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  • Why is my internet so slow?

    It takes so long to load a page that most of the time the site just gives up.

    To my knowledge, this internet pacakge should allow for 30mbs down speed.

    After doing a broadband speed test. The results come back as 3mbs down speed.

    My Ping is at a crazy 1300 also.

    How do i fix this?

    This isn't normal, this is slower then dial up.

    15 AnswersOther - Internet4 years ago
  • How to stop Facebook showing my place of work on other websites?

    When posting on a site like The Lad Bible with my Facebook profile.

    It will always say next to my name "Works at - ........

    Well i don t want people to know that. Especially if the subject is controversial.

    For most people it will say "Studied at"

    4 AnswersFacebook4 years ago
  • Selling artwork online help?

    This is something i've thought about getting into for a while now.

    I just don't know where to start.

    I mean digital art by the way.

    Basically i'm just looking to turn my skills into profit.

    I can do all sorts of things, including raster & vector desiging. 3D modelling. Pixel art. Making textures, photo editing etc etc.

    And yes, i can art.

    People do free lance these skills. i Want to do the same but don't know where to start.

    Anyone with any experience willing to share their knowledge would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Do i have a sex problem?

    Someone who's into almost every form of sex you can think of.

    A shorter list is what doesn't turn me on, and that's a very short list.

    Which would be something like poop, vomit and the underage.

    It can be frustrating though because i want to try it all but not everyone else is like that and making a success out of relationships is difficult because of it.

    I'm always loyal and committed to who i'm with, i aim for the long run with relationships i guess. But never truly happy because of this sex thing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Battery and Volume icons are missing, help please.?

    On the right side of the task bar there should be the battery and volume icons but they're missing.

    If i click on the arrow to bring up the box with other icons where they sometimes end up in these situations they're not in there either.

    If i go to the "Notification Area Icons" Window from the Control Panel i can see the battery and volume are set to "show icon and notification" however they don't have an icon, by which i mean the usual image which represents them, they're both blank without an image.

    From there if i go to "Turn system icons on or off", behavior for volume and and power is turned to off with the box blanked so i can't set them to on. All the other icons are set to on.

    Help please.

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • How long is to long for taking it slow in a relationship?

    We were together for 3 years, broke up for 6 months and have been taking it slow for 2 months.

    But i'm sick of it, i want her to either be with me or **** off for good to be honest. I can't stand this middle ****.

    How long should i keep tolerating this before i say you're either with me or you don't have me, at all.

    She won't have sex with me either, she fucked some guy when we apart, i remained faithful even separated even though i had a chance to get some.

    I told her the only way i'm guna feel better about it is if she has sex with me.. which is true. I hate the idea the last person she had sex with was him and not me. Not to mention i haven't had sex in like a year and a half....

    What she said was, if i want it i'll let you know..

    I dunno, i feel i'm being walked over here, everything is on her terms.

    Is 2 months of taking it slow, no commitment, no pressure.. with the odd hand holding it pulic, going out for meals, buying her things and the odd bit of sexy time to long? i feel it is.

    I need to handle this careful because atm it's making me loss my temper which will bring out the person who got dumped. But i don't feel she's trying very hard to prevent that from happening, despite to her it'd be obvious how hard i've tried to change.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Can you see if people are online on Facebook who aren't your friends?

    So in the chat menu and chat box you get a green dot if someone is online.

    You can still search people and open a chat box with people you aren't friends with and i was wondering if the green dot will still appear.

    1 AnswerFacebook6 years ago
  • How do i deal with this emotional dilemma?

    So a long story short.

    6 months ago me and my ex broke up, i lost the best relationship i'd ever had and the best friend i'd ever had because in short, i became a general dick.

    Anyway, a month ago we started chating and hanging out again. It's been really good and we've been doing all the things people who love each other do etc.

    Only last week i found out she slept with someone while we were apart and its flipped everything for me. Now i'm awkward, closed off and not very talkative around her.

    I want to be ok with it for the sake of having my best friend back and the best relationship i've ever had.

    I've been cheated on in the past by a different ex and was able to forget and even forgive. This wasn't even cheating so why do i feel like i can't forgive and can't forget especially when her being in my life is the key to me being happy again?

    She said she was drunk, she missed me a lot, she regrets it and it was awkward... even that he had a little you know what.. Why doesn't it make me feel better though?

    Compared with the ex ex who actually cheated on me who told me he was better then me, did things even i hadn't done to her and had a you know what bigger then mine, which is genuinely shockingly impressing because that would make him like porn star grade.. and i was able to forgive that girl.. and be with her for a good year after..

    So why can't i do it now when it's worth so much more AND it wasn't even cheating. Am i just tired of being broken all the time?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Winning back my ex who feels she can't trust me again.?

    Before anyone says about letting her go, i can't.

    I'm the one who messed up, not her. I hurt her so much she doesn't know if she can ever trust me again. No i didn't cheat on her or anything like that. I went through a bad time where i dismissed all her advances and efforts to make me happy and do things with me.

    I was wrong and i'm desperate for a second chance to make things right. I've been with a lot of girls over these past 24 years and none have compared to what she was to me.

    We were together for 3 years and very close friends for 4 years before that.

    What can i do or say to help convince her not all second chances are mistakes? But sometimes can actually be a good thing.

    It upsets me a lot seeing all these people out there get second chances in relationships you know were doomed from the beginning, where someone is guilty of crimes far worse then me.

    I just want to make her feel like shes stood on mountains but what can i do if she won't give that chance to? :(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to switch cameras in 3DS Max 2015?

    I have 2 cameras. One is animated to follow a ship as it flies through space. After a while it stops following and ship goes off into the distance toward a planet.

    At this point is when i need camera 1 to switch to camera 2 in the animation.

    Camera 2 is positioned over a plane to represent the surface of the planet and will capture the ship landing.

    I just can't figure out how to get camera 1 to switch to camera 2 during the animation.

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • Killing a tree.?

    There is a 20ft tree in my back garden that has to go. Of course though i'm not allowed to cut it down myself and have to pay thousands to get it removed by the council. Because that's the messed up world we live in.

    I don't have a garden anymore, the roots have destroyed everything. My garden is just a giant dirt patch.

    Is there a way i can poison it? So it will deteriorate to at least a point the council will deem it a threat to my property and remove it.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Adobe installation help?

    Hello, i need help getting my adobe software back on my system. My college grade depends on it.

    I had to wipe everything to be rid of a cloning malware.

    If i try and run the .exe file from the back up folder i get error code: 1 and asked to uninstall and install again.. I can't uninstall because i haven't installed yet..

    This happens with all of them, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Audition etc.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Best way to re-install the OS (Windows 7)?

    I was wondering which of these two methods is more reliable.. Using Samsung Recovery Solution 5 or just booting the Windows re-install from USB?

    I only ask because i already have back ups (something Samsung Recovery Solution will do for you) and I've read a lot about this function creating problems for a lot of people after the re-install.

    I already have the right version of Windows 7 and the right tool kit set up on USB ready for install.

    The last time i re-installed a Windows was XP from a disk, so this is a bit different from what i already know, any guidance would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • How do i get rid of this virus?

    I'm having problems getting rid of a really annoying piece of malware called Obrona, under the file name IzballsFoils.

    I've quarantined it in malwarebytes, reset browser settings in all browsers, uninstalled the Obrona program and i'm still getting some of the ads it creates, a lot in the Steam application.

    The only other thing i can do it remove the files from programs(x86) but Windows won't let me because the file is apparently open in IzballsFoilsHelper.exe.. Which i can't see, so how can i close it? Heelp! ><

    3 AnswersSecurity6 years ago
  • What's a good program for viewing 3D Model files?

    I use 3DS Max at college but not at home so i'm looking for a reliable program to just view a 3DS Max file on.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • How can i force facial hair growth?

    So i'm 23 and still growing facial hair like a 15 year old.

    By which i mean it's patchy, some places like my jaw line only grow a single hairs separated from each other.

    The most i can grow is on my upper lip, going down the sides of my mouth to the bottom of my chin. But yea again it's patchy and has no colour. It's still that default juvenile transparent colour.

    So what can i do about this? it's not like i cant grow it, it's just taking forever to reach maturity.

    I also don't think my problem would be linked to testosterone but i used to suffer from acne pretty bad which is caused by high levels of testosterone.

    Any suggestions on treatment, diets etc. would be great. Thanks. :)

    3 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Video Game Development Job Search?

    I'll be gaining my A-Levels in the subject soon so have been looking for relevant work.

    Are there any websites more specific for having these job roles offered?

    UK based.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • How to be unattractive?

    I didn't really want to post this as the result will likely be what it is in real life, "You're just vain".

    I'm really not, i'm actually really self conscience and mystruggle with confidence in my personal appearance.

    But that doesn't mean i'm not aware that a lot of people find me attractive, even if i can't personally see it in myself.

    Problem is people are so nervous of me they don't ever have the confidence to talk to me or hold down a conversation. Boys and girls.

    Because i don't have the confidence in myself and people don't have the confidence to interact with me i'm often isolated and alone.

    People ditch me all the time and i can hear the awkwardness in people when they talk to me.

    Or more like when i talk to them because that's the only way human interaction occurs for me.

    I know it's because of my looks and i can't take it anymore, i had a break down about 6 months ago which almost resulted in me carving my face apart.

    I'm a completely normal human being and i've been alienated most of my life because guys see me as a potential threat to the girls in his life and girls see me as potential boyfriend material so generally don't want to be my friend...

    I'm going insane.

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Connecting my Xbox 360 to my Laptop help?


    Me and my girlfriend are sick of the lack in split-screen games nowa days and since we have 3 consoles i thought it might just be better to get another TV.

    Then i noticed my Laptop has it's own HDMI port, before i buy a cheap HDMI cable off of Ebay i just want to make sure this will actually work.

    So my question is can i use my laptop as the screen for my Xbox through a HDMI cable?

    If so does it need to be a specific type of HDMI cable?

    I only ask that last one because there has to be reason why some would bid up to £10 for one kind of cable over the many to buy for £2. As far as i know the only differences in HDMI cables is the general manufacturing quality.

    Thanks :))

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago