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  • Did you all read about the millions of $ of anonymous donations to the colleges? The catch is the colleges?

    are not allowed to try to find out where the donations came from. Well, since the colleges are always looking to previous alumni to donate, isn't it possible that the BinLaden family has made these donations? Remember they were given safe passage out of the USA after 9/11/01 and his 100 children and relatives have been educated and have funded colleges in the USA. Also how about Dubai where most of our money is going? Do any of you agree that the source of that money must be investigated? Remember it's not going to educate citizens -- it's for scholarships for foreign students or illegal immigrants. The rest of us have to pay full price!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Why should U.S. Citizens allow Credit Reporting Agencies to control their lives?

    We just received another letter stating that our personal information has been compromised -- about the 15th so far. We have submitted affadavits to Credit reporting agencies telling them that they are not to release information to anyone at any time under any circumstances without our express written permission, yet they still release information. The AG tells us that we need to get copies of our credit reports but even though the credit reporting agencies make unauthorized releases of information to others, we can't get a copy of our credit report (even with submission of the letters we received) without giving the credit reporting agencies even more information to abuse! Where are our protections? We have no recourse against these thieves. Isn't it time we cut off the credit reporting agencies and get some teeth into laws so we have recourse when they screw up?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • If Barack Obama's grandmother truly died, why didn't he and his family attend the funeral and when was it?

    If he truly loved his grandmother, who raised him and was effectively his mother, wouldn't it have been better to put his family first and be at her side? This is just another example of why I believe he is the FALSE PROPHET!

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did Michelle Obama intend to dress like a Black Widow Spider?

    Her dress was black with a red hour glass. Was she trying to send a not-so-subtle message to the U.S. Citizens who elected her husband to office?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is the money going to come from to "rescue" (bail out) Wall Street? ?

    We will have a new Treasury Secretary after the elections. We don't have any money. We have been borrowing from China and other countries who are controlling our economy and even our government. On 9/11/01 19 illegal Arab immigrants attacked our World Trade Centers and our government and our people. Since then Dubai has controlled even more of our economy. Credit is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place and the only real way out, in my opinion, is to go to a cash/barter system and exclude the government from our business. The government failed to protect us in all this time. They have failed to enforce the laws. How can we expect anything to be different if we just do more of the same? We can't get different results by doing the same thing over and over again, can we?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is there truth to the Investor's Business Daily 7/28/2008 article "Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism?

    Article claims that Obama's father was the late communist Frank Marshall Davis who fled Chicago after the FBI and Congress investigated his subversive and un-American Activities. Also his boss was Gerald Kellman, who wrote the "Rules for Radicals" and agitated for social revolution in America. Stated that the Woods Fund provided Kellman with his original $25,000 to hire Obama and Obama would later serve on Woods board with terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground. According to the article, Obama took a national training course taught by Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation where he learned Alinsky's "agitation" tactics. Supposedly he also taught this course in Chicago. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a Harvard-educated economist who was part of a communist tribe in Kenya, the Luo, Africa. I picked up this information at a booth at a Fair in Wisconsin. It appears to be a reprint of the IBD article. Since Obama's information remains sealed, it might be difficult to verify but we really need to know who the real Obama is. Does anyone else have information?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • As a way of protesting our U.S. Policies, shouldn't we all elect Kurt Knutsson for President?

    I'd sure like to know where Kurt stands on major policy issues and I'd like him to make himself known. He actually could win the election and instead of None of the Above or writing in Hillary, it would sure be a wakeup call to the Status Quo Government! What do you think?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you hear Obama state that OUR U.S. Children should learn to Speak Spanish? Where is this disloyal, anti-?

    American's head? And HE wants to be President? Why should we learn Spanish? This is our country -- make them learn English!

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is it "Lost in Translation" when the Mexicans want to protect their comic book character, "Memin Pinguin"

    but it is not "lost in translation" but considered racist by the Illegal immigrants when U.S. Citizens demand that laws be enforced against Illegal Immigrants? Why must we say "undocumented" when illegal is the correct term? I believe we U.S. Citizens have a right to be "up in arms" about these inequalities, what do you think?

    6 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is Barack Obama a "Male Chauvenist Pig"? His comment about Clinton: "I want her out there talking about healt

    hcare. We want her out there talking about her passion for education." What I read into this is that Hillary is only good for "women's work" . Michelle only says anything good about Hillary when she is talking about what women do daily. What do you think?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • With all the debt and crime, why isn't Chicago working to improve the city instead of trying to win the Olympi

    Olympics? There have been 70 shootings in Chicago since Memorial day. It seems like there has been a semi-truck accident nearly every day. Chicago is a "Sanctuary City" where laws are not enforced against illegal immigrants which invites even more crime. Why would anyone want to send their best athletes to a "war zone" that has effectively ceceded from the USA via its sanctuary city status and its corruption? Why not improve the city, enforce the laws, and clean up the corruption?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do hp print cartridge packages that contain more than one cartridge really have only 1/4 the ink if it is pack

    aged with photo paper? Typical of HP, my friend tried to get answers from HP even though she's a loyal customer but their customer service suxs as usual. She checked the cartridge package she had at home and there is no ink quanity (like fl. oz.) listed on her other packages. Rep. sold her a $44.00 package without photo paper based on 1/4 ink statement with photo paper that only cost $35.

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • Did you see Barack Obama's amendment 1202 to give our jobs to illegal immigrants and to promote?

    illegal immigration while giving preferential treatment to employers who hire, harbor and help illegal immigrants? Go to Barack Obama's website -- Newsroom and look at the headline of his speech: " Obama initiative would revisit radical changes to immigration system in five years." Has the payback already begun? Notice that Father Pfleger's church as well as Obama's former church were/are the primary supporters.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is Chicago and its politicians so determined to get more gun control laws when they haven't enforced those

    already enacted? 20 Chicago Public School Children have been killed so far this year, reportedly by gang warfare between Hispanic/Latino and Black Gangs. Chicago has had numerous weapons turn ins (for money) and yet it still has a high crime rate. The Cook County Law Enforcement and Corrections committee made Chicago a Sanctuary City for illegal immigrants -- lawbreakers and then can't understand why there is so much crime. Chicago is one of the most corrupt cities in the country because of the failure to enforce the laws equally, across the board.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Why don't the black people thank all the white people who gave their lives for Black Freedoms? There were

    many white men and women who were killed in the marches to Selma, Ala. There were thousands of white men and women killed in the Civil War to ensure that the slaves were freed, regardless of their color (and there were white slaves, too). Many white people have consistently fought for equal treatment under the law for all races. Why do blacks want to minimize those contributions and preach so much hatred? Black people do not have the "corner" on poor or discrimination. I'd like to take Obama and Wright on a tour of poor white America to show them the error of their ways.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can Barack Obama deny his ties to organized crime when his name keeps coming up in the Rezko Trial?

    According to the local newspapers a key witness in the Rezko trial, Stuart Levine, stated that "he deliberately kept TRS from investing further money with Capri in 2004. Rosenberg eventually approached Alison Davis, a law partner of Barack Obama and Judson Miner, for help, and Levine said Rezko told him Davis approached him." "Rezko said Rosenberg was interested in helping Blagojevich raise funds and coincidentally had a matter before the TRS board he needed help with, Levine said." Do we really want a President who is so totally tied to corruption and lies about it continually? When are Munoz, Blagojevich, Obama, Durbin, Daley and the rest going to be indicted?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Bush says we need to promote the rule of law in other countries -- what about here in the USA?

    1 in 100 adults in the USA are in prison. 20 million illegal immigrants are living and working under false identities in the USA. Passport information have been outsourced and illegally accessed along with other personal information. Greed and corruption are rampant. Churches are involved in politics and promotion of illegal acts. What makes us so great? How is he going to fix the USA? I'm still voting NONE OF THE ABOVE IN NOVEMBER and want None to win for a real change -- what about you?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is the State Department contracting out services that should require background checks and high security?

    & why isn't our government aware of strategies used by foreign governments to take over other countries? Obviously, they are willing to compromise the integrity and security of the USA and are willing to risk another 9/11 or worse.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else ever look beyond the first page of the open questions?

    If you look at the bottom of the page where the question is, you'll see a number of pages for questions and the amount of time that has elapsed since they were asked. Does anyone go beyond the current page or do the "police" just ask questions to cover up answers they don't like by relegating them to the back pages? (I don't mean real police here -- I'm talking about people who don't want someone else's message to be read)

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago