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hwijin asked in Social SciencePsychology · 2 days ago

what is mindset of people who breaks appointment without notice?

i work in small healthcare clinic we see about 10-15 people per day. when people make appointment and just doesn't show up, it's big revenue loss and also it means other patient couldn't have come since patient (who broke appointment) was taking that time slot. We call 1-2 days ahead to confirm. we understand things happens. But I'm not talking about people who calls us to cancel or reschedule. I'm talking about people who, (sometimes, even after he/she confirmed appointment 1-2 days ago), just doesn't show up and when front staff try to contact, no answer, no reply, as if the person just vanished. 

I'm not trying to get solution. I am just so boggled by this and want to know what is their thought process. Plz don't get offended. for those of people who breaks appointment often, what is the reason? are you normally like that with all appointments with your friends? like, you set an lunch time with your friend at a restaurant next wk but just don't show up without any notice if somethings comes up or you don't feel like going? 

what is your thought process? is it that

1) if something happens or if you just don't feel like going to the clinic, your mind just ends there and the thought that (clinic may lose money or there may be other patient who may want to come on that time ) never even occur to you?

2)or those thoughts occur to you but you simply don't care and see no need to let clinic know that you cannot come?  

3)or other?

I will thank you if you give honest answer

7 Answers

  • 9 hours ago

    Try a cancellation fee...

  • 13 hours ago

    All they think about is themselves.

  • 1 day ago

    Second thoughts about their need to attend, perhaps. Maybe they see themselves as not as sick as someone else, but in that case I agree that they could just cancel the appointment out of consideration for others.

  • Lv 7
    1 day ago

    forgetfulness, lack of planning, not knowing themself well enough to realize they need a reminder, and not realizing their phone has this function built in to the Calendar app.

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  • 1 day ago

    No shows are about the same as those who show up without an appointment.  If clients are late that cuts into the time scheduled for others. Some people are so self centered that they do not consider others or think you should drop everything else & cater to them.  Selfish, self centered, narcissistic, people just don't think of others at all.

  • 2 days ago

    Life happens.  

  • 2 days ago

    There could be SO many reasons.

    If they have care responsibilities (children or adult), something might have come up at the last minute. Transport may have failed en route. 

    They might have lost track of time or inadvertently got the time/date wrong  

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