinking I'm a school shooter?

    About a month ago, someone posted on Snapchat that they were gonna shoot up my school and everyone thinks it was me even though I don't even use Snapchat. My friends tell me I look like a School shooter almodt every day, kids I don't even know ask me if I would spare them when I shoot the school up, people act scared of me even when I don't know them, when ever I am interested in girls people always tell them I'm crazy and will shoot up the school and then they automatically don't like me. This has been a problem for 2 years now and I don't know how to stop it. I do have lots of depression at the moment. I was abused a lot my whole life, I was bullied through all of elementary school, I don't talk to people, I'm a loner, I wear all black, I listen to music like Korn, Slayer and Metallica. I feel like I am a nice person but people get the wrong idea because of the way I look. People say it's because I have ling hair. I grow my hair because I like to headbang and have my hair fly and stuff and I was also never a short hair fan. I don't understand why people would think I would shoot up a school when I donate to the ASPCA every month, I don't own ANY weapons, I don't even know how to work a damn gun... How do I change people's thoughts about me because it makes me feel so bad. I would never shoot up a School. Also I try to explain to people I would never shoot up a School and they always say something like "you look like a person that would walk into a School with a gun." Wtf...

    4 AnswersPsychology3 years ago