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~*Emma's*Mom*#2 due Nov 15*~

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  • 18.5 weeks and sick as a dog?

    I am now 18.5 weeks and still throwing up everything I eat. I am on declectin, taking the half of a gravol that my doctor says I'm allowed to take and following the morning sickness regime. I haven't kept anything solid down for about 3 days now, liquids seem to stay fine as long as I sip. I am feeling rather weak, tired, and light headed today. Is it time to head to the doctor or is there anything more he can do for me?

    PS- In Canada, where I live, we can't just call our doctor. If I need to see a doctor I have to head to the emergency room until monday.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How much is too much before I should be concerned?

    I am 14 weeks pregnant, still have morning sickness, but getting over it. On top of morning sickness, we have other symptoms that are normal to me such as acid reflux, sore body, tired, but not sleeping, etc. This being my second pregnancy, I know what is normal for me and my body.

    Yesterday, I had two nose bleeds within a couple hours of each other. They weren't much, but enough that I did have to do something about them. This morning, I woke with another one. In my entire life, I have only had three other nose bleeds and usually are caused by taking a ball to the face or something. Three in two days is starting to worry me, especially when I hardly ever get them. Should I be concerned? How much is too much?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What should I be prepared to hear?

    So this is my question. I know that people can't give me sure answers but anything to ease my mind or anything I should research would be nice...I am stumped.

    I haven't had a period since around November 21 ( between the 19th and the 26th, I can't remember). When I was late in December, I tested, to get a negative result. I waited the three days the box tells you to and still negative. I waited two more weeks, tested again, still negative. I was pretty convinced I was not pregnant.

    No period in December and still no period in January. I phoned our local nurse line and they said to do one more test. I did and still negative. I had no signs of being pregnant until about one week ago when heartburn, cravings, and the overly tired stuff kicked in. I have one daughter already and have never been this irregular.

    I have a doctors appointment on the 10th of February, I tried to make it earlier but he was on holidays. Is there still a chance I am pregnant? Could it be anything else? If you have experienced this, your story or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone experience this and still be pregnant?

    I feel kind of stupid asking this because I have one child and hated those questions where they ask, what I should do?

    This is my situation. My husband and I aren't "trying" but aren't protecting anymore either for our second child. This has been since about August. I have a very irregular period but nothing like this. Usually its 3-5 days of the last monthly period. My last period was November 19th. The only sign of being pregnant that I have is having a late period and when I was pregnant with my daughter, I was always sooooo thirsty. I have that again also. I have done three pregnancy tests up to 12 days late and no period. Then yesterday I thought I had my period. I went to the bathroom and there was one drop of brown blood, and then I wiped and within two wipes, there was no blood anymore. I put a tampon in anyways and went about my day. The first day of my period sucks, usually. Very painful cramps, nauseous, etc. that taper off by the end of the day. I had nothing of the sort. When I went to change the tampon, it was practically dry and there was no more blood after that at all.

    Anyone experience this and still be pregnant? Anyone know at least if this is normal? Any help at all would be nice. I have my regular routine pap and all that scheduled in early February as my doctor is on holidays...should I make an appointment earlier with the replacement doctor?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why still no period? A little TMI...?

    I feel kind of stupid asking this because I have one child and hated those questions where they ask, what I should do?

    This is my situation. My husband and I aren't "trying" but aren't protecting anymore either for our second child. This has been since about August. I have a very irregular period but nothing like this. Usually its 3-5 days of the last monthly period. My last period was November 19th. The only sign of being pregnant that I have is having a late period and when I was pregnant with my daughter, I was always sooooo thirsty. I have that again also. I have done three pregnancy tests up to 12 days late and no period. Then yesterday I thought I had my period. I went to the bathroom and there was one drop of brown blood, and then I wiped and within two wipes, there was no blood anymore. I put a tampon in anyways and went about my day. The first day of my period sucks, usually. Very painful cramps, nauseous, etc. that taper off by the end of the day. I had nothing of the sort. When I went to change the tampon, it was practically dry and there was no more blood after that at all.

    Anyone experience this and still be pregnant? Anyone know at least if this is normal? Any help at all would be nice. I have my regular routine pap and all that scheduled in early February as my doctor is on holidays...should I make an appointment earlier with the replacement doctor?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Rephrasing my question..since some people are rude!?

    So I asked about my daughter not sleeping in her crib. She is 12 months old and has been crying it out for a good 7, 8 months now...THIS WAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! This is not a regular thing! She woke up at 2 30 this morning SCREAMING! Emma is not a screamer, not even a crier really and not at all at night. She usually sleeps straight from 8pm- 7 30am. So my husband got up with her and cuddled her until she had settled down. About a half hour after this, he went with her to put her back in her crib and the sight of it made her scream again. This made me think that something was scaring her. So we turned off her night light, brought in her favourite doll and turned on some music. This lasted about 2 minutes...I went back in thinking that maybe something was hurting her, she does sleep in her play clothes during the day and something may have been stuck to them or something. There was nothing there. I brought her milk and half a banana, she wouldn't eat or drink them until I lifted her. We cuddled until she fell asleep, maybe she wasn't feeling good and needed some love. When she was as good as gone to sleep, I returned her to her room and she was awake. After trying three or four more times, we ended up sleeping on the couch until she woke up early at 7.

    We have never let her sleep with us, not since she was about 2 weeks old. She has never had this problem before. I am wondering if anyone has experienced this and what they did about it. I don't believe she is ready for a toddler bed, being only JUST one years old ( she turned one on October 12th).

    People seem to think that I am an awful parent because, instead of letting her scream all night, I cuddled with my baby girl. I am just wondering if anyone has experienced it a phase? Should I start looking into a toddler bed?

    Thanks to those who have answered already and respectfully. I am and will consider such things as allergies, and separation anxiety. However, people yelling at me over the internet about being a three time parent and a pro is not tolerated.

    I know I am doing a great job raising my beautiful daughter.

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My daughter won't sleep in her crib! What do I do?

    My daughter last night woke up at 2 30 am and as much as she was exhausted, everytime we went near her crib, she would cry and scream until someone would come and get her. we ended up sleeping from 5 30-7 on the couch but that was about it for sleep for for her naps, the same thing. She is totally exhausted but anytime we go near the crib, she screams and cries.

    I checked that there is nothing in there to hurt her, last night we turned off the night light just to see if something she was seeing was scaring her as well as brought in a radio for some quiet music, which usually sooths her and gave her her favourite dolly as well. She just turned one on October 12th and I think that that might be too soon for a toddler bed...any suggestions for me to get some sleep tonight? Anything would be greatly appreciated.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion?

    So here is my question. I am 4 days late, with a very irregular period. I feel fine, other than I didn't sleep last night so I am super tired today. I dont think I am moody and my boobs don't hurt. But, what I thought was a bladder infection isn't. I have to pee ALL the time and when I do, not very much comes out at all. When I feel the urge to pee, I have to do it right away and am having inconsistency problems which I didn't even have with my first pregnancy. My husband is convinced I am pregnant. When I was 2 days late, I did a pregnancy test that came back negative. If I was pregnant, I would only be able 3 weeks. I am waiting on the results of a blood test and just am wondering whether you agree with me, that it is a UTI or if you agree with my husband and think I am pregnant?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What does this sound like to you?

    So I am not convinced I am pregnant...not enough to even do a test...maybe some advice from people like you will help me decide whether to do one or not.

    So the last week or so, I have had very frequent urination ( something I never experienced even with my first baby) as well as sudden urges to pee. My period isn;t very regular but if I go off of last month, I am now two days late. I am not much more tired than I already am with a one year old but sometimes have terrible headaches...

    I personally think I might just have a minor bladder husband thinks I may be pregnant. We aren't using birth control but I just had my Copper T IUD removed on the 16th of August.

    So what do you think? Should I test? Just an opinion would be great...I know that if I am more than 1 week late, I will test but should I now?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do I need to know before I invest?

    So, I live in a small city in Northern alberta Canada with a population of approximately 60,000. We have NO frozen yogurt stores in the whole city and have to travel 5 hours to find one. My family has shown interest in investing in a frozen yogurt store, such as Yogen Fruz, and has put me in charge of finding out information. I know NOTHING about it, what should I find out before I continue to consider investing?

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Yummy but cheap drinks to mix at home?

    What are some really good drinks that you can mix at home and aren't too expensive. I'm just starting to experiment with alcohol ( I'm 20) and want to try some good stuff!

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Taking pictures today...need some ideas?

    I am going to our local Wal Mart portrait studio with my 9 month old daughter today. I've never had a problem with their pictures before so please I don't care whether you like them or question is... I don't just want the normal, let's sit you on here and take the cute picture of you smiling know? What are some cute ideas I could do with her inside the studio?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Taking pictures today...need some ideas?

    I am going to our local Wal Mart portrait studio with my 9 month old daughter today. I've never had a problem with their pictures before so please I don't care whether you like them or question is... I don't just want the normal, let's sit you on here and take the cute picture of you smiling know? What are some cute ideas I could do with her inside the studio?

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • When do I switch my daughter to front facing car seat in Canada?

    My daughter is 8 1/2 months old, and 22 pounds. She hates her car seat with a passion and I was thinking about getting the front facing one. My sister in law, who raised her first child in the states, says its against the law to change until they are 1 year old. I heard 22 OR 1 year old. Which is right?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this normal for a 7 month old baby girl?

    In Canada, where I live, we don't go to the doctors between 6-12 months and its driving me crazy. I don't know what the norm is for this age other then what I get off the internet.

    Emma is 7 months old, will be 8 months old on June 12th. She sleeps through the night ( thank goodness), going to bed around 8 pm and sleeping until anywhere from 7-8 30 in the morning. I had surgery in April and she decided that she liked the bottle better then she liked the boob after that so she is mostly drinking formula. She has two feedings by breast, first thing in the morning and last night at night. She drinks three 7 oz. bottles a day.

    She weighs between 18-19 pounds. She is still in a size 2 diaper, although she is filling these way too fast now so we will be moving to a size 3 with the next shopping trip.

    She crawls everywhere and gets into everything ( which is fun and not so much at the same time.) She pulls herself up to standing on anything that is easy to pull up on.

    She doesn't wave or clap. She eats pretty much anything that we give her and does well with crackers and biscuits.

    She has no teeth, but I did not get my first tooth until I was one. She plays really well by herself and loves other babies.

    So does this sound like your 7 month old is or was? Just curious as to whether she is developing normal or slower or faster. Not too concerned, just curious.

    Thank you in advance!

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like a miscarriage to you?

    So I've posted a few questions this week of different things happening to me. First, I went to the washroom one morning and when wiping, there was a large glob of mucus, about the size of a dime. The next day I had my first period since my daughter was born over 7 months ago. It was light for the day and through the night. The next day, being yesterday, it got really heavy. Heavey enough that I was bleeding through overnight pads in 1/2 to 2 hours. This has continued for through today. It has slowed down a little now but last time I went to change it, there was a clot, a long stringy clot, with thickness that varied along it.

    This is extremely unusual for my period, and I never pass a clot.

    If it is a miscarriage, is there something I need to do? Obviously, there is nothing I can do to stop it but do I need to see a doctor.

    I've already talked to someone and the bleeding isn't, or wasn't heavy enough to have to see a doctor. If someone could just tell me what they would do, that would be great.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Too Much Information! Need answers though!?

    Sorry about this question but I don't want to call my local Health Unit because they tell you to go in whether anything is wrong with you or not.

    A couple of days ago, the morning after having sex, I had a huge glob of mucus come out when I wiped. I had cleaned up after the sex the night before. It was about the size of a dime. This was about the size of my mucus plug pieces coming out when having my daughter 7 months ago. The day after that happened, I started my first period since having my daughter. Yesterday, it was very light as well as overnight. Today, I changed this morning and came home from church three hours later. I sat down to eat my lunch in my favourite rocking chair and got up 15 minutes later and had soaked through my pad, my underwear and onto the chair.

    This isn't normal for me. Is it because I haven't had a period since my daughter was born. ( have had spotting.) I have an IUD inserted as well, if that means anything.

    Can anyone help me? Should I see my doctor?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this normal? Way TMI so beware!?

    I had a baby 7 months ago and had an IUD placed 6 weeks after giving birth. This morning, when I went to the bathroom, I had a huge thick glob of mucus come out. It was a little bit pink as well. Is this a sign of pregnancy? I never experienced this before? Anyone know what it is? Is it something I should make an appointment to see a doctor about?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am confused and need help!?

    My husband is cheating on me and even though I had my suspicions, every time I would question him about it or tell him my conseuquences for him cheating, he would look me straight in the eye and says he loves me and that he would never do anything to lose me or my 5 month old daughter. Now, we have bought a house, we have a beautiful little family and I am crushed. He has been using a website to meet girls and meets them places that I wouldn't go with him too such as taking the dogs to the park. I don't know how to feel or how to act on this. I am not one to lash out and am not so much angry and extremely hurt. I don't want to leave him because I love him so much and we have so much together but he tells these women online that our "spark" is gone but he doesn't want to leave me. I don't feel the same way. Help me please. Don't be rude, I am very confused right now. We have been married for two years....I thought things were going so well...

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do I need to see a doctor?

    My daughter will be 4 months old next week and I am still breastfeeding. Yesterday, I started having some pain in my left breast and all last night, even when my daughter would feed, I had a lump on the top of my breast. It is very tender to the touch and my nipples hurt the entire time I breast feed. I know this could be mastitis but it could also just be a clogged duct. Although I don't feel fluey yet, I am exhausted and don't want to move at all today.

    To massage is extremely painful and heat doesn't do very much. With this said, is there anything else I can do to help with pain and relief the duct? Do I need to see a doctor for antibiotics or is this something that will fix itself? I would like to fix it before it turns to mastitis.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago