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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 5 days ago

What is it like living in a home where terrible crimes occurred?

A woman committed suicide in my garage many years ago, as sad as that was, compared to other stories that doesn’t seem too bad.  Do you have any stories you like to share with what happened in your house?  Does what happened ever cause anxiety knowing you are living in the same area where it occurred?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    In the apartment above me someone was stabbed to death. Haven't thought much of it but kind of creepy. I do not live there now.

  • 2 days ago

    Life is not like the scary movies.  Everything will be normal unless you have an over active imagination and every expansion and contraction of the heating duct makes you think your house is haunted.

  • 2 days ago

    When I moved into an apartment I knew a couple died there but I understand they were good clean Christians and I wasn't afraid when I saw them on the couch courting like when they were young and in love.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    I won't lie. I WAS pretty surprised to learn that a 10 year old boy was stabbed to death by his drunken father, RIGHT where my bed is... but it's all gone now. The bloodsoaked floorboards are long-gone. The bloody fingerprints are no longer on the wall, because there's NEW drywall. The little boy's vengeful spirit isn't in the room with me, and it's not possessing objects in an attempt to kill me. It's just a normal room now, and nobody will ever be stabbed here again.

    While I DID move my bed to the opposite side of the room, I just have a bookshelf where the body was found. It's been a great conversation starter for years. I'm always glad to jokingly tell my friends to avoid the "grisly murder site".

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    It's not anything unpleasant at all.

    I actually know two families who live in homes where major crimes occurred. The homes have been renovated and redecorated. My friends say they don't even think about what happened in their houses.

    The crimes happened years before they moved in.

  • 3 days ago

    there was a brutal murder in my closet, and the blood stains are still there.

    somebody was raped in my den.

    a child was molested against my coatrack.

    it's been a busy year for me...

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    The people that committed the crime and the victims are no longer present. I never give it a thought.

  • 5 days ago

    This is not an issue for me.  I googled your questions & here are the results, just in case you did not google the question.

  • 5 days ago

    This "area" has been around for thousands of years, so I'm not too worried about what happened here in the last 100 years.  I just don't buy into the concept that there is bad space, or space that is doomed for evil.  We make of Life what we want to.  

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    I have some friends who bought a great house at a price way below market value because it was a "murder house." A man had killed his cheating wife, her lover, then himself.

    The interior had been deep cleaned, flooring replaced, and had new paint. They lived there for a decade or so and never saw any signs of what had happened there.

    Basically, because there was no reason to think those murders having happened posed any risk to the people who moved in, they rarely thought about it. I remember they didn't tell their kids about it until they were in their late teens, just in case they got spooked. They didn't, though.

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