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I am a 20 year old military wife from husband is in the air force and we are currently in New Mexico.....we do not have any children yet but we are hoping to one day....i love to help people with questions, problems, or whatever they need help with
making jello pls.....?
My husband and I are having a party on the 4th. I am making jello shots for the first time. I pretty much know how to make them, I am just not sure on what alcohol to use. I am going to make some with berry blue jello and some with strawberry jello. I do not like vodka and alot of our friends dont either. Im kinds lost on what to put in them. Someone suggested on rum. I just want something that will still let them taste good.... Thanx so much for your help..........
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agowhat is a good universal lens?
I have a canon rebel 1000. I have the 18 55 lens that it came with. I am looking for a really good universal type lens. I am not going to be focusing on just sports, people, landscape, etc. I am going to be doing some of all of it. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you so much.
1 AnswerPhotography1 decade agowhat do you think of my photography?
I am just starting a photography class. I have only been using my DSLR for about a month or so. I would love to have feedback on what photos you like and what ones you done like.
7 AnswersPhotography1 decade agowhat do you think of my photography?
I have not been taking pictures for long....just started about a month ago
thank you so much....
4 AnswersPhotography1 decade agolow carb diet..........................?
I am starting a low carb diet. I am looking for a web page that can give me all kinds of information and recipes and such.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoneed help trying to get a cut for my little poodle......?
My husband and I have a 13 week old poodle. One parent was a toy and the other was a miniture. She is little and not going to get to much bigger. She only weighs 3 lbs. We are trying to find a cut that would be really cute on her. We really want her to still have some hair but we want her to be cut kinda close to her paws and her face too. We want to find a picture that we can print off and bring with us to the groomer tomarrow. Any suggestions........ Thanks so much
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agowhat do you think......................?
boy: Bryson Thomas McNabb
girl: Ashlyn Rain McNabb
4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agogirl name and boy name...........?
My husband and I have came up with these two names. We love that they are not real common and heard all the time. What do you think?
Ashlyn Rain McNabb
Bryson Thomas McNabb
We want an A girl name and B boy name. Thomas stays as the middle name for a boy.
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agogirl and boy names????????
What do you think of the name Ashlyn Rane for a little girl and Braelyn Thomas for a little boy?
13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agowhat do you think of girl names?
Amberly / Amberlee (not just amber)
Annaleigh / Annalee (not just anna)
Ashlyn / Ashlin
We are looking at names that are not common and start with an A.
Rate 1-10 pls.
Middle name suggestions and other first names welcome.
12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agocritique on my photography?
I would love to get critique on my photography. I have asked this once, but did not get alot of answers. I just bought a Canon Rebel XS and this was the first time I have ever used a DSLR. I am fixing to start taking some digital photography classes also.
Thanks so much for your time........
9 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoWhat do you think of the names.....?
Any other A names that are not heard often would be great.......
13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agowhat do you think of my photography......?
I just got a new Canon Rebel XS and used it for the first time.....these are a few photos that I have taken so far.....I would love feedback....I just started
thanks so much
12 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoWhat do you think of these girl names........?
My husband and I have picked out first and middle names that we both like......
We want to have the first name with an A and the middle with an R.....what do you think makes good combinations......
10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agowant to say thank you..........?
I just want to say thank you to everyone that gave advice on what camera would be good to start my class. I have made a decision and just bought a Canon Rebel XS. I took a SD card with me to the store to try the ones suggested out. This was my favorite one. I could not believe what the pictures where looking like compared to my old simple digital camera. Thank you all so much........
2 AnswersPhotography1 decade agowhats your opinion on this camera..........?
I have asked before what camera would be good for me. I am starting some online classes and will be taking photos for part of my modules. I will be shooting dif landscapes, people, sports, etc. Just remember that it is only beginner. I have been told that the canon rebel xs/ 1000d is a good camera. I would like to know your feedback.
Here are some pictures I have done with a little samsung snap n shoot.....I would love feedback
you can post feedback there or here.
Thank you so much for your time.....
5 AnswersPhotography1 decade agobeginner dslr camera...........?
I am enrolling in an online course for photography. I need a dslr camera. I am in need of help trying to find what ones would be great. I really like nikon and canon. I am looking at around 500 give or take. I will be shooting alot of different images, sports, fashion, portrait. Please help........
3 AnswersPhotography1 decade agowhat do you think of the nikon d3000?
I am looking into the nikon d3000. I am fixing to start an online program for photography. I have read some reviews but would love to know your opinion. I am not going professional. I love talking pictures and it is a big hobby.
These are some pictures I have taken with a little samsung camera. I would love feedback. What do you think?
1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago