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  • what is reason behind this anti-asians sentiment in US these days?

    I'm not pointing finger at anyone. i'm just so baffled and confused by all these anti-asian sentiment and trying to understand logic. What bad things did asians living in US do to others? We have nothing to do with covid other than just sharing same skin color as people in wuhan. And it's not like peoples in wuhan intentionally spreaded virus. They are victims of covid themselves. I don't even blame people in wuhan for this covid. 

    Most of asians are positively contributing to US society. They just work hard, study hard, and contribute lots of good things to the society. Their crime rate is very little.So, what is this reason behind so much hatred toward asians? How did it go from some virus originated from china and started pandemic to hating and beating up asians living in US? Can someone please explain to me? What is logic behind this? Or is it because peoples are frustrated and mad from bad outcomes resulted by covid and they just need to find someone to take their anger out on and since asians are relatively weaker in physique and have meeky personality and less likely fight back and asians share similar appearance as chineses in wuhan, they consider us as good relatively harmless target to take their anger out on?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 weeks ago
  • what is mindset of people who breaks appointment without notice?

    i work in small healthcare clinic we see about 10-15 people per day. when people make appointment and just doesn't show up, it's big revenue loss and also it means other patient couldn't have come since patient (who broke appointment) was taking that time slot. We call 1-2 days ahead to confirm. we understand things happens. But I'm not talking about people who calls us to cancel or reschedule. I'm talking about people who, (sometimes, even after he/she confirmed appointment 1-2 days ago), just doesn't show up and when front staff try to contact, no answer, no reply, as if the person just vanished. 

    I'm not trying to get solution. I am just so boggled by this and want to know what is their thought process. Plz don't get offended. for those of people who breaks appointment often, what is the reason? are you normally like that with all appointments with your friends? like, you set an lunch time with your friend at a restaurant next wk but just don't show up without any notice if somethings comes up or you don't feel like going? 

    what is your thought process? is it that

    1) if something happens or if you just don't feel like going to the clinic, your mind just ends there and the thought that (clinic may lose money or there may be other patient who may want to come on that time ) never even occur to you?

    2)or those thoughts occur to you but you simply don't care and see no need to let clinic know that you cannot come?  

    3)or other?

    I will thank you if you give honest answer

    7 AnswersPsychology4 weeks ago
  • is it common for people in next suite to be able to smell strong chemical coming from nail salon next suite?

    Hello. I have been in my small business suite for last 8yrs. My next suite is nail salon. Since 8 yrs ago, there have been 4-5 ownership changes on nail salon next door. I never really noticed anything prior to this new owner who took over from previous owner last yr, but now I started smelling this rather strong chemical odor for last few months sometime after this new owner took over. My employees notice that as well. It gets worse if i turn on AC. 

    I don't know what to do. I don't want my neighbor business owner to get in trouble. I mean, I know how bad it must have been for them during this covid. but, it just bothers me a lot and  it kind of affect my work as well. 

    I'm wondering, why  i never noticed this smell  before this new owner took over? Are they using some chemical they are not supposed to use which previous owner didn't use? If you have worked in nail salon, can you give me some input as to what might be going on? Even if I need to confront them later, I want to have some knowledge I can argue about. thanks. 

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style4 weeks ago
  • is there any benefit of buying home with large lot if big portion of that lot is not usable for the home itself?

    I am looking for home to move into. I see that the big number associated with "lot" can be very misleading. For example, for the same size of home (let's say 2000 sqft), let's say there is a home with 10000 sqft lot and there is home with 7000 sqft lot. But, if the 10000 sqft lot includes street in front of the home, some public area outside of our fense, some land in mountain next to our prospective future home, what good does that big lot do for me, beside just costing more (since bigger lot is more expensive) for to buy that home and costing more for property tax? 

    If the home with 7000 sqft lot includes only front yard, back yard within the fence, i can end up with bigger back yard and front yard than the home with 10000 sqft lot. Some may say i can sell that home with bigger lot with higher price later. But, since big portion of the lot is useless, i don't think people will pay more for the "big lot". Is there any advantage of paying more to buy home with bigger lot when big portion is that lot is useless? thanks. 

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate3 months ago
  • what is efficient way to temporarily turn swimmingpool into lawn?

    Hello. I am looking for houses to move. I have 2 toddlers and I prefer house without swimming pool (too dangerous and I rather have some lawn for kids to play around in backyard). But, many home in CA have swimming pool and it really narrows down my choice. 

    I started wondering, maybe I can just buy home with swimming pool and temporarily fill it or put some layer over it and place lawn over it. What will be good way to cover swimming pool temporarily for 5 yrs or so, and reopen it when my kids are old enough?And what kind of cost am I looking at? I know price can vary tremendously but just ballpark figure for average material, average size, average constractor. I just want to get some idea so that if it's too much trouble and too expensive, I will just look for homes without swimming pool. 

    Also, when it's time to reopen it, how much does it cost and does this whole process ruin the swimming pool and is there some chance that I may not be able to use swimminpool ever again? thanks. 

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling3 months ago
  • do you think this crazy skyrocketing home price in socal is new normal?

    I've wanted to purchase home for an while. Before I didn't have enough down payment. so, I couldn't purchase. Now I have about 200-250K for down payment, and want to buy 900-1000K to avoid jumbo loan (in socal, 1M home in decent area is not luxury expensive home). I wanted to have 2500-3000 sqft, with lot 5000 or larger, no more than 40 yrs old.

    Just until a few months ago,typical price per sqft was $350-400 and those 2500-3000 sqft home in decent areas typically costed 900k-1100K. but now, home price has been skyrocketing and typical $ per sqft is $450. I see some homes are listed as $550 or higher. And those 2500-3000 sqft home would cost 1-1.3M now. I'm worried that if I wait longer, with 1M, you can only get 2000-2250sqft home. Some home less than 2000 sqft are already listed as 1M or higher.

    News indicates low interest rate will stay for an while and peoples are moving to suburb and people are looking for larger home so that they can work at home. It seems those wont change at least for a long time. And also, unlike house bubble during 2000-2007 (where many people who couldn't afford mortgage were able to get loan from bank), these days, people who are actually capable of paying mortgage are buying those homes. So, they wont lose those homes unless they lose their job. So, I guess no one knows for sure, but, do you think this crazy skyrocketing home price are new normal and homes in socal suburb will be unaffordable for many first time buyer?  

  • how likely is intra and inter district transfer of school in socal?

    I know CA permit parent to apply for their children to attend school outside of their original district or different school within their district other than the school they are originally assigned to by default. But how likely is it granted? My understanding is they have to apply each yrs and it's not guaranteed either. There has to be open spaces and also district has to allow it. 

    If there is area I like to live but I schools are pretty bad and I prefer my kids to attend different school (other school within same district or school in different district), I want to know how difficult it is. Does it get granted pretty much every time unless the kid or parent has some negative issue? Or it rarely gets granted unless parent or kid has some special condition? or is it 50/50? Have you tried this? or do you know anyone who tried this? thanks. 

  • do you have to answer every questions in mail vote ballot?

    hello. i'm voting for the first time. I am using mail. i see that there are many areas where I 'm not comfortable answering. like, I don't know any of those candidate for certain position and I don't want to just pick anyone. Also, for some of props, I don't know outcome of both positions (yes or no), and I don't want to be part of some props that ends up making CA worse off. 

    So, is it ok to just skip some questions and my mail in ballot still be valid? or will skipping any question automatically make my vote ballot invalid and even those candidates and props that I support become not countable? thanks

    3 AnswersElections7 months ago
  • what is true earning of celebrities?

    when I hear something like an special event paid 100 thousands to a singer, what does that really mean? does it mean that singer actually got paid 100T, or the event paid 100T to the entertainment company the singer is part of, and probably the entertainment company paid 20-30 percent to that singer. So, the singer earned 20-30T as income for the performance?

    Let s say, some magazine says, a movie paid al pacino 10M. Does this mean al pacino earned 10M for acting in that movie? or it means, the movie paid 10M to the entertainment business that al pacino is from, and that entertainment company paid something like 3M to al pacino?

    I hear things like singers and actors made some lousy contract with entertainment company and they end up earning only small fraction of the total revenue and they are only scaping by. So, being a celebrity is not as glamorous as people think it is.

    Celebrities8 months ago
  • what is true earning of celebrities?

    when I hear something like an special event paid 100 thousands to a singer, what does that really mean? does it mean that singer actually got paid 100T, or the event paid 100T to the entertainment company the singer is part of, and probably the entertainment company paid 20-30 percent to that singer. So, the singer earned 20-30T as income for the performance?

    Let s say, some magazine says, a movie paid al pacino 10M. Does this mean al pacino earned 10M for acting in that movie? or it means, the movie paid 10M to the entertainment business that al pacino is from, and that entertainment company paid something like 3M to al pacino?

    I hear things like singers and actors made some lousy contract with entertainment company and they end up earning only small fraction of the total revenue and they are only scaping by. So, being a celebrity is not as glamorous as people think it is.

    Celebrities8 months ago
  • regarding jumbo loan for home, can I take out second loan from another bank to make up for 20% down payment?

    Hello. I am looking into buying home. I heard that jumbo loan ($765000 or more) requires at least 20% down payment. I'm at socal and for nice sized 4 beds house in decent areas can easily go higher than 1M. I am ok with monthly mortgage payment. but I don't have $200K for down payment now. 

    I was wondering, if I can get $100k loan from some bank first (as some call it second loan), and then if I apply for jumbo loan from another bank different than the first bank where I got $100k loan, will I be qualified for jumbo loan? or I have to have loan-free money of at least 20% for down payment in order to be qualified as jumbo loan? thank? if anyone can tell me anything eles I need to know regarding jumbo loan, I will appreciate it. 

    Personal Finance8 months ago
  • if nobody takes you seriously, does that bother you? what did you do to make others take you more seriously?

    hello. I know simply asking this question would stir some people to contempt me, but, this is something that has been bothering me for so long time and I just wanted to know if there is other people who has similar issue and what he/she did to overcome it and made others to take them more seriously.  

    Simply put, I'm one of those unfortunate people who seem to many others (especially those strong aggressive alpha type) as someone they can walk all over. I'm just 5'9" with 155 Ibs without much muscle who look rather meek, quiet, passive. I get offended and hurt on daily basis. Sadly, I'm the type of people if you want to cut line and look for who to stand in front of, you would choose me. Sometime I get those nasty attitude, or one of those cold condescending tone of voice from not-so-nice store clerk or waitress (i'm sure they would treat some 6 feet intimidating looking person with respect and nice submissive tone of voice). If I say something not so clear, I'm the type who often get one of those condescending "what?" or "what'zat" rather than "i'm sorry?" or "what did you want again?". 

    To people who get similar treatment, does it bother you? Or am I just overly sensitive? what did you do to make others take you more seriously with more respect? did you change how you dress (maybe started dressing more intimidating), did you start body building? did you stop smiling when talking to stranger? what worked for you to make others take you more seriously? thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 months ago
  • Does accepting EIDL loan affect PPP loan (forgivable portion) in any negative way?

    Hello. I have small business that was negatively affected by covid and I did apply for EIDL during april and received some grant ($3000). I also applied PPP loan and got some money funded into my business acct. Now that they extended spending period for forgiveness from 8 wks to 24 wks, I'm looking forward to get the whole PPP amount forgiven.

    In the mean time, I never paid much attention regarding EIDL, and I keep getting email asking me to proceed with EIDL that I applied prior to PPP loan. I am wondering, if I proceed with EIDL and accept EIDL loan, will that affect PPP loan negatively in any way? Like, will it reduce the forgivable portion of PPP loan (if so, I shouldn't accept EIDL unless I really need more money)? Or both PPP and EIDL have nothing to do with each other?

    If i don't proceed with EIDL, will they take back grant money since they gave me grant money under the condition that I apply for EIDL? If I have to give up one of either EIDL grant money or PPP forgivable amount, I would rather give up EIDL and get PPP forgiven since PPP is a lot more than EIDL grant.

    1 AnswerSmall Business9 months ago
  • have you heard of "furlough" in the past before covid?

    hello. I started working since 2005, and I don't remember ever hearing this word "furlough" before. After covid broke out, I have been furloughed on and off and I started hearing this word frequently. this word sounded so foreign to me in the beginning, but it seemed for most people, it has been around frequently for long time, like the "PTO", or " laid off", etc.  

    I was just wondering, if I'm the only one who never heard this word until this covid or this word has been used in work place frequently but for some odd reason I just hadn't been exposed to it. Thanks. 

    19 AnswersSoftware10 months ago
  • why are my eyes become so uncomfortable looking at digital screen?

    Hello. In the past, my eyes used to feel comfortable unless I watched 3-4 movies straight or something. But starting 10 yrs ago, I noticed that my eyes get uncomfortable looking into digital screen (computer, TV, phone, etc) faster and faster. These days lots of people sit in front of computer at work place for 8 hrs daily and they go home and watch TV or stare at phone, tablet, etc for another 2-3 hrs maybe. And most peoples seem OK with it. 

    But, for me, at my work place, my eyes get uncomfortable looking at monitor more than 2-3 hrs. I can't watch TV more than 3 hrs. For some reason, my i phone is worst. My eyes would get uncomfortable after staring at it for 20 mins. So, even at work, I try to minimize monitor viewing AMAP. If I need to read articles, I find myself printing it out and read instead of reading it from monitor. Whenever I don't need to use computer at work, I turn the monitor off. 

    I read that some peoples think this is due to not closing my eyes to lubricate while looking at screen. But, I don't really think that's the case for me because i can read paper book all day long without being uncomfortable. I think it's the electrical light coming out of screen that is bothering my eyes. Even at home, I prefer lowering room light and my wife complains why I make room so dark. What is going on with my eyes? Is this just part of aging(i'm 40's)? is that why lots of old peoples wear shade even  indoor because their eyes can't handle too much light? thanks.

    1 AnswerOptical10 months ago
  • what are all the fees involved in mutual funds and what is typical gain?

    I'm starting to thinking about putting my foot into some kinds of investment. Stocks seem too risky and i am leaning toward mutual funds(MF) and began doing reading. My friend who has been doing stock for some time says MF takes away too much fee and it's stupid idea to do MF and told me to look into stock only. 

    So, for MF, there seems to be annual fee of about 1% typically which doesn't seem so much considering typical gain of 5-10% (which i understand is not guaranteed). How much are all other cost? is transaction fee separate or included in that annual 1% fee? 

    I understand nothing is guaranteed, but it seems if typical gain is 5-10% and typical expense is maybe 2-3% (i don't know. this is what I am trying to find out), you still gain about 5% as net. Unless you only want 10% or more net gain and willing to take a high risk, MF doesn't seem so bad if you want to gain some money without taking too much risk. Why do some people like my friend think MF is stupid? what would you say to novice invester is typical gain and typical total expense? what is typical net gain after all the expenses? thanks. 

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance10 months ago
  • would you contact police if neighbor accidentally fired shotgun and bullet penetrated into your home?

    hello. yesterday our family was on first floor and suddenly there was loud popping sound from second floor. I went upstairs and noticed several holes on our wall which is shared by our next home. they looked like shotgun holes.  I suspected possible accidental shooting that you hear from news and expected our neighbor would come and apologize or something. But nobody came for about 5 min. I began to suspect possible burglary and became worried and called local police because i was afraid to go there to check. 

    I expected maybe couple of cops would show up to make sure everyone is ok. But more than 10 cops came. And they weren't very respectful and nice to our neighbors. They almost treated neighbors like possible crime suspect and arrested him and I felt kind of bad and sorry for our neighbor. Cop even asked me if we want to press charge which I declined.

    We have been good neighbors. We never invited each other for dinner or anything but we would greet each other and shared some small talks and we would help each others out from time to time in minor things.

    Later he came to apologize for the accident and led us know that he would pay for all the damage. I was just wondering if I did right thing by calling police and wonder how others would have dealt with this. I was afraid to going to their home because I may get shot if there was robber with gun. Would you have done anything different? Is calling police without first going to neighbor to check happened overkill?

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 months ago
  • what are good high end basketball shoe for high school boys?

    hi. it's been an while since  i played basketball and kind of lost touch with baskball snickers (brands, cost, etc). I want to buy my 15 yrs old nephew (5'11") who is really into basketball a nice pair of basketball shoe for his birthday. Can anyone let me know what are good shoes that lots of kids want these days? what brands and kinds and the cost. 

    I'm not planning on getting some crazy over $1000 collectible or anything like that. But, some decent high end shoes that most basketball loving kids would save their allowance for or want for their birthday or Christmas. Something that would help him play well and last long time and also, be able to show off a little. Thanks. 

    Basketball11 months ago
  • why is making vaccine for covid19 taking so long?

    I recently watched movie outbreak and korean movie flu. In both movies, toward to end, one monkey with antibody (in outbreak) and one person with antibody (in flu) solved the whole problem so quickly and so easily, it seems. That made me wonder, I know they are just movies and I'm not epidemiologist. But, why is making vaccine for covid19 taking so long and why does it seem so difficult to make it? Why can't they just gather antibody from peoples who recovered on their own( there seem to be so many of them) and study it and develop vaccine? 

    I don't think they can make vaccine within a day or wk like in movies. But, it has been over 6 months already and still no vaccine? Or making vaccine was easy and there are proposed vaccines out there but strict regulation and approval process is hindering it from becoming public? 

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases11 months ago
  • is gardena and compton safe to go during this riot 2020?

    hello. I have something that I may need to pick up from a place in gardena/compton area in CA. Do you know if it is safe to go there during this LA riot? i tried to search online to see which small cities in CA are affected by protest/riot, but can't find any site tells clearly. thanks. 

    3 AnswersLos Angeles11 months ago