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  • How do I get My Husband off the TV ?

    We have been married 34 yrs.We are still loving to each other. But he is obbsessed with tv, computers, and video games. I have begged him to let me have just one day a week with him , And NO TV , NO COMPUTER, NO VIDEO GAMES, And he just can not do it. The second he gets up click on comes the tv, and click on comes the computor, and video games.

    Some times I HATE our TV. If he is watching TV show, for get it he will not move for the whole day.

    There is so many things we need to do around the house , been waiting over 4 yrs to get some repairs on our house. But I can NOT get him off the lousy TV.

    May be I am jealous that the tv gets more of his attention than any one or any thing else.

    All I ask it for just ONE day with just us and no tv or computer. How can i do this or should I just leave him to his favorite love.

    Should I just give up and do the repairs on my own?And let him be happy .

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Need someone elses Idea as to what happened to my puppy?

    Last March had a new 3 day old litter of Pomeranian puppies, a friend wanted to come see the puppies. He brought his teen son. the pups were in my bedroom in box too big for them to scoot out of.,

    We all looked at the puppies, they were so tiny, well , we all went in to the kitchen, His son wanted to use the bathroom in our bedroom, he was in there for about 3 mins , came out , and I went in as soon as he came out, and one of the puppies was gone. I know he didnt take the puppy out of our bedroom . But she was gone in 3 mins, vanished,

    I know what he did to the puppy, but I really need some one elses idea as to what the son did to the puppy. I have raised poms for 13 yrs and never NEVER had on just disapear. The puppy was there and gone when he came out of our room, , we have a bathroom in our bedroom. I cried for days, and even after 10 months I feel so sad at how she had to have died.

    Any ones idea as to what the son did will help me to accept what I know he did.

    Very cold hearted, and No there was no other dog in the room , just Mom and the 4 pups nursing. and his teen son.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My daughters father in Law left 2 steer calfs on our property for over 18 months, we had to care for them dai?

    My daughters father in Law left 2 steer calfs on our property for over 18 months, we had to care for them daily , buy and feed them daily. They pushed our fence down 6 times , we had to find and drag them back. We asked him for help with feed and hay every week for the 18 months and he brough one round bail in the 18 months. The steers pushed the fence down 7th time we could not find them , they attacked me every day when I fed them. Now he wants to sue us for $3000 for them getting lost.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What kind of a friend would you call her?

    Your Open QuestionShow me another »

    I have a so called friend. I have been watching her 4 dogs for over 15 months?

    With absolutely no help from her, I provided all the food for all the dogs, and all the care, but she still expects to have half the puppies from the dogs. I was going to give her 30 acres of land, our dogs that I have taken care of for 15 months had 6 puppies , now she doesn't want me to have 3 . So I have the three, and after giveing her 30 acre's of land I ask her for one of her three puppies that I really liked and she said/. NO So 15 months of %100 me feeding , round the clock care, and giving her 30 acre's of land should I not deserve to have one extra puppy.??????????????

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I have a so called friend. I have been watching her 4 dogs for over 15 months?

    With absolutely no help from her, I provided all the food for all the dogs, and all the care, but she still expects to have half the puppies from the dogs. I was going to give her 30 acres of land, our dogs that I have taken care of for 15 months had 6 puppies , now she doesn't want me to have 3 . So I have the three, and after giveing her 30 acre's of land I ask her for one of her three puppies that I really liked and she said/. NO So 15 months of %100 me feeding , round the clock care, and giving her 30 acre's of land should I not deserve to have one extra puppy.??????????????

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • need legal advice on Realty?

    I am not sure where to ask this question, my husband and I are having problems with a Realtor on property we have been trying to finance for two yrs. Concerning Real Estate From Sept. 06 to now Dec. 08 we have been on the lease option to buy this house, we have put $40,000.00 cash deposits plus a certain % of the rent every month to go for down payment for the financing of the house and property. We have used my husbands retirement to improve credit rate. And we have tried to get the house financed for two years. Now the property's. Appraisal lost $50,000. in Value, so now the Realtor says we lose all the money we have put toward the financing down payment because his property lost value. So now he wants another $10,000.00 to get it financed.Because he is keeping all the money we have put toward the down payment . The last Realtor accidentally processed our financing as a re financing and was turned Down because of it. Now we have to start all over or get out. I want to know why we have to lose our $40,000 + because His property lost value. My husband worked 29 yrs for his retirement and now most is gone in less than two yrs we will soon be 60 yrs old. And will have to move in to a fifth wheel camper to live. The lease option said no refund on the down payment for financing , that was fine we wanted the house and property. We don't expect a refund, but we didn't expect him to keep our money because his property lost value.

    Please help us if you can, we are in the process of moving in to the camper so depressing that some one can do that to some one that has worked so hard all of his life. : ( We do not know what to do.

    I have cried till my eyes swell shut.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I need help with my bad cold , out of Kleenex I don't know what to use tell me which number would be best?

    Well there are several choices that will do the job.

    1. Your shirt sleeve

    2. The living room curtains.

    3. The table cloth

    4. Your socks

    5. The back of the couch.

    6. Bed spread

    7. Pillow case

    8. Get on your knees and scoot across the carpet on your face

    9. Note book paper, a little bit rough though

    10. Run up to the one you love and give them a big old hug , and wipe away.

    See there are lots of substitutes for Tissues. : )



    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Riddle, Can you figure it?

    You have two coins together they ad up to 30 cents.BUT ONE OF THEM IS NOT A NICKLE.What are the two coins??

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I have a new 55 gal tank and all my fish keep dieing, don't know y ?

    It is new and has been set up for about 3 weeks and all the fish I put in die, it is well water and has been treated for fresh water fish. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I used every thing in the water I was suppose to. The fish only last a couple of days. :(

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My African Grey has been making an obnoxious sound and He wont stop, How can I make him stop.I dont know how.

    I don't know what to do He is driving us nuts, He talks great, and sings and answers questions, But he will NOT stop that horrible noise.

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago