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  • Girlfriend of 2 months has low sexdrive?

    I'm probably an asshole for asking this however I've been together with my girlfriend for over 2 months (I know it's not been a while but still) every time I try to engage in sex with her she'll make excuses such as she's in pain or her depression is acting up.

    I did talk to her and she says her exes were all sex pests and wanted it all the time. I understood this but it's been about a month since we did it last. She did recently get her implant redone maybe that's why? But that was around 3 weeks ago.

    This may sound very quick but she asked me to move in with her a month ago and I did since it was long distance and it was expensive seeing each other and her daughter really likes me since I always play games and stuff with her (she's 9). I'm 21 and she's 29, I do love her though and I'm not about to let this ruin what we've built up already.

    I'm worried maybe she's either getting it from someone else or maybe she doesn't find me sexually attractive anymore. Since when we first got together we would do it every other day.

    What can I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to stop missing my girlfriend?

    Me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship but we see each other towards the end of each month for about a week or 2, but every time I have to go home or she goes home I get really down, I look at the things she's bought over the week and just like sigh like she's gone for good (which isn't the case) how do I stop feeling like this? I'm 19, I work too but I just can't help thinking of her all the time

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to grow taller at 19?

    Ok I'm 19 however i dont believe i've either finished puberty or i hit it quite late, at 19 i dont have a full on beard, it grows as a thick goatee thats about it, my voice is still rather high but i do have an adams apple though (it sticks out), im 5ft3 last time i checked, ive been thinking of going to the doctorsas i dont think this is normal. however my face and body have matured eg my cheekbones and facial structure has formed, i had acne at 10 but i didnt get my first facial and pubic hair until like 14 do you think i hit it late or just not finished it yet? i am mature for my age too and i dont quite eat very healthily i dont eat breakfast or havent since the age of 9.

    whatd you guys think?

    any advice?

    2 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • How do you change thinking negatively?

    I know not would say "think positive" but I simply can't, anything good that comes in my life I always think it'll just end up going bad and mist of the time it does due to my mindset, I had a talk with my friend but obviously he couldn't do much as its up to me to change the way I think however I simply don't know how to change it,

    I have nothing in my life that is good at the moment, I have a goal in my life but getting there requires me to change the way I think, I have no job, no place of my own (sleeping on the floor of my brother's place), no girlfriend and simply no confidence, you may be thinking I'm just saying this for some approval or something but Im really not I actually mean it only person I enjoy hanging out with is my friend but he's busy working most of the time.

    So back to my question how will I start thinking positive? I want to get somewhere in life and make my goal more real than just mere dreams. I'm 19 if it helps. My goal is to get a job, place of my own and maybe a vehicle like a bike, my dream goal is to gig as a vocalist in a band.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Singers and vocalists I need a little help?

    I'm in a metal band however we've not really got our own style yet we're experimenting with different ones however my band and people I sent my recordings to (I'm a vocalist) say they like my singing however when I record myself I hate how I sound, I sound out of tune, off timing etc but when I'm actually singing the song I think I sound almost similar to the original artist.

    Is there any way of improving how I sound and my timing? As well as how I think of my voice? I'm getting lessons but I feel like they're not getting me anywhere I also do practices at hone for an hour or two by just singing my favourite songs with the techniques I'm taught wither by lessons or YouTube, I really want to become better as singing is my passion. Please help

    1 AnswerSinging6 years ago
  • Male at 19 growth spurt haven't happened?

    I'm 19, male I'm 5ft3 last time I measured myself which was around 3 months ago, I've not experienced any growth pains or spurts, I was 6 weeks prematurely born I weighed around 5lbs when I was a baby, I started getting acne at age of 10ish do you think I could be a late grower or just destined to be a small male? Do you think I will grow any more? Or get a growth spurt? I eat healthy, I take vitamins and eat a protein and calcium rich diet.

    4 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Keeping indoor rabbits?

    Ok I'm thinking of getting a rabbit for some company as I don't have much friends (lol I don't get on well with other humans) anyway, I was thinking since I live in a flat with no garden, I work long hours so the rabbit will be left on it's own for approx 9 hours but I've heard if you leave the radio on it makes them feel like someone is with them. I'm not sure if that's for cats and dogs or all domestic pets, but if I get a rabbit and did that would he/she be ok? I wouldn't have space for 2 rabbits.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
  • Warframe PS4 rank up?

    Ok I aim to get nekros outfit I'm currently doing OD missions (way too difficult yet) but I was going to make the Ether Reaper but it says I can't buy the blueprints because I need to be rank 3 I look on my melee weapons and it says Skana rank 22, has it glitches or do I need to do something? Please help

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Migration to Norway from UK?

    Ok I'm 18, I've had quite a bit of work experience ranging from voluntary to warehouse agnency work, I am currently seeking JSA (its a hard time now I didn't want to be on this) I have around £400 saved in my bank I aim to migrate to Norway before I'm 22, how much would you recommend to save before moving over? I know its not good but I aim to transfer my claim to Norway as I read you can claim it for up to 6 months I'm hoping I should have a job before then, I'm looking for a job in UK and Norway as I type this so I don't just plan to go there and look for jobs I know, I love the country it is very beautiful and I heard its one of the beat places to go for jobs. Soo what would you recommend me save up? Also should I look for a place or job first I'm thinking job as I can just stay in a cheap hotel for the time being.

    1 AnswerImmigration6 years ago
  • I'm always nasty and mean?

    Ok I believe I know the source of my nastiness it was because I was bullied until I was suicidal when I was a teen

    However I'm nasty to people who are or were really nice to me for instance I was nasty on a video on Facebook to some girl and then they obviously defended themselves but my girlfriend got wind of it and broke up with me so that led me to be nasty to her

    What is this a sign of? And how can I stop it without seeking medical help?

    I know I sound like a dick but I generally try to be a nice guy, I enjoy hurting people I know that's a bad thing but I can't seem to help it

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • My gecko is acting strange?

    OK my leopard gecko won't eat and she won't go to the heat mat she just stays on the cold side and its pretty cold in the whole flat she looks healthy but her tail is getting thin, could it be a seasonal thing? Since its winter she can sense the atmosphere or something?

    1 AnswerReptiles6 years ago
  • Wiccans and self defense?

    I've recently converted to Wicca and I was wondering since the Rede doesn't allow us to harm what if someone or something was harming us first? Are we then allowed to harm in the act of self defense without it conflicting with the Rede?

    Reason being is there are a few people that spread rumors about me at work for being Wicca some even bring gangs to confront me (stupid I know) but only thing that's stopped me from fighting back is the Rede and the three fold.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore6 years ago
  • Why do i still pay tax?

    OK I've been reading about tax codes etc mine is 1000L which means I get £10,000 tax free allowance however I earn about £305 a week before tax yet I'm still paying tax and its only been 7 weeks since I started my job so how come I'm still paying tax?

    3 AnswersOther - Taxes6 years ago
  • will i still grow a little taller?

    I'm 18 I weigh around 9st (haven't really measured myself so its estimated) I'm around 5ft4, my dad is 5ft6-8 and my mum is 4ft11. I'm constantly hungry no matter how much I eat it won't go is this a growth spurt? I eat filling foods like oats, pasta etc is there anything I can do/eat that'll make me tall as my dad? My oldest brother is over 6ft and apparently he was a small child he's almost 30 now.


    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • Warehouse job tips?

    I have a warehouse job in ASOS however I've never worked in a warehouse (I know why apply then) but they say they have targets to reach etc I was wondering does anyone have any tips or anything to help me reach these targets And be successful in the job?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Provisional License rejection?

    OK so I applied for one a couple of weeks ago but spent a week using my birth certificate and NI number plus I couldn't find anyone to sign my photo, in the end I got my dad's girlfriend to do it however we've put that she works in a woodwork factory its not entirely fake she does but she only volunteers there. Will they know that she's unemployed and reject my application? Or won't they know? Also I used my job seekers letter as proof of my NI number will they accept that?


    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Getting a provisional license without passport?

    OK I'm planning to get a provisional license however my passport expired in 2012 and its too expensive to renew so I'll need to get my photo signed however I'm not sure if I can find anyone to sign it for me, who can sign it? I was thinking of my uncle since he doesn't have the same surname as me and doesn't live with me can I do that? Also do I need to insert a separate photo in the application form? I've already stuck down the first photo

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • How could i win this case? PayPal buyer?

    I ordered a cubot phone from tiny deal 2nd September and it states on the website it takes 2 weeks to come however I've not received anything and its been over 2 weeks I've disputed a case on pay pal as the phone cost me £102 I want a full refund back as I've been reading about tiny deal being scammers who takes your money and gives you nothing. I emailed the company two days ago asking where it was and I just got a reply saying it takes 15-30 days to arrive which everyone gets apparently. So back to my question how likely am I to get my money back?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • can my brothers work do this?

    OK so my brother has been working at this restaurant called bay horse for around 7 months now, they have decided to take a holiday as the head chef is going away for 2 weeks however they said they're not going to pay my brother even though he's not going anywhere so he's going to struggle like crazy for 2 weeks now. Does he have any legal rights or anything to make them pay him? Also they're under paying him too he works 4 days a week doing from 5pm-12am at £3 something an hour when he's 23 years old.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Do job seekers check where you're living?

    I'm 18 and looking to claim JSA however i was kicked out of my last place and living wit my brother which im not supposed to be here because its just for him well so the housing thinks. if i claim job seekers at his address would it put him at risk of being caught for having more than one person here? as in do they check through housing?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago